Add Rex powershell parser:
reads PSH, determines functions, variables, blocks
compresses and cleans up the code it's read, obfuscates
handles string literals and reserved variable names
extracts code blocks and functions for reuse
turns powersploit into a useful sub-component for MSF
Rewire Msf powershell modules
Make use of Rex parser
Handles payload generation, substituions
Brings convenience methods - byte array generation and download
Re-add .NET compiler
Compiles .NET code (C#/VB.NET) in memory
Can generate binary output file (dynamic persistence)
Handles code-signing (steal cert with mimikatz, sign your bin)
Not detected by AV (still...)
Update payload generation
GZip compression and decompression (see Rex module as well)
msftidy violations for space efficiency - each char counts
Re-submit psexec-psh
Makes use of updated Msf and Rex modules
Runs shellcode in-memory (in a hidden PSH window)
Completely bypasses all AVs tested for the last year...