git-svn-id: file:///home/svn/incoming/trunk@3136 4d416f70-5f16-0410-b530-b9f4589650da
Matt Miller 2005-11-27 18:45:00 +00:00
parent 9340ecdeab
commit b53e3d2bba
1 changed files with 162 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -1796,28 +1796,173 @@ execution to the start of the now normalized payload.
To support the above described encoder model, the Metasploit
framework provides the \texttt{Msf::Encoder} class. All encoders
must inherit from this base class at some level to ensure that
framework provides the \texttt{Msf::Encoder} class which inherits
from the \texttt{Msf::Module} base class. All encoders must inherit
from the \texttt{Msf::Encoder} class at some level to ensure that
encoder-specific methods are included in the derived class.
explain Decoder info hash
explain decoder\_xxx methods (overriding)
Like the module information hash, encoders have some specialized
information hash elements that describe information about the
encoder being used. The information that encoder modules need to
describe are the attributes of the decoder which is conveyed through
the \texttt{Decoder} information hash element. The \texttt{Decoder}
hash element references another hash that contains decoder specific
properties. These are described in the table shown in figure
\ref{fig-table-encoder-hash} along with their types and module
instance accessors.
explain encoder state
\textbf{Hash Element} & \textbf{Accessor} & \textbf{Type} & \textbf{Description} \\
Stub & decoder\_stub & String & The raw stub to be prefixed to encoded payloads. \\
KeyOffset & decoder\_key\_offset & Fixnum & The offset to the key in the decoder stub. \\
KeySize & decoder\_key\_size & Fixnum & The size of the decoder key in bytes. \\
BlockSize & decoder\_block\_size & Fixnum & The size of each encoding block in bytes. \\
KeyPack & decoder\_key\_pack & String & The byte-ordering to use when packing the key. The default is 'V'. \\
\caption{\texttt{Msf::Encoder} \texttt{Decoder} information hash
accessors} \label{fig-table-encoder-hash}
buffer encoding
Each of the methods described in figure \ref{fig-table-encoder-hash}
are designed to be overridable so that derived encoder classes can
dynamically choose the values returned by them rather than being
forced to initialize them in a static hash element. The decoder
hash itself can be accessed through the \texttt{decoder\_hash}
method in case an encoder module wishes to convey non-standard
information in the hash for later reference.
helper methods
Perhaps of more importance that the decoder initialization vector is
how the encoding process is exposed. The base class
\texttt{Msf::Encoder} implements an instance method named
\texttt{encode} which takes a buffer as the first argument, a string
of bad characters (or nil) as the second argument, and an optional
encoder state as the third argument. The \texttt{encode} method
wraps the encoding process in terms of selecting a decoder key,
initializing the encoder state, and then performing the actual
encoding operation. Once completed, the encoded buffer is returned
to the caller.
At a more detailed level, the \texttt{encode} method first creates
an instance of a \texttt{Msf::EncoderState} class if one was not
supplied as the third argument of \texttt{encode}. The purpose of
the encoder state is to contain transient information about a
specific encoding in a non-global location. After creating the
encoder state instance, \texttt{encode} prepends any
encoder-specific to the raw payload that might be necessary through
the use of the \texttt{prepend\_buf} instance method on the encoder
module. This method is intended to be overridden and used as
necessary. By default, an empty string is returned, effectively
leaving the buffer in the same state that it was.
After prepending the raw buffer as necessary, the \texttt{encode}
method then selects a decoder key if the \texttt{decoder\_key\_size}
method returns a non-zero value and the encoder state currently has
a \texttt{nil} key. This is accomplished by calling the
\texttt{find\_key} method on the encoder module which has a default
implementation that is intended to work across all encoder modules.
Once a key has been selected, the \texttt{init\_key} method is
called on the encoder state object to set the \texttt{state.key} and
\texttt{state.orig\_key} attributes. If no key is found, a
\texttt{Msf::NoKeyError} exception is raised.
The next step is to initialize some of the encoder state specific
attributes by calling the \texttt{init\_state} method on the encoder
module instance which simply stores the currently defined decoder
key offset, size, and pack as attributes of the encoder state as
conveyed through the accessor methods on the encoder module instance
itself. The encoder state then has the string of bad characters and
the raw buffer set as attributes so that they can be contextually
referenced throughout the encoding process.
With the encoder state finally initialized, the next step is to
begin the encoding process by calling the \texttt{encode\_begin}
method on the encoder module instance. This method simply does
nothing in its default implementation, but it is designed to allow
derived encoder modules to alter the attributes of the encoder state
prior to actually starting the encoding process. Once
\texttt{encode\_begin} returns, the \texttt{encode} method makes a
call into the \texttt{do\_encode} method by passing it the buffer,
bad characters, and initialized encoder state. This is the method
that does the actual encoding work and could possibly be overridden
if the default implementation was not suitable for a given encoder.
Once \texttt{do\_encode} completes, the \texttt{encode} method makes
a call into \texttt{encode\_end} and passes the encoder state as an
argument. The default implementation of this method simply does
nothing, but it is provided as a means by which an encoder can hook
into the finalization of the encoding process to alter the results
that will be returned to the caller.
The \texttt{do\_encode} method is the actual workhorse of the
encoding process. It starts by making a copy of the decoder stub by
calling the encoder module instance's \texttt{decoder\_stub} method
and passing it the encoder state as an argument. The
\texttt{decoder\_stub} method is the only one that takes an encoder
state as an argument as some encoders may generate dynamic decoder
stubs depending on the state.
After obtaining the decoder stub, the next step is to substitute the
packed version of the decoder key at whatever offset was conveyed in
the decoder information hash through the \texttt{KeyOffset} and
\texttt{KeySize} as well as the \texttt{KeyPack}. These attributes
are gotten through the encoder state's attributes since it's
possible that a derived encoder may wish to alter their values to be
non-static between iterations of the encoding process.
Finally, the actual block-based encoding occurs by simply walking
the raw buffer in block size chunks calling the
\texttt{encode\_block} method on each chunk. This method is passed
the encoder state and the chunk to be encoded. By default, the
\texttt{encode\_block} method simply returns the block it is passed,
but all encoders are intended to override this method to return the
encoded value of the block based on the current encoder state.
After all the blocks have been encoded, the encoder state's
\texttt{encoded} attribute will contain the encoded version of each
blocked. The \texttt{do\_encode} method then prepends the decoder
stub to the front of the encoded buffer and then checks to see if
the complete stub + encoded buffer has any bad characters. If bad
characters are found, a \texttt{Msf::BadcharError} exception is
raised to the caller indicating what character and position the bad
character was found at in the encoded buffer. If all goes well, the
\texttt{do\_encode} method returns true.
\subsection{Helper methods}
Internal the encoder module class are some instance helper methods
that can be used by derived classes to make things easier. For
instance, the encoder module base class has a method called
\texttt{has\_badchars?} that can be used to check to see if the
supplied buffer has any of the supplied bad characters. If it does,
the index of the first bad character found is returned. Otherwise,
\texttt{nil} is returned.