payload docs

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Matt Miller 2005-11-27 23:15:30 +00:00
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commit a58d5f4e5e
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@ -2543,9 +2543,358 @@ find a valid NOP byte when generating the NOP sled. The default is
modules during sled generation.
Payload modules provide the framework with code that can be executed
after an exploit succeeds in getting control of execution flow.
Payloads can be either command strings or raw instructions, but in
the end they boil down into code that will be executed on the target
machine. To provide this feature-set, the framework offers the
\texttt{Msf::Payload} base class that implements routines that are
common to all payloads as well as providing some helpful attributes.
One of the major differences between payload modules and other types
of modules in the framework is that they are a composition of a few
different mixins that lead to a complete payload feature set.
Payloads are at their base an implementation of the
\texttt{Msf::Payload} class. However, they also include the support
necessary to handle the client half of any connections that the
payload might make through \textit{handlers}. Handlers will be
discussed in more detail later in this section. Aside from
handlers, payloads are also broken down into three separate payload
types: singles, stagers, and stages. These payload types will be
discussed in more detail later in this chapter.
Furthermore, unlike other framework modules, payload modules will
not necessarily correspond one-to-one with the module names that can
be used within the framework. This is because the framework will
automatically generate permutations of different module types so
that they can be used in various combinations without having to be
linked together statically. This is especially useful for staged
payloads because it is possible for stagers and stages to be
automatically merged together at load time rather than having to
statically build an association in the module files. This is a
major enhancement from the 2.x framework version.
To better help with visualizing the payload hierarchy, the diagram
in figure \ref{fig-img-payload} shows the class hierarchy of a
particular type of payload known as a staged payload.
\caption{Staged payload class hierarchy} \label{fig-img-payload}
The framework uses a well-defined, uniform interface to work with
payload modules. Like other modules, payload modules also have
module-specific information hash elements. The table shown in
figure \ref{fig-table-payload-hash} shows the elements that are
specific to payload module information hash and the accessors that
can be used to access them.
\textbf{Hash Element} & \textbf{Accessor} & \textbf{Type} & \textbf{Description} \\
BadChars & badchars & String & The string of bad characters for this payload, if any. \\
SaveRegisters & save\_registers & Array & An array of architecture specific registers that should be saved when using this payload. \\
Payload & module\_info['Payload'] & Hash & A hash of information specific to this payload. \\
Convention & convention & String & The staging convention used by this payload, if any. \\
SymbolLookup & symbol\_lookup & String & The method used to resolved symbols by this payload, if any. \\
Handler & handler\_klass & Msf::Handler::Xxx & The handler class to be used with this payload, or \texttt{Msf::Handler::None}. \\
Session & session & Msf::Session::Xxx & The session class to create when the payload succeeds. \\
\caption{\texttt{Msf::Payload} information hash accessors}
Using the payload-specific information, the framework drives the
payload class by using a specific set of methods. These methods are
described in detail below.
This method checks to see if the supplied staging convention is
compatible with the current payload module's staging convention. If
the current payload's staging convention is undefined (as would be
the case for a non-staged payload) or the conventions match, then
true is returned. Alternatively, if the current payload's type is
that of a stager and the supplied convention is undefined, then true
is also returned. In every other case, false is returned.
This method returns an array of compatible encoders where each
element in the array is an array with two elements that contains the
reference name of the encoder and the encoder's module class.
This method returns an array of compatible NOP generators where each
element in the array is an array with two elements that contains the
reference name of the NOP generator and the nop's module class.
This method returns the type of connection being used for this
payload as derived from the payload's handler.
This method causes the underlying payload to be generated. This
method works by calling the \texttt{payload} method on the payload
module instance and creating a duplicate copy of it. From there,
any defined variables are substituted as conveyed through the
\texttt{offsets} attribute. The resultant substituted buffer is
then returned to the caller.
This method returns the type of the payload that is implemented by
the derived class. This can be one of
\texttt{Msf::Payload::Type::Stager}, or
This method returns the size of the payload as returned by a call to
This method returns true if the payload type is either
\texttt{Stager} or \texttt{Stage}.
This method substitutes variables using the \texttt{offsets} hash as
a guide. It also calls \texttt{replace\_var} prior to doing
substitution which gives derived classes a chance to do custom
variable substitution prior to using built-in facilities.
This method wraps the call to the payload's option container's
validate method.
Framework payloads are broken down into three distinct payload
types. The first type of payload that can be implemented is
referred to as a \textit{single} payload. Single payloads are
self-contained, single stage payloads that do no undergo a staging
process. An example of a typical single payload is one that
connects back to an attacker and supplies them with a shell without
any intermediate staging. The second type of payload is referred to
as a \textit{stager}. Stages are responsible for connecting back to
the attacker in some fashion and processing a second stage payload.
The third type of payload is referred to as a \textit{stage} and it
is what's executed by a stager payload. These three payload types
allow the framework to dynamically generated various combinations of
As described above, single payloads are self-contained, single-stage
payloads that perform one logical task without requiring any
secondary code. Single payloads are the simplest of the three
payload types because they correlate one-to-one with the payloads
that end up being generated by the framework.
For single payloads, the module information hash's \texttt{Payload}
hash element will contain a sub-hash with a few key elements. The
table shown in figure \ref{fig-table-single-payload-hash} describes
the hash elements that are used by the framework and the accessors
that are used to obtain them.
\textbf{Hash Element} & \textbf{Accessor} & \textbf{Type} & \textbf{Description} \\
Payload & payload & String & The raw payload associated with this payload module. \\
Offsets & offsets & Hash & An array of variables that should be substituted at specific offsets based on the module's datastore. \\
\caption{Payload information sub-hash accessors}
For single payloads, the \texttt{Payload} hash typically contains a
\texttt{Payload} sub-hash element that actually contains the raw
payload. This is illustrated below:
'Payload' =>
'Payload' => "\xcc\xcc\xcc",
'Offsets' => ...
A stage payload is an implementation of a connection-independent
task like spawning a command shell or running an arbitrary command.
Stage payloads are combined with various framework stagers to
produce a set of connection-oriented multi-stage payloads. This is
done automatically by the framework by associating stage payloads
with stagers that have a compatible staging convention. The staging
convention describes the manner in which connection information is
passed from the stager to the stage in terms of what register might
hold a file descriptor, for instance. Stages and stagers are also
matched up by their symbol lookup convention if necessary so that
stages can assume that certain locations in memory will hold
routines that may be useful.
Stage payloads convey their raw payload contents in relation to the
\texttt{Stage} module information hash element. The sub-hash
elements are similar to the single-style payloads in that it has
both a \texttt{Payload} and an \texttt{Offsets} element.
Stage payloads are meaningless unless there is a compatible stager.
A stager payload is an implementation of a payload that establishes
some communication channel with the attacker to read in or otherwise
obtain a second stage payload to execute. For example, a stager
might connection back to the attacker on a defined port and read in
code to execute.
Stagers convey their raw payload contents in relation to the
\texttt{Stager} module information hash element. The sub-hash
elements are similar to single-style payloads in that it has both a
\texttt{Payload} and an \texttt{Offsets} element.
Furthermore, staged payloads have some extra accessor methods that
single payloads do not. For instance, the stager's payload and
offsets can be obtained through the \texttt{payload} and
\texttt{offsets} accessors. The stage's payload and offsets can be
obtained through the \texttt{stage\_payload} and
\texttt{stage\_offsets} accessors.
Handles are one of the critical components of a payload. They are
responsible for handling the attacker's half of establishing a
connection that might be created by the payload being transmitted
via an exploit. The different handlers will be discussed in detail
later in this subsection.
Handlers themselves act as mixins that get merged into an actual
payload module class. The framework interacts with handlers through
a well-defined interface. Prior to initiating an exploit, the
framework will call into the payload handler's
\texttt{setup\_handler} and \texttt{start\_handler} methods that
will lead to the initialization of the handler in preparation for a
payload connection. When a connection arrives, the handler calls
the \texttt{handle\_connection} method on the payload instance. This
method is intended to be overridden as necessary by the payload to
do custom tasks. For instance, staged payloads will initiate the
transfer of the second stage over the established connection and
then call the default implementation which leads to the creation of
a session for the connection.
When an exploit has finished, the framework will call into the
payload handlers \texttt{stop\_handler} and
\texttt{cleanup\_handler} methods to stop it from listening for
future connections.
\subsubsection{Bind TCP}
The bind TCP handler is provided through
\texttt{Msf::Handler::BindTcp}. It will attempt to establish a
connection to a target machine on a given port (specified in
\texttt{LPORT}). If a connection is established, a call is made
into \texttt{handle\_connection} passing along the socket associated
with the connection.
\subsubsection{Find port}
The find port handler is provided by the
\texttt{Msf::Handler::FindPort} class. When an exploit calls the
\texttt{handler} method with a socket connection, the find port
handler will attempt to see if the socket has now been re-purposed
for use by the payload. The find port handler is meant to be used
for payloads that search for a socket by comparing peer port names
relative to the target machine.
\subsubsection{Find tag}
The find port handler is provided by the
\texttt{Msf::Handler::FindTag} class. When an exploit calls the
\texttt{handler} method with a socket connection, the find port
handler will attempt to see if the socket has now been re-purposed
for use by the payload. The find tag handler is meant to be used
for find socket style payloads that search for a socket based on the
presence of a tag on the wire.
If a payload does not establish a connection of any sort, the
\texttt{Msf::Handler::None} handler is used.
\subsubsection{Reverse TCP}
The reverse TCP handler is provided by the
\texttt{Msf::Handler::ReverseTcp} class. It will listen on a port
for incoming connections and will make a call into
\texttt{handle\_connection} with the client sockets as they do.