We don't need these methods anymore

wchen-r7 2015-07-10 12:12:53 -05:00
parent fdb715c9dd
commit 513dcf3574
1 changed files with 0 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -558,46 +558,6 @@ module Msf
# Prints all user-configurable payloads. It's the same as the "show payloads" command in console.
# @return [void]
def show_payloads
DEFAULT_PAYLOADS.keys.each do |platform|
payload_name = get_selected_payload_name(platform)
p = framework.payloads.create(payload_name)
next unless p
p.datastore['LHOST'] = get_payload_lhost
p.datastore['LPORT'] = get_selected_payload_lport(platform)
p_opt = Serializer::ReadableText.dump_options(p, ' ')
print("\nPayload options (#{payload_name}):\n\n#{p_opt}\n") if (p_opt and p_opt.length > 0)
# Prints a message that explains how the user should set a payload. This is the same as the
# "set payload" command in console.
# @return [void]
def set_payload
print_status("'set payload' has been disabled for BrowserAutoPwn.")
print_status('You should set a platform-specific payload instead via advanced options:')
table = Rex::Ui::Text::Table.new(
'Header' => 'Advanced Options',
'Indent' => 1,
'Columns' => ['Option Name', 'Description']
DEFAULT_PAYLOADS.each_pair do |platform, payload_info|
table << ["PAYLOAD_#{platform.to_s.upcase}", "Payload for #{platform} browser exploits"]
print_status("Example: set PAYLOAD_WIN windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp")
print_status("For a list of payloads, you can do: show payloads")
print_status("You can also see 'show advanced' for more options.")
# Returns a list of suitable exploits for the current client based on what #sort_bap_exploits
# gives us. It will do a global exploitable requirement check (the best it can do). There's
# actually a target-specific exploitable requirement check too, but that is performed in