diff --git a/scripts/resource/autocrawler.rc b/scripts/resource/autocrawler.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e8a40be498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/resource/autocrawler.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# autocrawler.rc
+# Author: m-1-k-3 (Web: http://www.s3cur1ty.de / Twitter: @s3cur1ty_de)
+# This Metasploit RC-File could be used to crawl webapps automatically
+# it uses the allready discovered webservers - "services -s http" / "services -s https"
+# you could use db_nmap or http_version for discovering the werbservers
+# some basic jobhandling to not kill our own machine is included - check the maxjobs and threadspercrawler variables
+if (framework.datastore['VERBOSE'] == "true") #we look in the global datastore for a global VERBOSE option and use it
+ verbose = 1 #true
+ verbose = 0
+threadspercrawler = "4" #check this ... now its default
+def jobwaiting() #thread handling for poor guys ...
+ maxjobs=15 #throttling if we get too much jobs
+ while(framework.jobs.keys.length >= maxjobs)
+ ::IO.select(nil, nil, nil, 2.5)
+ print_error("waiting for finishing some modules... active jobs: #{framework.jobs.keys.length} / threads: #{framework.threads.length}")
+ end
+framework.db.workspace.hosts.each do |host|
+ host.services.each do |serv|
+ next if not serv.host
+ next if (serv.state != ServiceState::Open)
+ next if (serv.name !~ /http/)
+ if(verbose == 1)
+ print_line("IP: #{host.address}")
+ print_line("OS: #{host.os_name}")
+ print_line("Servicename: #{serv.name}")
+ print_line("Service Port: #{serv.port.to_i}")
+ print_line("Service Protocol: #{serv.proto}")
+ end
+ run_single("use auxiliary/scanner/http/crawler")
+ run_single("set MAX_THREADS #{threadspercrawler}")
+ run_single("set RHOST #{host.address}")
+ run_single("set RPORT #{serv.port.to_i}")
+ if(serv.name == "https")
+ run_single("set SSL true")
+ else
+ run_single("set SSL false")
+ end
+ if(verbose == 1)
+ run_single("set VERBOSE true")
+ run_single("run -j")
+ else
+ run_single("run -j -q")
+ end
+ run_single("back")
+ jobwaiting()
+ end
diff --git a/scripts/resource/port-cleaner.rc b/scripts/resource/port-cleaner.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cdf3ce60f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/resource/port-cleaner.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# portcleaner.rc
+# Author: m-1-k-3 (Web: http://www.s3cur1ty.de / Twitter: @s3cur1ty_de)
+# This Metasploit RC-File could be used to clean up your metasploit database from closed ports
+counter = 0
+framework.db.hosts.each do |host|
+ host.services.each do |serv|
+ next if not serv.host
+ if (serv.state != ServiceState::Open)
+ print_line("cleaning closed services (Port: #{serv.port.to_i} / Host: #{host.address})")
+ run_single("services -d -p #{serv.port.to_i} -r #{serv.proto} #{host.address}")
+ counter = counter + 1
+ next
+ end
+ end
+print_line("cleaned #{counter} closed ports")
diff --git a/scripts/resource/portscan.rc b/scripts/resource/portscan.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..faf339b4a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/resource/portscan.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# portscan.rc
+# Author: m-1-k-3 (Web: http://www.s3cur1ty.de / Twitter: @s3cur1ty_de)
+# This Metasploit RC-File could be used to portscan the network via nmap or via the internal portscanner module
+# it also uses the udp_sweep module
+# RHOSTS is used from the global datastore
+#set ports for Metasploit tcp-portscanner (change this for your needs):
+ports = "7,21,22,23,25,43,50,53,67,68,79,80,109,110,111,123,135,137,138,139,143,161,264,265,389,443,445,500,631,901,995,1241,1352,1433,1434,1521,1720,1723,3306,3389,3780,4662,5800,5801,5802,5803,5900,5901,5902,5903,6000,6666,8000,8080,8443,10000,10043,27374,27665"
+if (framework.datastore['RHOSTS'] == nil)
+ print_status("you have to set RHOSTS globally ... exiting")
+ return
+if (framework.datastore['VERBOSE'] == "true") #we look in the global datastore for a global VERBOSE option and use it
+ verbose = 1 #true
+ verbose = 0
+if (framework.datastore['THREADS'] == nil) #default to 100 Threads
+ run_single("setg THREADS 100")
+if (framework.datastore['NMAP'] == nil or framework.datastore['NMAP'] == "true") #default usage of nmap as portscanner
+ nmap = 1
+ nmap = 0
+print_line("starting portscanners ...")
+print_line("Module: udp_sweep")
+run_single("use auxiliary/scanner/discovery/udp_sweep")
+run_single("run -j")
+if ( nmap == 1 )
+ print_line("Module: db_nmap")
+ if ( verbose == 1)
+ run_single("db_nmap -v -n -PN -P0 -O -sSV #{framework.datastore['RHOSTS']}")
+ else
+ run_single("db_nmap -n -PN -P0 -O -sSV #{framework.datastore['RHOSTS']}")
+ end
+ print_line("Module: portscan/tcp")
+ run_single("use auxiliary/scanner/portscan/tcp")
+ run_single("set PORTS #{ports}")
+ run_single("run -j")