Get fascist about 50/72 git commit messages

Git commits must always, always, always stick to 50 characters or less
for formatting. This is the default convention followed by many existing
git projects, and many git tools assume these widths for display

If new commits don't adhere to this, they should be rejected out of
hand with a brief explination and link to . It's
usually not that hard for the committer to either git commit --amend or
to merge commits over to a new branch with a new commit message.
Tod Beardsley 2012-08-20 10:30:01 -05:00
parent 5cd20357d8
commit 37c4ad687d
1 changed files with 6 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -119,6 +119,12 @@ pull request, and is the preferred method for bringing new modules
and framework enhancements to the attention of the core Metasploit
development team. Note that this process requires a GitHub account.
For Git commits, please adhere to 50/72 formatting: your commits should
start with a line 50 characters or less, followed by a blank line,
followed by one or more lines of explanitory text wrapped at at 72
characters Pull requests with commits not formmated this way will
be rejected without review.
For modules, note that Author field is not automatic, and should be
filled in in the format of 'Your Name <user[at]domain.tld>' so future
developers can contact you with any questions.