doc fixes

h00die 2017-01-20 19:04:57 -05:00
parent 15591aff83
commit 103bc8e8f0
1 changed files with 7 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -6,18 +6,18 @@
4. Unzip && cd sample-multipart-form
1. If Compiling: `mvn clean package`
5. `cp target/sample-multipart-form.war $TOMCAT-7.0.50/webapps/`
6. Start Tomcat (linux: `$TOMCAT-7.0.50/bin/`
6. Start Tomcat (linux: `$TOMCAT-7.0.50/bin/`)
7. Check if the webapp is running: `http://localhost:8080/sample-multipart-form/multipartForm`
## Verification Steps
Example steps in this format:
1. Install the application
1. Install Tomcat, and the vulnerable form
2. Start msfconsole
3. Do: ```use [module path]```
4. Do: ```run```
5. You should get a shell.
3. Do: ```use auxiliary/dos/http/apache_commons_fileupload_dos```
4. Do: ```set rhost <rhost>```
5. Do: ```set TARGETURI <uri>```
6. Do: ```run```
7. Tomcat should be utilizing 99%+ of the CPU
## Options