2. Victim machine with two network interfaces, one attached to the `` subnet and the other attached to the non-routable `` subnet.
Preparing to pivot across a network requires us to first establish a Meterpreter session on the victim machine. From there, we can use the `autoroute` script to enable access to the non-routable subnet:
The `autoroute` module will enable our local socks4a proxy to direct all traffic to the `` subnet through our Meterpreter session, causing it to emerge from the victim's machine and thus giving us access to the non-routable subnet. We can now use `curl` to connect to a machine on the non-routable subnet via the socks4a proxy:
We can take this a step further and use proxychains to enable other tools that don't have built-in support for proxies to access the non-routable subnet. The short-and-sweet guide to installing and configuring proxychains looks something like this: