2010-03-08 14:49:45 +00:00
// Copyright (C) 2000 Tridia Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// Copyright (C) 1999 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge. All Rights Reserved.
// This file is part of the VNC system.
// The VNC system is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
// USA.
// TightVNC distribution homepage on the Web: http://www.tightvnc.com/
// If the source code for the VNC system is not available from the place
// whence you received this file, check http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc or contact
// the authors on vnc@uk.research.att.com for information on obtaining it.
// vncServer.h
// vncServer class handles the following functions:
// - Allowing clients to be dynamically added and removed
// - Propagating updates from the local vncDesktop object
// to all the connected clients
// - Propagating mouse movements and keyboard events from
// clients to the local vncDesktop
// It also creates the vncSockConnect and vncCORBAConnect
// servers, which respectively allow connections via sockets
// and via the ORB interface
class vncServer;
#if (!defined(_WINVNC_VNCSERVER))
// Custom
#include "vncCORBAConnect.h"
#include "vncSockConnect.h"
//#include "vncHTTPConnect.h"
#include "vncClient.h"
#include "vncRegion.h"
#include "vncPasswd.h"
// Includes
#include "stdhdrs.h"
2010-03-24 00:00:05 +00:00
#include "common.h"
2010-03-08 14:49:45 +00:00
#include <omnithread.h>
#include <list>
// Define a datatype to handle lists of windows we wish to notify
typedef std::list<HWND> vncNotifyList;
// Some important constants;
const int MAX_CLIENTS = 128;
// The vncServer class itself
class vncServer
// Constructor/destructor
// Client handling functions
virtual void DisableClients(BOOL state);
virtual BOOL ClientsDisabled();
2010-03-24 00:00:05 +00:00
virtual vncClientId AddClient( AGENT_CTX * lpAgentContext );
2010-03-08 14:49:45 +00:00
virtual BOOL Authenticated(vncClientId client);
virtual void KillClient(vncClientId client);
virtual size_t AuthClientCount();
virtual size_t UnauthClientCount();
virtual void KillAuthClients();
virtual void WaitUntilAuthEmpty();
virtual void KillUnauthClients();
virtual void WaitUntilUnauthEmpty();
// Has at least one client had a remote event?
virtual BOOL RemoteEventReceived();
// Client info retrieval/setup
virtual vncClient* GetClient(vncClientId clientid);
virtual vncClientList ClientList();
virtual void BlockRemoteInput(BOOL block);
virtual const char* GetClientName(vncClientId client);
// Let a client remove itself
virtual void RemoveClient(vncClientId client);
// Connect/disconnect notification
virtual BOOL AddNotify(HWND hwnd);
virtual BOOL RemNotify(HWND hwnd);
// Check mirror driver status
virtual BOOL DesktopActive() { return m_desktop != NULL; }
virtual BOOL DriverActive();
virtual BOOL SetShareMonitorFromPoint(POINT pt);
// Send a notification message
virtual void DoNotify(UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);
// Update handling, used by clients to signal the screen server
virtual void RequestUpdate();
// Update handling, used by the screen server
virtual void TriggerUpdate();
virtual void UpdateRect(RECT &rect);
virtual void UpdateRegion(vncRegion ®ion);
virtual void CopyRect(RECT &dest, POINT &source);
virtual void UpdateMouse();
virtual void UpdateClipText(LPSTR text);
virtual void UpdatePalette();
// Polling mode handling
virtual void PollUnderCursor(BOOL enable) {m_poll_undercursor = enable;};
virtual BOOL PollUnderCursor() {return m_poll_undercursor;};
virtual void PollForeground(BOOL enable) {m_poll_foreground = enable;};
virtual BOOL PollForeground() {return m_poll_foreground;};
virtual void PollFullScreen(BOOL enable) {m_poll_fullscreen = enable;};
virtual BOOL PollFullScreen() {return m_poll_fullscreen;};
virtual void DontSetHooks(BOOL enable);
virtual BOOL DontSetHooks() {return m_dont_set_hooks;};
virtual void DontUseDriver(BOOL enable);
virtual BOOL DontUseDriver() {return m_dont_use_driver;};
virtual void DriverDirectAccess(BOOL enable);
virtual BOOL DriverDirectAccess() {return m_driver_direct_access_en;};
virtual void PollConsoleOnly(BOOL enable) {m_poll_consoleonly = enable;};
virtual BOOL PollConsoleOnly() {return m_poll_consoleonly;};
virtual void PollOnEventOnly(BOOL enable) {m_poll_oneventonly = enable;};
virtual BOOL PollOnEventOnly() {return m_poll_oneventonly;};
// Client manipulation of the clipboard
virtual void UpdateLocalClipText(LPSTR text);
// Name and port number handling
virtual void SetName(const char * name);
virtual void SetPorts(const UINT port_rfb, const UINT port_http);
virtual UINT GetPort() { return m_port; };
virtual UINT GetHttpPort() { return m_port_http; };
virtual void SetAutoPortSelect(const BOOL autoport) {
if (autoport && !m_autoportselect)
BOOL sockconnect = SockConnected();
m_autoportselect = autoport;
m_autoportselect = autoport;
virtual BOOL AutoPortSelect() {return m_autoportselect;};
// Password set/retrieve. Note that these functions now handle the encrypted
// form, not the plaintext form. The buffer passwd MUST be MAXPWLEN in size.
// If the parameter `activate' is FALSE, then the password is considered
// undefined. If `activate' is FALSE, the password data still may be copied.
// The return value of `Get' functions matches the `activate' parameter.
virtual void SetPassword(BOOL activate, const char *passwd);
virtual BOOL GetPassword(char *passwd);
virtual void SetPasswordViewOnly(BOOL activate, const char *passwd);
virtual BOOL GetPasswordViewOnly(char *passwd);
// Determine is at least one valid password is set so authentication is
// possible. This function returns TRUE if at least one of the passwords
// (primary or view-only) is set, AND at least one of the passwords is
// not empty if empty passwords are disabled.
virtual BOOL ValidPasswordsSet();
// Version of ValidPasswordsSet() that does not use m_valid_passwords_set.
virtual BOOL ValidPasswordsSet_nocache();
// Determine if there are valid passwords (primary or view-only) AND all
// valid passwords are empty. If this function returns TRUE, no password
// authentication will be requested.
virtual BOOL ValidPasswordsEmpty();
// Version of ValidPasswordsEmpty() that does not use m_valid_passwords_empty.
virtual BOOL ValidPasswordsEmpty_nocache();
// Remote input handling
virtual void EnableRemoteInputs(BOOL enable);
virtual BOOL RemoteInputsEnabled();
// Local input handling
virtual void DisableLocalInputs(BOOL disable);
virtual BOOL LocalInputsDisabled();
// General connection handling
virtual void SetConnectPriority(UINT priority) {m_connect_pri = priority;};
virtual UINT ConnectPriority() {return m_connect_pri;};
// Socket connection handling
virtual BOOL SockConnect(BOOL on);
virtual BOOL SockConnected();
virtual BOOL SetLoopbackOnly(BOOL loopbackOnly);
virtual BOOL LoopbackOnly();
// Tray icon disposition
virtual BOOL SetDisableTrayIcon(BOOL disableTrayIcon);
virtual BOOL GetDisableTrayIcon();
// CORBA connection handling
virtual BOOL CORBAConnect(BOOL on);
virtual BOOL CORBAConnected();
virtual void GetScreenInfo(int &width, int &height, int &depth);
// Allow connections without password authentication?
virtual void SetAuthRequired(BOOL reqd) {ResetPasswordsValidityInfo(); m_passwd_required = reqd;}
virtual BOOL AuthRequired() {return m_passwd_required;};
// Beep on connect/disconnect?
virtual void SetBeepConnect(BOOL beepConn) {m_beepConnect = beepConn;};
virtual BOOL GetBeepConnect() {return m_beepConnect;};
virtual void SetBeepDisconnect(BOOL beepDisconn) {m_beepDisconnect = beepDisconn;};
virtual BOOL GetBeepDisconnect() {return m_beepDisconnect;};
// Handling of per-client connection authorisation
virtual void SetAuthHosts(const char *hostlist);
virtual char *AuthHosts();
enum AcceptQueryReject {aqrAccept, aqrQuery, aqrReject};
virtual AcceptQueryReject VerifyHost(const char *hostname);
virtual AcceptQueryReject AdjustVerification(AcceptQueryReject host);
// Blacklisting of machines which fail connection attempts too often
// Such machines will fail VerifyHost for a short period
virtual void AddAuthHostsBlacklist(const char *machine);
virtual void RemAuthHostsBlacklist(const char *machine);
// Connection querying settings
virtual void SetQuerySetting(const UINT setting) {m_querysetting = setting;};
virtual UINT QuerySetting() {return m_querysetting;};
virtual void SetQueryTimeout(const UINT setting) {m_querytimeout = setting;};
virtual UINT QueryTimeout() {return m_querytimeout;};
virtual void SetQueryAccept(const BOOL setting) {m_queryaccept = setting;};
virtual BOOL QueryAccept() {return m_queryaccept;};
virtual void SetQueryAllowNoPass(const BOOL setting) {m_queryallownopass = setting;};
virtual BOOL QueryAllowNoPass() {return m_queryallownopass;};
// Whether or not to allow incoming HTTP connections
virtual BOOL SetHttpdEnabled(BOOL enable_httpd, BOOL enable_params);
virtual BOOL HttpdEnabled() {return m_httpd_enabled;};
virtual BOOL HttpdParamsEnabled() {return m_httpd_params_enabled;};
// Whether or not to allow connections from the local machine
virtual void SetLoopbackOk(BOOL ok) {m_loopback_allowed = ok;};
virtual BOOL LoopbackOk() {return m_loopback_allowed;};
// Whether or not to shutdown or logoff when the last client leaves
virtual void SetLockSettings(int ok) {m_lock_on_exit = ok;};
virtual int LockSettings() {return m_lock_on_exit;};
// Timeout for automatic disconnection of idle connections
virtual void SetAutoIdleDisconnectTimeout(const UINT timeout) {m_idle_timeout = timeout;};
virtual UINT AutoIdleDisconnectTimeout() {return m_idle_timeout;};
// Removal of desktop wallpaper, etc
virtual void EnableRemoveWallpaper(const BOOL enable) {m_remove_wallpaper = enable;};
virtual BOOL RemoveWallpaperEnabled() {return m_remove_wallpaper;};
virtual void SetBlankScreen(const BOOL enable) {m_blank_screen = enable;};
virtual BOOL GetBlankScreen() {return m_blank_screen;};
// Whether or not to allow file transfers
virtual void EnableFileTransfers(const BOOL enable) {m_enable_file_transfers = enable;}
virtual BOOL FileTransfersEnabled() {return m_enable_file_transfers;}
// Patrial desktop sharing
virtual void WindowShared(BOOL enable) { m_WindowShared = enable; }
virtual BOOL WindowShared() { return m_WindowShared; }
virtual void SetMatchSizeFields(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
virtual RECT GetScreenAreaRect() { return m_screenarea_rect; }
virtual void SetWindowShared(HWND hWnd);
virtual HWND GetWindowShared() { return m_hwndShared; }
virtual RECT GetSharedRect () { return m_shared_rect; }
virtual void SetSharedRect (RECT rect) { m_shared_rect = rect; }
virtual BOOL FullScreen() { return m_full_screen; }
virtual void FullScreen(BOOL enable) { m_full_screen = enable; }
virtual BOOL ScreenAreaShared() { return m_screen_area; }
virtual void ScreenAreaShared(BOOL enable) { m_screen_area = enable; }
virtual BOOL PrimaryDisplayOnlyShared() { return m_primary_display_only_shared; }
virtual void PrimaryDisplayOnlyShared(BOOL enable) { m_primary_display_only_shared = enable; }
virtual void SetNewFBSize(BOOL sendnewfb);
virtual BOOL FullRgnRequested();
virtual BOOL IncrRgnRequested();
virtual void UpdateLocalFormat();
// Blocking remote input
virtual void LocalInputPriority(BOOL enable);
virtual BOOL LocalInputPriority() { return m_local_input_priority; }
virtual void SetKeyboardCounter(int count);
virtual int KeyboardCounter() { return m_remote_keyboard; }
virtual void SetMouseCounter(int count, POINT &cursor_pos, BOOL mousemove);
virtual int MouseCounter() { return m_remote_mouse; }
virtual UINT DisableTime() { return m_disable_time; }
virtual void SetDisableTime(UINT disabletime) { m_disable_time = disabletime; }
virtual UINT GetPollingCycle() { return m_polling_cycle; }
virtual void SetPollingCycle(UINT msec);
virtual BOOL PollingCycleChanged() { return m_polling_cycle_changed; }
virtual void PollingCycleChanged(BOOL change) { m_polling_cycle_changed = change; }
BOOL checkPointer(vncClient *pClient);
virtual void ClearWallpaperWait() { m_wallpaper_wait = FALSE; }
virtual BOOL WallpaperWait() { return m_wallpaper_wait; }
// Internal stuffs
// Connection servers
vncSockConnect *m_socketConn;
vncCorbaConnect *m_corbaConn;
//vncHTTPConnect *m_httpConn;
// The desktop handler
vncDesktop *m_desktop;
// General preferences
UINT m_port;
UINT m_port_http;
RECT m_shared_rect;
RECT m_screenarea_rect;
BOOL m_autoportselect;
char m_password[MAXPWLEN];
BOOL m_password_set;
char m_password_viewonly[MAXPWLEN];
BOOL m_password_viewonly_set;
BOOL m_passwd_required;
BOOL m_loopback_allowed;
BOOL m_httpd_enabled;
BOOL m_httpd_params_enabled;
BOOL m_loopbackOnly;
BOOL m_disableTrayIcon;
char *m_auth_hosts;
BOOL m_enable_remote_inputs;
BOOL m_disable_local_inputs;
int m_lock_on_exit;
int m_connect_pri;
BOOL m_beepConnect;
BOOL m_beepDisconnect;
UINT m_querysetting;
UINT m_querytimeout;
BOOL m_queryaccept;
BOOL m_queryallownopass;
BOOL m_clients_disabled;
UINT m_idle_timeout;
UINT m_disable_time;
BOOL m_remove_wallpaper;
BOOL m_blank_screen;
BOOL m_enable_file_transfers;
// Polling preferences
BOOL m_poll_fullscreen;
BOOL m_poll_foreground;
BOOL m_poll_undercursor;
BOOL m_poll_oneventonly;
BOOL m_poll_consoleonly;
BOOL m_dont_set_hooks;
BOOL m_dont_use_driver;
BOOL m_driver_direct_access_en;
// NOTE that it only has a status of preference;
// the effective status of direct access option is
// vncVideoDriver::m_fDirectAccessInEffect
// screen area sharing preferences
BOOL m_shared_oneapplionly;
HWND m_hwndShared;
BOOL m_WindowShared;
BOOL m_full_screen;
BOOL m_screen_area;
BOOL m_primary_display_only_shared;
// local event priority stuff
BOOL m_local_input_priority;
INT m_remote_mouse;
INT m_remote_keyboard;
POINT m_cursor_pos;
UINT m_polling_cycle;
BOOL m_polling_cycle_changed;
// Make sure to remove wallpaper _before_ the first update
BOOL m_wallpaper_wait;
// Name of this desktop
char *m_name;
// Blacklist structures
struct BlacklistEntry {
BlacklistEntry *_next;
char *_machineName;
UINT _failureCount;
BOOL _blocked;
BlacklistEntry *m_blacklist;
// The client lists - list of clients being authorised and ones
// already authorised
vncClientList m_unauthClients;
vncClientList m_authClients;
vncClient *m_clientmap[MAX_CLIENTS];
vncClientId m_nextid;
// Lock to protect the client list from concurrency - lock when reading/updating client list
omni_mutex m_clientsLock;
// Lock to protect the desktop object from concurrency - lock when updating client list
omni_mutex m_desktopLock;
// Signal set when a client removes itself
omni_condition *m_clientquitsig;
// Set of windows to send notifications to
vncNotifyList m_notifyList;
// The value that would be returned by ValidPasswordsSet(). This variable has correct
// authentic value only if m_valid_passwords_set_cached is true. Maintaining this variable
// prevents from decoding passwords each time ValidPasswordsSet() is called.
BOOL m_valid_passwords_set;
// This variable set to true means that the value of m_valid_passwords_set is authentic.
BOOL m_valid_passwords_set_cached;
// The value that would be returned by ValidPasswordsEmpty(). This variable has correct
// authentic value only if m_valid_passwords_empty_cached is true. Maintaining this variable
// prevents from decoding passwords each time ValidPasswordsEmpty() is called.
BOOL m_valid_passwords_empty;
// This variable set to true means that the value of m_valid_passwords_empty is authentic.
BOOL m_valid_passwords_empty_cached;
// A short function to invalidate both m_valid_passwords_set and m_valid_passwords_empty.
void inline ResetPasswordsValidityInfo() {
m_valid_passwords_set_cached = m_valid_passwords_empty_cached = FALSE;
BOOL IsWinVerOrHigher(ULONG mj, ULONG mn);
RECT GetScreenRect();