
240 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (C) 2001 Constantin Kaplinsky. All Rights Reserved.
// Copyright (C) 1999 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge. All Rights Reserved.
// This file is part of the VNC system.
// The VNC system is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
// USA.
// TightVNC distribution homepage on the Web:
// If the source code for the VNC system is not available from the place
// whence you received this file, check or contact
// the authors on for information on obtaining it.
// vncClient.h
// vncClient class handles the following functions:
// - Recieves requests from the connected client and
// handles them
// - Handles incoming updates properly, using a vncBuffer
// object to keep track of screen changes
// It uses a vncBuffer and is passed the vncDesktop and
// vncServer to communicate with.
class vncClient;
typedef SHORT vncClientId;
#if (!defined(_WINVNC_VNCCLIENT))
#include <list>
#include <time.h>
typedef std::list<vncClientId> vncClientList;
// Includes
#include "stdhdrs.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "VSocket.h"
#include <omnithread.h>
// Custom
#include "rectlist.h"
#include "vncDesktop.h"
#include "vncRegion.h"
#include "vncBuffer.h"
#include "vncKeymap.h"
// The vncClient class itself
class vncClient
// Constructor/destructor
// Allow the client thread to see inside the client object
friend class vncClientThread;
// Init
virtual BOOL Init(vncServer *server,
VSocket *socket,
BOOL reverse,
BOOL shared,
vncClientId newid, AGENT_CTX * lpAgentContext);
// Kill
// The server uses this to close the client socket, causing the
// client thread to fail, which in turn deletes the client object
virtual void Kill();
// Client manipulation functions for use by the server
virtual void SetBuffer(vncBuffer *buffer);
// Update handling functions
virtual void TriggerUpdate();
virtual void UpdateMouse();
virtual void UpdateRect(RECT &rect);
virtual void UpdateRegion(vncRegion &region);
virtual void CopyRect(RECT &dest, POINT &source);
virtual void UpdateClipText(LPSTR text);
virtual void UpdatePalette();
// Has the client sent an input event?
virtual BOOL RemoteEventReceived() {
BOOL result = m_remoteevent;
m_remoteevent = FALSE;
return result;
virtual void SetCursorPosChanged() {
if (time(NULL) - m_pointer_event_time > 1) {
m_cursor_pos_changed = TRUE;
// Functions for setting & getting the client settings
virtual void EnableKeyboard(BOOL enable) { m_keyboardenabled = enable; }
virtual void EnablePointer(BOOL enable) { m_pointerenabled = enable; }
virtual void BlockInput(BOOL block) { m_inputblocked = block; }
virtual BOOL IsKeyboardEnabled() { return m_keyboardenabled; }
virtual BOOL IsPointerEnabled() { return m_pointerenabled; }
virtual BOOL IsInputEnabled() { return m_keyboardenabled || m_pointerenabled; }
virtual BOOL IsInputBlocked() { return m_inputblocked; }
virtual const char *GetClientName();
virtual const char *GetServerName();
virtual vncClientId GetClientId() {return m_id;};
BOOL SetNewFBSize(BOOL sendnewfb);
BOOL IncrRgnRequested(){return !m_incr_rgn.IsEmpty();};
BOOL FullRgnRequested(){return !m_full_rgn.IsEmpty();};
void UpdateLocalFormat();
// Update routines
BOOL SendUpdate();
BOOL SendRFBMsg(CARD8 type, BYTE *buffer, int buflen);
BOOL SendRectangles(rectlist &rects);
BOOL SendRectangle(RECT &rect);
BOOL SendCopyRect(RECT &dest, POINT &source);
BOOL SendCursorShapeUpdate();
BOOL SendCursorPosUpdate();
BOOL SendLastRect();
BOOL SendPalette();
// Internal stuffs
// Per-client settings
int m_protocol_minor_version;
BOOL m_protocol_tightvnc;
BOOL m_keyboardenabled;
BOOL m_pointerenabled;
BOOL m_inputblocked;
BOOL m_copyrect_use;
vncClientId m_id;
// The screen buffer
vncBuffer *m_buffer;
// The server
vncServer *m_server;
// The socket
VSocket *m_socket;
char *m_client_name;
char *m_server_name;
// The client thread
omni_thread *m_thread;
// Flag to indicate whether the client is ready for RFB messages
BOOL m_protocol_ready;
// Flag to indicate that our framebuffer size has changed before
// the client has told that it supports NewFBSize message
BOOL m_fb_size_changed;
// User input information
RECT m_oldmousepos;
BOOL m_mousemoved;
rfbPointerEventMsg m_ptrevent;
// Support for cursor shape updates (XCursor, RichCursor encodings)
BOOL m_cursor_update_pending;
BOOL m_cursor_update_sent;
BOOL m_cursor_pos_changed;
time_t m_pointer_event_time;
HCURSOR m_hcursor;
POINT m_cursor_pos;
// Region structures used when preparing updates
// - region of rects which may have changed since last update
// - region for which incremental data is requested
// - region for which full data is requested
vncRegion m_changed_rgn;
vncRegion m_incr_rgn;
vncRegion m_full_rgn;
omni_mutex m_regionLock;
BOOL m_copyrect_set;
RECT m_copyrect_rect;
POINT m_copyrect_src;
BOOL m_updatewanted;
RECT m_fullscreen;
// When the local display is palettized, it sometimes changes...
BOOL m_palettechanged;
// Information used in polling mode!
BOOL m_remoteevent;
BOOL m_use_NewFBSize;
BOOL m_use_PointerPos;
omni_mutex m_sendUpdateLock;
unsigned int FiletimeToTime70(FILETIME filetime);
void SendFileDownloadData(unsigned short sizeFile, char *pFile);
void SendFileDownloadData(unsigned int mTime);
void SendFileUploadCancel(unsigned short reasonLen, char *reason);
void SendFileDownloadFailed(unsigned short reasonLen, char *reason);
void CloseUndoneFileTransfer();
BOOL m_bUploadStarted;
BOOL m_bDownloadStarted;
HANDLE m_hFileToRead;
HANDLE m_hFileToWrite;
char m_UploadFilename[MAX_PATH];
char m_DownloadFilename[MAX_PATH];
void Time70ToFiletime(unsigned int mTime, FILETIME *pFiletime);
unsigned int m_modTime;
unsigned int beginUploadTime;
unsigned int endUploadTime;
DWORD m_rfbBlockSize;
void SendFileDownloadPortion();