2008-10-10 02:23:05 +00:00
module PacketFu
# Octets implements the addressing scheme for IP.
# ==== Header Definition
# uint8 :o1
# uint8 :o2
# uint8 :o3
# uint8 :o4
class Octets < BinData::MultiValue
uint8 :o1
uint8 :o2
uint8 :o3
uint8 :o4
# Returns an address in dotted-quad format.
def to_x
ip_str = [o1, o2, o3, o4].join('.')
# Returns an address in numerical format.
def to_i
ip_str = [o1, o2, o3, o4].join('.')
# Returns an address as an array of numbers.
def to_ary
alias to_a to_ary
# IPHeader is a complete IP struct, used in IPPacket. Most traffic on most networks today is IP-based.
# For more on IP packets, see http://www.networksorcery.com/enp/protocol/ip.htm
# ==== Header Definition
# bit4 :ip_v, :initial_value => 4
# bit4 :ip_hl, :initial_value => 5
# uint8 :ip_tos, :initial_value => 0 # TODO: Break out the bits
# uint16be :ip_len, :initial_value => lambda { ip_calc_len }
# uint16be :ip_id, :initial_value => lambda { ip_calc_id } # IRL, hardly random.
# uint16be :ip_frag, :initial_value => 0 # TODO: Break out the bits
# uint8 :ip_ttl, :initial_value => 0xff # Changes per flavor
# uint8 :ip_proto, :initial_value => 0x01 # TCP: 0x06, UDP 0x11, ICMP 0x01
# uint16be :ip_sum, :initial_value => lambda { ip_calc_sum }
# octets :ip_src # No value as this is a MultiValue
# octets :ip_dst # Ditto.
# rest :body
class IPHeader < BinData::MultiValue
bit4 :ip_v, :initial_value => 4
bit4 :ip_hl, :initial_value => 5
uint8 :ip_tos, :initial_value => 0 # TODO: Break out the bits
uint16be :ip_len, :initial_value => lambda { ip_calc_len }
uint16be :ip_id, :initial_value => lambda { ip_calc_id } # IRL, hardly random.
uint16be :ip_frag, :initial_value => 0 # TODO: Break out the bits
uint8 :ip_ttl, :initial_value => 0xff # Changes per flavor
uint8 :ip_proto,:initial_value => 0x01 # TCP: 0x06, UDP 0x11, ICMP 0x01
uint16be :ip_sum, :initial_value => lambda { ip_calc_sum }
octets :ip_src # No value as this is a MultiValue
octets :ip_dst # Ditto.
rest :body
# Creates a new IPHeader object, and intialize with a random IPID.
def initialize(*args)
@random_id = rand(0xffff)
# Calulcate the true length of the packet.
def ip_calc_len
(ip_hl * 4) + body.to_s.length
# Calculate the true checksum of the packet.
# (Yes, this is the long way to do it, but it's e-z-2-read for mathtards like me.)
def ip_calc_sum
checksum = (((ip_v << 4) + ip_hl) << 8) +ip_tos
checksum += ip_len
checksum += ip_id
checksum += ip_frag
checksum += (ip_ttl << 8) + ip_proto
checksum += (ip_src.to_i >> 16)
checksum += (ip_src.to_i & 0xffff)
checksum += (ip_dst.to_i >> 16)
checksum += (ip_dst.to_i & 0xffff)
checksum = checksum % 0xffff
checksum = 0xffff - checksum
checksum == 0 ? 0xffff : checksum
# Retrieve the IP ID
def ip_calc_id
# Sets a more readable IP address. If you wants to manipulate individual octets,
# (eg, for host scanning in one network), it would be better use ip_src.o1 through
# ip_src.o4 instead.
def ip_saddr=(addr)
addr = IPHeader.octet_array(addr)
ip_src.o1 = addr[0]
ip_src.o2 = addr[1]
ip_src.o3 = addr[2]
ip_src.o4 = addr[3]
# Returns a more readable IP source address.
def ip_saddr
# Sets a more readable IP address.
def ip_daddr=(addr)
addr = IPHeader.octet_array(addr)
ip_dst.o1 = addr[0]
ip_dst.o2 = addr[1]
ip_dst.o3 = addr[2]
ip_dst.o4 = addr[3]
# Returns a more readable IP destination address.
def ip_daddr
# Translate various formats of IPv4 Addresses to an array of digits.
def self.octet_array(addr)
if addr.class == String
oa = addr.split('.').collect {|x| x.to_i}
elsif addr.class == Fixnum
oa = IPAddr.new(addr, Socket::AF_INET).to_s.split('.')
elsif addr.class == Bignum
oa = IPAddr.new(addr, Socket::AF_INET).to_s.split('.')
elsif addr.class == Array
oa = addr
raise ArgumentError, "IP Address should be a dotted quad string, an array of ints, or a bignum"
# Recalculate the calculated IP fields. Valid arguments are:
# :all :ip_len :ip_sum :ip_id
def ip_recalc(arg=:all)
case arg
when :ip_len
when :ip_sum
when :ip_id
@random_id = rand(0xffff)
when :all
self.ip_id= ip_calc_id
self.ip_len= ip_calc_len
self.ip_sum= ip_calc_sum
raise ArgumentError, "No such field `#{arg}'"
end # class IPHeader
# IPPacket is used to construct IP packets. They contain an EthHeader, an IPHeader, and usually
# a transport-layer protocol such as UDPHeader, TCPHeader, or ICMPHeader.
# == Example
# require 'packetfu'
# ip_pkt = PacketFu::IPPacket.new
# ip_pkt.ip_saddr=""
# ip_pkt.ip_daddr=""
# ip_pkt.ip_proto=1
# ip_pkt.ip_ttl=64
# ip_pkt.ip_payload="\x00\x00\x12\x34\x00\x01\x00\x01"+
# "Lovingly hand-crafted echo responses delivered directly to your door."
# ip_pkt.recalc
# ip_pkt.to_f('/tmp/ip.pcap')
# == Parameters
# :eth
# A pre-generated EthHeader object.
# :ip
# A pre-generated IPHeader object.
# :flavor
# TODO: Sets the "flavor" of the IP packet. This might include known sets of IP options, and
# certainly known starting TTLs.
# :config
# A hash of return address details, often the output of Utils.whoami?
class IPPacket < Packet
attr_accessor :eth_header, :ip_header
def ethernet?; true; end
def ip?; true; end
# Creates a new IPPacket object.
def initialize(args={})
@eth_header = (args[:eth] || EthHeader.new)
@ip_header = (args[:ip] || IPHeader.new)
@headers = [@eth_header, @ip_header]
# Peek provides summary data on packet contents.
def peek(args={})
peek_data = ["I "]
peek_data << "%-5d" % self.to_s.size
peek_data << "%-21s" % "#{self.ip_saddr}"
peek_data << "->"
peek_data << "%21s" % "#{self.ip_daddr}"
peek_data << "%23s" % "I:"
peek_data << "%04x" % self.ip_id
2008-10-19 21:03:39 +00:00
end # module PacketFu