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# This file is part of Metasm, the Ruby assembly manipulation suite
# Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Yoann GUILLOT
# Licence is LGPL, see LICENCE in the top-level directory
# this file sets up the RUBYLIB environment variable for windows hosts
# the variable is set for the current user only
# the user session may need to be restarted so that the changes take effect
# the path to the framework
metasmpath = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..'))
$: << metasmpath
require 'metasm'
d = Metasm::DynLdr
d.new_api_c <<EOS, 'advapi32'
__stdcall int RegCreateKeyExA(
void *key,
char *subkey,
int resvd,
char *class,
int options,
int access,
void *security,
void **keyout,
void *dispos);
__stdcall int RegQueryValueExA(
void *key,
char *value,
int resvd,
int type,
void *data,
int *datalen);
__stdcall int RegSetValueExA(
void *key,
char *value,
int resvd,
int type,
void *data,
int datalen);
__stdcall int RegCloseKey(
void *key);
#define KEY_ALL_ACCESS 0xf003f
#define KEY_CURRENT_USER 0x80000001
#define REG_EXPAND_SZ 2
key = [0].pack('L')
ret = d.regcreatekeyexa(d::KEY_CURRENT_USER, 'Environment', 0, 0, 0, d::KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0, key, 0)
key = key.unpack('L').first
abort 'cannot open env key' if ret != 0
buf = 0.chr*4096
buflen = [buf.length].pack('L')
ret = d.regqueryvalueexa(key, 'RUBYLIB', 0, 0, buf, buflen)
data = ret == 0 ? buf[0, buflen.unpack('L').first-1] : ''
if data.split(';').include? metasmpath
puts 'already registered'
data << ';' if not data.empty?
data << metasmpath << 0
ret = d.regsetvalueexa(key, 'RUBYLIB', 0, d::REG_EXPAND_SZ, data, data.length)
if ret == 0
puts "success - restart your session"
puts "failed :( - #{Metasm::WinAPI.last_error_msg(ret)}"