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Cutting over rails3 to master. This switches the Metasploit Framework to a Rails 3 backend. If you run into new problems (especially around Active Record or your postgresql gem) you should try first updating your Ruby installation to 1.9.3 and use a more recent 'pg' gem. If that fails, we'd love to see your bug report (just drop all the detail you can into an issue on GitHub). In the meantime, you can checkout the rails2 branch, which was branched from master immediately before this cutover. Squashed commit of the following: commit 5802ec851580341c6717dfea529027c12678d35f Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 23:30:12 2012 -0500 Enable MSF_BUNDLE_GEMS mode by default (set to N/F/0 to disable) commit 8102f98dce9eb0c73c4374e40dce09af7b51d060 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 23:30:03 2012 -0500 Add a method to expand win32 file paths commit bda6479d154cf75572dd5de8b66bfde661a55de9 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 18:53:44 2012 -0500 Fix 1.8.x compatibility commit 101ce4eb17bfdf755ef8c0a5198174668b6cd6fd Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 18:40:59 2012 -0500 Use verbose instead of stringio commit 5db467ffb593488285576d183b1662093e454b3e Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 18:30:06 2012 -0500 Hide the iconv warning, were stuck with it due to EBCDIC support commit 63b9cb20eb6a61daf4effb4c8d2761c16ff0c4e0 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 18:29:58 2012 -0500 Dont use GEM_HOME by default commit ca49271c22c314a4465fff934334df18c704cbc0 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 18:23:34 2012 -0500 Move Gemfile to root (there be dragons, lets find them) and catch failed bundler loads commit 34af04076a068e9f60c5526045ddbba5fca359fd Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 18:18:29 2012 -0500 Fallback to bundler when not running inside of a installer env commit ed1066a4f3f12fae7d4afc03eb1ab70ffe2f9cf3 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 16:26:55 2012 -0500 Remove a mess of gems that were not actually required commit 21290a73926809e9049a59359449168f740d13d2 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 15:59:10 2012 -0500 Hack around a gem() call that is well-intentioned but an obstacle in this case commit 8e414a8bfab9641c81088d22f73033be5b37a700 Author: Tod Beardsley <> Date: Sun Apr 15 15:06:08 2012 -0500 Ruby, come on. Ducktype this. Please. Use interpolated strings to get the to_s behavior you don't get with just plussing. commit 0fa92c58750f8f84edbecfaab72cd2da5062743f Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 15:05:42 2012 -0500 Add new eventmachine/thin gems commit 819d5e7d45e0a16741d3852df3ed110b4d7abc44 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 15:01:18 2012 -0500 Purge (reimport in a second) commit ea6f3f6c434537ca15b6c6674e31081e27ce7f86 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 14:54:42 2012 -0500 Cleanup uncessary .so files (ext vs lib) commit d219330a3cc563e9da9f01fade016c9ed8cda21c Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 14:53:02 2012 -0500 PG gems built against the older installation environment commit d6e590cfa331ae7b25313ff1471c6148a6b36f3b Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 14:06:35 2012 -0500 Rename to include the version commit a893de222b97ce1222a55324f1811b0262aae2d0 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 13:56:47 2012 -0500 Detect older installation environments and load the arch-lib directories into the search path commit 6444bba0a421921e2ebe2df2323277a586f9736f Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 13:49:25 2012 -0500 Merge in windows gems commit 95efbcfde220917bc7ee08e6083d7b383240d185 Author: Tod Beardsley <> Date: Sun Apr 15 13:49:33 2012 -0500 Report_vuln shouldn't use :include in finder find_or_create_by doesn't take :include as a param. commit c5f99eb87f0874ef7d32fa42828841c9a714b787 Author: David Maloney <> Date: Sun Apr 15 12:44:09 2012 -0500 One more msised Mdm namespace issue commit 2184e2bbc3dd9b0993e8f21d2811a65a0c694d68 Author: David Maloney <> Date: Sun Apr 15 12:33:41 2012 -0500 Fixes some mroe Mdm namespace confusion Fixes #6626 commit 10cee17f391f398bb2be3409137ff7348c7a66ee Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 03:40:44 2012 -0500 Add robots gem (required by webscan) commit 327e674c83850101364c9cca8f8d16da1de3dfb5 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 03:39:05 2012 -0500 Fix missing error checks commit a5a24641866e47e611d7636a3f19ba3b3ed10ac5 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 01:15:37 2012 -0500 Reorder requires and add a method for injecting a new migration path commit 250a5fa5ae8cb05807af022aa4168907772c15f8 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 00:56:09 2012 -0500 Remove missing constant (use string) and add gemcache cleaner commit 37ad6063fce0a41dddedb857fa49aa2c4834a508 Merge: d47ee82 4be0361 Author: Tod Beardsley <> Date: Sun Apr 15 00:40:16 2012 -0500 Merge branch 'master-clone' into rails3-clone commit d47ee82ad7e66de53dd3d3a65649cc37299a2479 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 00:30:03 2012 -0500 cleanup leftovers from gems commit 6d883b5aa8a3a7ddbcde5bfd4521d57c5b30d3c2 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 00:25:47 2012 -0500 MDM update with purged DBSave module commit 71e4f2d81f6da221b76150562a16c730888f5925 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 23:19:37 2012 -0500 Add new mdm commit 651cd5adac8211d65e0c8079371d8264e549533a Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 23:19:13 2012 -0500 Update mdm commit 0191a8bd0acec30ddb2a9e9c291111a12378537f Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 22:30:40 2012 -0500 This fixes numerous cases of missed Mdm:: prefixes on db objects commit a2a9bb3f2148622c135663dead80b3367b6f7695 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 18:30:18 2012 -0500 Add eventmachine commit 301ddeb12b906ed3c508613ca894347bedc3b499 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 18:18:12 2012 -0500 A nicer error for folks who need to upgrade pg commit fa6bde1e67b12e2d3d9978f59bbc98e0c1a1a707 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 17:54:55 2012 -0500 Remove bundler requirements commit 2e3ab9ed211303f1116e602b9a450141b71e56a4 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 17:35:38 2012 -0500 Pull in eventmachine with actual .so's this time commit 901fb33ff6b754ce2c2cfd51e3b0b669f6ec600b Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 17:19:12 2012 -0500 Update deps, still need to add eventmachine commit 6b0e17068e8caa0601f3ef81e8dbdb672758fcbe Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 13:07:06 2012 -0500 Handle older installer environments and only allow binary gems when the environment specifically asks for it commit b98eb7873a6342834840424699caa414a5cb172a Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 04:05:13 2012 -0500 Bump version to -testing commit 6ac508c4ba3fdc278aaf8cfe2c58d01de3395431 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 02:25:09 2012 -0500 Remove msf3 subdir commit a27dac5067635a95b4cbb773df1985f2a2dc2c5a Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 02:24:39 2012 -0500 Remove the old busted external commit 5fb5a0fc642b6c301934c319db854cc3145427a1 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 02:03:10 2012 -0500 Add the gemcache loader commit 09e2d89dfd09b9ac0c123fcc4e19816c86725627 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 02:02:23 2012 -0500 Purge gemfile/bundler configure in exchange for new gemcache setup commit 3cc0264e1cfb027b515d7f24b95a74b023bd905c Author: Tod Beardsley <> Date: Thu Apr 12 14:11:45 2012 -0500 Mode change on modicon_ladder.apx commit c18b3d56efd639e461137acdc76b4b283fe978d4 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Thu Apr 12 01:38:56 2012 -0500 The go faster button commit ca2a67d51d6d4c7c3ca2e745f8b018279aef668a Merge: 674ee09 b8129f9 Author: Tod Beardsley <> Date: Mon Apr 9 15:50:33 2012 -0500 Merge branch 'master-clone' into rails3-clone Picking up Packetfu upstream changes, all pretty minor commit 674ee097ab8a6bc9608bf377479ccd0b87e7302b Merge: e9513e5 a26e844 Author: Tod Beardsley <> Date: Mon Apr 9 13:57:26 2012 -0500 Merge branch 'master-clone' into rails3-clone Conflicts: lib/msf/core/handler/reverse_http.rb lib/msf/core/handler/reverse_https.rb modules/auxiliary/scanner/discovery/udp_probe.rb modules/auxiliary/scanner/discovery/udp_sweep.rb Resolved conflicts with the reverse_http handlers and the udp probe / scanners byt favoring the more recent changes (which happened to be the intent anyway). The reverse_http and reverse_https changes were mine so I know what the intent was, and @dmaloney-r7 changed udp_probe and udp_sweep to use pcAnywhere_stat instead of merely pcAnywhere, so the intent is clear there as well. commit e9513e54f984fdb100c13b44a1724246779ccb76 Author: David Maloney <> Date: Fri Apr 6 18:21:46 2012 -0500 Some fixes to how services get reported to prevent issues with the web interface commit adeb44e9aaf1a329a0e587d2b26e678398730422 Author: David Maloney <> Date: Mon Apr 2 15:39:46 2012 -0500 Some corrections to pcAnywhere discovery modules to distinguish between the two services commit b13900176484fea8f5217a2ef925ae2ad9b7af47 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Mar 31 12:03:21 2012 -0500 Enable additional migration-path parameters, use a temporary directory to bring the database online commit 526b4c56883f461417f71269404faef38639917c Author: David Maloney <> Date: Wed Mar 28 23:24:56 2012 -0500 A bunch of Mdsm fixes for .kind_of? calls, to make sure we ponit to the right place commit 2cf3143370af808637d164ce59400605300f922c Author: HD Moore <> Date: Mon Mar 26 16:22:09 2012 -0500 Check for ruby 2.0 as well as 1.9 for encoding override commit 4d0f51b76d89f00f7acbce6b1f00dc6e4c4545ee Author: HD Moore <> Date: Mon Mar 26 15:36:04 2012 -0500 Remove debug statement commit f5d2335e7745aa1a354f4d6c8fc9d0b3876c472a Author: HD Moore <> Date: Mon Mar 26 15:01:55 2012 -0500 Be explicit about the Mdm namespace commit bc8be225606d6ea38dd2a85ab4310c1c181a94ee Author: hdm <hdm@hypo.(none)> Date: Mon Mar 26 11:49:51 2012 -0500 Precalculate some uri strings in case the 1000-round generation fails commit 4254f419723349ffb93e4aebdaeabbd7d66bf8c0 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Sat Mar 24 14:03:44 2012 -0500 Removed some non-namespaced calls to Host commit c8190e1bb8ad365fb0d7a1c4a9173e6c739be85c Author: HD Moore <> Date: Tue Mar 20 00:37:00 2012 -0500 Purge the rvmrc, this is causing major headaches commit 76df18588917b7150a3bedf2569710a80bab51f8 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Tue Mar 20 00:31:52 2012 -0500 Switch .rvmrc to the shipping 1.9.3 version commit 7124971d0032b268f4ddf89aca125f15e284f345 Author: David Maloney <> Date: Mon Mar 12 16:56:40 2012 -0500 Adds mixin for looking up Mime Types by extension commit b7ca8353164c43db6bacb2f3f16afa1269f66e43 Merge: a0b0c75 6b9a219 Author: Matt Buck <> Date: Tue Mar 6 19:38:53 2012 -0600 Merge from develop. commit a0b0c7528d2b8fabb76b2246a15004bc89239cf0 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Tue Mar 6 11:08:59 2012 -0600 Somehow migration file is new? commit 84d2b3cb1ad6290413c3ea3222ddf9932270b105 Author: David Maloney <> Date: Wed Feb 29 16:38:55 2012 -0600 Added ability to specify headers to redirects in http server commit e50d27cda83872c616722adb03dc1a6a5e685405 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Feb 4 04:44:50 2012 -0600 Tweak the event dispatcher to enable customer events without a category and trigger http request events from the main exploit mixin. Experimental commit 0e4fd2040df49df2e6cb0e8d2c6240a03d108033 Author: Matt Buck <> Date: Thu Feb 2 22:09:05 2012 -0600 Change Msm -> Mdm in migrations. This is what was preventing migrations from finishing on first boot. commit c94a2961d04eee84adfd42bb01ed7a3e3846b83a Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Wed Feb 1 12:48:48 2012 -0600 Changed Gemfile to use new gem name commit 245c2063f06b4fddbfc607d243796669ef236136 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Wed Feb 1 12:47:42 2012 -0600 Did find/replace for final namespace of Mdm commit 6ed9bf8430b555dcbe62daeddb2f33bd400ab5bc Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 10:47:44 2012 -0600 Fix a bunch of namespace issues commit 2fe08d9e4226c27e78d07a00178c58f528cbc72e Author: Matt Buck <> Date: Fri Jan 20 14:37:37 2012 -0600 Update Msm contstants in migrations for initial DB builds. commit 4cc6b8fb0440c6258bf70de77a9153468fea4ea5 Author: Matt Buck <> Date: Fri Jan 20 14:37:25 2012 -0600 Update Gemfile.lock. commit 1cc655b678f0a054a9a783da119237fe3f67faa4 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Thu Jan 19 11:48:29 2012 -0600 Errant Workspaces needed namespace commit 607a78285582c530a68985add33ccf4d899c467a Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Tue Jan 17 15:44:02 2012 -0600 Refactored all models to use the new namespace * Every model using DBManager::* namespace is now Msm namespace * Almost all of this in msf/base/core * Some in modules commit a690cd959b3560fa2284975ca7ecca10c228fb05 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Tue Jan 17 13:41:44 2012 -0600 Move bundler setup commit dae115cc8f7619ca7a827123079cb67fb4d9354b Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Mon Jan 9 15:51:07 2012 -0600 Moved ActiveSupport dep to gem commit d32f8edb6e7f82079b775ffbc2b9a405d1f32b3b Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Mon Jan 9 14:40:05 2012 -0600 Removed model require file commit d0c74cff8c44771e566ec63b03eda10d03b25c42 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Tue Jan 3 16:06:10 2012 -0600 Update some more finds commit 4eb79ea6b58b74c309ab1f1bb0bd35fe9041de46 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Tue Jan 3 14:21:15 2012 -0600 Yet another dumb commit commit a75febcb593d52fdfe930306b4275829759d81d1 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Thu Dec 29 19:20:51 2011 -0600 Fixing deletion commit dc139ff2fdfc4e7cdee3901dfb863e70913d6b92 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Wed Dec 7 17:06:45 2011 -0600 Fixed erroneous commit commit 531c1e611cf4d23aeb9c48350dabf7630d662d25 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Mon Nov 21 16:11:35 2011 -0600 Remove AR patch stuff; attempting to debug non-connection between MSF and Pro commit 458611224189c7aa27e500aabd373d85dc2dc5c0 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Fri Nov 18 16:17:27 2011 -0600 Drop ActiveRecord/ActiveSupport in preparation for upgrade
2012-04-16 04:35:38 +00:00
* Documentation improvements and updates
* Fixed that the required string was appended to the label over and over due to localizer caching
* Fixed that the checkbox's `name` attribute was included in the attributes of the matching label element on boolean fields
* no changes
* documentation improvements
* improved performance by caching of Formtastic's i18n lookups
* improved performance in production by checking for defined constants instead of catching the exception
* fixed arguments passed into fields_for being flattened one level too deep
* added an optional `index` that an inputs() block can access for use in labels and other HTML attributes
* Added Rails 3.2 compatibility
* Added a new Actions DSL (f.actions, f.action) — see below for deprecation of the Buttons DSL
* Added new i18n_localizer configuration, allowing you to use your own localiser class instead of Formtastic::Localizer
* Added a hidden input before mutli-selects, to allow full clearing of the select (like we do for checkboxes)
* Added support for integers in a :collection for radio and check_boxes inputs
* Added support for time inputs with no current value to default render blank inputs rather than pre-selecting the current time
* Brought back the Form Generator from 1.2.x versions of Formtastic
* Added support for placeholder text on textareas (text inputs)
* Deprecated the Buttons DSL (f.buttons, f.commit_button) in favor of the new Actions DSL — see above
* Removed the previously deprecated :label_method, :value_method & :group_label_method options
* Removed the previously deprecated :as => :numeric
* Removed the previously deprecated inline_errors_for and related methods
* Removed the previously deprecated SemanticFormHelper and SemanticFormBuilder
* Fixed the behavior of :include_blank and :prompt options to be inline with Rails
* Fixed that :input_html => { :multiple => true } did not force a single choice select into a multi choice
* Fixed date, time and datetime legend labels to correspond to the first visible input, rather than the first input (which may be hidden)
* Fixed that DateInput should treat fragments excluded from :order option as discarded
* Fixed that the :wrapper_html options could not be reused in the view (like in a with_options block) because they were modified by Formtastic
* Fixed numerous Mongoid and MongoMapper compatibility issues
* Fixed that we should be calculating the length of integer columns as bytes
* Fixed many inputs (date, datetime, time, checkboxes, select & boolean) that did not correctly use the :index option in fields_for
* Fixed Haml and Slim template indentation
* Fixed invalid html output for nested inputs with multiple siblings
* Fixed i18n keys with nested objects
* Many documentation fixes and improvements
* A few performance improvements
* Fixed that MongoMapper does not use `associations(method)`. `.associations` is an accessor.
* fixed that `:multiple => true` wasn't working when no association present
* Fixed that all check boxes were incorrectly checked if an Array was passed in to :collection
* Improved README
* Added form generator template for Slim template engine
* Added support for Proc conditions in collection_from_association
* Refactored commit button. Split it into a couple of different methods to make it easier to override.
* Changed perform_browser_validations and use_required_attribute configuration defaults from true to false for a better out-of-the-box experience and upgrade path
* Fixed that the `novalidate` attribute was being applied to the `<form>` tag when it shouldn't have been (and vice-versa)
* Fixed `undefined method `last' for #<Classname>` with a `:collection` containing an array of arrays
* Fixed that TimeInput was not rendering hidden y/m/d inputs by default.
* Fixed test suite under Rails 3.1.0.rc5
* Fixed false and blank fragment labels on date/time inputs producing unsafe HTML.
* Fixed that inputs were 'required' withput considering `:on => :create` validations
* Fixed that collections of strings in CheckBoxesInput were ot being correctly checked be checked if they match the model
* Fixed that the required attribute was added to the choices in a :radio or :check_boxes input, instead of just the parent input wrapper
* Fixed semantic_fields_for when used with a hash-like model
* Fixed that models without defined validations (even if validators_on exists) should not be considered required
* Fixed min/max attributes when the validation uses a Proc
* Fixed that inputs should not be considered required if :allow_blank => true is set on validates_inclusion_of
* Fixed that inputs should not be considered required if if either :allow_blank => true, :minimum is > 0, or :within's least value is > 0 is set on validates_length_of
* Fixed a typo in the config template
* Fixed semantic_fields_for to work with Rails 3 *and* 3.1's method sigs (I hope), many thanks to the simple_form guys for figuring this out
* Changed HTML5 `step` attribute to default to "any" instead of "1"
* Added CarrierWave support for to file input detection
* Added a configuration 'perform_browser_validations' to opt out of HTML5 browser validations.
* Added more support for mongo documents, including MongoMapper-specific reflection capability
* Added IE specific stylesheets & moved those styles out of main stylesheet, include them yourself if needed
* Added a new configuration to opt out of HTML5 required attribute
* Fixed that .label class was incorrectly applied to <label> tags inside a .choice on radio and checkbox inputs (#599)
* Fixed install instructions in readme to reflect 2.0.0.rc1
* Fixed that the checkbox was mistakenly placed after the label text in BooleanInput, not before it as per 1.x (#591)
* Fixed that select inputs had two "blank" options at the top in some cases (#590)
* Added documentation for Timeish inputs (date, datetime, time) (#589)
* Removed the "inline_order" configuration (redefine input_wrapping instead)
* Removed the "special" implementation of label() from FormBuilder, so builder.label will call Rails' label helper, not ours
* Changed the HTML id attribute used for hidden inputs to be consistent with all other inputs
* Changed formtastic:form generator include the wrapping semantic_form_for block
* Changed formtastic:form generator to generate a partial by default (instead of copying to clipboard, which can be done with --copy)
* Removed formtastic_stylesheet_link_tag
* Improved some documentation, much more to come
* Tagged many modules as @private to remove from YARD documentation
* Added YARD as development dependency for a massive documentation effort
* Renamed Formtastic::SemanticFormHelper to Formtastic::Helpers::FormHelper (SemanticFormHelper still exists as a module which includes the new module, need to handle deprecation notices somehow)
* Renamed Formtastic::SemanticFormBuilder to Formtastic::FormBuilder (SemanticFormBuilder still exists as a subclass, need to handle deprecation notices somehow)
* Massive refactoring of formtastic.rb into around 30 files and modules like StringInput and ButtonsHelper
* Removed chunks of Rails 2 specific code, tests and documentation
* Added support for HTML5 required attribute on input, select and textarea tags
* Added support for HTML5 min/max/step attributes on NumericInput
* Added support for HTML5 placeholder attributes on Stringish inputs (string, email, phone, url, search, number, password)
* Added support for HTML5 autofocus attributes
* Changed nested inputs() blocks to be automatically wrapped in an `<li>` tag to preserve HTML validity
* Changed quick forms to skip polymorphic associations (they didn't work)
* Changed short hand forms to raise an error when trying to render an input for a polymorphic association (it didn't work, need a collection)
* Changed input() to raise an error when a :collection is not provided for a polymorphic association (we can't guess which class to use)
* Removed semantic_remote_form_for etc, the remote_form_for helpers don't exist in Rails 3
* Changed :label_method option to :member_label (with backwards compat and deprecation warnings)
* Changed :value_method option to :member_value (with backwards compat and deprecation warnings)
* Changed :grouped_label_method option to :grouped_label (with backwards compat and deprecation warnings)
* Added support for a Method objects to :member_label/:member_value (aka :label_method/:value_method)
* Improved support for Mongoid
* Changed Rails dependency from ~> 3.0.0 to ~> 3.0 to allow experimentation with Rails 3.1 betas
* Removed some overly eager CSS resets on form elements that made Opera and FF inputs look pretty ugly
* Removed specificity and duplication in CSS
* Added many new classes to DOM elements to enable more efficient and descriptive CSS
* Improved visual/spacing consistency in checkboxes
* Added non-standard zoom:1; to clearfixes to support IE better
* Changed CSS coding style to multi-line so we can annotate the styles better
* Fixed that overly specific CSS rules weren't applied to nested form elements properly
* Removed formtastic:form generator and changed formtastic:install generator
to override scaffold generator
* Refactored and consolidated CSS by adding extra class names into the mark-up, preferring to style by class instead of element wherever possible
* Added IE6 and IE7 stylesheets for specific fixes if needed (uncomplicates formtastic.css)
* Added support for Rails 3.1 asset pipeline as well as previous generated CSS for Rails < 3.1
* Made many subtle visual improvements to CSS, especially in IE
* no changes
* Changed :boolean inputs to use Rails' check_box_checked? instead of our own logic
* Changed developer instructions in README
* Fixed :boolean inputs to disable the included hidden input when disabling the actual checkbox
* Fixed that Formtastic was making changes to the options hash directly instead of on a duplicate, causing problems for those trying to reuse options on multiple inputs in the view
* Fixed that tiny scroll bars were appearing on legends in date/time/radio/cbheckboxes fielsets (GH-477)
* Fixed an issue when formtastic fails to determine if a checkbox is checked with custom checked and unchecked values (thanks to Eugene Bolshakov)
* Fixed that the hidden input rendered with a boolean checkbox did nt use the custom :name from :input_html options hash
* Fixed issue where Firefox 4 gives focus to the <li> wrapper (fixes #524).
* Fixed that a shared input options hash could not be re-used in the view without being altered by each input
* Improved compatibility with Mongoid Documents
* Updated i18n dependency to ~> 0.4
* Changed :boolean inputs to use Rails' check_box_checked? instead of our own logic
* Changed developer instructions in README
* Fixed :boolean inputs to disable the included hidden input when disabling the actual checkbox
* Fixed that Formtastic was making changes to the options hash directly instead of on a duplicate, causing problems for those trying to reuse options on multiple inputs in the view
* Fixed that tiny scroll bars were appearing on legends in date/time/radio/cbheckboxes fielsets (GH-477)
* Fixed an issue when formtastic fails to determine if a checkbox is checked with custom checked and unchecked values (thanks to Eugene Bolshakov)
* Fixed that the hidden input rendered with a boolean checkbox did nt use the custom :name from :input_html options hash
* Removed deprecated methods input_field_set, button_field_set, boolean_select_input, boolean_radio_input and boolean_radio_input
* Removed deprecated :class option on commit_button (use :input_html instead)
* Fixed that stylesheets and initializers directories would be removed on uninstalling
* Fixed some documentation and formatting
* Fixed test coverage issues under Ruby 192 and Rails 2
* Fixed that input_html options were not being passed down to checkbox tags
* Changed internal duplication of the options hash so that the same options hash can be re-used over multiple inputs without being altered
* Changed internal configuration to use class_attribute when available (Rails 3) to avoid deprecation warnings
* Added Rails 3 compatible form generator templates in addition to existing Rails 2 support
* Added reflection on allow_blank option when determining the 'required' status of an input
* Removed deprecated aliased input names (:as => :boolean_select, :as => :boolean_radio_input
* Removed deprecated aliased method names (input_field_set, button_field_set)
* Removed deprecated :class => 'whatever' on commit_button
* Fixed that classes in :button_html were being merged into :wrapper_html
* Fixed that :include_blank was being ignored (always false) for multi selects
* Fixed that we should reflect on allow_blank option to determine required status with validates_inclusion_of
* Added the ability to pass :input_html options be passed to the checkbox on a boolean input
* Developers: Added bundler support to for developer/contribution
* Developers: Fixed spec coverage under Rails 2 and Ruby 1.9.2
* test suite compatibilities with Rails 3.0.3
* Fixed bad merge related to :boolean inputs in 1.2.1.beta
* Fixed typos in gemspec post-install message
* Fixed that unchecking :boolean inputs would not send the correct params (and not persist the change the the DB)
* Fixed that :boolean inputs checked state was not reflecting the database/model value
* Fixed that init.rb and rails/init.rb were not included in the gem (affecting Rails 2)
* Changed default_text_area_width to nil, overlooked in recent CSS/width changes
* Improved documentation
* Added :wrapper_html functionality to commit_button() to match what input() does
* Deprecated the :class option on commit_button(), use :wrapper_html instead
* Added hpricot as missing development dependency
* Improved documentation
* New Stuff
* Added support for Paperclip's questionable use of multiple error keys on a single attribute, so errors on Paperclip :file inputs Just Work
* Added ability for the error and hint class to be overridden with :hint_class and :error_class, and configurable defaults app-wide
* Added basic support for multiple forms in the same document by allowing the element ids to be prefixed with the :namespace option on semantic_form_for
* Added a fallback to Rails' helpers.label key if Formtastic label translation are not found
* Added support for default_text_area_width
* Added support for #persisted? over #new_record? (ActiveModel)
* Added the 'required' logic to attributes with validates_inclusion_of validation, in addition to validates_presence_of
* Added new HTML5 :as => :email input (Rails 3)
* Added new HTML5 :as => :phone input (Rails 3)
* Added new HTML5 :as => :search input (Rails 3)
* Added new HTML5 :as => :url input (Rails 3)
* Added the ability for the :collection option to accept a string of HTML (like the output from grouped_options_for_select), rather than just Arrays, Hashes, collections, etc.
* Added the ability to set your own form class, instead of 'formtastic'
* Added maxlength attributes to inputs if it can be determined via the ValidationReflection plugin or ActiveModel validation reflections
* Added the ability to override the form class (Post => "post") through an :as option on semantic_form_for option
* Added the ability to customize the order for specific types of inputs. This is configured on a type basis and if a type is not found it willfall back to the default order as defined by @@inline_order
* Added :first as a new rendering choice for the errors on each input
* Added custom_inline_order to allow inline ordering per input type
* Added the ability to override the generator templates in Rails 3
* Fixes
* Fixed invalid HTML generated by Rails' hidden inputs on checkboxes (by rendering our own hidden tag in a more deliberate place)
* Fixed a bunch of invalid i18n key defaults
* Fixed that 'required' classes and logic were not being applied to :check_boxes and :radio inputs
* Fixed CSS bugs around Firefox's quirks with form elements that resulted in overflow/scroll bar issues
* Fixed that errors on fields with association were not marking the wrapping tag with the error class
* Fixed CSS where FF was displaying extra scroll bars on .check_boxes and .radio inputs (and the choices within them)
* Changes
* Changed that we were defaulting to a :select input for columns ending in _id, instead of columns with an appropriate associations
* Deprecated a bunch of aliased method names that should no longer be used
* Removed deprecated :selected, :checked and :default options
* Changed the width styling for string, numeric, password and other basic inputs, defaults to 75% unless the size attribute is present
* Changed string, numeric, password and other basic inputs' default text field size config to nil instead of 50, meaning the size attribute will be ommitted from most inputs, makeing styling easier, and custom sizes with the size attribute more deliberate
* Changed string, numeric, password and other basic inputs to no longer add the size attribute based on column information (the default config is applied, unless it's nil)
* Changed text input css behaviour updated to be similar to string etc
* Changed text inputs to no longer include a default cols attribute, specify it with :input_html if you need it, but the value we were using was useless... also beefed up spec coverage
* Removed :label calls from the generated ERB in the form generator (i18n is preferred)
* Changed that :select inputs for HABTM associations would ignore the :include_blank option
* Changed the default method on collections from Model.find(:all) to Model.all
* Removed the deprecated formtastic_stylesheets generator
* Changed the minimum Rails version to 2.3.7, which the earliest version which the specs pass with
* Changed :password inputs to be sized by percentage (like other string-ish inputs), rather then em-based
* documentation changes only
1.1.0.beta [Specs passed against Rails 2.3.8, 3.0.0.rc & 3.0.0]
* Changed semantic_remote_form_for to allow for unobstrusive javascript / :remote option (rails3)
* Changed spec_helper to support Rails 2 with RSpec or Rails 3 with RSpec 2 environments
* Changed Rakefile to initalize the correct testing framework for the enviroment
* Changed i18n dependency to >= 0.4
* Fixed use of model_name.human instead of model_name.human_name (rails3)
* Fixed use of deprecated Errors#on_base
* Fixed use of ActionController::RecordIdentifier#singular_class_name (rails3)
* Added railtie to perform initialization tasks after the rails framework is available (rails3)
* Added compatible install and form helpers (rails3)
* Added support for ActiveModel Validations, thanks to Guillaume Belleguic (rails3)
* fixed "already initialised constant" warnings on boot
* nothing changed from rc2
* Fixed that :label=>false didn't disable the label on checkboxes/radiobuttons (#331)
* Added full support of :input_html options for hidden fields
* Fixed that :checked_value and :unchecked_value options were being passed down into the HTML tags as attributes
* ensure i18n < 0.4 is listed as a dependency in the gemspec
* Added :ignore_date option to time inputs (#308)
* Fixed inputs_for_nested_attributes returning out of the proc on has_many associated nested models.
* Fixed with_custom_field_error_proc to use ensure for restoring default field_error_proc and to store it in a local variable instead of in a class variable (nested calls were problematic due to the globalness of class variables)
* Added default escaping of html entities in labels and hints (#292, #299)
* Added/Fixed that :value_method and :label_method were not being used for simple collections (like Arrays)
* Added some more compatibility for Mongooid and other ORMs by checking for reflection information before calling it
* Fixed deprecation warnings in Rails 2.3.6 and newer
* Fixed a bug where :check_boxes and :radio were using method instead of :label option
* Fixed a conflict where i18n lookups were failing when an attribute and model have the same name
* Fixed some html that was not marked as safe
* Fixed :radio and :check_boxes inputs so that the legend no longer includes a <label> with a `for` attribute pointing to an input that doesn't exist (#253)
* Fixed that some inputs had invalid 'find_options' attribute (#262)
* Fixed that we were calling html_safe! when it was not always available
* Added the ability for :input_html to now accept an option of :size => nil, to exclude the :size attribute altogether (#267)
* Fixed i18n incompatibility with Rails 2.3.8 by reverting two i18n patches pulled in from the rails3 branch
* Changed date/time inputs to default to nil instead of when the object has no value (due to deprecation warning, #240)
* Changed the behaviour of associations with a :class_name option to be more consistent with what Rails expects
* Fixed issues relating to Rails 2.3.6 automatically escaping ERB
* Fixed issues with Ruby 1.9.1 and Haml
* Fixed use of deprecated {{key}} syntax in i18n interpolation (thanks to Hans Petter Wilhelmsen)
* Added the :disabled option to check_boxes input
* Added translation support for nested models (thanks to Toni Tuominen)
* Deprecated :selected/:checked options, see
* Changed CSS rules for fieldset lists to be more specific
* Changed that radio and checkbox inputs used to associate the legend label with the first choice's input (#101)
* Changed the generators to use |f| rather than |form| (#151)
* Changed the behaviour of :selected/:checked options to address several bugs and inconsistencies (#152)
* Changed CSS for input width property to max-width, allowing a size attribute to still be set
* Fixed an issue where label_str_method not honoured if the object is an ActiveRecord object
* Fixed incorrect html class for namespaced objects ("/" replaced with "_")
* Fixed compatibility issue with SearchLogic (#155)
* Fixed an issue where label_str_method was not being overridden with i18n
* Fixed a button text issue with Rails 2.x in which human_name on multi-word models returned one word (eg Ticketrequest) (#153)
* Fixed the behaviour of select inputs when the belongs_to or has_many association has a special :class_name option
* Fixed line numbers from eval'd code, to help when debugging
* Fixed CSS issue that hidden fields were not always hidden (Chrome for example) (#209)
* Fixed and improved CSS with nested fieldsets and legends
* Fixed date/time inputs where :include_seconds => true
* Fixed that inline hints were still being rendered on hidden inputs
* Fixed broken CSS declaration missing a colon
* Added configuration preferences for row and column attributes on textareas
* Added semantic_errors helper and CSS (for all errors on an object)
* Added :filename to the list of @@file_methods, to support carrierwave plugin (#156)
* Added a Formtastic::LayoutHelper with formtastic_stylesheets helper method for linking to all Formtastic CSS files
* Added labels option to date/time/datetime fields to customise the label of each part of the set (year, month, etc)
* Added many improvements to the README and docs