2010-02-16 19:18:19 +00:00
require 'net/ssh/loggable'
module Net; module SSH; module Service
# This class implements various port forwarding services for use by
# Net::SSH clients. The Forward class should never need to be instantiated
# directly; instead, it should be accessed via the singleton instance
# returned by Connection::Session#forward:
# ssh.forward.local(1234, "www.capify.org", 80)
class Forward
include Loggable
# The underlying connection service instance that the port-forwarding
# services employ.
attr_reader :session
# A simple class for representing a requested remote forwarded port.
Remote = Struct.new(:host, :port) #:nodoc:
# Instantiates a new Forward service instance atop the given connection
# service session. This will register new channel open handlers to handle
# the specialized channels that the SSH port forwarding protocols employ.
def initialize(session)
@session = session
self.logger = session.logger
@remote_forwarded_ports = {}
@local_forwarded_ports = {}
@agent_forwarded = false
session.on_open_channel('forwarded-tcpip', &method(:forwarded_tcpip))
session.on_open_channel('auth-agent', &method(:auth_agent_channel))
session.on_open_channel('auth-agent@openssh.com', &method(:auth_agent_channel))
# Starts listening for connections on the local host, and forwards them
# to the specified remote host/port via the SSH connection. This method
# accepts either three or four arguments. When four arguments are given,
# they are:
# * the local address to bind to
# * the local port to listen on
# * the remote host to forward connections to
# * the port on the remote host to connect to
# If three arguments are given, it is as if the local bind address is
# "", and the rest are applied as above.
# ssh.forward.local(1234, "www.capify.org", 80)
# ssh.forward.local("", 1234, "www.capify.org", 80)
def local(*args)
if args.length < 3 || args.length > 4
raise ArgumentError, "expected 3 or 4 parameters, got #{args.length}"
bind_address = ""
bind_address = args.shift if args.first.is_a?(String) && args.first =~ /\D/
local_port = args.shift.to_i
remote_host = args.shift
remote_port = args.shift.to_i
socket = TCPServer.new(bind_address, local_port)
@local_forwarded_ports[[local_port, bind_address]] = socket
session.listen_to(socket) do |server|
client = server.accept
debug { "received connection on #{bind_address}:#{local_port}" }
channel = session.open_channel("direct-tcpip", :string, remote_host, :long, remote_port, :string, bind_address, :long, local_port) do |achannel|
achannel.info { "direct channel established" }
prepare_client(client, channel, :local)
channel.on_open_failed do |ch, code, description|
channel.error { "could not establish direct channel: #{description} (#{code})" }
# Terminates an active local forwarded port. If no such forwarded port
# exists, this will raise an exception. Otherwise, the forwarded connection
# is terminated.
# ssh.forward.cancel_local(1234)
# ssh.forward.cancel_local(1234, "")
def cancel_local(port, bind_address="")
socket = @local_forwarded_ports.delete([port, bind_address])
socket.shutdown rescue nil
socket.close rescue nil
# Returns a list of all active locally forwarded ports. The returned value
# is an array of arrays, where each element is a two-element tuple
# consisting of the local port and bind address corresponding to the
# forwarding port.
def active_locals
# Requests that all connections on the given remote-port be forwarded via
# the local host to the given port/host. The last argument describes the
# bind address on the remote host, and defaults to
# This method will return immediately, but the port will not actually be
# forwarded immediately. If the remote server is not able to begin the
# listener for this request, an exception will be raised asynchronously.
# If you want to know when the connection is active, it will show up in the
# #active_remotes list. If you want to block until the port is active, you
# could do something like this:
# ssh.forward.remote(80, "www.google.com", 1234, "")
# ssh.loop { !ssh.forward.active_remotes.include?([1234, ""]) }
def remote(port, host, remote_port, remote_host="")
session.send_global_request("tcpip-forward", :string, remote_host, :long, remote_port) do |success, response|
if success
debug { "remote forward from remote #{remote_host}:#{remote_port} to #{host}:#{port} established" }
@remote_forwarded_ports[[remote_port, remote_host]] = Remote.new(host, port)
error { "remote forwarding request failed" }
raise Net::SSH::Exception, "remote forwarding request failed"
# an alias, for token backwards compatibility with the 1.x API
alias :remote_to :remote
# Requests that a remote forwarded port be cancelled. The remote forwarded
# port on the remote host, bound to the given address on the remote host,
# will be terminated, but not immediately. This method returns immediately
# after queueing the request to be sent to the server. If for some reason
# the port cannot be cancelled, an exception will be raised (asynchronously).
# If you want to know when the connection has been cancelled, it will no
# longer be present in the #active_remotes list. If you want to block until
# the port is no longer active, you could do something like this:
# ssh.forward.cancel_remote(1234, "")
# ssh.loop { ssh.forward.active_remotes.include?([1234, ""]) }
def cancel_remote(port, host="")
session.send_global_request("cancel-tcpip-forward", :string, host, :long, port) do |success, response|
if success
@remote_forwarded_ports.delete([port, host])
raise Net::SSH::Exception, "could not cancel remote forward request on #{host}:#{port}"
# Returns all active forwarded remote ports. The returned value is an
# array of two-element tuples, where the first element is the port on the
# remote host and the second is the bind address.
def active_remotes
# Enables SSH agent forwarding on the given channel. The forwarded agent
# will remain active even after the channel closes--the channel is only
# used as the transport for enabling the forwarded connection. You should
# never need to call this directly--it is called automatically the first
# time a session channel is opened, when the connection was created with
# :forward_agent set to true:
# Net::SSH.start("remote.host", "me", :forwrd_agent => true) do |ssh|
# ssh.open_channel do |ch|
# # agent will be automatically forwarded by this point
# end
# ssh.loop
# end
def agent(channel)
return if @agent_forwarded
@agent_forwarded = true
channel.send_channel_request("auth-agent-req@openssh.com") do |achannel, success|
if success
debug { "authentication agent forwarding is active" }
achannel.send_channel_request("auth-agent-req") do |a2channel, success2|
if success2
debug { "authentication agent forwarding is active" }
error { "could not establish forwarding of authentication agent" }
# Perform setup operations that are common to all forwarded channels.
# +client+ is a socket, +channel+ is the channel that was just created,
# and +type+ is an arbitrary string describing the type of the channel.
def prepare_client(client, channel, type)
client.logger = logger
channel[:socket] = client
channel.on_data do |ch, data|
channel.on_close do |ch|
debug { "closing #{type} forwarded channel" }
ch[:socket].close if !client.closed?
channel.on_process do |ch|
if ch[:socket].closed?
ch.info { "#{type} forwarded connection closed" }
elsif ch[:socket].available > 0
data = ch[:socket].read_available(8192)
ch.debug { "read #{data.length} bytes from client, sending over #{type} forwarded connection" }
# The callback used when a new "forwarded-tcpip" channel is requested
# by the server. This will open a new socket to the host/port specified
# when the forwarded connection was first requested.
def forwarded_tcpip(session, channel, packet)
connected_address = packet.read_string
connected_port = packet.read_long
originator_address = packet.read_string
originator_port = packet.read_long
remote = @remote_forwarded_ports[[connected_port, connected_address]]
if remote.nil?
raise Net::SSH::ChannelOpenFailed.new(1, "unknown request from remote forwarded connection on #{connected_address}:#{connected_port}")
2011-01-31 16:47:51 +00:00
client = Rex::Socket::Tcp.create(
'PeerHost' => remote.host,
'PeerPort' => remote.port,
'Context' => {
'Msf' => options[:msframework],
'MsfExploit' => options[:msfmodule]
options[:msfmodule].add_socket(client) if options[:msfmodule]
2010-02-16 19:18:19 +00:00
info { "connected #{connected_address}:#{connected_port} originator #{originator_address}:#{originator_port}" }
prepare_client(client, channel, :remote)
rescue SocketError => err
raise Net::SSH::ChannelOpenFailed.new(2, "could not connect to remote host (#{remote.host}:#{remote.port}): #{err.message}")
# The callback used when an auth-agent channel is requested by the server.
def auth_agent_channel(session, channel, packet)
info { "opening auth-agent channel" }
channel[:invisible] = true
agent = Authentication::Agent.connect(logger)
prepare_client(agent.socket, channel, :agent)
rescue Exception => e
error { "attempted to connect to agent but failed: #{e.class.name} (#{e.message})" }
raise Net::SSH::ChannelOpenFailed.new(2, "could not connect to authentication agent")
2010-02-16 22:49:27 +00:00
end; end; end