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\title{Beyond EIP}
\author[spoonm \& skape] {spoonm \& skape}
\date[BlackHat 2005] {BlackHat, 2005}
\subject{Beyond EIP}
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\frametitle{Who are we?}
\frametitle{What will we discuss?}
\frametitle{The exploitation cycle}
\section{Exploitation technology}
\part{Exploitation technology}
\subsection{NOP Generation}
\subsection{Payload Encoding}
\frametitle{Standard XOR}
\frametitle{Additive Feedback XOR}
\frametitle{Shikata Ga Nai}
\section{Post-Exploitation Stagers}
\frametitle{What are post-exploitation stagers?}
\subsection{Windows Ordinal Stagers}
\frametitle{Implementation: reverse stager}
\frametitle{Practical use: HTTP tunneling}
\frametitle{Pros \& cons}
\frametitle{Hunting for eggs with SEH}
\frametitle{Hunting for eggs with system calls}
\section{Post-Exploitation Stages}
\frametitle{What are post-exploitation stages?}
\subsection{Library Injection}
\frametitle{Types of library injection}
\frametitle{In-memory library injection on Windows}
\frametitle{In-memory library injection on UNIX}
\frametitle{Library injection in action: VNC}
\frametitle{Design goals}
\frametitle{Communication protocol specification}
\frametitle{Client/Server architecture}
\frametitle{Extension flexibilities}
\frametitle{Meterpreter extensions in action: Stdapi}
\frametitle{Cool dN stuff here}
\part{Advanced Post-Exploitation Suites}
\section{Post-Exploitation Suites}
\subsection{Motivations \& Goals}