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## 2.0.2 (03 April 2012)
- Updated to jQuery 1.7.2
- Updated to jQuery UI 1.8.18
- Updated to latest jquery-ujs
- Override provided for obtaining `href`
- Edit `crossDomain` and `dataType` from `ajax:before` event
## 2.0.1 (28 February 2012)
- Fixed Rails 3.2 dependency issue
## 2.0 (20 December 2011)
- Minimum dependency set to Rails 3.2
## 1.0.19 (26 November 2011)
- Updated to jQuery 1.7.1
- Updated to latest jquery-ujs
- Fixed disabled links to re-enable when `ajax:before` or
`ajax:beforeSend` are canceled
- Switched from deprecated `live` to `delegate`
## 1.0.18 (18 November 2011)
- Updated to latest jquery-ujs
- Fixed event parameter for form submit event handlers in IE for
jQuery 1.6.x
- Fixed form submit event handlers for jQuery 1.7
## 1.0.17 (9 November 2011)
- Updated to jQuery 1.7
- Updated to latest jquery-ujs
- Moved file comment above function so it won't be included in
compressed version
## 1.0.16 (12 October 2011)
- Updated to jQuery 1.6.4
- Updated to jQuery UI 1.8.16
## 1.0.15 (12 October 2011)
- Updated to latest jquery-ujs
- Fixed formInputClickSelector `button[type]` for IE7
- Copy target attribute to generated form for `a[data-method]` links
- Return true (abort ajax) for ctrl- and meta-clicks on remote links
- Use jQuery `.prop()` for disabling/enabling elements
## 1.0.14 (08 September 2011)
- Updated to latest jquery-ujs
- Added `disable-with` support for links
- minor bug fixes
- Added `data-remote` support for change events of all input types
- Added install generator for Rails 3.1 with instructional message
## 1.0.13 (11 August 2011)
- Updated to latest jquery-ujs with `novalidate` support
- No more support for jquery older than v1.6
## 1.0.12 (23 June 2011)
- Updated to latest jquery-ujs with 'blank form action' and
data-remote support for select elements
## 1.0.11 (15 June 2011)
- Updated to latest jqueyr-ujs with cross-domain support
[See jquery-ujs issue 167](https://github.com/rails/jquery-ujs/pull/167) for relevant discussion
## 1.0.10 (13 June 2011)
- Updated to latest jqueyr-ujs with bug fixes
## 1.0.9 (25 May 2011)
- Merged with new rails repo (3.1 fix)
## 1.0.8 (25 May 2011)
- Updated to latest jquery-ujs with `[disabled][required]` fix
## 1.0.7 (21 May 2011)
- Fix assert_select_jquery's bad call to unescape_rjs
## 1.0.6 (21 May 2011)
- Updated to latest jquery-ujs with `data-params` support
## 1.0.5 (17 May 2011)
- Updated to latest jquery-ujs
- Remove old rails.js in Rails 3.0 generator
## 1.0.4 (17 May 2011)
- Fix exception in Rails 3.0 generator
## 1.0.3 (17 May 2011)
- Update to jQuery 1.6.1
- Remove useless --version generator option
## 1.0.2 (12 May 2011)
- Fix Rails 3.0 now that rails.js is named jquery_ujs.js
## 1.0.1 (10 May 2011)
- Stop downloading rails.js from GitHub
- Vendor jQuery UI for those who want it
- Fix assert_select_jquery now that Rails 3.1 has no RJS at all
- Fix rails dependency to just be railties
## 1.0.rc (3 May 2011)
- Rails 3.1 asset pipeline edition
- Removes generators and railties
- Just provides jquery.js and jquery_ujs.js
- Still compatible with Rails 3.0 via the old generator code
## 0.2.7 (5 February 2011)
- Updated to use jQuery 1.5 by default
## 0.2.6 (1 December 2010)
- Updated to use jQuery 1.4.4 by default
## 0.2.5 (4 November 2010)
- Download JQuery Rails UJS via HTTPS since Github is now HTTPS only
## 0.2.4 (16 October 2010)
- Updated to use the new jQuery 1.4.3 by default, with the IE .live() bug fixed
- Always download the newest 1.x release of jQuery UI
- Try to install unknown versions of jQuery, with fallback to the default
- Print informative messages in the correct Generator style
## 0.2.3 (13 October 2010)
- Support Edge Rails 3.1 by depending on Rails ~>3.0
- Add Sam Ruby's assert_select_jquery test helper method
- Use jquery.min only in production (and not in the test env)
## 0.2.2 (8 October 2010)
- Depend on Rails >=3.0 && <4.0 for edge Rails compatibility
## 0.2.1 (2 October 2010)
- Default to jQuery 1.4.1 as recommended by jQuery-ujs
due to a bug in 1.4.2 (http://jsbin.com/uboxu3/7/)
## 0.2 (2 October 2010)
- Allow specifying which version of jQuery to install
- Add generator tests (thanks, Louis T.)
- Automatically use non-minified JS in development mode
## 0.1.3 (16 September 2010)
- allow javascript :defaults tag to be overridden
## 0.1.2 (18 August 2010)
- check for jQueryUI in the right place
## 0.1.1 (16 August 2010)
- fix generator by resolving namespace conflict between Jquery::Rails and ::Rails