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# A quick way to produce unique random strings that follow the rules of
# identifiers, i.e., begin with a letter and contain only alphanumeric
# characters and underscore.
# The advantage of using this class over, say, {Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha}
# each time you need a new identifier is that it ensures you don't have
# collisions.
# @example
# vars =
# asp_code = <<-END_CODE
# Sub #{vars[:func]}()
# Dim #{vars[:fso]}
# Set #{vars[:fso]} = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
# ...
# End Sub
# #{vars[:func]}
class Rex::RandomIdentifierGenerator
2013-08-30 21:28:33 +00:00
# Raised when a RandomIdentifierGenerator cannot create any more
# identifiers without collisions.
class ExhaustedSpaceError < StandardError; end
# Default options
DefaultOpts = {
# Arbitrary
:max_length => 12,
:min_length => 3,
# This should be pretty universal for identifier rules
:char_set => Rex::Text::AlphaNumeric+"_",
:first_char_set => Rex::Text::LowerAlpha
# @param opts [Hash] Options, see {DefaultOpts} for default values
# @option opts :max_length [Fixnum]
# @option opts :min_length [Fixnum]
# @option opts :char_set [String]
def initialize(opts={})
# Holds all identifiers.
@value_by_name = {}
# Inverse of value_by_name so we can ensure uniqueness without
# having to search through the whole list of values
@name_by_value = {}
@opts = DefaultOpts.merge(opts)
if @opts[:min_length] < 1 || @opts[:max_length] < 1 || @opts[:max_length] < @opts[:min_length]
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid length options"
# This is really just the maximum number of shortest names. This
# will still be a pretty big number most of the time, so don't
# bother calculating the real one, which will potentially be
# expensive, since we're talking about a 36-digit decimal number to
# represent the total possibilities for the range of 10- to
# 20-character identifiers.
# 26 because the first char is lowercase alpha, (min_length - 1) and
# not just min_length because it includes that first alpha char.
@max_permutations = 26 * (@opts[:char_set].length ** (@opts[:min_length]-1))
# The real number of permutations could be calculated thusly:
#((@opts[:min_length]-1) .. (@opts[:max_length]-1)).reduce(0) { |a, e|
# a + (26 * @opts[:char_set].length ** e)
2013-09-19 18:57:38 +00:00
# Returns the @value_by_name hash
# @return [Hash]
def to_h
return @value_by_name
# Return a unique random identifier for +name+, generating a new one
# if necessary.
# @param name [Symbol] A descriptive, intention-revealing name for an
# identifier. This is what you would normally call the variable if
# you weren't generating it.
# @return [String]
def get(name)
return @value_by_name[name] if @value_by_name[name]
2013-08-30 21:28:33 +00:00
@value_by_name[name] = generate
@name_by_value[@value_by_name[name]] = name
alias [] get
2013-09-19 18:57:38 +00:00
alias init_var get
2013-08-30 21:28:33 +00:00
# Add a new identifier. Its name will be checked for uniqueness among
# previously-generated names.
# @note This should be called *before* any calls to {#get} to avoid
# potential collisions. If you do hit a collision, this method will
# raise.
# @param name (see #get)
# @param value [String] The identifier that will be returned by
# subsequent calls to {#get} with the sane +name+.
# @raise RuntimeError if +value+ already exists
# @return [void]
def store(name, value)
case @name_by_value[value]
when name
# we already have this value and it is associated with this name
# nothing to do here
when nil
# don't have this value yet, so go ahead and just insert
@value_by_name[name] = value
@name_by_value[value] = name
# then the caller is trying to insert a duplicate
raise RuntimeError, "Value is not unique!"
# Create a random string that satisfies most languages' requirements
# for identifiers. In particular, with a default configuration, the
# first character will always be lowercase alpha (unless modified by a
# block), and the whole thing will contain only a-zA-Z0-9_ characters.
# If called with a block, the block will be given the identifier before
# uniqueness checks. The block's return value will be the new
# identifier. Note that the block may be called multiple times if it
# returns a non-unique value.
# @note Calling this method with a block that returns only values that
# this generator already contains will result in an infinite loop.
# @example
# rig =
# const = rig.generate { |val| val.capitalize }
# rig.insert(:SOME_CONSTANT, const)
# ruby_code = <<-EOC
# #{rig[:SOME_CONSTANT]} = %q^generated ruby constant^
# def #{rig[:my_method]}; ...; end
# @param len [Fixnum] Avoid setting this unless a specific size is
# necessary. Default is random within range of min .. max
# @return [String] A string that matches <tt>[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*</tt>
# @yield [String] The identifier before uniqueness checks. This allows
# you to modify the value and still avoid collisions.
def generate(len=nil)
raise ArgumentError, "len must be positive integer" if len && len < 1
raise ExhaustedSpaceError if @value_by_name.length >= @max_permutations
# pick a random length within the limits
len ||= rand(@opts[:min_length] .. (@opts[:max_length]))
ident = ""
# XXX: Infinite loop if block returns only values we've already
# generated.
loop do
ident = Rex::Text.rand_base(1, "", @opts[:first_char_set])
ident << Rex::Text.rand_base(len-1, "", @opts[:char_set])
if block_given?
ident = yield ident
# Try to make another one if it collides with a previously
# generated one.
break unless @name_by_value.key?(ident)