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Cutting over rails3 to master. This switches the Metasploit Framework to a Rails 3 backend. If you run into new problems (especially around Active Record or your postgresql gem) you should try first updating your Ruby installation to 1.9.3 and use a more recent 'pg' gem. If that fails, we'd love to see your bug report (just drop all the detail you can into an issue on GitHub). In the meantime, you can checkout the rails2 branch, which was branched from master immediately before this cutover. Squashed commit of the following: commit 5802ec851580341c6717dfea529027c12678d35f Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 23:30:12 2012 -0500 Enable MSF_BUNDLE_GEMS mode by default (set to N/F/0 to disable) commit 8102f98dce9eb0c73c4374e40dce09af7b51d060 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 23:30:03 2012 -0500 Add a method to expand win32 file paths commit bda6479d154cf75572dd5de8b66bfde661a55de9 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 18:53:44 2012 -0500 Fix 1.8.x compatibility commit 101ce4eb17bfdf755ef8c0a5198174668b6cd6fd Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 18:40:59 2012 -0500 Use verbose instead of stringio commit 5db467ffb593488285576d183b1662093e454b3e Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 18:30:06 2012 -0500 Hide the iconv warning, were stuck with it due to EBCDIC support commit 63b9cb20eb6a61daf4effb4c8d2761c16ff0c4e0 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 18:29:58 2012 -0500 Dont use GEM_HOME by default commit ca49271c22c314a4465fff934334df18c704cbc0 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 18:23:34 2012 -0500 Move Gemfile to root (there be dragons, lets find them) and catch failed bundler loads commit 34af04076a068e9f60c5526045ddbba5fca359fd Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 18:18:29 2012 -0500 Fallback to bundler when not running inside of a installer env commit ed1066a4f3f12fae7d4afc03eb1ab70ffe2f9cf3 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 16:26:55 2012 -0500 Remove a mess of gems that were not actually required commit 21290a73926809e9049a59359449168f740d13d2 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 15:59:10 2012 -0500 Hack around a gem() call that is well-intentioned but an obstacle in this case commit 8e414a8bfab9641c81088d22f73033be5b37a700 Author: Tod Beardsley <> Date: Sun Apr 15 15:06:08 2012 -0500 Ruby, come on. Ducktype this. Please. Use interpolated strings to get the to_s behavior you don't get with just plussing. commit 0fa92c58750f8f84edbecfaab72cd2da5062743f Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 15:05:42 2012 -0500 Add new eventmachine/thin gems commit 819d5e7d45e0a16741d3852df3ed110b4d7abc44 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 15:01:18 2012 -0500 Purge (reimport in a second) commit ea6f3f6c434537ca15b6c6674e31081e27ce7f86 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 14:54:42 2012 -0500 Cleanup uncessary .so files (ext vs lib) commit d219330a3cc563e9da9f01fade016c9ed8cda21c Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 14:53:02 2012 -0500 PG gems built against the older installation environment commit d6e590cfa331ae7b25313ff1471c6148a6b36f3b Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 14:06:35 2012 -0500 Rename to include the version commit a893de222b97ce1222a55324f1811b0262aae2d0 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 13:56:47 2012 -0500 Detect older installation environments and load the arch-lib directories into the search path commit 6444bba0a421921e2ebe2df2323277a586f9736f Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 13:49:25 2012 -0500 Merge in windows gems commit 95efbcfde220917bc7ee08e6083d7b383240d185 Author: Tod Beardsley <> Date: Sun Apr 15 13:49:33 2012 -0500 Report_vuln shouldn't use :include in finder find_or_create_by doesn't take :include as a param. commit c5f99eb87f0874ef7d32fa42828841c9a714b787 Author: David Maloney <> Date: Sun Apr 15 12:44:09 2012 -0500 One more msised Mdm namespace issue commit 2184e2bbc3dd9b0993e8f21d2811a65a0c694d68 Author: David Maloney <> Date: Sun Apr 15 12:33:41 2012 -0500 Fixes some mroe Mdm namespace confusion Fixes #6626 commit 10cee17f391f398bb2be3409137ff7348c7a66ee Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 03:40:44 2012 -0500 Add robots gem (required by webscan) commit 327e674c83850101364c9cca8f8d16da1de3dfb5 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 03:39:05 2012 -0500 Fix missing error checks commit a5a24641866e47e611d7636a3f19ba3b3ed10ac5 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 01:15:37 2012 -0500 Reorder requires and add a method for injecting a new migration path commit 250a5fa5ae8cb05807af022aa4168907772c15f8 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 00:56:09 2012 -0500 Remove missing constant (use string) and add gemcache cleaner commit 37ad6063fce0a41dddedb857fa49aa2c4834a508 Merge: d47ee82 4be0361 Author: Tod Beardsley <> Date: Sun Apr 15 00:40:16 2012 -0500 Merge branch 'master-clone' into rails3-clone commit d47ee82ad7e66de53dd3d3a65649cc37299a2479 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 00:30:03 2012 -0500 cleanup leftovers from gems commit 6d883b5aa8a3a7ddbcde5bfd4521d57c5b30d3c2 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 00:25:47 2012 -0500 MDM update with purged DBSave module commit 71e4f2d81f6da221b76150562a16c730888f5925 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 23:19:37 2012 -0500 Add new mdm commit 651cd5adac8211d65e0c8079371d8264e549533a Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 23:19:13 2012 -0500 Update mdm commit 0191a8bd0acec30ddb2a9e9c291111a12378537f Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 22:30:40 2012 -0500 This fixes numerous cases of missed Mdm:: prefixes on db objects commit a2a9bb3f2148622c135663dead80b3367b6f7695 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 18:30:18 2012 -0500 Add eventmachine commit 301ddeb12b906ed3c508613ca894347bedc3b499 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 18:18:12 2012 -0500 A nicer error for folks who need to upgrade pg commit fa6bde1e67b12e2d3d9978f59bbc98e0c1a1a707 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 17:54:55 2012 -0500 Remove bundler requirements commit 2e3ab9ed211303f1116e602b9a450141b71e56a4 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 17:35:38 2012 -0500 Pull in eventmachine with actual .so's this time commit 901fb33ff6b754ce2c2cfd51e3b0b669f6ec600b Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 17:19:12 2012 -0500 Update deps, still need to add eventmachine commit 6b0e17068e8caa0601f3ef81e8dbdb672758fcbe Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 13:07:06 2012 -0500 Handle older installer environments and only allow binary gems when the environment specifically asks for it commit b98eb7873a6342834840424699caa414a5cb172a Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 04:05:13 2012 -0500 Bump version to -testing commit 6ac508c4ba3fdc278aaf8cfe2c58d01de3395431 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 02:25:09 2012 -0500 Remove msf3 subdir commit a27dac5067635a95b4cbb773df1985f2a2dc2c5a Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 02:24:39 2012 -0500 Remove the old busted external commit 5fb5a0fc642b6c301934c319db854cc3145427a1 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 02:03:10 2012 -0500 Add the gemcache loader commit 09e2d89dfd09b9ac0c123fcc4e19816c86725627 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 02:02:23 2012 -0500 Purge gemfile/bundler configure in exchange for new gemcache setup commit 3cc0264e1cfb027b515d7f24b95a74b023bd905c Author: Tod Beardsley <> Date: Thu Apr 12 14:11:45 2012 -0500 Mode change on modicon_ladder.apx commit c18b3d56efd639e461137acdc76b4b283fe978d4 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Thu Apr 12 01:38:56 2012 -0500 The go faster button commit ca2a67d51d6d4c7c3ca2e745f8b018279aef668a Merge: 674ee09 b8129f9 Author: Tod Beardsley <> Date: Mon Apr 9 15:50:33 2012 -0500 Merge branch 'master-clone' into rails3-clone Picking up Packetfu upstream changes, all pretty minor commit 674ee097ab8a6bc9608bf377479ccd0b87e7302b Merge: e9513e5 a26e844 Author: Tod Beardsley <> Date: Mon Apr 9 13:57:26 2012 -0500 Merge branch 'master-clone' into rails3-clone Conflicts: lib/msf/core/handler/reverse_http.rb lib/msf/core/handler/reverse_https.rb modules/auxiliary/scanner/discovery/udp_probe.rb modules/auxiliary/scanner/discovery/udp_sweep.rb Resolved conflicts with the reverse_http handlers and the udp probe / scanners byt favoring the more recent changes (which happened to be the intent anyway). The reverse_http and reverse_https changes were mine so I know what the intent was, and @dmaloney-r7 changed udp_probe and udp_sweep to use pcAnywhere_stat instead of merely pcAnywhere, so the intent is clear there as well. commit e9513e54f984fdb100c13b44a1724246779ccb76 Author: David Maloney <> Date: Fri Apr 6 18:21:46 2012 -0500 Some fixes to how services get reported to prevent issues with the web interface commit adeb44e9aaf1a329a0e587d2b26e678398730422 Author: David Maloney <> Date: Mon Apr 2 15:39:46 2012 -0500 Some corrections to pcAnywhere discovery modules to distinguish between the two services commit b13900176484fea8f5217a2ef925ae2ad9b7af47 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Mar 31 12:03:21 2012 -0500 Enable additional migration-path parameters, use a temporary directory to bring the database online commit 526b4c56883f461417f71269404faef38639917c Author: David Maloney <> Date: Wed Mar 28 23:24:56 2012 -0500 A bunch of Mdsm fixes for .kind_of? calls, to make sure we ponit to the right place commit 2cf3143370af808637d164ce59400605300f922c Author: HD Moore <> Date: Mon Mar 26 16:22:09 2012 -0500 Check for ruby 2.0 as well as 1.9 for encoding override commit 4d0f51b76d89f00f7acbce6b1f00dc6e4c4545ee Author: HD Moore <> Date: Mon Mar 26 15:36:04 2012 -0500 Remove debug statement commit f5d2335e7745aa1a354f4d6c8fc9d0b3876c472a Author: HD Moore <> Date: Mon Mar 26 15:01:55 2012 -0500 Be explicit about the Mdm namespace commit bc8be225606d6ea38dd2a85ab4310c1c181a94ee Author: hdm <hdm@hypo.(none)> Date: Mon Mar 26 11:49:51 2012 -0500 Precalculate some uri strings in case the 1000-round generation fails commit 4254f419723349ffb93e4aebdaeabbd7d66bf8c0 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Sat Mar 24 14:03:44 2012 -0500 Removed some non-namespaced calls to Host commit c8190e1bb8ad365fb0d7a1c4a9173e6c739be85c Author: HD Moore <> Date: Tue Mar 20 00:37:00 2012 -0500 Purge the rvmrc, this is causing major headaches commit 76df18588917b7150a3bedf2569710a80bab51f8 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Tue Mar 20 00:31:52 2012 -0500 Switch .rvmrc to the shipping 1.9.3 version commit 7124971d0032b268f4ddf89aca125f15e284f345 Author: David Maloney <> Date: Mon Mar 12 16:56:40 2012 -0500 Adds mixin for looking up Mime Types by extension commit b7ca8353164c43db6bacb2f3f16afa1269f66e43 Merge: a0b0c75 6b9a219 Author: Matt Buck <> Date: Tue Mar 6 19:38:53 2012 -0600 Merge from develop. commit a0b0c7528d2b8fabb76b2246a15004bc89239cf0 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Tue Mar 6 11:08:59 2012 -0600 Somehow migration file is new? commit 84d2b3cb1ad6290413c3ea3222ddf9932270b105 Author: David Maloney <> Date: Wed Feb 29 16:38:55 2012 -0600 Added ability to specify headers to redirects in http server commit e50d27cda83872c616722adb03dc1a6a5e685405 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Feb 4 04:44:50 2012 -0600 Tweak the event dispatcher to enable customer events without a category and trigger http request events from the main exploit mixin. Experimental commit 0e4fd2040df49df2e6cb0e8d2c6240a03d108033 Author: Matt Buck <> Date: Thu Feb 2 22:09:05 2012 -0600 Change Msm -> Mdm in migrations. This is what was preventing migrations from finishing on first boot. commit c94a2961d04eee84adfd42bb01ed7a3e3846b83a Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Wed Feb 1 12:48:48 2012 -0600 Changed Gemfile to use new gem name commit 245c2063f06b4fddbfc607d243796669ef236136 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Wed Feb 1 12:47:42 2012 -0600 Did find/replace for final namespace of Mdm commit 6ed9bf8430b555dcbe62daeddb2f33bd400ab5bc Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 10:47:44 2012 -0600 Fix a bunch of namespace issues commit 2fe08d9e4226c27e78d07a00178c58f528cbc72e Author: Matt Buck <> Date: Fri Jan 20 14:37:37 2012 -0600 Update Msm contstants in migrations for initial DB builds. commit 4cc6b8fb0440c6258bf70de77a9153468fea4ea5 Author: Matt Buck <> Date: Fri Jan 20 14:37:25 2012 -0600 Update Gemfile.lock. commit 1cc655b678f0a054a9a783da119237fe3f67faa4 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Thu Jan 19 11:48:29 2012 -0600 Errant Workspaces needed namespace commit 607a78285582c530a68985add33ccf4d899c467a Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Tue Jan 17 15:44:02 2012 -0600 Refactored all models to use the new namespace * Every model using DBManager::* namespace is now Msm namespace * Almost all of this in msf/base/core * Some in modules commit a690cd959b3560fa2284975ca7ecca10c228fb05 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Tue Jan 17 13:41:44 2012 -0600 Move bundler setup commit dae115cc8f7619ca7a827123079cb67fb4d9354b Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Mon Jan 9 15:51:07 2012 -0600 Moved ActiveSupport dep to gem commit d32f8edb6e7f82079b775ffbc2b9a405d1f32b3b Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Mon Jan 9 14:40:05 2012 -0600 Removed model require file commit d0c74cff8c44771e566ec63b03eda10d03b25c42 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Tue Jan 3 16:06:10 2012 -0600 Update some more finds commit 4eb79ea6b58b74c309ab1f1bb0bd35fe9041de46 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Tue Jan 3 14:21:15 2012 -0600 Yet another dumb commit commit a75febcb593d52fdfe930306b4275829759d81d1 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Thu Dec 29 19:20:51 2011 -0600 Fixing deletion commit dc139ff2fdfc4e7cdee3901dfb863e70913d6b92 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Wed Dec 7 17:06:45 2011 -0600 Fixed erroneous commit commit 531c1e611cf4d23aeb9c48350dabf7630d662d25 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Mon Nov 21 16:11:35 2011 -0600 Remove AR patch stuff; attempting to debug non-connection between MSF and Pro commit 458611224189c7aa27e500aabd373d85dc2dc5c0 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Fri Nov 18 16:17:27 2011 -0600 Drop ActiveRecord/ActiveSupport in preparation for upgrade
2012-04-16 04:35:38 +00:00
= Rakefile Format (as of version 0.8.7)
First of all, there is no special format for a Rakefile. A Rakefile
contains executable Ruby code. Anything legal in a ruby script is
allowed in a Rakefile.
Now that we understand there is no special syntax in a Rakefile, there
are some conventions that are used in a Rakefile that are a little
unusual in a typical Ruby program. Since a Rakefile is tailored to
specifying tasks and actions, the idioms used in a Rakefile are
designed to support that.
So, what goes into a Rakefile?
== Tasks
Tasks are the main unit of work in a Rakefile. Tasks have a name
(usually given as a symbol or a string), a list of prerequisites (more
symbols or strings) and a list of actions (given as a block).
=== Simple Tasks
A task is declared by using the +task+ method. +task+ takes a single
parameter that is the name of the task.
task :name
=== Tasks with Prerequisites
Any prerequisites are given as a list (enclosed in square brackets)
following the name and an arrow (=>).
task :name => [:prereq1, :prereq2]
<b>NOTE:</b> Although this syntax looks a little funky, it is legal
Ruby. We are constructing a hash where the key is :name and the value
for that key is the list of prerequisites. It is equivalent to the
following ...
hash =
hash[:name] = [:prereq1, :prereq2]
=== Tasks with Actions
Actions are defined by passing a block to the +task+ method. Any Ruby
code can be placed in the block. The block may reference the task
object via the block parameter.
task :name => [:prereq1, :prereq2] do |t|
# actions (may reference t)
=== Multiple Definitions
A task may be specified more than once. Each specification adds its
prerequisites and actions to the existing definition. This allows one
part of a rakefile to specify the actions and a different rakefile
(perhaps separately generated) to specify the dependencies.
For example, the following is equivalent to the single task
specification given above.
task :name
task :name => [:prereq1]
task :name => [:prereq2]
task :name do |t|
# actions
== File Tasks
Some tasks are designed to create a file from one or more other files.
Tasks that generate these files may be skipped if the file already
exists. File tasks are used to specify file creation tasks.
File tasks are declared using the +file+ method (instead of the +task+
method). In addition, file tasks are usually named with a string
rather than a symbol.
The following file task creates a executable program (named +prog+)
given two object files name <tt>a.o</tt> and <tt>b.o</tt>. The tasks
for creating <tt>a.o</tt> and <tt>b.o</tt> are not shown.
file "prog" => ["a.o", "b.o"] do |t|
sh "cc -o #{} #{t.prerequisites.join(' ')}"
== Directory Tasks
It is common to need to create directories upon demand. The
+directory+ convenience method is a short-hand for creating a FileTask
that creates the directory. For example, the following declaration
directory "testdata/examples/doc"
is equivalent to ...
file "testdata" do |t| mkdir end
file "testdata/examples" do |t| mkdir end
file "testdata/examples/doc" do |t| mkdir end
The +directory+ method does not accept prerequisites or actions, but
both prerequisites and actions can be added later. For example ...
directory "testdata"
file "testdata" => ["otherdata"]
file "testdata" do
cp Dir["standard_data/*.data"], "testdata"
== Tasks with Parallel Prerequisites
Rake allows parallel execution of prerequisites using the following syntax:
multitask :copy_files => [:copy_src, :copy_doc, :copy_bin] do
puts "All Copies Complete"
In this example, +copy_files+ is a normal rake task. Its actions are
executed whenever all of its prerequisites are done. The big
difference is that the prerequisites (+copy_src+, +copy_bin+ and
+copy_doc+) are executed in parallel. Each of the prerequisites are
run in their own Ruby thread, possibly allowing faster overall runtime.
=== Secondary Prerequisites
If any of the primary prerequisites of a multitask have common secondary
prerequisites, all of the primary/parallel prerequisites will wait
until the common prerequisites have been run.
For example, if the <tt>copy_<em>xxx</em></tt> tasks have the
following prerequisites:
task :copy_src => [:prep_for_copy]
task :copy_bin => [:prep_for_copy]
task :copy_doc => [:prep_for_copy]
Then the +prep_for_copy+ task is run before starting all the copies in
parallel. Once +prep_for_copy+ is complete, +copy_src+, +copy_bin+,
and +copy_doc+ are all run in parallel. Note that +prep_for_copy+ is
run only once, even though it is referenced in multiple threads.
=== Thread Safety
The Rake internal data structures are thread-safe with respect
to the multitask parallel execution, so there is no need for the user
to do extra synchronization for Rake's benefit. However, if there are
user data structures shared between the parallel prerequisites, the
user must do whatever is necessary to prevent race conditions.
== Tasks with Arguments
Prior to version 0.8.0, rake was only able to handle command line
arguments of the form NAME=VALUE that were passed into Rake via the
ENV hash. Many folks had asked for some kind of simple command line
arguments, perhaps using "--" to separate regular task names from
argument values on the command line. The problem is that there was no
easy way to associate positional arguments on the command line with
different tasks. Suppose both tasks :a and :b expect a command line
argument: does the first value go with :a? What if :b is run first?
Should it then get the first command line argument.
Rake 0.8.0 solves this problem by explicitly passing values directly
to the tasks that need them. For example, if I had a release task
that required a version number, I could say:
rake release[0.8.2]
And the string "0.8.2" will be passed to the :release task. Multiple
arguments can be passed by separating them with a comma, for example:
rake name[john,doe]
Just a few words of caution. The rake task name and its arguments
need to be a single command line argument to rake. This generally
means no spaces. If spaces are needed, then the entire rake +
argument string should be quoted. Something like this:
rake "name[billy bob, smith]"
(Quoting rules vary between operating systems and shells, so make sure
you consult the proper docs for your OS/shell).
=== Tasks Arguments and the Environment
Task argument values can also be picked up from the environment. For
example, if the "release" task expected a parameter named
"release_version", then either
rake release[0.8.2]
RELEASE_VERSION rake release
will work. Environment variable names must either match the task
parameter exactly, or match an all-uppercase version of the task
=== Tasks that Expect Parameters
Parameters are only given to tasks that are setup to expect them. In
order to handle named parameters, the task declaration syntax for
tasks has been extended slightly.
For example, a task that needs a first name and last name might be
declared as:
task :name, [:first_name, :last_name]
The first argument is still the name of the task (:name in this case).
The next two arguments are the names of the parameters expected by
:name in an array (:first_name and :last_name in the example).
To access the values of the parameters, the block defining the task
behaviour can now accept a second parameter:
task :name, [:first_name, :last_name] do |t, args|
puts "First name is #{args.first_name}"
puts "Last name is #{args.last_name}"
The first argument of the block "t" is always bound to the current
task object. The second argument "args" is an open-struct like object
that allows access to the task arguments. Extra command line
arguments to a task are ignored. Missing command line arguments are
picked up from matching environment variables. If there are no
matching environment variables, they are given the nil value.
If you wish to specify default values for the arguments, you can use
the with_defaults method in the task body. Here is the above example
where we specify default values for the first and last names:
task :name, [:first_name, :last_name] do |t, args|
args.with_defaults(:first_name => "John", :last_name => "Dough")
puts "First name is #{args.first_name}"
puts "Last name is #{args.last_name}"
=== Tasks that Expect Parameters and Have Prerequisites
Tasks that use parameters have a slightly different format for
prerequisites. Use the arrow notation to indicate the prerequisites
for tasks with arguments. For example:
task :name, [:first_name, :last_name] => [:pre_name] do |t, args|
args.with_defaults(:first_name => "John", :last_name => "Dough")
puts "First name is #{args.first_name}"
puts "Last name is #{args.last_name}"
=== Deprecated Task Parameters Format
There is an older format for declaring task parameters that omitted
the task argument array and used the :needs keyword to introduce the
dependencies. That format is still supported for compatibility, but
is not recommended for use. The older format may be dropped in future
versions of rake.
== Accessing Task Programmatically
Sometimes it is useful to manipulate tasks programmatically in a
Rakefile. To find a task object, use the <tt>:[]</tt> operator on the
=== Programmatic Task Example
For example, the following Rakefile defines two tasks. The :doit task
simply prints a simple "DONE" message. The :dont class will lookup
the doit class and remove (clear) all of its prerequisites and
task :doit do
puts "DONE"
task :dont do
Running this example:
$ rake doit
(in /Users/jim/working/git/rake/x)
$ rake dont doit
(in /Users/jim/working/git/rake/x)
The ability to programmatically manipulate tasks gives rake very
powerful meta-programming capabilities w.r.t. task execution, but
should be used with cation.
== Rules
When a file is named as a prerequisite, but does not have a file task
defined for it, Rake will attempt to synthesize a task by looking at a
list of rules supplied in the Rakefile.
Suppose we were trying to invoke task "mycode.o", but no task is
defined for it. But the rakefile has a rule that look like this ...
rule '.o' => ['.c'] do |t|
sh "cc #{t.source} -c -o #{}"
This rule will synthesize any task that ends in ".o". It has a
prerequisite a source file with an extension of ".c" must exist. If
Rake is able to find a file named "mycode.c", it will automatically
create a task that builds "mycode.o" from "mycode.c".
If the file "mycode.c" does not exist, rake will attempt
to recursively synthesize a rule for it.
When a task is synthesized from a rule, the +source+ attribute of the
task is set to the matching source file. This allows us to write
rules with actions that reference the source file.
=== Advanced Rules
Any regular expression may be used as the rule pattern. Additionally,
a proc may be used to calculate the name of the source file. This
allows for complex patterns and sources.
The following rule is equivalent to the example above.
rule( /\.o$/ => [
proc {|task_name| task_name.sub(/\.[^.]+$/, '.c') }
]) do |t|
sh "cc #{t.source} -c -o #{}"
<b>NOTE:</b> Because of a _quirk_ in Ruby syntax, parenthesis are
required on *rule* when the first argument is a regular expression.
The following rule might be used for Java files ...
rule '.java' => [
proc { |tn| tn.sub(/\.class$/, '.java').sub(/^classes\//, 'src/') }
] do |t|
<b>NOTE:</b> +java_compile+ is a hypothetical method that invokes the
java compiler.
== Importing Dependencies
Any ruby file (including other rakefiles) can be included with a
standard Ruby +require+ command. The rules and declarations in the
required file are just added to the definitions already accumulated.
Because the files are loaded _before_ the rake targets are evaluated,
the loaded files must be "ready to go" when the rake command is
invoked. This make generated dependency files difficult to use. By
the time rake gets around to updating the dependencies file, it is too
late to load it.
The +Rake.import+ command addresses this by specifying a file to be
loaded _after_ the main rakefile is loaded, but _before_ any targets
on the command line are invoked. In addition, if the file name
matches an explicit task, that task is invoked before loading the
file. This allows dependency files to be generated and used in a
single rake command invocation.
<b>NOTE:</b> Starting in Rake version 0.9.0, the top level +import+
command is deprecated and we recommend using the scoped
"+Rake.import+" command mentioned above. Future versions of Rake will
drop support for the top level +import+ command.
=== Example:
require 'rake/loaders/makefile'
file "" => [SRC_LIST] do |t|
sh "makedepend -f- -- #{CFLAGS} -- #{t.prerequisites} > #{}"
Rake.import ""
If ".depends" does not exist, or is out of date w.r.t. the source
files, a new ".depends" file is generated using +makedepend+ before
== Comments
Standard Ruby comments (beginning with "#") can be used anywhere it is
legal in Ruby source code, including comments for tasks and rules.
However, if you wish a task to be described using the "-T" switch,
then you need to use the +desc+ command to describe the task.
=== Example:
desc "Create a distribution package"
task :package => [ ... ] do ... end
The "-T" switch (or "--tasks" if you like to spell things out) will
display a list of tasks that have a description. If you use +desc+ to
describe your major tasks, you have a semi-automatic way of generating
a summary of your Rake file.
traken$ rake -T
(in /home/.../rake)
rake clean # Remove any temporary products.
rake clobber # Remove any generated file.
rake clobber_rdoc # Remove rdoc products
rake contrib_test # Run tests for contrib_test
rake default # Default Task
rake install # Install the application
rake lines # Count lines in the main rake file
rake rdoc # Build the rdoc HTML Files
rake rerdoc # Force a rebuild of the RDOC files
rake test # Run tests
rake testall # Run all test targets
Only tasks with descriptions will be displayed with the "-T" switch.
Use "-P" (or "--prereqs") to get a list of all tasks and their
== Namespaces
As projects grow (and along with it, the number of tasks), it is
common for task names to begin to clash. For example, if you might
have a main program and a set of sample programs built by a single
Rakefile. By placing the tasks related to the main program in one
namespace, and the tasks for building the sample programs in a
different namespace, the task names will not will not interfere with
each other.
For example:
namespace "main" do
task :build do
# Build the main program
namespace "samples" do
task :build do
# Build the sample programs
task :build => ["main:build", "samples:build"]
Referencing a task in a separate namespace can be achieved by
prefixing the task name with the namespace and a colon
(e.g. "main:build" refers to the :build task in the +main+ namespace).
Nested namespaces are supported, so
Note that the name given in the +task+ command is always the unadorned
task name without any namespace prefixes. The +task+ command always
defines a task in the current namespace.
=== FileTasks
File task names are not scoped by the namespace command. Since the
name of a file task is the name of an actual file in the file system,
it makes little sense to include file task names in name space.
Directory tasks (created by the +directory+ command) are a type of
file task and are also not affected by namespaces.
=== Name Resolution
When looking up a task name, rake will start with the current
namespace and attempt to find the name there. If it fails to find a
name in the current namespace, it will search the parent namespaces
until a match is found (or an error occurs if there is no match).
The "rake" namespace is a special implicit namespace that refers to
the toplevel names.
If a task name begins with a "^" character, the name resolution will
start in the parent namespace. Multiple "^" characters are allowed.
Here is an example file with multiple :run tasks and how various names
resolve in different locations.
task :run
namespace "one" do
task :run
namespace "two" do
task :run
# :run => "one:two:run"
# "two:run" => "one:two:run"
# "one:two:run" => "one:two:run"
# "one:run" => "one:run"
# "^run" => "one:run"
# "^^run" => "rake:run" (the top level task)
# "rake:run" => "rake:run" (the top level task)
# :run => "one:run"
# "two:run" => "one:two:run"
# "^run" => "rake:run"
# :run => "rake:run"
# "one:run" => "one:run"
# "one:two:run" => "one:two:run"
== FileLists
FileLists are the way Rake manages lists of files. You can treat a
FileList as an array of strings for the most part, but FileLists
support some additional operations.
=== Creating a FileList
Creating a file list is easy. Just give it the list of file names:
fl = FileList['file1.rb', file2.rb']
Or give it a glob pattern:
fl = FileList['*.rb']
== Odds and Ends
=== do/end versus { }
Blocks may be specified with either a +do+/+end+ pair, or with curly
braces in Ruby. We _strongly_ recommend using +do+/+end+ to specify the
actions for tasks and rules. Because the rakefile idiom tends to
leave off parentheses on the task/file/rule methods, unusual
ambiguities can arise when using curly braces.
For example, suppose that the method +object_files+ returns a list of
object files in a project. Now we use +object_files+ as the
prerequisites in a rule specified with actions in curly braces.
file "prog" => object_files {
# Actions are expected here (but it doesn't work)!
Because curly braces have a higher precedence than +do+/+end+, the
block is associated with the +object_files+ method rather than the
+file+ method.
This is the proper way to specify the task ...
file "prog" => object_files do
# Actions go here
== See
* README.rdoc -- Main documentation for Rake.