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module ActiveRecord
module Locking
# Locking::Pessimistic provides support for row-level locking using
# SELECT ... FOR UPDATE and other lock types.
# Pass <tt>:lock => true</tt> to ActiveRecord::Base.find to obtain an exclusive
# lock on the selected rows:
# # select * from accounts where id=1 for update
# Account.find(1, :lock => true)
# Pass <tt>:lock => 'some locking clause'</tt> to give a database-specific locking clause
# of your own such as 'LOCK IN SHARE MODE' or 'FOR UPDATE NOWAIT'.
# Example:
# Account.transaction do
# # select * from accounts where name = 'shugo' limit 1 for update
# shugo = Account.find(:first, :conditions => "name = 'shugo'", :lock => true)
# yuko = Account.find(:first, :conditions => "name = 'yuko'", :lock => true)
# shugo.balance -= 100
# shugo.save!
# yuko.balance += 100
# yuko.save!
# end
# You can also use ActiveRecord::Base#lock! method to lock one record by id.
# This may be better if you don't need to lock every row. Example:
# Account.transaction do
# # select * from accounts where ...
# accounts = Account.find(:all, :conditions => ...)
# account1 = accounts.detect { |account| ... }
# account2 = accounts.detect { |account| ... }
# # select * from accounts where id=? for update
# account1.lock!
# account2.lock!
# account1.balance -= 100
# account1.save!
# account2.balance += 100
# account2.save!
# end
# Database-specific information on row locking:
# MySQL: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/innodb-locking-reads.html
# PostgreSQL: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/interactive/sql-select.html#SQL-FOR-UPDATE-SHARE
module Pessimistic
# Obtain a row lock on this record. Reloads the record to obtain the requested
# lock. Pass an SQL locking clause to append the end of the SELECT statement
# or pass true for "FOR UPDATE" (the default, an exclusive row lock). Returns
# the locked record.
def lock!(lock = true)
reload(:lock => lock) unless new_record?