
63 lines
1.7 KiB
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# -*- coding: binary -*-
require 'rex/text'
module Rex
module Encoder
class NonAlpha
def NonAlpha.gen_decoder()
decoder =
"\x66\xB9\xFF\xFF" +
"\xEB\x19" + # Jmp to table
"\x5E" + # pop esi
"\x8B\xFE" + # mov edi, esi - Get table addr
"\x83\xC7" + "A" + # add edi, tablelen - Get shellcode addr
"\x8B\xD7" + # mov edx, edi - Hold end of table ptr
"\x3B\xF2" + # cmp esi, edx
"\x7D\x0B" + # jle to end
"\xB0\x7B" + # mov eax, 0x7B - Set up eax with magic
"\xF2\xAE" + # repne scasb - Find magic!
"\xFF\xCF" + # dec edi - scasb purs us one ahead
"\xAC" + # lodsb
"\x28\x07" + # subb [edi], al
"\xEB\xF1" + # jmp BACK!
"\xEB" + "B" + # jmp [shellcode]
def NonAlpha.encode_byte(block, table, tablelen)
if (tablelen > 255) or (block == 0x7B)
raise RuntimeError, "BadChar"
2013-03-08 00:16:57 +00:00
if (block >= 0x41 and block <= 0x5A) or (block >= 0x61 and block <= 0x7A)
# gen offset, return magic
offset = 0x7b - block;
table += offset.chr
tablelen = tablelen + 1
block = 0x7B
return [block.chr, table, tablelen]
def NonAlpha.encode(buf)
table = ""
tablelen = 0
nonascii = ""
encoded = gen_decoder()
buf.each_byte { |block|
newchar, table, tablelen = encode_byte(block.unpack('C')[0], table, tablelen)
nonascii += newchar
encoded.gsub!(/A/, tablelen)
encoded.gsub!(/B/, tablelen+5)
encoded += table
encoded += nonascii
end end end