
363 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (C) 2002 RealVNC Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
// Copyright (C) 1999 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge. All Rights Reserved.
// This file is part of the VNC system.
// The VNC system is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
// USA.
// TightVNC distribution homepage on the Web:
// If the source code for the program is not available from the place from
// which you received this file, check or contact
// the authors on for information on obtaining it.
// vncKeymap.cpp
// This code originally just mapped between X keysyms and local Windows
// virtual keycodes. Now it actually does the local-end simulation of
// key presses, to keep this messy code on one place!
// Disable warnings about truncated names caused by #include <map>
#pragma warning(disable : 4786)
#include "vncKeymap.h"
#include "keysymdef.h"
#include "vncService.h"
#include <map>
// Mapping of X keysyms to windows VK codes. Ordering here is the same as
// keysymdef.h to make checking easier
struct keymap_t {
CARD32 keysym;
CARD8 vk;
bool extended;
static keymap_t keymap[] = {
// TTY functions
{ XK_BackSpace, VK_BACK, 0 },
{ XK_Tab, VK_TAB, 0 },
{ XK_Clear, VK_CLEAR, 0 },
{ XK_Return, VK_RETURN, 0 },
{ XK_Pause, VK_PAUSE, 0 },
{ XK_Escape, VK_ESCAPE, 0 },
{ XK_Delete, VK_DELETE, 1 },
// Japanese stuff - almost certainly wrong...
{ XK_Kanji, VK_KANJI, 0 },
{ XK_Kana_Shift, VK_KANA, 0 },
// Cursor control & motion
{ XK_Home, VK_HOME, 1 },
{ XK_Left, VK_LEFT, 1 },
{ XK_Up, VK_UP, 1 },
{ XK_Right, VK_RIGHT, 1 },
{ XK_Down, VK_DOWN, 1 },
{ XK_Page_Up, VK_PRIOR, 1 },
{ XK_Page_Down, VK_NEXT, 1 },
{ XK_End, VK_END, 1 },
// Misc functions
{ XK_Select, VK_SELECT, 0 },
{ XK_Print, VK_SNAPSHOT, 0 },
{ XK_Execute, VK_EXECUTE, 0 },
{ XK_Insert, VK_INSERT, 1 },
{ XK_Help, VK_HELP, 0 },
{ XK_Break, VK_CANCEL, 1 },
// Keypad Functions, keypad numbers
{ XK_KP_Space, VK_SPACE, 0 },
{ XK_KP_Tab, VK_TAB, 0 },
{ XK_KP_Enter, VK_RETURN, 1 },
{ XK_KP_F1, VK_F1, 0 },
{ XK_KP_F2, VK_F2, 0 },
{ XK_KP_F3, VK_F3, 0 },
{ XK_KP_F4, VK_F4, 0 },
{ XK_KP_Home, VK_HOME, 0 },
{ XK_KP_Left, VK_LEFT, 0 },
{ XK_KP_Up, VK_UP, 0 },
{ XK_KP_Right, VK_RIGHT, 0 },
{ XK_KP_Down, VK_DOWN, 0 },
{ XK_KP_End, VK_END, 0 },
{ XK_KP_Page_Up, VK_PRIOR, 0 },
{ XK_KP_Page_Down, VK_NEXT, 0 },
{ XK_KP_Begin, VK_CLEAR, 0 },
{ XK_KP_Insert, VK_INSERT, 0 },
{ XK_KP_Delete, VK_DELETE, 0 },
// XXX XK_KP_Equal should map in the same way as ascii '='
{ XK_KP_Multiply, VK_MULTIPLY, 0 },
{ XK_KP_Add, VK_ADD, 0 },
{ XK_KP_Separator, VK_SEPARATOR, 0 },
{ XK_KP_Subtract, VK_SUBTRACT, 0 },
{ XK_KP_Decimal, VK_DECIMAL, 0 },
{ XK_KP_Divide, VK_DIVIDE, 1 },
{ XK_KP_0, VK_NUMPAD0, 0 },
{ XK_KP_1, VK_NUMPAD1, 0 },
{ XK_KP_2, VK_NUMPAD2, 0 },
{ XK_KP_3, VK_NUMPAD3, 0 },
{ XK_KP_4, VK_NUMPAD4, 0 },
{ XK_KP_5, VK_NUMPAD5, 0 },
{ XK_KP_6, VK_NUMPAD6, 0 },
{ XK_KP_7, VK_NUMPAD7, 0 },
{ XK_KP_8, VK_NUMPAD8, 0 },
{ XK_KP_9, VK_NUMPAD9, 0 },
// Auxilliary Functions
{ XK_F1, VK_F1, 0 },
{ XK_F2, VK_F2, 0 },
{ XK_F3, VK_F3, 0 },
{ XK_F4, VK_F4, 0 },
{ XK_F5, VK_F5, 0 },
{ XK_F6, VK_F6, 0 },
{ XK_F7, VK_F7, 0 },
{ XK_F8, VK_F8, 0 },
{ XK_F9, VK_F9, 0 },
{ XK_F10, VK_F10, 0 },
{ XK_F11, VK_F11, 0 },
{ XK_F12, VK_F12, 0 },
{ XK_F13, VK_F13, 0 },
{ XK_F14, VK_F14, 0 },
{ XK_F15, VK_F15, 0 },
{ XK_F16, VK_F16, 0 },
{ XK_F17, VK_F17, 0 },
{ XK_F18, VK_F18, 0 },
{ XK_F19, VK_F19, 0 },
{ XK_F20, VK_F20, 0 },
{ XK_F21, VK_F21, 0 },
{ XK_F22, VK_F22, 0 },
{ XK_F23, VK_F23, 0 },
{ XK_F24, VK_F24, 0 },
// Modifiers
{ XK_Shift_L, VK_SHIFT, 0 },
{ XK_Shift_R, VK_RSHIFT, 0 },
{ XK_Control_L, VK_CONTROL, 0 },
{ XK_Control_R, VK_CONTROL, 1 },
{ XK_Alt_L, VK_MENU, 0 },
{ XK_Alt_R, VK_RMENU, 1 },
// doKeyboardEvent wraps the system keybd_event function and attempts to find
// the appropriate scancode corresponding to the supplied virtual keycode.
inline void doKeyboardEvent(BYTE vkCode, vncServer *server, DWORD flags) {
if (server != NULL) {
keybd_event(vkCode, MapVirtualKey(vkCode, 0), flags, 0);
// KeyStateModifier is a class which helps simplify generating a "fake" press
// or release of shift, ctrl, alt, etc. An instance of the class is created
// for every key which may need to be pressed or released. Then either press()
// or release() may be called to make sure that the corresponding key is in the
// right state. The destructor of the class automatically reverts to the
// previous state.
class KeyStateModifier {
KeyStateModifier(int vkCode_, vncServer *server_, int flags_=0)
: vkCode(vkCode_), flags(flags_), server(server_),
pressed(false), released(false)
void press() {
if (!(GetAsyncKeyState(vkCode) & 0x8000)) {
doKeyboardEvent(vkCode, server, flags);
pressed = true;
void release() {
if (GetAsyncKeyState(vkCode) & 0x8000) {
doKeyboardEvent(vkCode, server, flags | KEYEVENTF_KEYUP);
released = true;
~KeyStateModifier() {
if (pressed) {
doKeyboardEvent(vkCode, server, flags | KEYEVENTF_KEYUP);
} else if (released) {
doKeyboardEvent(vkCode, server, flags);
int vkCode;
int flags;
bool pressed;
bool released;
vncServer *server;
// Keymapper - a single instance of this class is used to generate Windows key
// events.
class Keymapper {
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(keymap) / sizeof(keymap_t); i++) {
vkMap[keymap[i].keysym] = keymap[i].vk;
extendedMap[keymap[i].keysym] = keymap[i].extended;
void keyEvent(CARD32 keysym, bool down, vncServer *server)
if ((keysym >= 32 && keysym <= 126) ||
(keysym >= 160 && keysym <= 255))
// ordinary Latin-1 character
SHORT s = VkKeyScan((CHAR)keysym);
if (s == -1) {
BYTE vkCode = LOBYTE(s);
KeyStateModifier ctrl(VK_CONTROL, server);
KeyStateModifier alt(VK_MENU, server);
KeyStateModifier shift(VK_SHIFT, server);
KeyStateModifier lshift(VK_LSHIFT, server);
KeyStateModifier rshift(VK_RSHIFT, server);
if (down) {
BYTE modifierState = HIBYTE(s);
if (modifierState & 2);
if (modifierState & 4);
if (modifierState & 1) {;
} else {
if (vncService::IsWin95()) {
} else {
doKeyboardEvent(vkCode, server, down ? 0 : KEYEVENTF_KEYUP);
} else {
// see if it's a recognised keyboard key, otherwise ignore it
if (vkMap.find(keysym) == vkMap.end()) {
BYTE vkCode = vkMap[keysym];
DWORD flags = 0;
if (extendedMap[keysym]) flags |= KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY;
if (!down) flags |= KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;
if (down && (vkCode == VK_DELETE) &&
((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) != 0) &&
((GetAsyncKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x8000) != 0) &&
if (vncService::IsWin95()) {
switch (vkCode) {
case VK_RSHIFT: vkCode = VK_SHIFT; break;
case VK_RCONTROL: vkCode = VK_CONTROL; break;
case VK_RMENU: vkCode = VK_MENU; break;
doKeyboardEvent(vkCode, server, flags);
std::map<CARD32,CARD8> vkMap;
std::map<CARD32,bool> extendedMap;
} key_mapper;
void vncKeymap::keyEvent(CARD32 keysym, bool down, vncServer *server)
key_mapper.keyEvent(keysym, down, server);
SetShiftState(BYTE key, BOOL down)
BOOL keystate = (GetAsyncKeyState(key) & 0x8000) != 0;
// This routine sets the specified key to the desired value (up or down)
if ((keystate && down) || ((!keystate) && (!down)))
// Now send a key event to set the key to the new value
doKeyboardEvent(key, NULL, down ? 0 : KEYEVENTF_KEYUP);
keystate = (GetAsyncKeyState(key) & 0x8000) != 0;
if (vncService::IsWinNT())
// On NT, clear both sets of keys
SetShiftState(VK_LSHIFT, FALSE);
SetShiftState(VK_LMENU, FALSE);
SetShiftState(VK_RSHIFT, FALSE);
SetShiftState(VK_RMENU, FALSE);
// Otherwise, we can't distinguish the keys anyway...
// Clear the shift key states
SetShiftState(VK_SHIFT, FALSE);
SetShiftState(VK_MENU, FALSE);