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Cutting over rails3 to master. This switches the Metasploit Framework to a Rails 3 backend. If you run into new problems (especially around Active Record or your postgresql gem) you should try first updating your Ruby installation to 1.9.3 and use a more recent 'pg' gem. If that fails, we'd love to see your bug report (just drop all the detail you can into an issue on GitHub). In the meantime, you can checkout the rails2 branch, which was branched from master immediately before this cutover. Squashed commit of the following: commit 5802ec851580341c6717dfea529027c12678d35f Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 23:30:12 2012 -0500 Enable MSF_BUNDLE_GEMS mode by default (set to N/F/0 to disable) commit 8102f98dce9eb0c73c4374e40dce09af7b51d060 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 23:30:03 2012 -0500 Add a method to expand win32 file paths commit bda6479d154cf75572dd5de8b66bfde661a55de9 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 18:53:44 2012 -0500 Fix 1.8.x compatibility commit 101ce4eb17bfdf755ef8c0a5198174668b6cd6fd Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 18:40:59 2012 -0500 Use verbose instead of stringio commit 5db467ffb593488285576d183b1662093e454b3e Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 18:30:06 2012 -0500 Hide the iconv warning, were stuck with it due to EBCDIC support commit 63b9cb20eb6a61daf4effb4c8d2761c16ff0c4e0 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 18:29:58 2012 -0500 Dont use GEM_HOME by default commit ca49271c22c314a4465fff934334df18c704cbc0 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 18:23:34 2012 -0500 Move Gemfile to root (there be dragons, lets find them) and catch failed bundler loads commit 34af04076a068e9f60c5526045ddbba5fca359fd Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 18:18:29 2012 -0500 Fallback to bundler when not running inside of a installer env commit ed1066a4f3f12fae7d4afc03eb1ab70ffe2f9cf3 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 16:26:55 2012 -0500 Remove a mess of gems that were not actually required commit 21290a73926809e9049a59359449168f740d13d2 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 15:59:10 2012 -0500 Hack around a gem() call that is well-intentioned but an obstacle in this case commit 8e414a8bfab9641c81088d22f73033be5b37a700 Author: Tod Beardsley <> Date: Sun Apr 15 15:06:08 2012 -0500 Ruby, come on. Ducktype this. Please. Use interpolated strings to get the to_s behavior you don't get with just plussing. commit 0fa92c58750f8f84edbecfaab72cd2da5062743f Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 15:05:42 2012 -0500 Add new eventmachine/thin gems commit 819d5e7d45e0a16741d3852df3ed110b4d7abc44 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 15:01:18 2012 -0500 Purge (reimport in a second) commit ea6f3f6c434537ca15b6c6674e31081e27ce7f86 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 14:54:42 2012 -0500 Cleanup uncessary .so files (ext vs lib) commit d219330a3cc563e9da9f01fade016c9ed8cda21c Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 14:53:02 2012 -0500 PG gems built against the older installation environment commit d6e590cfa331ae7b25313ff1471c6148a6b36f3b Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 14:06:35 2012 -0500 Rename to include the version commit a893de222b97ce1222a55324f1811b0262aae2d0 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 13:56:47 2012 -0500 Detect older installation environments and load the arch-lib directories into the search path commit 6444bba0a421921e2ebe2df2323277a586f9736f Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 13:49:25 2012 -0500 Merge in windows gems commit 95efbcfde220917bc7ee08e6083d7b383240d185 Author: Tod Beardsley <> Date: Sun Apr 15 13:49:33 2012 -0500 Report_vuln shouldn't use :include in finder find_or_create_by doesn't take :include as a param. commit c5f99eb87f0874ef7d32fa42828841c9a714b787 Author: David Maloney <> Date: Sun Apr 15 12:44:09 2012 -0500 One more msised Mdm namespace issue commit 2184e2bbc3dd9b0993e8f21d2811a65a0c694d68 Author: David Maloney <> Date: Sun Apr 15 12:33:41 2012 -0500 Fixes some mroe Mdm namespace confusion Fixes #6626 commit 10cee17f391f398bb2be3409137ff7348c7a66ee Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 03:40:44 2012 -0500 Add robots gem (required by webscan) commit 327e674c83850101364c9cca8f8d16da1de3dfb5 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 03:39:05 2012 -0500 Fix missing error checks commit a5a24641866e47e611d7636a3f19ba3b3ed10ac5 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 01:15:37 2012 -0500 Reorder requires and add a method for injecting a new migration path commit 250a5fa5ae8cb05807af022aa4168907772c15f8 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 00:56:09 2012 -0500 Remove missing constant (use string) and add gemcache cleaner commit 37ad6063fce0a41dddedb857fa49aa2c4834a508 Merge: d47ee82 4be0361 Author: Tod Beardsley <> Date: Sun Apr 15 00:40:16 2012 -0500 Merge branch 'master-clone' into rails3-clone commit d47ee82ad7e66de53dd3d3a65649cc37299a2479 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 00:30:03 2012 -0500 cleanup leftovers from gems commit 6d883b5aa8a3a7ddbcde5bfd4521d57c5b30d3c2 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sun Apr 15 00:25:47 2012 -0500 MDM update with purged DBSave module commit 71e4f2d81f6da221b76150562a16c730888f5925 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 23:19:37 2012 -0500 Add new mdm commit 651cd5adac8211d65e0c8079371d8264e549533a Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 23:19:13 2012 -0500 Update mdm commit 0191a8bd0acec30ddb2a9e9c291111a12378537f Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 22:30:40 2012 -0500 This fixes numerous cases of missed Mdm:: prefixes on db objects commit a2a9bb3f2148622c135663dead80b3367b6f7695 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 18:30:18 2012 -0500 Add eventmachine commit 301ddeb12b906ed3c508613ca894347bedc3b499 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 18:18:12 2012 -0500 A nicer error for folks who need to upgrade pg commit fa6bde1e67b12e2d3d9978f59bbc98e0c1a1a707 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 17:54:55 2012 -0500 Remove bundler requirements commit 2e3ab9ed211303f1116e602b9a450141b71e56a4 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 17:35:38 2012 -0500 Pull in eventmachine with actual .so's this time commit 901fb33ff6b754ce2c2cfd51e3b0b669f6ec600b Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 17:19:12 2012 -0500 Update deps, still need to add eventmachine commit 6b0e17068e8caa0601f3ef81e8dbdb672758fcbe Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 13:07:06 2012 -0500 Handle older installer environments and only allow binary gems when the environment specifically asks for it commit b98eb7873a6342834840424699caa414a5cb172a Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 04:05:13 2012 -0500 Bump version to -testing commit 6ac508c4ba3fdc278aaf8cfe2c58d01de3395431 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 02:25:09 2012 -0500 Remove msf3 subdir commit a27dac5067635a95b4cbb773df1985f2a2dc2c5a Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 02:24:39 2012 -0500 Remove the old busted external commit 5fb5a0fc642b6c301934c319db854cc3145427a1 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 02:03:10 2012 -0500 Add the gemcache loader commit 09e2d89dfd09b9ac0c123fcc4e19816c86725627 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Apr 14 02:02:23 2012 -0500 Purge gemfile/bundler configure in exchange for new gemcache setup commit 3cc0264e1cfb027b515d7f24b95a74b023bd905c Author: Tod Beardsley <> Date: Thu Apr 12 14:11:45 2012 -0500 Mode change on modicon_ladder.apx commit c18b3d56efd639e461137acdc76b4b283fe978d4 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Thu Apr 12 01:38:56 2012 -0500 The go faster button commit ca2a67d51d6d4c7c3ca2e745f8b018279aef668a Merge: 674ee09 b8129f9 Author: Tod Beardsley <> Date: Mon Apr 9 15:50:33 2012 -0500 Merge branch 'master-clone' into rails3-clone Picking up Packetfu upstream changes, all pretty minor commit 674ee097ab8a6bc9608bf377479ccd0b87e7302b Merge: e9513e5 a26e844 Author: Tod Beardsley <> Date: Mon Apr 9 13:57:26 2012 -0500 Merge branch 'master-clone' into rails3-clone Conflicts: lib/msf/core/handler/reverse_http.rb lib/msf/core/handler/reverse_https.rb modules/auxiliary/scanner/discovery/udp_probe.rb modules/auxiliary/scanner/discovery/udp_sweep.rb Resolved conflicts with the reverse_http handlers and the udp probe / scanners byt favoring the more recent changes (which happened to be the intent anyway). The reverse_http and reverse_https changes were mine so I know what the intent was, and @dmaloney-r7 changed udp_probe and udp_sweep to use pcAnywhere_stat instead of merely pcAnywhere, so the intent is clear there as well. commit e9513e54f984fdb100c13b44a1724246779ccb76 Author: David Maloney <> Date: Fri Apr 6 18:21:46 2012 -0500 Some fixes to how services get reported to prevent issues with the web interface commit adeb44e9aaf1a329a0e587d2b26e678398730422 Author: David Maloney <> Date: Mon Apr 2 15:39:46 2012 -0500 Some corrections to pcAnywhere discovery modules to distinguish between the two services commit b13900176484fea8f5217a2ef925ae2ad9b7af47 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Mar 31 12:03:21 2012 -0500 Enable additional migration-path parameters, use a temporary directory to bring the database online commit 526b4c56883f461417f71269404faef38639917c Author: David Maloney <> Date: Wed Mar 28 23:24:56 2012 -0500 A bunch of Mdsm fixes for .kind_of? calls, to make sure we ponit to the right place commit 2cf3143370af808637d164ce59400605300f922c Author: HD Moore <> Date: Mon Mar 26 16:22:09 2012 -0500 Check for ruby 2.0 as well as 1.9 for encoding override commit 4d0f51b76d89f00f7acbce6b1f00dc6e4c4545ee Author: HD Moore <> Date: Mon Mar 26 15:36:04 2012 -0500 Remove debug statement commit f5d2335e7745aa1a354f4d6c8fc9d0b3876c472a Author: HD Moore <> Date: Mon Mar 26 15:01:55 2012 -0500 Be explicit about the Mdm namespace commit bc8be225606d6ea38dd2a85ab4310c1c181a94ee Author: hdm <hdm@hypo.(none)> Date: Mon Mar 26 11:49:51 2012 -0500 Precalculate some uri strings in case the 1000-round generation fails commit 4254f419723349ffb93e4aebdaeabbd7d66bf8c0 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Sat Mar 24 14:03:44 2012 -0500 Removed some non-namespaced calls to Host commit c8190e1bb8ad365fb0d7a1c4a9173e6c739be85c Author: HD Moore <> Date: Tue Mar 20 00:37:00 2012 -0500 Purge the rvmrc, this is causing major headaches commit 76df18588917b7150a3bedf2569710a80bab51f8 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Tue Mar 20 00:31:52 2012 -0500 Switch .rvmrc to the shipping 1.9.3 version commit 7124971d0032b268f4ddf89aca125f15e284f345 Author: David Maloney <> Date: Mon Mar 12 16:56:40 2012 -0500 Adds mixin for looking up Mime Types by extension commit b7ca8353164c43db6bacb2f3f16afa1269f66e43 Merge: a0b0c75 6b9a219 Author: Matt Buck <> Date: Tue Mar 6 19:38:53 2012 -0600 Merge from develop. commit a0b0c7528d2b8fabb76b2246a15004bc89239cf0 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Tue Mar 6 11:08:59 2012 -0600 Somehow migration file is new? commit 84d2b3cb1ad6290413c3ea3222ddf9932270b105 Author: David Maloney <> Date: Wed Feb 29 16:38:55 2012 -0600 Added ability to specify headers to redirects in http server commit e50d27cda83872c616722adb03dc1a6a5e685405 Author: HD Moore <> Date: Sat Feb 4 04:44:50 2012 -0600 Tweak the event dispatcher to enable customer events without a category and trigger http request events from the main exploit mixin. Experimental commit 0e4fd2040df49df2e6cb0e8d2c6240a03d108033 Author: Matt Buck <> Date: Thu Feb 2 22:09:05 2012 -0600 Change Msm -> Mdm in migrations. This is what was preventing migrations from finishing on first boot. commit c94a2961d04eee84adfd42bb01ed7a3e3846b83a Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Wed Feb 1 12:48:48 2012 -0600 Changed Gemfile to use new gem name commit 245c2063f06b4fddbfc607d243796669ef236136 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Wed Feb 1 12:47:42 2012 -0600 Did find/replace for final namespace of Mdm commit 6ed9bf8430b555dcbe62daeddb2f33bd400ab5bc Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Tue Jan 24 10:47:44 2012 -0600 Fix a bunch of namespace issues commit 2fe08d9e4226c27e78d07a00178c58f528cbc72e Author: Matt Buck <> Date: Fri Jan 20 14:37:37 2012 -0600 Update Msm contstants in migrations for initial DB builds. commit 4cc6b8fb0440c6258bf70de77a9153468fea4ea5 Author: Matt Buck <> Date: Fri Jan 20 14:37:25 2012 -0600 Update Gemfile.lock. commit 1cc655b678f0a054a9a783da119237fe3f67faa4 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Thu Jan 19 11:48:29 2012 -0600 Errant Workspaces needed namespace commit 607a78285582c530a68985add33ccf4d899c467a Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Tue Jan 17 15:44:02 2012 -0600 Refactored all models to use the new namespace * Every model using DBManager::* namespace is now Msm namespace * Almost all of this in msf/base/core * Some in modules commit a690cd959b3560fa2284975ca7ecca10c228fb05 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Tue Jan 17 13:41:44 2012 -0600 Move bundler setup commit dae115cc8f7619ca7a827123079cb67fb4d9354b Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Mon Jan 9 15:51:07 2012 -0600 Moved ActiveSupport dep to gem commit d32f8edb6e7f82079b775ffbc2b9a405d1f32b3b Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Mon Jan 9 14:40:05 2012 -0600 Removed model require file commit d0c74cff8c44771e566ec63b03eda10d03b25c42 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Tue Jan 3 16:06:10 2012 -0600 Update some more finds commit 4eb79ea6b58b74c309ab1f1bb0bd35fe9041de46 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Tue Jan 3 14:21:15 2012 -0600 Yet another dumb commit commit a75febcb593d52fdfe930306b4275829759d81d1 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Thu Dec 29 19:20:51 2011 -0600 Fixing deletion commit dc139ff2fdfc4e7cdee3901dfb863e70913d6b92 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Wed Dec 7 17:06:45 2011 -0600 Fixed erroneous commit commit 531c1e611cf4d23aeb9c48350dabf7630d662d25 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Mon Nov 21 16:11:35 2011 -0600 Remove AR patch stuff; attempting to debug non-connection between MSF and Pro commit 458611224189c7aa27e500aabd373d85dc2dc5c0 Author: Trevor Rosen <> Date: Fri Nov 18 16:17:27 2011 -0600 Drop ActiveRecord/ActiveSupport in preparation for upgrade
2012-04-16 04:35:38 +00:00
## Rails 3.2.1 (January 26, 2012) ##
* Documentation fixes and improvements.
* Update time zone offset information. *Ravil Bayramgalin*
* The deprecated `ActiveSupport::Base64.decode64` calls `::Base64.decode64`
now. *Jonathan Viney*
* Fixes uninitialized constant `ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging::ERROR`. *kennyj*
## Rails 3.2.0 (January 20, 2012) ##
* ActiveSupport::Base64 is deprecated in favor of ::Base64. *Sergey Nartimov*
* Module#synchronize is deprecated with no replacement. Please use `monitor`
from ruby's standard library.
* (Date|DateTime|Time)#beginning_of_week accept an optional argument to
be able to set the day at which weeks are assumed to start.
* Deprecated ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor#encrypt and decrypt. *José Valim*
* ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribed provides subscriptions to events while a block runs. *fxn*
* Module#qualified_const_(defined?|get|set) are analogous to the corresponding methods
in the standard API, but accept qualified constant names. *fxn*
* Added inflection #deconstantize which complements #demodulize. This inflection
removes the righmost segment in a qualified constant name. *fxn*
* Added ActiveSupport:TaggedLogging that can wrap any standard Logger class to provide tagging capabilities *DHH*
Logger =
Logger.tagged("BCX") { "Stuff" } # Logs "[BCX] Stuff"
Logger.tagged("BCX", "Jason") { "Stuff" } # Logs "[BCX] [Jason] Stuff"
Logger.tagged("BCX") { Logger.tagged("Jason") { "Stuff" } } # Logs "[BCX] [Jason] Stuff"
* Added safe_constantize that constantizes a string but returns nil instead of an exception if the constant (or part of it) does not exist *Ryan Oblak*
* ActiveSupport::OrderedHash is now marked as extractable when using Array#extract_options! *Prem Sichanugrist*
* Added Array#prepend as an alias for Array#unshift and Array#append as an alias for Array#<< *DHH*
* The definition of blank string for Ruby 1.9 has been extended to Unicode whitespace.
Also, in 1.8 the ideographic space U+3000 is considered to be whitespace. *Akira Matsuda, Damien Mathieu*
* The inflector understands acronyms. *dlee*
* Deprecated ActiveSupport::Memoizable in favor of Ruby memoization pattern *José Valim*
* Added Time#all_day/week/quarter/year as a way of generating ranges (example: Event.where(created_at: *DHH*
* Added instance_accessor: false as an option to Class#cattr_accessor and friends *DHH*
* Removed ActiveSupport::SecureRandom in favor of SecureRandom from the standard library *Jon Leighton*
* ActiveSupport::OrderedHash now has different behavior for #each and
\#each_pair when given a block accepting its parameters with a splat. *Andrew Radev*
* ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger#silence is deprecated. If you want to squelch
logs for a certain block, change the log level for that block.
* ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger#open_log is deprecated. This method should
not have been public in the first place.
* ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger's behavior of automatically creating the
directory for your log file is deprecated. Please make sure to create the
directory for your log file before instantiating.
* ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger#auto_flushing is deprecated. Either set the
sync level on the underlying file handle like this:
f ='foo.log', 'w')
f.sync = true f
Or tune your filesystem. The FS cache is now what controls flushing.
* ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger#flush is deprecated. Set sync on your
filehandle, or tune your filesystem.
## Rails 3.1.0 (August 30, 2011) ##
* ActiveSupport::Dependencies#load and ActiveSupport::Dependencies#require now
return the value from `super` *Aaron Patterson*
* Fixed ActiveSupport::Gzip to work properly in Ruby 1.8 *Guillermo Iguaran*
* Kernel.require_library_or_gem was deprecated and will be removed in Rails 3.2.0 *Josh Kalderimis*
* ActiveSupport::Duration#duplicable? was fixed for Ruby 1.8 *thedarkone*
* ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger set log encoding to BINARY, but still use text
mode to output portable newlines. *fxn*
* ActiveSupport::Dependencies now raises NameError if it finds an existing constant in load_missing_constant. This better reflects the nature of the error which is usually caused by calling constantize on a nested constant. *Andrew White*
* Deprecated ActiveSupport::SecureRandom in favour of SecureRandom from the standard library *Jon Leighton*
* New reporting method Kernel#quietly. *fxn*
* Add String#inquiry as a convenience method for turning a string into a StringInquirer object *DHH*
* Add Object#in? to test if an object is included in another object *Prem Sichanugrist, Brian Morearty, John Reitano*
* LocalCache strategy is now a real middleware class, not an anonymous class
posing for pictures.
* ActiveSupport::Dependencies::ClassCache class has been introduced for
holding references to reloadable classes.
* ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Reference has been refactored to take direct
advantage of the new ClassCache.
* Backports Range#cover? as an alias for Range#include? in Ruby 1.8 *Diego Carrion, fxn*
* Added weeks_ago and prev_week to Date/DateTime/Time. *Rob Zolkos, fxn*
* Added before_remove_const callback to ActiveSupport::Dependencies.remove_unloadable_constants! *Andrew White*
* JSON decoding now uses the multi_json gem which also vendors a json engine called OkJson. The yaml backend has been removed in favor of OkJson as a default engine for 1.8.x, while the built in 1.9.x json implementation will be used by default. *Josh Kalderimis*
## Rails 3.0.7 (April 18, 2011) ##
* Hash.from_xml no longer loses attributes on tags containing only whitespace *André Arko*
* Rails 3.0.6 (April 5, 2011)
* No changes.
## Rails 3.0.5 (February 26, 2011) ##
* No changes.
## Rails 3.0.4 (February 8, 2011) ##
* No changes.
## Rails 3.0.3 (November 16, 2010) ##
* No changes.
## Rails 3.0.2 (November 15, 2010) ##
* Added before_remove_const callback to ActiveSupport::Dependencies.remove_unloadable_constants! *Andrew White*
## Rails 3.0.1 (October 15, 2010) ##
* No Changes, just a version bump.
## Rails 3.0.0 (August 29, 2010) ##
* Implemented String#strip_heredoc. *fxn*
* Pluggable cache stores: setting config.cache_store = "custom_store" will require 'active_support/cache/custom_store' and look for the CustomStore constant. #5486 *Mike Perham*
* Removed Object#returning, Object#tap should be used instead. *Santiago Pastorino*
* Deprecation behavior is no longer hardcoded to the name of the environment.
Instead, it is set via config.active_support.deprecation and can be one
of :log, :stderr or :notify. :notify is a new style that sends the warning
via ActiveSupport::Notifications, and is the new default for production
*Yehuda Katz*
* Renamed ActiveSupport::Dependecies.load_(once_)paths to autoload_(once_)paths. *fxn*
* Added ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker to execute a block only if a set of files changed, used by Router and I18n locale files. *José Valim*
* Added ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker to track descendants with support to constants reloading. *José Valim*
* ActiveSupport::OrderedHash#merge and #merge! accept a block. #4838 *Paul Mucur, fxn*
* Date#since, #ago, #beginning_of_day, #end_of_day, and #xmlschema honor now the user time zone if set. *Geoff Buesing*
* Extracted String#truncate from TextHelper#truncate *DHH*
* Ruby 1.9: support UTF-8 case folding. #4595 *Norman Clarke*
* Removes Array#rand and backports Array#sample from Ruby 1.9, thanks to Marc-Andre Lafortune. *fxn*
* Ruby 1.9: Renames last_(month|year) to prev_(month|year) in Date and Time. *fxn*
* Aliases Date#sunday to Date#end_of_week. *fxn*
* Backports Date#>> from 1.9 so that calculations do the right thing around the calendar reform. *fxn*
* Date#to_time handles properly years in the range 0..138. *fxn*
* Deprecate {{}} as interpolation syntax for I18n in favor of %{} *José Valim*
* Array#to_xml is more powerful and able to handle the same types as Hash#to_xml #4490 *Neeraj Singh*
* Harmonize the caching API and refactor the backends. #4452 *Brian Durand*
All caches:
* Add default options to initializer that will be sent to all read, write, fetch, exist?, increment, and decrement
* Add support for the :expires_in option to fetch and write for all caches. Cache entries are stored with the create timestamp and a ttl so that expiration can be handled independently of the implementation.
* Add support for a :namespace option. This can be used to set a global prefix for cache entries.
* Deprecate expand_cache_key on ActiveSupport::Cache and move it to ActionController::Caching and ActionDispatch::Http::Cache since the logic in the method used some Rails specific environment variables and was only used by ActionPack classes. Not very DRY but there didn't seem to be a good shared spot and ActiveSupport really shouldn't be Rails specific.
* Add support for :race_condition_ttl to fetch. This setting can prevent race conditions on fetch calls where several processes try to regenerate a recently expired entry at once.
* Add support for :compress option to fetch and write which will compress any data over a configurable threshold.
* Nil values can now be stored in the cache and are distinct from cache misses for fetch.
* Easier API to create new implementations. Just need to implement the methods read_entry, write_entry, and delete_entry instead of overwriting existing methods.
* Since all cache implementations support storing objects, update the docs to state that ActiveCache::Cache::Store implementations should store objects. Keys, however, must be strings since some implementations require that.
* Increase test coverage.
* Document methods which are provided as convenience but which may not be universally available.
* MemoryStore can now safely be used as the cache for single server sites.
* Make thread safe so that the default cache implementation used by Rails is thread safe. The overhead is minimal and it is still the fastest store available.
* Provide :size initialization option indicating the maximum size of the cache in memory (defaults to 32Mb).
* Add prune logic that removes the least recently used cache entries to keep the cache size from exceeding the max.
* Deprecated SynchronizedMemoryStore since it isn't needed anymore.
* Escape key values so they will work as file names on all file systems, be consistent, and case sensitive
* Use a hash algorithm to segment the cache into sub directories so that a large cache doesn't exceed file system limits.
* FileStore can be slow so implement the LocalCache strategy to cache reads for the duration of a request.
* Add cleanup method to keep the disk from filling up with expired entries.
* Fix increment and decrement to use file system locks so they are consistent between processes.
* Support all keys. Previously keys with spaces in them would fail
* Deprecate CompressedMemCacheStore since it isn't needed anymore (use :compress => true)
* JSON: encode objects that don't have a native JSON representation using to_hash, if available, instead of instance_values (the old fallback) or to_s (other encoders' default). Encode BigDecimal and Regexp encode as strings to conform with other encoders. Try to transcode non-UTF-8 strings. *Jeremy Kemper*
* HashWithIndifferentAccess: remove inherited symbolize_keys! since its keys are always strings. *Santiago Pastorino*
* Improve transliteration quality. #4374 *Norman Clarke*
* Speed up and add Ruby 1.9 support for ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars#tidy_bytes. #4350 *Norman Clarke*
* Reduced load time by deferring configuration of classes using
ActiveSupport::on_load(:component_name) *YK*
* Rename #metaclass to #singleton_class now that ruby-core has decided *JK*
* New assertions assert_blank and assert_present. #4299 *Juanjo Bazan*
* Use Object#singleton_class instead of #metaclass. Prefer Ruby's choice. *Jeremy Kemper*
* JSON backend for YAJL. Preferred if available. #2666 *Brian Lopez*
* Introduce class_attribute to declare inheritable class attributes. Writing an attribute on a subclass behaves just like overriding the superclass reader method. Unifies and replaces most usage of cattr_accessor, class_inheritable_attribute, superclass_delegating_attribute, and extlib_inheritable_attribute. *Jeremy Kemper, Yehuda Katz*
* Time#- with a DateTime argument behaves the same as with a Time argument, i.e. returns the difference between self and arg as a Float #3476 *Geoff Buesing*
* YAML serialization for OrderedHash. #3608 *Gregor Schmidt*
* Update bundled TZInfo to v0.3.16 *Geoff Buesing*
* Georgetown TimeZone is now mapped to "America/Guyana" instead of "America/Argentina/San_Juan" #1821 *Geoff Buesing, Reuben Sivan*
* Changed the default ActiveSupport.use_standard_json_time_format from false to true and
ActiveSupport.escape_html_entities_in_json from true to false to match previously announced Rails 3 defaults *DHH*
* Added Object#presence that returns the object if it's #present? otherwise returns nil *DHH/Colin Kelley*
* Add Enumerable#exclude? to bring parity to Enumerable#include? and avoid if !x.include?/else calls *DHH*
* Update Edinburgh TimeZone to use "Europe/London" instead of "Europe/Dublin" #3310 *Phil Ross*
* Update bundled TZInfo to v0.3.15 *Geoff Buesing*
* JSON: +Object#to_json+ calls +as_json+ to coerce itself into something natively encodable like +Hash+, +Integer+, or +String+. Override +as_json+ instead of +to_json+ so you're JSON library agnostic. *Jeremy Kemper*
* String #to_time and #to_datetime: handle fractional seconds #864 *Jason Frey*
* Update bundled TZInfo to v0.3.13 *Geoff Buesing*
* Allow MemCacheStore to be initialized with a MemCache-like object instead of addresses and options *Bryan Helmkamp*
* Change spelling of Kyev timezone to Kyiv #2613 *Alexander Dymo*
* Add ActiveSupport.parse_json_times to disable time parsing in JSON backends that don't support it or don't need it. *rick*
* Add pluggable JSON backends with support for the JSON gem. *rick*
Example: ActiveSupport::JSON.backend = "JSONGem"
All internal Rails JSON encoding is now handled by ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(). Use of #to_json is not recommended, as it may clash with other libraries that overwrite it. However, you can recover Rails specific functionality
if you really want to use #to_json.
gem 'json'
ActiveSupport::JSON.backend = "JSONGem"
class ActiveRecord::Base
alias to_json rails_to_json
* require 'active_support' no longer orders the whole menu of core extensions. Ask for just what you need: e.g. require 'active_support/core/time' to use timezones, durations, and stdlib date/time extensions. *Jeremy Kemper*
* Removed rarely-used DRb cache store. *Jeremy Kemper*
* returns 'Time', to further thwart type checking *Geoff Buesing*
* Time.local instances: Adding 24.hours across the DST boundary adds 24 hours instead of one day #2066 *Michael Curtis*
## 2.3.2 Final (March 15, 2009) ##
* XmlMini supports LibXML and Nokogiri backends. #2084, #2190 *Bart ten Brinke, Aaron Patterson*
Example: XmlMini.backend = 'Nokogiri'
* Vendorize i18n 0.1.3 gem (fixes issues with incompatible character encodings in Ruby 1.9) #2038 *Akira Matsuda*
* Update bundled memcache-client from to See *Mike Perham*
* Ruby 1.9.1p0 fix: URI.unescape can decode multibyte chars. #2033 *MOROHASHI Kyosuke*
* Time#to_s(:rfc822) uses #formatted_offset instead of unreliable and non-standard %z directive #1899 *Zachary Zolton*
* Make TimeWithZone#to_formatted_s an alias to TimeWithZone#to_s #1796 *Levin Alexander*
* Introduce Array.wrap(foo) to wrap the argument in an array unless it's already an array. Wraps nil as an empty array. Use instead of Array(foo) and foo.to_a since they treat String as Enumerable. *Jeremy Kemper*
* TimeWithZone#xmlschema accepts optional fraction_digits argument [#1725 state:resolved] *Nicholas Dainty*
* Object#tap shim for Ruby < 1.8.7. Similar to Object#returning, tap yields self then returns self. *Jeremy Kemper* { ... }.tap(&:inspect).map { ... }
* TimeWithZone#- gives correct result with wrapped DateTime, and with DateTime argument *Geoff Buesing*
* Updated i18n gem to version 0.1.1 #1635 *Yaroslav Markin*
* Add :allow_nil option to delegate. #1127 *Sergio Gil*
* Add convenience method to benchmark realtime in milliseconds. *Jeremy Kemper*
* Updated included memcache-client to the version which includes fixes from fiveruns and 37signals to deal with failover and timeouts #1535 *Joshua Sierles*
* Multibyte: add multibyte-safe Chars#ord rather than falling back to String#ord. #1483 *Jason Cheow*
* I18n support for Array#to_sentence. Introduces support.array.words_connector, .two_words_connector, and .last_word_connector translation keys. #1397 *Akira Matsuda*
* Added ActiveSupport::OrderedHash#each_key and ActiveSupport::OrderedHash#each_value #1410 *Christoffer Sawicki*
* Added ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier and MessageEncryptor to aid users who need to store signed and/or encrypted messages. *Michael Koziarski*
* Added ActiveSupport::BacktraceCleaner to cut down on backtrace noise according to filters and silencers *David Heinemeier Hansson*
* Added Object#try. ( Taken from ) *Chris Wanstrath*
* Added Enumerable#none? to check that none of the elements match the block #1408 *Damian Janowski*
* TimeZone offset tests: use current_period, to ensure TimeZone#utc_offset is up-to-date *Geoff Buesing*
* Update bundled TZInfo to 0.3.12 *Geoff Buesing*
* Added lambda merging to OptionMerger (especially useful with named_scope and with_options) #726 *Paweł Kondzior*
## 2.2.1 RC2 (November 14th, 2008) ##
* Increment the version of our altered memcache-client to prevent confusion caused when the 1.5.0 gem is installed.
* Fixed the option merging in Array#to_xml #1126 *Rudolf Gavlas*
* Make I18n::Backend::Simple reload its translations in development mode *David Heinemeier Hansson/Sven Fuchs*
## 2.2.0 RC1 (October 24th, 2008) ##
* TimeWithZone#freeze: preload instance variables so that we can actually freeze *Geoff Buesing*
* Fix Brasilia timezone #1180 *Marcus Derencius, Kane*
* Time#advance recognizes fractional days and weeks. Deprecate Durations of fractional months and years #970 *Tom Lea*
* Add ActiveSupport::Rescuable module abstracting ActionController::Base rescue_from features. *Norbert Crombach, Pratik Naik*
* Switch from String#chars to String#mb_chars for the unicode proxy. *Manfred Stienstra*
This helps with 1.8.7 compatibility and also improves performance for some operations by reducing indirection.
* TimeWithZone #wday, #yday and #to_date avoid trip through #method_missing *Geoff Buesing*
* Added Time, Date, DateTime and TimeWithZone #past?, #future? and #today? #720 *Clemens Kofler, Geoff Buesing*
* Fixed Sri Jayawardenepura time zone to map to Asia/Colombo *Jamis Buck*
* Added Inflector#parameterize for easy slug generation ("Donald E. Knuth".parameterize => "donald-e-knuth") #713 *Matt Darby*
* Changed cache benchmarking to be reported in milliseconds *David Heinemeier Hansson*
* Fix Ruby's Time marshaling bug in pre-1.9 versions of Ruby: utc instances are now correctly unmarshaled with a utc zone instead of the system local zone [#900 state:resolved] *Luca Guidi, Geoff Buesing*
* Add Array#in_groups which splits or iterates over the array in specified number of groups. #579. [Adrian Mugnolo] Example:
a = (1..10).to_a
a.in_groups(3) # => [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, nil], [8, 9, 10, nil]]
a.in_groups(3, false) # => [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7], [8, 9, 10]]
* Fix TimeWithZone unmarshaling: coerce unmarshaled Time instances to utc, because Ruby's marshaling of Time instances doesn't respect the zone *Geoff Buesing*
* Added Memoizable mixin for caching simple lazy loaded attributes *Josh Peek*
* Move the test related core_ext stuff out of core_ext so it's only loaded by the test helpers. *Michael Koziarski*
* Add Inflection rules for String#humanize. #535 *Dan Manges*
ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
inflect.human(/_cnt$/i, '\1_count')
'jargon_cnt'.humanize # => 'Jargon count'
* TimeWithZone: when crossing DST boundary, treat Durations of days, months or years as variable-length, and all other values as absolute length. A time + 24.hours will advance exactly 24 hours, but a time + will advance 23-25 hours, depending on the day. Ensure consistent behavior across all advancing methods *Geoff Buesing*
* Added TimeZone #=~, to support matching zones by regex in time_zone_select. #195 *Ernie Miller*
* Added Array#second through Array#fifth as aliases for Array#[1] through Array#[4] + Array#forty_two as alias for Array[41] *David Heinemeier Hansson*
* Added test/do declaration style testing to ActiveSupport::TestCase *DHH via Jay Fields*
* Added Object#present? which is equivalent to !Object#blank? *David Heinemeier Hansson*
* Added Enumberable#many? to encapsulate collection.size > 1 *David Heinemeier Hansson/Damian Janowski*
* Add more standard Hash methods to ActiveSupport::OrderedHash *Steve Purcell*
* Namespace Inflector, Dependencies, OrderedOptions, and TimeZone under ActiveSupport *Josh Peek*
* Added StringInquirer for doing things like"production").production? # => true and"production").development? # => false *David Heinemeier Hansson*
* Fixed Date#end_of_quarter to not blow up on May 31st [#289 state:resolved] (Danger)
## 2.1.0 (May 31st, 2008) ##
* TimeZone#to_s shows offset as GMT instead of UTC, because GMT will be more familiar to end users (see time zone selects used by Windows OS, and Reverts [8370] *Geoff Buesing*
* Hash.from_xml: datetime xml types overflow to Ruby DateTime class when out of range of Time. Adding tests for utc offsets *Geoff Buesing*
* TimeWithZone #+ and #- : ensure overflow to DateTime with Numeric arg *Geoff Buesing*
* Time#to_json: don't convert to utc before encoding. References #175 *Geoff Buesing*
* Remove unused JSON::RESERVED_WORDS, JSON.valid_identifier? and JSON.reserved_word? methods. Resolves #164. *Cheah Chu Yeow*
* Adding Date.current, which returns if config.time_zone is set; otherwise returns *Geoff Buesing*
* TimeWithZone: date part getter methods (#year #mon #day etc) are defined on class; no longer relying on method_missing *Geoff Buesing*
* return nil for strings with no date information *Geoff Buesing*
* respects offset information in string. Resolves #105. *Scott Fleckenstein, Geoff Buesing*
* Added Ruby 1.8 implementation of Process.daemon
* Duration #since and #ago with no argument (e.g., 5.days.ago) return TimeWithZone when config.time_zone is set. Introducing Time.current, which returns if config.time_zone is set, otherwise just returns *Geoff Buesing*
* Time#since behaves correctly when passed a Duration. Closes #11527 *kemiller*
* Add #getutc alias for DateTime#utc *Geoff Buesing*
* Refactor TimeWithZone: don't send #since, #ago, #+, #-, #advance through method_missing *Geoff Buesing*
* TimeWithZone respects config.active_support.use_standard_json_time_format *Geoff Buesing*
* Add config.active_support.escape_html_entities_in_json to allow disabling of html entity escaping. *Rick Olson*
* Improve documentation. *Xavier Noria*
* Modified ActiveSupport::Callbacks::Callback#call to accept multiple arguments.
* Time #yesterday and #tomorrow behave correctly crossing DST boundary. Closes #7399 *sblackstone*
* TimeWithZone: Adding tests for dst and leap day edge cases when advancing time *Geoff Buesing*
* TimeWithZone#method_missing: send to utc to advance with dst correctness, otherwise send to time. Adding tests for time calculations methods *Geoff Buesing*
* Add config.active_support.use_standard_json_time_format setting so that Times and Dates export to ISO 8601 dates. *Rick Olson*
* TZInfo: Removing unneeded TimezoneProxy class *Geoff Buesing*
* TZInfo: Removing unneeded TimezoneIndexDefinition, since we're not including Indexes::Timezones *Geoff Buesing*
* Removing unnecessary uses_tzinfo helper from tests, given that TZInfo is now bundled *Geoff Buesing*
* Bundling abbreviated version of TZInfo gem 0.3.8: only the classes and zone definitions required to support Rails time zone features are included. If a recent version of the full TZInfo gem is installed, this will take precedence over the bundled version *Geoff Buesing*
* TimeWithZone#marshal_load does zone lookup via Time.get_zone, so that tzinfo/Olson identifiers are handled *Geoff Buesing*
* accepts TZInfo::Timezone instances and Olson identifiers; wraps result in TimeZone instance *Geoff Buesing*
* TimeWithZone time conversions don't need to be wrapped in TimeOrDateTime, because TZInfo does this internally *Geoff Buesing*
* TimeWithZone#usec returns 0 instead of error when DateTime is wrapped *Geoff Buesing*
* Improve documentation. *Ryan Bigg, Jan De Poorter, Cheah Chu Yeow, Xavier Shay, Jack Danger Canty, Emilio Tagua, Xavier Noria, Sunny Ripert*
* Ensure that TimeWithZone#to_yaml works when passed a YAML::Emitter. *Rick Olson*
* Ensure correct TimeWithZone#to_date *Geoff Buesing*
* Make TimeWithZone work with tzinfo 0.2.x: use TZInfo::Timezone#zone_identifier alias for #abbreviation, silence warnings on tests. Raise LoadError when TZInfo version is < 0.2 by sniffing for TZInfo::TimeOrDateTime constant. Move all tzinfo-dependent TimeZone tests into uses_tzinfo block *Geoff Buesing*
* Time, DateTime and TimeWithZone #in_time_zone defaults to Removing now unneeded #in_current_time_zone *Geoff Buesing*
* TZInfo caches Timezone instances in its own internal hash cache, so TimeZone::MAPPING doesn't need to cache them as well *Geoff Buesing*
* Adding TimeZone#parse *Geoff Buesing*
* Adding TimeZone#at and DateTime#to_f *Geoff Buesing*
* TimeWithZone responds to Ruby 1.9 weekday-named query methods *Geoff Buesing*
* TimeWithZone caches TZInfo::TimezonePeriod used for time conversion so that it can be reused, and enforces DST rules correctly when instance is created from a local time *Geoff Buesing*
* Fixed that BufferedLogger should create its own directory if one doesn't already exist #11285 *lotswholetime*
* Fix Numeric time tests broken by DST change by anchoring them to fixed times instead of Anchor TimeZone#now DST test to time specified with instead of Time.local to work around platform differences with Time.local and DST representation *Geoff Buesing*
* Removing unneeded #change_time_zone method from Time, DateTime and TimeWithZone *Geoff Buesing*
* TimeZone #local and #now correctly enforce DST rules *Geoff Buesing*
* TimeWithZone instances correctly enforce DST rules. Adding TimeZone#period_for_utc *Geoff Buesing*
* test_time_with_datetime_fallback expects DateTime.local_offset instead of *Geoff Buesing*
* Adding TimeWithZone #marshal_dump and #marshal_load *Geoff Buesing*
* Add OrderedHash#to_hash *Josh Peek*
* Adding Time#end_of_day, _quarter, _week, and _year. #9312 *Juanjo Bazan, Tarmo Tänav, BigTitus*
* Adding TimeWithZone#between? *Geoff Buesing*
* Time.=== returns true for TimeWithZone instances *Geoff Buesing*
* TimeWithZone #+ and #- behave consistently with numeric arguments regardless of whether wrapped time is a Time or DateTime; consistenty answers false to #acts_like?(:date) *Geoff Buesing*
* Add String#squish and String#squish! to remove consecutive chunks of whitespace. #11123 *Jordi Bunster, Henrik N*
* Serialize BigDecimals as Floats when using to_yaml. #8746 *Ernesto Jimenez*
* Adding TimeWithZone #to_yaml, #to_datetime, #eql? and method aliases for duck-typing compatibility with Time *Geoff Buesing*
* TimeWithZone #in_time_zone returns +self+ if zone argument is the same as #time_zone *Geoff Buesing*
* Adding TimeWithZone #to_a, #to_f, #to_i, #httpdate, #rfc2822 *Geoff Buesing*
* Pruning unneeded TimeWithZone#change_time_zone_to_current *Geoff Buesing*
* Time#zone=, #in_time_zone and #change_time_zone accept a Duration *Geoff Buesing*
* Time#in_time_zone handles Time.local instances correctly *Geoff Buesing*
* Pruning unneeded Time#change_time_zone_to_current. Enhanced docs to #change_time_zone to explain the difference between this method and #in_time_zone *Geoff Buesing*
* TimeZone#new method renamed #local; when used with, constructor now reads: *Geoff Buesing*
* Added Base64.encode64s to encode values in base64 without the newlines. This makes the values immediately usable as URL parameters or memcache keys without further processing *David Heinemeier Hansson*
* Remove :nodoc: entries around the ActiveSupport test/unit assertions. #10946 *dancroak, jamesh*
* Add Time.zone_default accessor for setting the default time zone. Rails::Configuration.time_zone sets this. #10982 *Geoff Buesing*
* cache.fetch(key, :force => true) to force a cache miss. *Jeremy Kemper*
* Support retrieving TimeZones with a Duration. TimeZone[-28800] == TimeZone[-480.minutes]. *Rick Olson*
* TimeWithZone#- added, so that #- can handle a Time or TimeWithZone argument correctly *Geoff Buesing*
* with_timezone test helper renamed with_env_tz, to distinguish between setting ENV['TZ'] and setting in tests *Geoff Buesing*
* Time#- coerces TimeWithZone argument to a Time instance so that difference in seconds can be calculated. Closes #10914 *Geoff Buesing, yyyc514*
* Adding UTC zone to TimeZone; TimeWithZone no longer has to fake UTC zone with nil *Geoff Buesing*
* Time.get_zone refactored to private method, given that the encapsulated logic is only useful internally *Geoff Buesing*
* uses thread-local variable for thread safety. Adding Time.use_zone, for overriding locally inside a block. Removing unneeded Time.zone_reset! *Geoff Buesing*
* TimeZone#to_s uses UTC rather than GMT; reapplying change that was undone in [8679]. #1689 *Cheah Chu Yeow*
* Time.days_in_month defaults to current year if no year is supplied as argument #10799 [Radar], uses Date.gregorian_leap? to determine leap year, and uses constant lookup to determine days in month *Geoff Buesing*
* Adding Time and DateTime #compare_with_coercion, which layers behavior on #<=> so that any combination of Time, DateTime and ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone instances can be chronologically compared *Geoff Buesing*
* TimeZone#now returns an ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone *Geoff Buesing*
* Time #in_current_time_zone and #change_time_zone_to_current return self when is nil *Geoff Buesing*
* Remove unneeded #to_datetime_default_s alias for DateTime#to_s, given that we inherit a #to_default_s from Date that does exactly the same thing *Geoff Buesing*
* Refactor Time and DateTime #to_formatted_s: use ternary instead of nested if/else *Geoff Buesing*
* Adding Time and DateTime #formatted_offset, for outputting +HH:MM utc offset strings with cross-platform consistency *Geoff Buesing*
* Adding alternate_utc_string option to TimeZone#formatted_offset. Removing unneeded TimeZone#offset. *Geoff Buesing*
* Introduce ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, for wrapping Time instances with a TimeZone. Introduce instance methods to Time for creating TimeWithZone instances, and class methods for managing a global time zone. *Geoff Buesing*
* Replace non-dst-aware TimeZone class with dst-aware class from tzinfo_timezone plugin. TimeZone#adjust and #unadjust are no longer available; tzinfo gem must now be present in order to perform time zone calculations, via #local_to_utc and #utc_to_local methods. *Geoff Buesing*
* Extract ActiveSupport::Callbacks from Active Record, test case setup and teardown, and ActionController::Dispatcher. #10727 *Josh Peek*
* Introducing DateTime #utc, #utc? and #utc_offset, for duck-typing compatibility with Time. Closes #10002 *Geoff Buesing*
* Time#to_json uses Numeric#to_utc_offset_s to output a cross-platform-consistent representation without having to convert to DateTime. References #9750 *Geoff Buesing*
* Refactor number-to-HH:MM-string conversion logic from TimeZone#formatted_offset to a reusable Numeric#to_utc_offset_s method. *Geoff Buesing*
* Continue evolution toward ActiveSupport::TestCase. #10679 *Josh Peek*
* TestCase: introduce declared setup and teardown callbacks. Pass a list of methods and an optional block to call before setup or after teardown. Setup callbacks are run in the order declared; teardown callbacks are run in reverse. *Jeremy Kemper*
* Added ActiveSupport::Gzip.decompress/compress(source) as an easy wrapper for Zlib *Tobias Lütke*
* Included MemCache-Client to make the improved ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore work out of the box *Bob Cottrell, Eric Hodel*
## Added ActiveSupport::Cache:: framework as an extraction from ActionController::Caching::Fragments:: David Heinemeier Hansson ##
* Fixed String#titleize to work for strings with 's too #10571 *trek*
* Changed the implementation of Enumerable#group_by to use a double array approach instead of a hash such that the insert order is honored *David Heinemeier Hansson/Marcel Molina Jr.*
* remove multiple enumerations from ActiveSupport::JSON#convert_json_to_yaml when dealing with date/time values. *Rick Olson*
* Hash#symbolize_keys skips keys that can't be symbolized. #10500 *Brad Greenlee*
* Ruby 1.9 compatibility. #1689, #10466, #10468, #10554, #10594, #10632 *Cheah Chu Yeow, Pratik Naik, Jeremy Kemper, Dirkjan Bussink, Xavier Noria*
* TimeZone#to_s uses UTC rather than GMT. #1689 *Cheah Chu Yeow*
* Refactor of Hash#symbolize_keys! to use Hash#replace. Closes #10420 *ReinH*
* Fix HashWithIndifferentAccess#to_options! so it doesn't clear the options hash. Closes #10419 *ReinH*
## 2.0.1 (December 7th, 2007) ##
* Added Array#from and Array#to that behaves just from String#from and String#to *David Heinemeier Hansson*
* Fix that empty collections should be treated as empty arrays regardless of whitespace for Hash#from_xml #10255 *adamj*
* Time#time_with_datetime_fallback, Time#to_datetime, Date#to_datetime and String#to_datetime honor Ruby's default calendar reform setting. #10201 *Geoff Buesing*
* Change Time and DateTime #end_of_month to return last second of month instead of beginning of last day of month. Closes #10200 *Geoff Buesing*
* Speedup String#blank? *Jeremy Kemper, Michael Koziarski*
* Add documentation for Hash#diff. Closes #9306 *Tarmo Tänav*
* Add new superclass_delegating_accessors. Similar to class inheritable attributes but with subtly different semantics. *Michael Koziarski, Tarmo Tänav*
* Change JSON to encode %w(< > &) as 4 digit hex codes to be in compliance with the JSON spec. Closes #9975 *Josh Peek, Cheah Chu Yeow, Tim Pope*
* Fix JSON encoding/decoding bugs dealing with /'s. Closes #9990 *Rick Olson, theamazingrando*
* Introduce a base class for all test cases used by rails applications. ActiveSupport::TestCase *Michael Koziarski*
The intention is to use this to reduce the amount of monkeypatching / overriding that
is done to test/unit's classes.
* Document Enumerable and Hash #to_json. #9970 *Cheah Chu Yeow*
* Hash#to_xml handles symbol values. #9954 *Assaf*
* Hash#symbolize_keys behaves well with integer keys. #9890 *PotatoSalad*
* Multibyte: String#slice supports regexp argument. #9646 *yob*
* object.duplicable? returns true if object.dup is safe. False for nil, true, false, symbols, and numbers; true otherwise. #9333 *sur*
* Time, Date and DateTime #advance accept :weeks option. #9866 *Geoff Buesing*
* Fix Time#years_ago and #years_since from leap days. #9865 *Geoff Buesing*
* Time and DateTime#advance accept :hours, :minutes, and :seconds options. #9825 *Geoff Buesing*
* Fix Date#years_ago and #years_since from leap days. #9864 *Geoff Buesing*
* Refactor Time and Date#months_since and #months_ago to use #advance. #9863 *Geoff Buesing*
* Rebundle Builder 2.1.2 but prefer a newer RubyGem if available. *Jeremy Kemper*
* Add Range#overlaps?(range), Range#include?(range), and Range#step without a block. *brandon*
* Correct BufferedLogger#level? checks. #9806 *wildchild, Johan Sorensen*
* String#to_xs uses Eric Wong's fast_xs extension, if available, for Builder speedup. *Jeremy Kemper*
* Introduce BasicObject as Builder::BlankSlate for Ruby 1.9 forward compatibility. *Jeremy Kemper*
* Unbundle Builder in favor of a gem dependency. *Jeremy Kemper*
* Disambiguate Time, Date, and DateTime#to_json formatting. #9750 *Geoff Buesing, Cheah Chu Yeow*
* Hash#to_json takes :only or :except options to specific or omit certain hash keys. Enumerable#to_json passes through its options to each element. #9751 *Cheah Chu Yeow*
* BufferedLogger#auto_flushing = N flushes the log every N messages. Buffers with an array instead of string. Disabling auto_flushing still flushes when the buffer hits a maximum size, as a failsafe against memory-gobbling. *Jeremy Kemper*
* Fixed Date#xmlschema for dates outside the range of what can be created with Time #9744 *Geoff Buesing*
* Fixed that La Paz was included in -25200 and -14400 offsets when it should only be in -14400 #9735 *bermi*
* Fixed JSON encoding to use quoted keys according to the JSON standard. #8762 *choonkat, Cheah Chu Yeow*
* Alias Object#send to send! for Ruby 1.9 forward compatibility. *Jeremy Kemper*
* Backport Object#instance_variable_defined? for Ruby < 1.8.6. *Jeremy Kemper*
* BufferedLogger#add converts the message to a string. #9702, #9724 *eigentone, DrMark, Tom Ward*
* Added ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger as a duck-typing alternative (albeit with no formatter) to the Ruby Logger, which provides a very nice speed bump (inspired by Ezra's buffered logger) *David Heinemeier Hansson*
* Object#instance_exec produces fewer garbage methods. *Mauricio Fernandez*
* Decode json strings as Dates/Times if they're using a YAML-compatible format. Closes #9614 *Rick Olson*
* Fixed cache_page to use the request url instead of the routing options when picking a save path. #8614 *Josh Peek*
* Object.subclasses_of includes anonymous subclasses. *Jeremy Kemper*
* Fixed that pluralizing an empty string should return the same empty string, not "s". #7720 *Josh Peek*
* Added call to inspect on non-string classes for the logger #8533 *Coda Hale*
* Deprecation: remove deprecated :mday option from Time, Date, and DateTime#change. *Jeremy Kemper*
* Fix JSON decoder with nested quotes and commas. #9579 *Zach Dennis*
* Hash#to_xml doesn't double-unescape. #8806 *Ezran*
* Added Array#rand #9170 [Norbert Crombach]. Examples:
[].rand # => nil
['a'].rand # => 'a'
[1,2,3].rand # => 1 or 2 or 3
* Deprecation: removed Reloadable. *Jeremy Kemper*
* Make the utf-handler return the correct value for non-matching regular expressions. Closes #9049 *Manfred Stienstra*
* Add ljust, rjust and center to utf8-handler. Closes #9165 *Manfred Stienstra*
* Fix Time#advance bug when trying to advance a year from leap day. Closes #8655 *Geoff Buesing*
* Add support for []= on ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars. Closes #9142. *ewan, Manfred Stienstra*
* Added Array#extract_options! to encapsulate the pattern of getting an options hash out of a variable number of parameters. #8759 *Norbert Crombach*
* Let alias_attribute work with attributes with initial capital letters (legacy columns etc). Closes #8596 *mpalmer*
* Added Hash#except which is the inverse of Hash#slice -- return the hash except the keys that are specified *David Heinemeier Hansson*
* Added support for pluralization with a different starting letter than the singular version (cow/kine) #4929 *norri_b/Josh Susser*
* Demote Hash#to_xml to use XmlSimple#xml_in_string so it can't read files or stdin. #8453 *candlerb, Jeremy Kemper*
* Backport clean_logger changes to support ruby 1.8.2 *Mislav Marohnić*
* Added proper handling of arrays #8537 *Josh Susser*
Hash.from_xml '<images></images>'
# => {:images => nil}
Hash.from_xml '<images><image>foo.jpg</image></images>'
# => {:images => {:image => "foo.jpg"}}
Hash.from_xml '<images><image>foo.jpg</image><image>bar.jpg</image></images>'
# => {:images => {:image => ["foo.jpg", "bar.jpg"]}}
Hash.from_xml '<images type="array"></images>'
# => {:images => []}
Hash.from_xml '<images type="array"><image>foo.jpg</image></images>'
# => {:images => ["foo.jpg"]}
Hash.from_xml '<images type="array"><image>foo.jpg</image><image>bar.jpg</image></images>'
# => {:images => ["foo.jpg", "bar.jpg"]}
* Improve Time and Date test coverage. #8646 *Josh Peek*
* Add Date#since, ago, beginning_of_day, and end_of_day. Date + seconds works now. #8575 *Geoff Buesing*
* String#to_time overflows to DateTime. Add String#to_datetime. #8572 *Geoff Buesing*
* Date.yesterday and .tomorrow. #8571 *Geoff Buesing*
* Readable Date and DateTime#inspect. #8570 *Geoff Buesing*
* Move common DateTime calculations to Date. #8536 *Geoff Buesing*
* Added Date#change (like Time#change) *David Heinemeier Hansson*
* DateTime#to_time converts to Time unless out of range. #8512 *Geoff Buesing*
* Date#to_datetime, #to_s(:rfc822). #8512 *Geoff Buesing*
* Time durations use since instead of + for accuracy. #8513 *Geoff Buesing*
* escape <'s and >'s in JSON strings. #8371 *Rick Olson*
* Inflections: MatrixTest -> MatrixTests instead of MatricesTest. #8496 *jbwiv*
* Multibyte strings respond_to the String methods they proxy so they can be duck-typed. #6549 *Tuxie*
* Array#to_xml yields the builder just like Hash and ActiveRecord::Base. #8472 *seth*
* Date, Time, and DateTime support formatting blocks in addition to strftime strings. Introduce :long_ordinal format, e.g. "February 21st, 2005". #8191 *Coda Hale*
* Document Object#blank?. #6491 *Chris Mear*
* Date, Time, and DateTime#to_json. #8399 *wycats*
* Simplify API of assert_difference by passing in an expression that is evaluated before and after the passed in block. See documenation for examples of new API. *Marcel Molina Jr.*
* Added assert_difference and assert_no_difference to test/unit assertions *Tobias Lütke*
* Removed breakpointer and Binding.of_caller in favor of relying on ruby-debug by Kent Sibilev since the breakpointer has been broken since Ruby 1.8.4 and will not be coming back *David Heinemeier Hansson*
* Added parsing of file type in Hash.xml_in so you can easily do file uploads with base64 from an API *David Heinemeier Hansson*
<avatar type="file" name="me.jpg" content_type="image/jpg">R0lGODlhkACZAPUAAM5lcfjrtMQCG=\n</avatar>
attributes = { :person => { :name => "David", :avatar => #<StringIO> } }
attributes[:person][:avatar].content_type # => "image/jpg"
attributes[:person][:avatar].original_filename # => "me.jpg"
attributes[:person][:avatar].read # => binary data of the file
Which is duck-type compatible with the files that you get when doing multipart uploads through HTML.
* Improved multibyte performance by relying less on exception raising #8159 *Blaine*
* Use XSD-compatible type names for Hash#to_xml and make the converters extendable #8047 *Tim Pope*
* Added yielding of builder in Hash#to_xml *David Heinemeier Hansson*
* Hash#with_indifferent_access now also converts hashes kept in arrays to indifferent access (makes it easier to treat HTML and XML parameters the same) *David Heinemeier Hansson*
* Hash#to_xml supports YAML attributes. #7502 *jonathan*
* Refactor ActiveSupport::JSON to be less obtuse. Add support for JSON decoding by way of Syck with ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(json_string). Prevent hash keys that are JavaScript reserved words from being unquoted during encoding. *Sam Stephenson*
* alias_method_chain preserves the original method's visibility. #7854 *Jonathan Viney*
* Update Dependencies to ignore constants inherited from ancestors. Closes #6951. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Array#to_query preserves its ordering. #7756 *Greg Spurrier*
* Out-of-range Time calculations transparently overflow to DateTime. Introduce Time#to_datetime. #7706, #7715 *Geoff Buesing*
* DateTime calculations analogous to the Date and Time extensions. #7693 *Geoff Buesing*
* Give DateTime correct .to_s implementations, lets it play nice with ActiveRecord quoting. #7649 *Geoff Buesing*
* Add File.atomic_write, allows you to write large files in an atomic manner, preventing users from seeing half written files. *Michael Koziarski*
* Allow users to provide custom formatters to Logger. *Anthony Eden*
* Hash#to_query CGI-escapes its keys. *Jeremy Kemper*
* Optimize Class Inheritable Attributes so that unnecessary hashes are not created. Closes #7472 *Bruce Perens*
* :db format for Date#to_s *Jeremy Kemper*, 1, 27).to_s(:db) # => '2007-01-27'
* Added :instance_writer option to #mattr_writer/accessor, #cattr_writer/accessor, and #class_inheritable_writer to skip the creation of the instance writer. *Rick Olson*
* Added Hash#to_query to turn a hash of values into a form-encoded query string *Nicholas Seckar*
* Increase test coverage for subclasses_of. Closes #7335. *Roman2K, Nicholas Seckar*
* Remove unused code from Duration#inspect. Closes #7180. *Rich Collins*
* Added test coverage for Inflector.inflections.clear. Closes #7179. *Rich Collins*
* ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Handlers::UTF8Handler should raise when a range and an integer are passed in (just like the native implementation). Closes #7176 *Rich Collins*
* A couple extra tests for #classify. Closes #7273. *Josh Susser*
* Better docs for Object extensions *zackchandler, Jamis Buck*
* Fix that Dates couldn't be subtracted from Dates after [5940]. *Sam Stephenson*
* Add Object#acts_like? and Time#acts_like_time? and Date#acts_like_date? to facilitate duck-typing. *Jamis Buck*
* Make 1.months and friends accurate by introducing a Duration class. #6835 *eventualbuddha*
## 1.4.2 (March 12th, 2007) ##
* Ruby 1.8.6 and 1.9 define private Time#to_date and #to_datetime; make them
public for compatibility. *Jeremy Kemper*
* Deprecation: warn on stderr if RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER isn't set yet. *Jeremy Kemper*
## 1.4.1 (February 5th, 2007) ##
* Optimize Class Inheritable Attributes so that unnecessary hashes are not created. Closes #7472 *Bruce Perens*
* Added :instance_writer option to #mattr_writer/accessor, #cattr_writer/accessor, and #class_inheritable_writer to skip the creation of the instance writer. *Rick Olson*
* Full test coverage for Inflector. #7228 *Dan Kubb*
## 1.4.0 (January 16th, 2007) ##
* Document Inflector.ordinalize and merge docs from String inflections. #7023 *smeade*
* Unbundle flexmock. *Jeremy Kemper*
* Fix Dependencies.autoloaded? to ignore anonymous modules. Closes #6561. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Update load once paths to prevent nested once constants from being detected and claimed by an external non-once load. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Deprecation: silence warnings when reporting test errors. *Jeremy Kemper*
* Hash#slice(*keys) returns a new hash with only the given keys. #slice! replaces the hash with only the given keys. Works with HashWithIndifferentAccess also. *Jeremy Kemper*
* HashWithIndifferentAccess#to_hash converts to a Hash with String keys and the same default value. *Jeremy Kemper*
* Fix remove_constant to correctly handle constant names of the form "::A::...". References #6720. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Fixed Array#to_xml when it contains a series of hashes (each piece would get its own XML declaration) #6610 *thkarcher/cyu*
* Added Time#to_s(:time) which will just return H:M, like 17:44 *David Heinemeier Hansson*
* Add Module#attr_accessor_with_default to initialize value of attribute before setting it. Closes #6538. *Stuart Halloway, Marcel Molina Jr.*
* Hash#to_xml handles keys with the same name as Kernel methods. #6613 *Jonathan del Strother*
* Added Time#end_of_day to get 23:59:59 of that day *David Heinemeier Hansson*
* Don't quote hash keys in Hash#to_json if they're valid JavaScript identifiers. Disable this with ActiveSupport::JSON.unquote_hash_key_identifiers = false if you need strict JSON compliance. *Sam Stephenson*
* Lazily load the Unicode Database in the UTF-8 Handler *Rick Olson*
* Update dependencies to delete partially loaded constants. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Fix unicode JSON regexp for Onigurama compatibility. #6494 *whitley*
* update XmlSimple to 1.0.10. Closes #6532. *Nick Sieger*
* Update dependencies to allow constants to be defined alongside their siblings. A common case for this is AR model classes with STI; user.rb might define User, Administrator and Guest for example. *Nicholas Seckar*
* next_week respects DST changes. #6483, #5617, #2353, #2509, #4551 *marclove, Rob Biedenharn,,,*
* Expose methods added to Enumerable in the documentation, such as group_by. Closes #6170. *, Marcel Molina Jr.*
* Ensure Chars#tidy_bytes only tidies broken bytes. Closes #6397 *Manfred Stienstra*
* Add 'unloadable', a method used to mark any constant as requiring an unload after each request. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Make core_ext/string/access.rb multibyte safe. Closes #6388 *Manfred Stienstra*
* Make String#chars slicing behaviour consistent with String. Closes #6387 *Manfred Stienstra*
* Pull in latest multibyte patch. Closes #6346 *Manfred Stienstra*
* Add ActiveSupport::Multibyte. Provides String#chars which lets you deal with strings as a sequence of chars, not of bytes. Closes #6242 *Julian Tarkhanov, Manfred Stienstra, Thijs van der Vossen & Jan Behrens*
* Fix issue with #class_inheritable_accessor saving updates to the parent class when initialized with an Array or Hash *mojombo*
* Hash#to_xml supports Bignum and BigDecimal. #6313 *edibiase*
* Don't undefine #class in OptionMerger *Rick Olson*
* Hash.create_from_xml has been renamed to Hash.from_xml, alias will exist until Rails 2.0 *David Heinemeier Hansson*
* alias_method_chain works with accessor= methods also. #6153 *Caio Chassot*
* Fix loadable_constants_for_path to handle load paths that do not end with a slash. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Fix logic error in determining what was loaded by a given file. Closes #6039. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Equate Kernel.const_missing with Object.const_missing. Fixes #5988. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Add ApplicationController special case to Dependencies. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Don't pad remaining places with in_groups_of if specified padding value is false. *Marcel Molina Jr.*
* Fix cases where empty xml nodes weren't being translated to nil in Hash.create_from_xml *Rick Olso n*
<written-on type="date"></written-on> # => { :type => 'date' } # WRONG
<written-on type="date"></written-on> # => nil # RIGHT
* Tighten rescue clauses. #5985 **
* Inflections: don't singularize -ies plurals. *, Mark Van Holstyn*
* Update Initializer to use load_once_paths to avoid plugin reloading. References #5852. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Use Array#assoc in ActiveSupport::OrderedHash. *Mauricio Fernandez*
* Greatly increased performance of String.to_json, which speeds up RJS considerably on large pages, fixes #3473 *Shugo Maeda*
* Detect missing_constants calls from removed modules and fail accordingly. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Stop using defined? in Dependencies.qualified_const_defined? since defined? may invoke const_missing. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Dependencies can autoload directories of nested classes. *Jeremy Kemper*
invoice.rb class Invoice
invoice/lineitem.rb class Invoice::Lineitem
* Add Deprecation.silence so that Reloadable does not scold itself. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Add debugging logging to Dependencies. Currently can be enabled with Dependencies.log_activity = true; adding to Initializer and documenting is forthcoming. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Replace Reloadable with improvements to the Dependencies mechanism. *Nicholas Seckar*
* DateTime#to_time gives hour/minute/second resolution. #5747 **
* attr_internal to support namespacing and deprecation. Like attr_* except backed by internally-named instance variable. Set attr_internal_naming_format to change the format from the default '@_%s'. *Jeremy Kemper*
# def foo() @foo__rofl end
# def foo=(v) @foo__rofl = v end
self.attr_internal_naming_format = '@%s__rofl'
attr_internal :foo
* Raise fully qualified names upon name errors. #5533 *Lars Pind, Nicholas Seckar*
* Add extention to obtain the missing constant from NameError instances. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Thoroughly document inflections. #5700 **
* Added Module#alias_attribute [Jamis/David Heinemeier Hansson]. Example:
class Content < ActiveRecord::Base
# has a title attribute
class Email < ActiveRecord::Base
alias_attribute :subject, :title
e = Email.find(1)
e.title # => "Superstars"
e.subject # => "Superstars"
e.subject? # => true
e.subject = "Megastars"
e.title # => "Megastars"
* Deprecation: easier to work with warning behavior as procs; default behaviors for each environment so users needn't update env.rb; and testing pleasure with assert_deprecated, assert_not_deprecated. *Jeremy Kemper*
By default, test prints to $stderr, dev logs, production ignores.
Provide your own per-environment in e.g. config/environments/development.rb:
ActiveSupport::Deprecation.behavior = { |message| raise message }
* First cut of the Rails Deprecation system. *Michael Koziarski*
* Strip boolean XML content before checking for 'true' *Rick Olson*
* Customize default BigDecimal formatting. References #5672 *Dave Thomas*
* Correctly convert <foo nil="true"> to nil when using Hash.create_from_xml. *Rick Olson*
* Optional identity for Enumerable#sum defaults to zero. #5657 **
* HashWithIndifferentAccess shouldn't confuse false and nil. #5601 *Shugo Maeda*
* Fixed HashWithIndifferentAccess#default #5586 **
* More compatible Hash.create_from_xml. #5523 **
* Added Enumerable#sum for calculating a sum from the elements [David Heinemeier Hansson,]. Examples:
[1, 2, 3].sum
payments.sum { |p| p.price * p.tax_rate }
This is instead of payments.inject(0) { |sum, p| sum + p.price }
* Correct and clarify Array#to_sentence docs. #5458 **
* alias_method_chain preserves method punctuation so foo, foo?, and foo! may be chained with the same feature. *Jeremy Kemper*
alias_method_chain :save!, :validation
is equivalent to
alias_method :save_without_validation!, :save!
alias_method :save!, :save_with_validation!
* Enhance Symbol#to_proc so it works with list objects, such as multi-dimensional arrays. Closes #5295 []. Example:
{1 => "one", 2 => "two", 3 => "three"}.sort_by(&:first).map(&:last)
# => ["one", "two", "three"]
* Added Hash.create_from_xml(string) which will create a hash from a XML string and even typecast if possible [David Heinemeier Hansson]. Example:
Hash.create_from_xml <<-EOT
<title>This is a note</title>
<created-at type="date">2004-10-10</created-at>
...would return:
{ :note => { :title => "This is a note", :created_at =>, 10, 10) } }
* Added Jim Weirich's excellent FlexMock class to vendor (Copyright 2003, 2004 by Jim Weirich ( -- it's not automatically required, though, so require 'flexmock' is still necessary *David Heinemeier Hansson*
* Fixed that Module#alias_method_chain should work with both foo? foo! and foo at the same time #4954 **
* to_xml fixes, features, and speedup: introduce :dasherize option that converts updated_at to updated-at if true (the existing default); binary columns get encoding="base64" attribute; nil values get nil="true" attribute to distinguish empty values; add type information for float columns; allow arbitrarily deep :include; include SQL type information as the type attribute. #4989 *Blair Zajac <>*
* Add OrderedHash#values. *Sam Stephenson*
* Added Array#to_s(:db) that'll produce a comma-separated list of ids [David Heinemeier Hansson]. Example:
Purchase.find(:all, :conditions => "product_id IN (#{shops.products.to_s(:db)})"
* Normalize classify's argument to a String so that it plays nice with Symbols. *Marcel Molina Jr.*
* Strip out leading schema name in classify. References #5139. *Michael Schoen*
* Remove Enumerable#first_match since break(value) handles the use case well enough. *Nicholas Seckar*
Enumerable#first_match was like detect, but instead of returning the matching element, the yielded value returned. For example:
user_xml = adapters(:from => User, :to => Xml).first_match do |adapter|
adapter.adapt @user
But this is just as easily done with:
user_xml = adapters(:from => User, :to => Xml).each do
break adapter.adapt(@user)
* Make Array#in_groups_of just return the grouped collection if a block isn't given. *Marcel Molina Jr.*
* Don't destroy a HashWithIndifferentAccess if symbolize_keys! or stringify_keys! is called on it. Closes #5076. *Marcel Molina Jr.,*
* Document Module::delegate. #5002 **
* Replace alias method chaining with Module#alias_method_chain. *Marcel Molina Jr.*
* Strip out punctuation on predicates or bang methods being aliased with alias_method_chain since target?_without_feature is not a valid method name. Add tests for Module#alias_method_chain. *Marcel Molina Jr.*
* Replace Ruby's deprecated append_features in favor of included. *Marcel Molina Jr.*
* Allow default options in with_options to be overridden. Closes #4480. **
* Added Module#alias_method_chain *Jamis Buck*
* Updated to Builder 2.0 *David Heinemeier Hansson*
* Add Array#split for dividing arrays into one or more subarrays by value or block. *Sam Stephenson*
## 1.3.1 (April 6th, 2006) ##
* Clean paths inside of exception messages and traces. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Add Pathname.clean_within for cleaning all the paths inside of a string. *Nicholas Seckar*
* provide an empty Dependencies::LoadingModule.load which prints deprecation warnings. Lets 1.0 applications function with .13-style environment.rb.
## 1.3.0 (March 27th, 2006) ##
* When possible, avoid incorrectly obtaining constants from parent modules. Fixes #4221. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Add more tests for dependencies; refactor existing cases. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Move Module#parent and Module#as_load_path into core_ext. Add Module#parent. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Add CachingTools::HashCaching to simplify the creation of nested, autofilling hashes. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Remove a hack intended to avoid unloading the same class twice, but which would not work anyways. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Update Object.subclasses_of to locate nested classes. This affects Object.remove_subclasses_of in that nested classes will now be unloaded. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Update Object.remove_subclasses_of to use Class.remove_class, reducing duplication. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Added Fixnum#seconds for consistency, so you can say 5.minutes + 30.seconds instead of 5.minutes + 30 #4389 *François Beausoleil*
* Added option to String#camelize to generate lower-cased camel case by passing in :lower, like "super_man".camelize(:lower) # => "superMan" *David Heinemeier Hansson*
* Added Hash#diff to show the difference between two hashes *Chris McGrath*
* Added Time#advance to do precise time time calculations for cases where a month being approximated to 30 days won't do #1860 *Rick Olson*
* Enhance Inflector.underscore to convert '-' into '_' (as the inverse of Inflector.dasherize) *Jamis Buck*
* Switched to_xml to use the xml schema format for datetimes. This allows the encoding of time zones and should improve operability. *Michael Koziarski*
* Added a note to the documentation for the Date related Numeric extensions to indicate that they're
approximations and shouldn't be used for critical calculations. *Michael Koziarski*
* Added Hash#to_xml and Array#to_xml that makes it much easier to produce XML from basic structures [David Heinemeier Hansson]. Examples:
{ :name => "David", :street_name => "Paulina", :age => 26, :moved_on =>, 11, 15) }.to_xml
<age type="integer">26</age>
<moved-on type="date">2005-11-15</moved-on>
* Moved Jim Weirich's wonderful Builder from Action Pack to Active Support (it's simply too useful to be stuck in AP) *David Heinemeier Hansson*
* Fixed that Array#to_sentence will return "" on an empty array instead of ", and" #3842, #4031 **
* Add Enumerable#group_by for grouping collections based on the result of some
block. Useful, for example, for grouping records by date.
latest_transcripts.group_by(&:day).each do |day, transcripts|
p "#{day} -> #{ * ', '}"
"2006-03-01 -> Transcript"
"2006-02-28 -> Transcript"
"2006-02-27 -> Transcript, Transcript"
"2006-02-26 -> Transcript, Transcript"
Add Array#in_groups_of, for iterating over an array in groups of a certain
%w(1 2 3 4 5 6 7).in_groups_of(3) {|g| p g}
["1", "2", "3"]
["4", "5", "6"]
["7", nil, nil]
*Marcel Molina Jr., Sam Stephenson*
* Added Kernel#daemonize to turn the current process into a daemon that can be killed with a TERM signal *David Heinemeier Hansson*
* Add 'around' methods to Logger, to make it easy to log before and after messages for a given block as requested in #3809. [Michael Koziarski] Example:
logger.around_info("Start rendering component (#{options.inspect}): ",
"\n\nEnd of component rendering") { yield }
* Added Time#beginning_of_quarter #3607 **
* Fix Object.subclasses_of to only return currently defined objects *Jonathan Viney <>*
* Fix constantize to properly handle names beginning with '::'. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Make String#last return the string instead of nil when it is shorter than the limit [Scott Barron].
* Added delegation support to Module that allows multiple delegations at once (unlike Forwardable in the stdlib) [David Heinemeier Hansson]. Example:
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :subscription
delegate :free?, :paying?, :to => :subscription
delegate :overdue?, :to => "subscription.last_payment"
end # =>
account.overdue? # => account.subscription.last_payment.overdue?
* Fix Reloadable to handle the case where a class that has been 'removed' has not yet been garbage collected. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Don't allow Reloadable to be included into Modules.
* Remove LoadingModule. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Add documentation for Reloadable::Subclasses. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Add Reloadable::Subclasses which handles the common case where a base class should not be reloaded, but its subclasses should be. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Further improvements to reloading code *Nicholas Seckar, Trevor Squires*
- All classes/modules which include Reloadable can define reloadable? for fine grained control of reloading
- Class.remove_class uses Module#parent to access the parent module
- Class.remove_class expanded to handle multiple classes in a single call
- LoadingModule.clear! has been removed as it is no longer required
- Module#remove_classes_including has been removed in favor of Reloadable.reloadable_classes
* Added reusable reloading support through the inclusion of the Relodable module that all subclasses of ActiveRecord::Base, ActiveRecord::Observer, ActiveController::Base, and ActionMailer::Base automatically gets. This means that these classes will be reloaded by the dispatcher when Dependencies.mechanism = :load. You can make your own models reloadable easily:
class Setting
include Reloadable
Reloading a class is done by removing its constant which will cause it to be loaded again on the next reference. *David Heinemeier Hansson*
* Added auto-loading support for classes in modules, so Conductor::Migration will look for conductor/migration.rb and Conductor::Database::Settings will look for conductor/database/settings.rb *Nicholas Seckar*
* Add Object#instance_exec, like instance_eval but passes its arguments to the block. (Active Support will not override the Ruby 1.9 implementation of this method.) *Sam Stephenson*
* Add Proc#bind(object) for changing a proc or block's self by returning a Method bound to the given object. Based on why the lucky stiff's "cloaker" method. *Sam Stephenson*
* Fix merge and dup for hashes with indifferent access #3404 *Ken Miller*
* Fix the requires in option_merger_test to unbreak AS tests. *Sam Stephenson*
* Make HashWithIndifferentAccess#update behave like Hash#update by returning the hash. #3419, #3425 *,, Marcel Molina Jr.*
* Add ActiveSupport::JSON and Object#to_json for converting Ruby objects to JSON strings. *Sam Stephenson*
* Add Object#with_options for DRYing up multiple calls to methods having shared options. [Sam Stephenson] Example:
ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
# Account routes
map.with_options(:controller => 'account') do |account|
account.home '', :action => 'dashboard'
account.signup 'signup', :action => 'new'
account.logout 'logout', :action => 'logout'
* Introduce Dependencies.warnings_on_first_load setting. If true, enables warnings on first load of a require_dependency. Otherwise, loads without warnings. Disabled (set to false) by default. *Jeremy Kemper*
* Active Support is warnings-safe. #1792 *Eric Hodel*
* Introduce enable_warnings counterpart to silence_warnings. Turn warnings on when loading a file for the first time if Dependencies.mechanism == :load. Common mistakes such as redefined methods will print warnings to stderr. *Jeremy Kemper*
* Add Symbol#to_proc, which allows for, e.g. [:foo, :bar].map(&:to_s). *Marcel Molina Jr.*
* Added the following methods [Marcel Molina Jr., Sam Stephenson]:
* Object#copy_instance_variables_from(object) to copy instance variables from one object to another
* Object#extended_by to get an instance's included/extended modules
* Object#extend_with_included_modules_from(object) to extend an instance with the modules from another instance
## 1.2.5 (December 13th, 2005) ##
* Become part of Rails 1.0
* Rename Version constant to VERSION. #2802 *Marcel Molina Jr.*
## 1.2.3 (November 7th, 2005) ##
* Change Inflector#constantize to use eval instead of const_get. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Fix const_missing handler to ignore the trailing '.rb' on files when comparing paths. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Define kernel.rb methods in "class Object" instead of "module Kernel" to work around a Windows peculiarity *Sam Stephenson*
* Fix broken tests caused by incomplete loading of active support. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Fix status pluralization bug so status_codes doesn't get pluralized as statuses_code. #2758 **
* Added Kernel#silence_stderr to silence stderr for the duration of the given block *Sam Stephenson*
* Changed Kernel#` to print a message to stderr (like Unix) instead of raising Errno::ENOENT on Win32 *Sam Stephenson*
* Changed 0.blank? to false rather than true since it violates everyone's expectation of blankness. #2518, #2705 **
* When loading classes using const_missing, raise a NameError if and only if the file we tried to load was not present. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Added petabytes and exebytes to numeric extensions #2397 **
* Added Time#end_of_month to accompany Time#beginning_of_month #2514 *Jens-Christian Fischer*
## 1.2.2 (October 26th, 2005) ##
* Set Logger.silencer = false to disable Logger#silence. Useful for debugging fixtures.
* Add title case method to String to do, e.g., 'action_web_service'.titlecase # => 'Action Web Service'. *Marcel Molina Jr.*
## 1.2.1 (October 19th, 2005) ##
* Classify generated routing code as framework code to avoid appearing in application traces. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Show all framework frames in the framework trace. *Nicholas Seckar*
## 1.2.0 (October 16th, 2005) ##
* Update Exception extension to show the first few framework frames in an application trace. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Added Exception extension to provide support for clean backtraces. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Updated whiny nil to be more concise and useful. *Nicholas Seckar*
* Added Enumerable#first_match *Nicholas Seckar*
* Fixed that Time#change should also reset usec when also resetting minutes #2459 **
* Fix Logger compatibility for distributions that don't keep Ruby and its standard library in sync.
* Replace '%e' from long and short time formats as Windows does not support it. #2344. *Tom Ward <>*
* Added to_s(:db) to Range, so you can get "BETWEEN '2005-12-10' AND '2005-12-12'" from, 12, 10), 12, 12) (and likewise with Times)
* Moved require_library_or_gem into Kernel. #1992 *Michael Schuerig <>*
* Add :rfc822 as an option for Time#to_s (to get rfc822-formatted times)
* Chain the const_missing hook to any previously existing hook so rails can play nicely with rake
* Clean logger is compatible with both 1.8.2 and 1.8.3 Logger. #2263 *Michael Schuerig <>*
* Added native, faster implementations of .blank? for the core types #2286 *skae*
* Fixed clean logger to work with Ruby 1.8.3 Logger class #2245
* Fixed memory leak with Active Record classes when Dependencies.mechanism = :load #1704 *Chris McGrath*
* Fixed Inflector.underscore for use with acronyms, so HTML becomes html instead of htm_l #2173 **
* Fixed dependencies related infinite recursion bug when a controller file does not contain a controller class. Closes #1760. **
* Fixed inflections for status, quiz, move #2056 **
* Added Hash#reverse_merge, Hash#reverse_merge!, and Hash#reverse_update to ease the use of default options
* Added Array#to_sentence that'll turn ['one', 'two', 'three'] into "one, two, and three" #2157 *Manfred Stienstra*
* Added Kernel#silence_warnings to turn off warnings temporarily for the passed block
* Added String#starts_with? and String#ends_with? #2118 *Thijs van der Vossen*
* Added easy extendability to the inflector through Inflector.inflections (using the Inflector::Inflections singleton class). Examples:
Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
inflect.plural /^(ox)$/i, '\1\2en'
inflect.singular /^(ox)en/i, '\1'
inflect.irregular 'octopus', 'octopi'
inflect.uncountable "equipment"
* Added String#at, String#from, String#to, String#first, String#last in ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::String::Access to ease access to individual characters and substrings in a string serving basically as human names for range access.
* Make Time#last_month work when invoked on the 31st of a month.
* Add Time.days_in_month, and make Time#next_month work when invoked on the 31st of a month
* Fixed that Time#midnight would have a non-zero usec on some platforms #1836
* Fixed inflections of "index/indices" #1766 **
* Added stripping of _id to String#humanize, so "employee_id" becomes "Employee" #1574 *Justin French*
* Factor Fixnum and Bignum extensions into Integer extensions *Nicholas Seckar*
* Hooked #ordinalize into Fixnum and Bignum classes. *Nicholas Seckar, danp*
* Added Fixnum#ordinalize to turn 1.ordinalize to "1st", 3.ordinalize to "3rd", and 10.ordinalize to "10th" and so on #1724 **
## 1.1.1 (11 July, 2005) ##
* Added more efficient implementation of the development mode reset of classes #1638 *Chris McGrath*
## 1.1.0 (6 July, 2005) ##
* Fixed conflict with Glue gem #1606 *Rick Olson*
* Added new rules to the Inflector to deal with more unusual plurals mouse/louse => mice/lice, information => information, ox => oxen, virus => viri, archive => archives #1571, #1583, #1490, #1599, #1608 **
* Fixed memory leak with Object#remove_subclasses_of, which inflicted a Rails application running in development mode with a ~20KB leak per request #1289 *Chris McGrath*
* Made 1.year == 365.25.days to account for leap years. This allows you to do User.find(:all, :conditions => ['birthday > ?', 50.years.ago]) without losing a lot of days. #1488 **
* Added an exception if calling id on nil to WhinyNil #584 **
* Added Fix/Bignum#multiple_of? which returns true on 14.multiple_of?(7) and false on 16.multiple_of?(7) #1464 *Thomas Fuchs*
* Added even? and odd? to work with Bignums in addition to Fixnums #1464 *Thomas Fuchs*
* Fixed Time#at_beginning_of_week returned the next Monday instead of the previous one when called on a Sunday #1403 **
* Increased the speed of indifferent hash access by using Hash#default. #1436 *Nicholas Seckar*
* Added that " " is now also blank? (using strip if available)
* Fixed Dependencies so all modules are able to load missing constants #1173 *Nicholas Seckar*
* Fixed the Inflector to underscore strings containing numbers, so Area51Controller becomes area51_controller #1176 *Nicholas Seckar*
* Fixed that HashWithIndifferentAccess stringified all keys including symbols, ints, objects, and arrays #1162 *Nicholas Seckar*
* Fixed Time#last_year to go back in time, not forward #1278 **
* Fixed the pluralization of analysis to analyses #1295 **
* Fixed that Time.local(2005,12).months_since(1) would raise "ArgumentError: argument out of range" #1311 **
* Added silencing to the default Logger class
## 1.0.4 (19th April, 2005) ##
* Fixed that in some circumstances controllers outside of modules may have hidden ones inside modules. For example, admin/content might have been hidden by /content. #1075 *Nicholas Seckar*
* Fixed inflection of perspectives and similar words #1045 *Thijs van der Vossen*
* Added Fixnum#even? and Fixnum#odd?
* Fixed problem with classes being required twice. Object#const_missing now uses require_dependency to load files. It used to use require_or_load which would cause models to be loaded twice, which was not good for validations and other class methods #971 *Nicholas Seckar*
## 1.0.3 (27th March, 2005) ##
* Fixed Inflector.pluralize to handle capitalized words #932 *Jeremy Kemper*
* Added Object#suppress which allows you to make a saner choice around with exceptions to swallow #980. Example:
suppress(ZeroDivisionError) { 1/0 }
...instead of:
1/0 rescue nil # BAD, EVIL, DIRTY.
## 1.0.2 (22th March, 2005) ##
* Added Kernel#returning -- a Ruby-ized realization of the K combinator, courtesy of Mikael Brockman.
def foo
returning values = [] do
values << 'bar'
values << 'baz'
foo # => ['bar', 'baz']
## 1.0.1 (7th March, 2005) ##
* Fixed Hash#indifferent_access to also deal with include? and fetch and nested hashes #726 *Nicholas Seckar*
* Added Object#blank? -- see #783 *_why the lucky stiff*
* Added inflection rules for "sh" words, like "wish" and "fish" #755 **
* Fixed an exception when using Ajax based requests from Safari because Safari appends a \000 to the post body. Symbols can't have \000 in them so indifferent access would throw an exception in the constructor. Indifferent hashes now use strings internally instead. #746 *Tobias Lütke*
* Added String#to_time and String#to_date for wrapping ParseDate
## 1.0.0 (24th February, 2005) ##
* Added TimeZone as the first of a number of value objects that among others Active Record can use rich value objects using composed_of #688 *Jamis Buck*
* Added Date::Conversions for getting dates in different convenient string representations and other objects
* Added Time::Conversions for getting times in different convenient string representations and other objects
* Added Time::Calculations to ask for things like,, #580 [DP|Flurin]. Examples:
"Later today" =>,
"Tomorrow morning" => now.tomorrow.change(:hour => 9),
"Tomorrow afternoon" => now.tomorrow.change(:hour => 14),
"In a couple of days" => now.tomorrow.tomorrow.change(:hour => 9),
"Next monday" => now.next_week.change(:hour => 9),
"In a month" => now.next_month.change(:hour => 9),
"In 6 months" => now.months_since(6).change(:hour => 9),
"In a year" => => 9)
* Upgraded to breakpoint 92 which fixes:
* overload IRB.parse_opts(), fixes #443
=> breakpoints in tests work even when running them via rake
* untaint handlers, might fix an issue discussed on the Rails ML
* added verbose mode to breakpoint_client
* less noise caused by breakpoint_client by default
* ignored TerminateLineInput exception in signal handler
=> quiet exit on Ctrl-C
* Fixed Inflector for words like "news" and "series" that are the same in plural and singular #603 [echion], #615 *marcenuc*
* Added Hash#stringify_keys and Hash#stringify_keys!
* Added IndifferentAccess as a way to wrap a hash by a symbol-based store that also can be accessed by string keys
* Added Inflector.constantize to turn "Admin::User" into a reference for the constant Admin::User
* Added that Inflector.camelize and Inflector.underscore can deal with modules like turning "Admin::User" into "admin/user" and back
* Added Inflector.humanize to turn attribute names like employee_salary into "Employee salary". Used by automated error reporting in AR.
* Added availability of class inheritable attributes to the masses #477 *Jeremy Kemper*
class Foo
class_inheritable_reader :read_me
class_inheritable_writer :write_me
class_inheritable_accessor :read_and_write_me
class_inheritable_array :read_and_concat_me
class_inheritable_hash :read_and_update_me
# Bar gets a clone of (not a reference to) Foo's attributes.
class Bar < Foo
Bar.read_and_write_me == Foo.read_and_write_me
Bar.read_and_write_me = 'bar'
Bar.read_and_write_me != Foo.read_and_write_me
* Added Inflections as an extension on String, so Inflector.pluralize(Inflector.classify(name)) becomes name.classify.pluralize #476 *Jeremy Kemper*
* Added Byte operations to Numeric, so 5.5.megabytes + 200.kilobytes #461 *Marcel Molina Jr.*
* Fixed that Dependencies.reload can't load the same file twice #420 *Kent Sibilev*
* Added Fixnum#ago/until, Fixnum#since/from_now #450 *Jeremy Kemper*
* Added that Inflector now accepts Symbols and Classes by calling .to_s on the word supplied
* Added time unit extensions to Fixnum that'll return the period in seconds, like 2.days + 4.hours.