2010-02-16 19:18:19 +00:00
require 'net/ssh/buffer'
require 'net/ssh/loggable'
module Net; module SSH
# This module is used to extend sockets and other IO objects, to allow
# them to be buffered for both read and write. This abstraction makes it
# quite easy to write a select-based event loop
# (see Net::SSH::Connection::Session#listen_to).
# The general idea is that instead of calling #read directly on an IO that
# has been extended with this module, you call #fill (to add pending input
# to the internal read buffer), and then #read_available (to read from that
# buffer). Likewise, you don't call #write directly, you call #enqueue to
# add data to the write buffer, and then #send_pending or #wait_for_pending_sends
# to actually send the data across the wire.
# In this way you can easily use the object as an argument to IO.select,
# calling #fill when it is available for read, or #send_pending when it is
# available for write, and then call #enqueue and #read_available during
# the idle times.
2011-01-31 16:47:51 +00:00
# socket = Rex::Socket::Tcp.create( ... address, ... port ... )
2010-02-16 19:18:19 +00:00
# socket.extend(Net::SSH::BufferedIo)
# ssh.listen_to(socket)
# ssh.loop do
# if socket.available > 0
# puts socket.read_available
# socket.enqueue("response\n")
# end
# end
# Note that this module must be used to extend an instance, and should not
# be included in a class. If you do want to use it via an include, then you
# must make sure to invoke the private #initialize_buffered_io method in
# your class' #initialize method:
# class Foo < IO
# include Net::SSH::BufferedIo
# def initialize
# initialize_buffered_io
# # ...
# end
# end
module BufferedIo
include Loggable
# Called when the #extend is called on an object, with this module as the
# argument. It ensures that the modules instance variables are all properly
# initialized.
def self.extended(object) #:nodoc:
# need to use __send__ because #send is overridden in Socket
# Tries to read up to +n+ bytes of data from the remote end, and appends
# the data to the input buffer. It returns the number of bytes read, or 0
# if no data was available to be read.
def fill(n=8192)
data = recv(n)
debug { "read #{data.length} bytes" }
return data.length
# Read up to +length+ bytes from the input buffer. If +length+ is nil,
# all available data is read from the buffer. (See #available.)
def read_available(length=nil)
input.read(length || available)
# Returns the number of bytes available to be read from the input buffer.
# (See #read_available.)
def available
# Enqueues data in the output buffer, to be written when #send_pending
# is called. Note that the data is _not_ sent immediately by this method!
def enqueue(data)
# Returns +true+ if there is data waiting in the output buffer, and
# +false+ otherwise.
def pending_write?
output.length > 0
# Sends as much of the pending output as possible. Returns +true+ if any
# data was sent, and +false+ otherwise.
def send_pending
if output.length > 0
sent = send(output.to_s, 0)
debug { "sent #{sent} bytes" }
return sent > 0
return false
# Calls #send_pending repeatedly, if necessary, blocking until the output
# buffer is empty.
def wait_for_pending_sends
while output.length > 0
result = IO.select(nil, [self]) or next
next unless result[1].any?
public # these methods are primarily for use in tests
def write_buffer #:nodoc:
def read_buffer #:nodoc:
# Can't use attr_reader here (after +private+) without incurring the
# wrath of "ruby -w". We hates it.
def input; @input; end
def output; @output; end
# Initializes the intput and output buffers for this object. This method
# is called automatically when the module is mixed into an object via
# Object#extend (see Net::SSH::BufferedIo.extended), but must be called
# explicitly in the +initialize+ method of any class that uses
# Module#include to add this module.
def initialize_buffered_io
@input = Net::SSH::Buffer.new
@output = Net::SSH::Buffer.new
2010-02-16 22:49:27 +00:00
end; end