2012-01-05 20:10:49 +00:00
# $Id$
# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
# Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
# http://metasploit.com/framework/
require 'msf/core'
require 'net/ssh'
class Metasploit3 < Msf :: Auxiliary
include Msf :: Auxiliary :: Scanner
include Msf :: Auxiliary :: AuthBrute
include Msf :: Auxiliary :: Report
def initialize
super (
'Name' = > 'SSH Public Key Acceptance Scanner' ,
'Version' = > '$Revision$' ,
'Description' = > %q{
This module can determine what public keys are configured for
key - based authentication across a range of machines , users , and
sets of known keys . The SSH protocol indicates whether a particular
key is accepted prior to the client performing the actual signed
authentication request . To use this module , a text file containing
one or more SSH keys should be provided . These can be private or
public , so long as no passphrase is set on the private keys .
If you have loaded a database plugin and connected to a database
this module will record authorized public keys and hosts so you can
track your process .
Key files may be a single public ( unencrypted ) key , or several public
keys concatenated together as an ASCII text file . Non - key data should be
silently ignored . Private keys will only utilize the public key component
stored within the key file .
} ,
'Author' = > [ 'todb' , 'hdm' ] ,
'License' = > MSF_LICENSE
register_options (
Opt :: RPORT ( 22 ) ,
OptPath . new ( 'KEY_FILE' , [ false , 'Filename of one or several cleartext public keys.' ] )
] , self . class
register_advanced_options (
OptBool . new ( 'SSH_DEBUG' , [ false , 'Enable SSH debugging output (Extreme verbosity!)' , false ] ) ,
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OptBool . new ( 'SSH_BYPASS' , [ false , 'Verify that authentication was not bypassed when keys are found' , false ] ) ,
2012-01-05 20:10:49 +00:00
OptString . new ( 'SSH_KEYFILE_B64' , [ false , 'Raw data of an unencrypted SSH public key. This should be used by programmatic interfaces to this module only.' , '' ] ) ,
OptPath . new ( 'KEY_DIR' , [ false , 'Directory of several keys. Filenames must not begin with a dot in order to be read.' ] )
deregister_options ( 'RHOST' , 'PASSWORD' , 'PASS_FILE' , 'BLANK_PASSWORDS' , 'USER_AS_PASS' )
@good_credentials = { }
@good_key = ''
@strip_passwords = true
def key_dir
datastore [ 'KEY_DIR' ]
def rport
datastore [ 'RPORT' ]
def ip
datastore [ 'RHOST' ]
def read_keyfile ( file )
if file == :keyfile_b64
keyfile = datastore [ 'SSH_KEYFILE_B64' ] . unpack ( " m* " ) . first
elsif file . kind_of? Array
keyfile = ''
file . each do | dir_entry |
next unless :: File . readable? dir_entry
keyfile << :: File . open ( dir_entry , " rb " ) { | f | f . read ( f . stat . size ) }
keyfile = :: File . open ( file , " rb " ) { | f | f . read ( f . stat . size ) }
keys = [ ]
this_key = [ ]
in_key = false
keyfile . split ( " \n " ) . each do | line |
if line =~ / ssh-(dss|rsa) \ s+ /
keys << line
in_key = true if ( line =~ / ^-----BEGIN [RD]SA (PRIVATE|PUBLIC) KEY----- / )
this_key << line if in_key
if ( line =~ / ^-----END [RD]SA (PRIVATE|PUBLIC) KEY----- / )
in_key = false
keys << ( this_key . join ( " \n " ) + " \n " )
this_key = [ ]
if keys . empty?
print_error " #{ ip } : #{ rport } SSH - No valid keys found "
return validate_keys ( keys )
# Validates that the key isn't total garbage. Also throws out SSH2 keys --
# can't use 'em for Net::SSH.
def validate_keys ( keys )
keepers = [ ]
keys . each do | key |
if key =~ / ssh-(dss|rsa) /
keepers << key
# Needs a beginning
next unless key =~ / ^-----BEGIN [RD]SA (PRIVATE|PUBLIC) KEY----- \ x0d? \ x0a /m
# Needs an end
next unless key =~ / \ n-----END [RD]SA (PRIVATE|PUBLIC) KEY----- \ x0d? \ x0a?$ /m
# Shouldn't have binary.
next unless key . scan ( / [ \ x00- \ x08 \ x0b \ x0c \ x0e- \ x1f \ x80- \ xff] / ) . empty?
# Add more tests to taste.
keepers << key
if keepers . empty?
print_error " #{ ip } : #{ rport } SSH - No valid keys found "
return keepers . uniq
def pull_cleartext_keys ( keys )
cleartext_keys = [ ]
keys . each do | key |
next unless key
next if key =~ / Proc-Type:.*ENCRYPTED /
this_key = key . gsub ( / \ x0d / , " " )
next if cleartext_keys . include? this_key
cleartext_keys << this_key
if cleartext_keys . empty?
print_error " #{ ip } : #{ rport } SSH - No valid cleartext keys found "
return cleartext_keys
def do_login ( ip , port , user )
if datastore [ 'KEY_FILE' ] and File . readable? ( datastore [ 'KEY_FILE' ] )
keys = read_keyfile ( datastore [ 'KEY_FILE' ] )
@keyfile_path = datastore [ 'KEY_FILE' ] . dup
cleartext_keys = pull_cleartext_keys ( keys )
msg = " #{ ip } : #{ rport } SSH - Trying #{ cleartext_keys . size } cleartext key #{ ( cleartext_keys . size > 1 ) ? " s " : " " } per user. "
elsif datastore [ 'SSH_KEYFILE_B64' ] && ! datastore [ 'SSH_KEYFILE_B64' ] . empty?
keys = read_keyfile ( :keyfile_b64 )
cleartext_keys = pull_cleartext_keys ( keys )
msg = " #{ ip } : #{ rport } SSH - Trying #{ cleartext_keys . size } cleartext key #{ ( cleartext_keys . size > 1 ) ? " s " : " " } per user (read from datastore). "
elsif datastore [ 'KEY_DIR' ]
@keyfile_path = datastore [ 'KEY_DIR' ] . dup
return :missing_keyfile unless ( File . directory? ( key_dir ) && File . readable? ( key_dir ) )
unless @key_files
@key_files = Dir . entries ( key_dir ) . reject { | f | f =~ / ^ \ x2e / || f =~ / \ x2epub$ / }
these_keys = @key_files . map { | f | File . join ( key_dir , f ) }
keys = read_keyfile ( these_keys )
cleartext_keys = pull_cleartext_keys ( keys )
msg = " #{ ip } : #{ rport } SSH - Trying #{ cleartext_keys . size } cleartext key #{ ( cleartext_keys . size > 1 ) ? " s " : " " } per user. "
return :missing_keyfile
unless @alerted_with_msg
print_status msg
@alerted_with_msg = true
cleartext_keys . each_with_index do | key_data , key_idx |
key_info = " "
if key_data =~ / ssh \ -(rsa|dsa) \ s+([^ \ s]+) \ s+(.*) /
key_info = " - #{ $3 . strip } "
accepted = [ ]
opt_hash = {
:auth_methods = > [ 'publickey' ] ,
:msframework = > framework ,
:msfmodule = > self ,
:port = > port ,
:key_data = > key_data ,
:disable_agent = > true ,
:record_auth_info = > true ,
:skip_private_keys = > true ,
:accepted_key_callback = > Proc . new { | key | accepted << key }
opt_hash . merge! ( :verbose = > :debug ) if datastore [ 'SSH_DEBUG' ]
ssh_socket = Net :: SSH . start ( ip , user , opt_hash )
2012-01-07 07:13:23 +00:00
if datastore [ 'SSH_BYPASS' ]
data = nil
print_status ( " #{ ip } : #{ rport } - SSH - User #{ user } is being tested for authentication bypass... " )
:: Timeout . timeout ( 5 ) { data = ssh_socket . exec! ( " help \n id \n uname -a " ) . to_s }
rescue :: Exception
print_good ( " #{ ip } : #{ rport } - SSH - User #{ user } successfully bypassed authentication: #{ data . inspect } " ) if data
:: Timeout . timeout ( 1 ) { ssh_socket . close } rescue nil
2012-01-05 20:10:49 +00:00
rescue Rex :: ConnectionError , Rex :: AddressInUse
return :connection_error
rescue Net :: SSH :: Disconnect , :: EOFError
return :connection_disconnect
rescue Net :: SSH :: AuthenticationFailed
rescue Net :: SSH :: Exception = > e
return [ :fail , nil ] # For whatever reason.
if accepted . length == 0
if @key_files
vprint_error " #{ ip } : #{ rport } - SSH - User #{ user } does not accept key #{ @key_files [ key_idx + 1 ] } #{ key_info } "
vprint_error " #{ ip } : #{ rport } - SSH - User #{ user } does not accept key #{ key_idx + 1 } #{ key_info } "
accepted . each do | key |
print_good " #{ ip } : #{ rport } SSH - Accepted: ' #{ user } ' with key ' #{ key [ :fingerprint ] } ' #{ key_info } "
do_report ( ip , rport , user , key )
def do_report ( ip , port , user , key )
report_note (
:host = > ip ,
:type = > 'ssh.authorized_key' ,
:port = > port ,
:protocol = > 'tcp' ,
:data = > { :username = > user , :fingerprint = > key [ :fingerprint ] } ,
:insert = > :unique_data
def run_host ( ip )
# Since SSH collects keys and tries them all on one authentication session, it doesn't
# make sense to iteratively go through all the keys individually. So, ignore the pass variable,
# and try all available keys for all users.
each_user_pass do | user , pass |
ret , proof = do_login ( ip , rport , user )
case ret
when :connection_error
vprint_error " #{ ip } : #{ rport } - SSH - Could not connect "
when :connection_disconnect
vprint_error " #{ ip } : #{ rport } - SSH - Connection timed out "
when :fail
vprint_error " #{ ip } : #{ rport } - SSH - Failed: ' #{ user } ' "
when :missing_keyfile
vprint_error " #{ ip } : #{ rport } - SSH - Cannot read keyfile "
when :no_valid_keys
vprint_error " #{ ip } : #{ rport } - SSH - No readable keys in keyfile "