2017-01-07 03:51:41 +00:00
# This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework
require 'msf/core'
require 'rex'
require 'msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds'
class MetasploitModule < Msf::Post
include Msf::Post::Hardware::Automotive::UDS
def initialize(info={})
super( update_info( info,
'Name' => 'Get the Vehicle Information Such as the VIN from the Target Module',
'Description' => %q{ Post Module to query DTCs, Some common engine info and Vehicle Info.
It returns such things as engine speed, coolant temp, Diagnostic
Trouble Codes as well as All info stored by Mode $09 Vehicle Info, VIN, etc},
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Author' => ['Craig Smith'],
'Platform' => ['hardware'],
'SessionTypes' => ['hwbridge']
OptInt.new('SRCID', [true, "Module ID to query", 0x7e0]),
OptInt.new('DSTID', [false, "Expected reponse ID, defaults to SRCID + 8", 0x7e8]),
OptBool.new('CLEAR_DTCS', [false, "Clear any DTCs and reset MIL if errors are present", false]),
OptString.new('CANBUS', [false, "CAN Bus to perform scan on, defaults to connected bus", nil])
], self.class)
def run
pids = get_current_data_pids(datastore["CANBUS"], datastore["SRCID"], datastore["DSTID"])
2017-01-10 21:20:04 +00:00
print_status("Available PIDS for pulling realtime data: #{pids.size} pids")
2017-01-07 03:51:41 +00:00
print_status(" #{pids.inspect}")
if pids.include? 1
data = get_monitor_status(datastore["CANBUS"], datastore["SRCID"], datastore["DSTID"])
print_status(" MIL (Engine Light) : #{data["MIL"] ? "ON" : "OFF"}") if data.has_key? "MIL"
print_status(" Number of DTCs: #{data["DTC_COUNT"]}") if data.has_key? "DTC_COUNT"
if pids.include? 5
data = get_engine_coolant_temp(datastore["CANBUS"], datastore["SRCID"], datastore["DSTID"])
print_status(" Engine Temp: #{data["TEMP_C"]} \u00b0C / #{data["TEMP_F"]} \u00b0F") if data.has_key? "TEMP_C"
if pids.include? 0x0C
data = get_rpms(datastore["CANBUS"], datastore["SRCID"], datastore["DSTID"])
print_status(" RPMS: #{data["RPM"]}") if data.has_key? "RPM"
if pids.include? 0x0D
data = get_vehicle_speed(datastore["CANBUS"], datastore["SRCID"], datastore["DSTID"])
print_status(" Speed: #{data["SPEED_K"]} km/h / #{data["SPEED_M"]} mph") if data.has_key? "SPEED_K"
if pids.include? 0x1C
print_status("Supported OBD Standards: #{get_obd_standards(datastore["CANBUS"], datastore["SRCID"], datastore["DSTID"])}")
dtcs = get_dtcs(datastore["CANBUS"], datastore["SRCID"], datastore["DSTID"])
print_status("DTCs: #{ dtcs.join(",") }") if dtcs.size > 0
pids = get_vinfo_supported_pids(datastore["CANBUS"], datastore["SRCID"], datastore["DSTID"])
print_status("Mode $09 Vehicle Info Supported PIDS: #{pids.inspect}")
pids.each do |pid|
# Handle known pids
if pid == 2
vin = get_vin(datastore["CANBUS"], datastore["SRCID"], datastore["DSTID"])
print_status("VIN: #{vin}")
elsif pid == 4
calid = get_calibration_id(datastore["CANBUS"], datastore["SRCID"], datastore["DSTID"])
print_status("Calibration ID: #{calid}")
elsif pid == 0x0A
ecuname = get_ecu_name(datastore["CANBUS"], datastore["SRCID"], datastore["DSTID"])
print_status("ECU Name: #{ecuname}")
data = get_vehicle_info(datastore["CANBUS"], datastore["SRCID"], datastore["DSTID"], pid)
data = response_hash_to_data_array(datastore["DSTID"].to_s(16), data)
print_status("PID #{pid} Response: #{data.inspect}")
if datastore['CLEAR_DTCS'] == true
clear_dtcs(datastore["CANBUS"], datastore["SRCID"], datastore["DSTID"])
print_status("Cleared DTCs and reseting MIL")