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# INSTALL PoshC2_Python on Linux
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nettitude/PoshC2_Python/master/Install.sh | bash
# RUNNING PoshC2_Python
cd /opt/PoshC2_Python/
vim Config.py # Edit any config details
In one terminal:
screen -S C2Server
sudo python /opt/PoshC2_Python/C2Server.py
In another terminal open Implant Handler:
sudo python /opt/PoshC2_Python/ImplantHandler.py
# RUNNING as SystemCTL Service, see poshc2.service file for more informatio
# add the file in systemd
vim /lib/systemd/system/poshc2.service
systemctl enable poshc2.service
systemctl start poshc2.service
# Each user have their own ImplantHandler.py
sudo python /opt/PoshC2_Python/ImplantHandler.py
# Each user can view output from JournalCTL
journalctl -n 80000 -u poshc2.service -f --output cat
tail -n 80000 -f /var/log/poshc2_server.log
# OPTIONAL - INSTALL PoshC2_Python on Linux using Python VirtualENV
cd /opt/
git clone https://github.com/nettitude/PoshC2_Python.git
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv /opt/PoshC2_Python/
cd /opt/PoshC2_Python/
source /opt/PoshC2_Python/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt