function Invoke-Sniffer { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a packet capture into an output file Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation) A .Net based PowerShell packet sniffer ("promiscuous mode" must be supported by hardware/driver) .DESCRIPTION Invoke-Sniffer writes a capture dump file. This is similar to tcpdump or windump but only ascii txt .EXAMPLE Invoke-Sniffer -OutputFile C:\Temp\Output.txt -MaxSize 500MB .LINK #> param( [String]$LocalIP = "NotSpecified", [String]$ScanIP="all", [String]$Protocol = "all", ` [String]$Port="all", [Int]$Seconds = 0, [switch]$ResolveHosts, [switch]$Help, [String]$OutputFile, $MaxSize) # Help / display usage if( $Help ) { Write-Output "usage: $($MyInvocation.MYCommand) [-OutputFile ] [-LocalIP ] [-ScanIP ] [-Protocol ] [-Port ] [-Seconds ] [-ResolveHosts]" exit -1 } # Params if (!$OutputFile){ if (!(Test-Path -Path C:\Temp)) { New-Item C:\Temp -type directory } $OutputFile = "C:\Temp\Dump.txt" } if (!$MaxSize) { $MaxSize = 100MB } $starttime = Get-Date $byteIn = New-Object Byte[] 4 # source $byteOut = New-Object Byte[] 4 # destination $byteData = New-Object Byte[] 4096 # size of data $byteIn[0] = 1 # enable promiscuous mode $byteIn[1-3] = 0 $byteOut[0-3] = 0 # TCP Flags $TCPFIN = [Byte]0x01 $TCPSYN = [Byte]0x02 $TCPRST = [Byte]0x04 $TCPPSH = [Byte]0x08 $TCPACK = [Byte]0x10 $TCPURG = [Byte]0x20 # Convert from big to little endian & convert to uint16 Function NetworkToHostUInt16( $address ) { [Array]::Reverse( $address ) return [BitConverter]::ToUInt16( $address, 0 ) } # Convert from big to little endian & convert to uint32 Function NetworkToHostUInt32( $address ) { [Array]::Reverse( $address ) return [BitConverter]::ToUInt32( $address, 0 ) } # Convert from big to little endian & convert to string Function ByteToString( $address ) { $AsciiEncoding = New-Object System.Text.ASCIIEncoding return $AsciiEncoding.GetString( $address ) } # Get IP-address <-> hostname $hosts = @{} # array for hostnames Function resolve( $IPAddress ) { if( $data = $hosts."$($IPAddress.IPAddressToString)" ) { if( $IPAddress.IPAddressToString -eq $data ) { return [System.Net.IPAddress]$IPAddress } else { return $data } } else { # much faster than [System.Net.DNS]::GetHostEntry() $null,$null,$null,$data = nslookup $IPAddress.IPAddressToString 2>$null $data = $data -match "Name:" if( $data -match "Name:" ) { $data = $data[0] -replace "Name:\s+","" $hosts."$($IPAddress.IPAddressToString)" = "$data" return $data } else { $hosts."$($IPAddress.IPAddressToString)" = "$($IPAddress.IPAddressToString)" return $IPAddress } } } # Read "services" file $servicesFilePath = "$env:windir\System32\drivers\etc\services" # / [aliases...] [#] $serviceFile = [IO.File]::ReadAllText("$env:windir\System32\drivers\etc\services") -split # filter out all comment lines ([Environment]::NewLine) -notlike "#*" # Read protocols from services Function getService( $port ) { $protocols = foreach( $line in $serviceFile ) { # not empty lines if( -not $line ) { continue } # split lines into name, port+proto, alias+comment $serviceName, $portAndProtocol, $aliasesAndComments = $line.Split(' ', [StringSplitOptions]'RemoveEmptyEntries') # split port+proto into port, proto $portNumber, $protocolName = $portAndProtocol.Split("/") if( $portNumber -eq $port ) { return $serviceName } } } # Get local IP-Address if( $LocalIP -eq "NotSpecified" ) { route print 0* | %{ if( $_ -match "\s{2,}0\.0\.0\.0" ) { $null,$null,$null,$LocalIP,$null = [regex]::replace($_.trimstart(" "),"\s{2,}",",").split(",") } } } Write-Output "Local IP: $LocalIP" | Out-File $outputfile -Append Write-Output "ProcessID: $PID" | Out-File $outputfile -Append Write-Output "" | Out-File $outputfile -Append # Open a raw ip socket $Socket = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.Socket( [Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetwork, [Net.Sockets.SocketType]::Raw, [Net.Sockets.ProtocolType]::IP ) # Include the ip header $Socket.SetSocketOption( "IP", "HeaderIncluded", $true ) # Big packet buffer $Socket.ReceiveBufferSize = 1024000 # Create ip endpoint $Endpoint = New-Object System.Net.IPEndpoint( [Net.IPAddress]"$LocalIP", 0 ) $Socket.Bind( $Endpoint ) # Enable promiscuous mode [void]$Socket.IOControl( [Net.Sockets.IOControlCode]::ReceiveAll, $byteIn, $byteOut ) Write-Output "Press ESC to stop the packet sniffer ..." | Out-File $outputfile -Append Write-Output "" | Out-File $outputfile -Append $escKey = 27 $running = $true # Start sniffing $packets = @() # array for packets while( $running ) { # when a key was pressed... if( $host.ui.RawUi.KeyAvailable ) { $key = $host.ui.RawUI.ReadKey( "NoEcho,IncludeKeyUp,IncludeKeyDown" ) # if ESC was pressed, stop sniffing if( $key.VirtualKeyCode -eq $ESCkey ) { $running = $false } } # timeout after $Seconds... if( $Seconds -ne 0 -and ($([DateTime]::Now) -gt $starttime.addseconds($Seconds)) ) { exit } # no packets in card buffer... if( -not $Socket.Available ) { start-sleep -milliseconds 300 continue } # receive data $rData = $Socket.Receive( $byteData, 0, $byteData.length, [Net.Sockets.SocketFlags]::None ) # decode the packet $MemoryStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream( $byteData, 0, $rData ) $BinaryReader = New-Object System.IO.BinaryReader( $MemoryStream ) # b1 - version & header length $VerHL = $BinaryReader.ReadByte( ) # b2 - type of service $TOS= $BinaryReader.ReadByte( ) # b3,4 - total length $Length = NetworkToHostUInt16 $BinaryReader.ReadBytes( 2 ) # b5,6 - identification $Ident = NetworkToHostUInt16 $BinaryReader.ReadBytes( 2 ) # b7,8 - flags & offset $FlagsOff = NetworkToHostUInt16 $BinaryReader.ReadBytes( 2 ) # b9 - time to live $TTL = $BinaryReader.ReadByte( ) # b10 - protocol $ProtocolNumber = $BinaryReader.ReadByte( ) # b11,12 - header checksum $Checksum = [Net.IPAddress]::NetworkToHostOrder( $BinaryReader.ReadInt16() ) # b13-16 - source ip address $SourceIP = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt32( ) $SourceIP = [System.Net.IPAddress]$SourceIP # b17-20 - destination ip address $DestinationIP = $BinaryReader.ReadUInt32( ) $DestinationIP = [System.Net.IPAddress]$DestinationIP # get ip version (bits 0-3) $ipVersion = [int]"0x$(('{0:X}' -f $VerHL)[0])" # get header length (bits 4-7) $HeaderLength = [int]"0x$(('{0:X}' -f $VerHL)[1])" * 4 # header includes Options... if($HeaderLength -gt 20) { [void]$BinaryReader.ReadBytes( $HeaderLength - 20 ) # should probably do something with this later } $Data = "" $TCPFlagsString = @() # make this an array $TCPWindow = "" $SequenceNumber = "" switch( $ProtocolNumber ) { 1 { # ICMP $ProtocolDesc = "ICMP" $sourcePort = [uint16]0 $destPort = [uint16]0 $ICMPType = $BinaryReader.ReadByte() $ICMPCode = $BinaryReader.ReadByte() switch( $ICMPType ) { 0 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Echo reply"; break } 3 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Destination unreachable" switch( $ICMPCode ) { 0 { $ICMPCodeDesc = "Network not reachable"; break } 1 { $ICMPCodeDesc = "Host not reachable"; break } 2 { $ICMPCodeDesc = "Protocol not reachable"; break } 3 { $ICMPCodeDesc = "Port not reachable"; break } 4 { $ICMPCodeDesc = "Fragmentation needed"; break } 5 { $ICMPCodeDesc = "Route not possible"; break } 13 { $ICMPCodeDesc = "Administratively not possible"; break } default { $ICMPCodeDesc = "Other ($_)" } } break } 4 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Source quench"; break } 5 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Redirect"; break } 8 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Echo request"; break } 9 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Router advertisement"; break } 10 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Router solicitation"; break } 11 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Time exceeded" switch( $ICMPCode ) { 0 { $ICMPCodeDesc = "TTL exceeded"; break } 1 { $ICMPCodeDesc = "While fragmenting exceeded"; break } default { $ICMPCodeDesc = "Other ($_)" } } break } 12 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Parameter problem"; break } 13 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Timestamp"; break } 14 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Timestamp reply"; break } 15 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Information request"; break } 16 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Information reply"; break } 17 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Address mask request"; break } 18 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Address mask reply"; break } 30 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Traceroute"; break } 31 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Datagram conversion error"; break } 32 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Mobile host redirect"; break } 33 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Where-are-you"; break } 34 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "I-am-here"; break } 35 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Mobile registration request"; break } 36 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Mobile registration reply"; break } 37 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Domain name request"; break } 38 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Domain name reply"; break } 39 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "SKIP"; break } 40 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Photuris"; break } 41 { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Experimental mobility protocol"; break } default { $ICMPTypeDesc = "Other ($_)" } } $ICMPChecksum = [System.Net.IPAddress]::NetworkToHostOrder($BinaryReader.ReadInt16()) $Data = ByteToString $BinaryReader.ReadBytes($Length - ($HeaderLength - 32)) break } 2 { # IGMP $ProtocolDesc = "IGMP" $sourcePort = [uint16]0 $destPort = [uint16]0 $IGMPType = $BinaryReader.ReadByte() $IGMPMaxRespTime = $BinaryReader.ReadByte() $IGMPChecksum = [System.Net.IPAddress]::NetworkToHostOrder($BinaryReader.ReadInt16()) $Data = ByteToString $BinaryReader.ReadBytes($Length - ($HeaderLength - 32)) break } 6 { # TCP $ProtocolDesc = "TCP" $sourcePort = NetworkToHostUInt16 $BinaryReader.ReadBytes(2) $destPort = NetworkToHostUInt16 $BinaryReader.ReadBytes(2) $serviceDesc = getService( $destPort ) $SequenceNumber = NetworkToHostUInt32 $BinaryReader.ReadBytes(4) $AckNumber = NetworkToHostUInt32 $BinaryReader.ReadBytes(4) $TCPHeaderLength = [int]"0x$(('{0:X}' -f $BinaryReader.ReadByte())[0])" * 4 $TCPFlags = $BinaryReader.ReadByte() switch( $TCPFlags ) { { $_ -band $TCPFIN } { $TCPFlagsString += "" } { $_ -band $TCPSYN } { $TCPFlagsString += "" } { $_ -band $TCPRST } { $TCPFlagsString += "" } { $_ -band $TCPPSH } { $TCPFlagsString += "" } { $_ -band $TCPACK } { $TCPFlagsString += "" } { $_ -band $TCPURG } { $TCPFlagsString += "" } } $TCPWindow = NetworkToHostUInt16 $BinaryReader.ReadBytes(2) $TCPChecksum = [System.Net.IPAddress]::NetworkToHostOrder($BinaryReader.ReadInt16()) $TCPUrgentPointer = NetworkToHostUInt16 $BinaryReader.ReadBytes(2) if( $TCPHeaderLength -gt 20 ) # get to start of data... { [void]$BinaryReader.ReadBytes($TCPHeaderLength - 20) } # if SYN flag is set, sequence number is initial, then first data octet is ISN + 1 if ($TCPFlags -band $TCPSYN) { $ISN = $SequenceNumber #$SequenceNumber = $BinaryReader.ReadBytes(1) [void]$BinaryReader.ReadBytes(1) } $Data = ByteToString $BinaryReader.ReadBytes($Length - ($HeaderLength + $TCPHeaderLength)) break } 17 { # UDP $ProtocolDesc = "UDP" $sourcePort = NetworkToHostUInt16 $BinaryReader.ReadBytes(2) $destPort = NetworkToHostUInt16 $BinaryReader.ReadBytes(2) $serviceDesc = getService( $destPort ) $UDPLength = NetworkToHostUInt16 $BinaryReader.ReadBytes(2) [void]$BinaryReader.ReadBytes(2) # subtract udp header length (2 octets) and convert octets to bytes $Data = ByteToString $BinaryReader.ReadBytes(($UDPLength - 2) * 4) break } default { $ProtocolDesc = "Other ($_)" $sourcePort = 0 $destPort = 0 } } $BinaryReader.Close( ) $memorystream.Close( ) $Data = $Data.toCharArray( 0, $Data.length ) # resolve IP addresses to hostnames... if( $ResolveHosts ) { # $DestinationHostName = ([System.Net.DNS]::GetHostEntry($DestinationIP.IPAddressToString)).Hostname $DestinationHostName = resolve( $DestinationIP ) # $SourceHostName = ([System.Net.DNS]::GetHostEntry($SourceIP.IPAddressToString)).Hostname $SourceHostName = resolve( $SourceIP ) } if( ($Protocol -eq "all") -or ($Protocol -eq $ProtocolDesc) ) { if( ($Port -eq "all") -or ($Port -eq $sourcePort) -or ($Port -eq $destPort) ) { if( ($ScanIP -eq "all") -or ($ScanIP -eq $SourceIp) -or ($ScanIP -eq $DestinationIP) ) #if( $ScanIP -eq $SourceIp -and $ScanIP -eq $DestinationIP ) { if ((get-item $outputfile).length -gt $MaxSize) { $running = $false } Write-Output "Time:`t`t$(get-date)" | Out-File $outputfile -Append Write-Output "Version:`t$ipVersion`t`t`tProtocol:`t$ProtocolNumber = $ProtocolDesc" | Out-File $outputfile -Append Write-Output "Destination:`t$DestinationIP`t`tSource:`t`t$SourceIP" | Out-File $outputfile -Append if( $ResolveHosts ) { Write-Output "DestinationHostName`t$DestinationHostName`tSourceHostName`t$SourceHostName" | Out-File $outputfile -Append } Write-Output "DestPort:`t$destPort`t`t`tSourcePort:`t$sourcePort" | Out-File $outputfile -Append switch( $ProtocolDesc ) { "ICMP" { Write-Output "Type:`t`t$ICMPType`t`t`tDescription:`t$ICMPTypeDesc" | Out-File $outputfile -Append Write-Output "Code:`t`t$ICMPCode`t`t`tDescription:`t$ICMPCodeDesc" | Out-File $outputfile -Append break } "IGMP" { Write-Output "Type:`t`t$IGMPType`t`t`tMaxRespTime:`t$($IGMPMaxRespTime*100)ms" | Out-File $outputfile -Append break } "TCP" { Write-Output "Sequence:`t$SequenceNumber`t`tAckNumber:`t$AckNumber" | Out-File $outputfile -Append Write-Output "Window:`t`t$TCPWindow`t`t`tFlags:`t`t$TCPFlagsString" | Out-File $outputfile -Append Write-Output "Service:`t$serviceDesc" | Out-File $outputfile -Append break } "UDP" { Write-Output "Service:`t$serviceDesc" | Out-File $outputfile -Append break } } for( $index = 0; $index -lt $Data.length; $index++ ) { # eliminate non ascii characters... if( $Data[$index] -lt 33 -or $Data[$index] -gt 126 ) { $Data[$index] = '.' } } $OFS="" # eliminate spaces from output of char array Write-Output "Data: $Data" | Out-File $outputfile -Append "Data: $Data" |select-string -Pattern "username=" Write-Output "----------------------------------------------------------------------" | Out-File $outputfile -Append } } } } }